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This study aimed to further the development and application of the Global profile approach, by (1) extending it to another product category, alcoholic cocktails; (2) investigating the relationship between sensory-emotions-context appropriateness in consumers differing for liking patterns; and (3) integrating the approach beyond product differentiation to consumer differentiation, thus improving and gaining a further insight into differences among consumers (consumer characterization). This was done taking into account consumer differences in oral responsiveness, personality traits, familiarity, explicit responses to products and implicit attitudes towards brand.Six alcoholic bitter-based cocktail samples were rated for liking, sensory properties, emotions and context appropriateness. Three clusters with different liking patterns for alcoholic cocktails were identified: ‘Fruit-bitter lovers’, ‘New-bitter lovers’ and ‘Classic-bitter lovers. Very small differences in sensory evaluation were found between the three clusters, while instead large differences were found for emotions and, to a lesser extent, for context appropriateness. Furthermore, the relationships among emotions, contexts and sensory properties were different in the three clusters.Clusters differed partly by gender, personality traits and alcohol consumption. A higher percentage of females was found in ‘Fruit-bitter lovers’; these consumers were also characterized by a higher Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) scores and a lower level of alcohol consumption. ‘New-bitter lovers’ liked cocktails with very different sensory characteristics who were associated with specific contexts of consumption. These consumers were less involved with cocktails than the other clusters. ‘Classic-bitter lovers’ cluster liked a broader variety of cocktails and also showed a more implicit positive attitude towards the bitter ingredient brand and a higher familiarity for cocktails in general. The information collected through this multidimensional approach will allow a better understanding of the differences in liking patterns among different groups of cocktail consumers and may be used to improve strategies for product innovation and consumer targeting.  相似文献   

Product consumption is a sensory experience that can evoke a wide range of emotional responses; and accordingly, the emotional component of food consumption has been widely addressed and has appeared in marketing literature with increasing frequency.To date, there is abundant literature on emotions elicited by product consumption, but there is little research concerning emotions and wine. In this context, we develop an emotion-based segmentation based on the emotions that consumers experience when consuming wine, both considering the valence and arousal dimensions of emotions. In addition, we profile and characterize the emotion-based obtained segments.For this purpose, an emotion-based cluster analysis is conducted through a two-step cluster procedure, followed by a MANOVA test on data from 1269 wine consumers.Our findings show that the average wine consumer does not exist, and that wine consumers cannot be seen as a homogenous group. More precisely, four clusters emerge from our results experiencing different emotions in wine consumption: “emotionally unattached”, “negatives”, “contented circumspects” and “wine lovers”. Results suggest that “wine lovers” is the most attractive segment due to their strong wine emotional bond; being the “negatives” the most challenging segment for wine makers. One useful insight for wineries is that it may not be possible to satisfy all these segments with one single wine.  相似文献   

Brassicaceous vegetables (BV) have chemoprotective effects and yet consumption of BV in the UK is low. Previous studies suggest perception, liking and intake of BV are influenced by bitter taste sensitivity which this study further explores. Phenotypical taste sensitivity of 136 subjects was classified using propythiouracil (PROP) and sodium chloride and fungiform papillae density (FPD) was measured from tongue images. Polymorphisms of TAS2R38 and gustin (CA6) genes were analysed. Liking and bitterness of four raw vegetables (two BV (broccoli and white cabbage) and two non-BV (spinach and courgette)), as well as habitual consumption, were evaluated.There was a significant association between TAS2R38 genotype and PROP taster status (p < 0.0001) and between FPD and PROP taster status (p = 0.029). Individuals with greater sensitivity for PROP predominantly had TAS2R38 PAV/PAV genotype and greater FPD. BV were perceived as more bitter than non-BV (p < 0.0001) with PAV/PAV subjects perceiving significantly stronger bitter intensity. There was a significant difference in liking for the four vegetables (p = 0.002), and between consumers of different TAS2R38 genotype (p = 0.0024). Individuals with TAS2R38 AVI/AVI genotype liked BV more. Regarding intake, both PAV/PAV and AVI/AVI individuals consumed more total vegetables and BV than PAV/AVI. Although PROP nontasters tended to consume more vegetables and BV than the other two phenotype groups, liking and vegetable intake were not significantly affected by taste phenotype. Although there was not a significant effect of CA6 genotype on bitterness ratings, there was a significant interaction between CA6 and TAS2R38, and in addition CA6 genotype was significantly associated with BV intake. However, these effects require validation as the proportions of the population with the CA6 G/G genotype was extremely small (7%).Our results confirmed that bitter taste perception in vegetables was influenced by both genotype and phenotype of bitter taste sensitivity. Moreover, our findings demonstrated that neither genotype nor phenotype of taste sensitivity alone accurately predict vegetable liking and intake as demographic factors were found to have a substantial influence.  相似文献   

The relationship between sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) and taste and astringency perception elicited by red wines was examined. Twenty-five subjects were classified into three PROP sensitivity groups (non-tasters, tasters and super-tasters) based on their bitterness ratings of a 0.32 mM PROP solution as measured on a Labeled Magnitude Scale (LMS). In a completely randomized block design, subjects used the LMS to rate the bitterness, astringency and acidity intensities of three commercial red wines. Contrary to the findings of previous studies with wine, bitterness, astringency and acidity intensities were all correlated with individual PROP taster status. PROP non-tasters gave significantly lower intensity ratings for the bitterness, astringency and acidity of the red wines than did PROP tasters and super-tasters. Individual differences among taster groups may be related to preference and consumption behavior of consumers of wine and other alcoholic beverages.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Preference for refined bread is often cited as a reason for the relatively low consumption of whole wheat bread; only a few studies, however, have examined consumer preferences between refined and whole wheat breads, and the results of these studies are inconclusive. Our objective was to determine if refined wheat bread is preferred to whole wheat bread. We hypothesized that people would prefer refined wheat bread. We conducted a taste test with 89 people. They rated their liking of 9 different breads chosen to represent several comparisons between equivalent refined and whole wheat breads. The participants also rated the intensity of 6- n -propylthiouracil (PROP) and completed a questionnaire about their bread preferences and purchasing habits. We classified the participants by their bread preference and their PROP taster status, and then examined the liking patterns of these subgroups. People preferred refined bread to whole wheat bread when both were made using equivalent ingredients and procedures. They liked the commercial samples of refined and whole wheat breads equally well. When people were classified by their bread preference, those who preferred refined bread liked the refined bread better in all comparisons. PROP nontasters liked all refined and whole wheat breads equally. Sensory preferences are a barrier to whole wheat bread consumption, but ingredient or processing modifications can improve liking of whole wheat bread to the level of refined bread.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Condensed tannins in sorghum are powerful antioxidants, beneficial for health. However, tannin sorghums are believed to be unpalatable. The objective was to determine the influence of 6‐n‐propylthiouracil (PROP) taster status on consumer acceptability of food from tannin sorghums. Consumers (n = 194) classified by PROP taster status (super, medium and non) evaluated the appearance, flavour, overall liking and texture of sorghum rice from two tannin‐free sorghums, PAN 8564 and Phofu, and two tannin sorghums, PAN 3860 (82 g catechin equivalents (CE) kg?1) and NS 5511 (18 g CE kg?1), with high antioxidant activity. RESULTS: The PROP tasters could distinguish differences among the sorghum cultivars varying in tannin content levels, finding PAN 3860 less acceptable than the other sorghums. The non tasters preferred all the cultivars equally, presumably because they could not detect taste (bitter and astringent) differences between the sorghums. With the exception of appearance, tannin sorghum NS 5511 was generally equally preferred by PROP tasters to tannin‐free sorghums. CONCLUSION: There appear to some tannin sorghums that are palatable, even to PROP tasters, because the level of tannins is below a sensitivity threshold (ca 20 g CE kg?1). Hence such tannin sorghums could be used to produce acceptable high‐antioxidant activity foods. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Tomatoes (Solanum lycoperiscum) are a popular produce choice and provide many bioactive compounds. Consumer choice of tomatoes is influenced by flavor and visual appearance and external texture cues including hand firmness and sliceability. The objective of this study was to determine drivers of liking for fresh tomatoes across 3 stages of consumption. Seven tomato cultivars were ripened to a 6 on the USDA color chart. Trained panelists documented appearance, flavor, and texture attributes of tomatoes in triplicate. Tomato consumers (n = 177) were provided with knives and cutting boards and evaluated tomatoes across 3 stages: appearance (stage 1), slicing (stage 2), and consumption (stage 3). Consumers evaluated overall liking at each stage. Analysis of variance and external preference mapping were conducted. Overall liking was highest during the appearance portion of the test and lowest during the consumption portion (P < 0.05). Drivers of liking at stage 1 were color intensity, even outside color, and overall aroma. Drivers of liking at stage 2 were wetness/juiciness and overall aroma. Wetness/juiciness, seed presence, ripe flavor, and sweet and umami tastes were drivers of liking for tomatoes at consumption (stage 3). Four separate clusters of tomato consumers were identified. Cluster 1 preferred tomatoes with even color, higher color intensity, and flavor intensity. Cluster 2 preferred firm tomatoes. Cluster 3 preferred tomatoes that were soft and at peak ripeness; this cluster also had the highest liking scores for all tomatoes. Cluster 4 consumers generally consumed tomatoes in sandwiches rather than as‐is and preferred tomatoes with even and intense color. Tomato growers can utilize these results to target cultivars that are well liked by consumers.  相似文献   

The context of a consumer test affects participant response. Data collected in a sensory laboratory is likely to have little predictive value of consumer experience in real-life situations. This study determined the effects of context on consumer response to two commercial beers. Regular beer consumers (n = 100) rated liking and emotional response using ten beer-specific emotion categories for two beers (Lager and Ale) under three different conditions: (1) a sensory testing facility (Lab), (2) a natural consumption environment (Bar) and (3) using an evoked context (Evoked). Their choice of product to take home was also recorded. Overall results showed significant product differentiation for liking (F (99, 2, 1) = 8.46, p = 0.004) and product choice (Q (1, N = 100) = 4.85, p = 0.028) in the Bar but not in the Lab or Evoked context. Emotional variables highlighted significant product differentiation (p < 0.05) but more so in the Bar than in the Lab or Evoked context. However, clustering participants on liking revealed three distinct clusters differing in sensitivity to context. Two clusters showed opposing but consistent preference for one of the two products regardless of context. The third cluster was more influenced by context, showing a more discriminating response in the Bar. These findings showed that consumers differ in their degree of context-sensitivity and the extent to which evoking a context gives similar results to a real environment. They also highlighted the importance of segmentation and confirmed the added insights gained by measuring emotional response compared to liking.  相似文献   

Variation in the bitterness of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) is partially explained by polymorphisms in the TAS2R38 gene. Based on their perception of bitterness from PROP, people may be classified into non-, medium and supertasters. PROP perception has previously been linked to liking for cruciferous vegetables in children in some studies, but only one study to date has examined TAS2R38 genotype and its relationship with vegetable intake in children. Children’s vegetable consumption generally does not meet the recommended guidelines, thus the present study aimed to examine the influence of oral sensory measures, genetic variation and social factors on vegetable liking and intake. Vegetable liking in 7–13 year old Irish children (n = 525) was measured on a 5-point liking scale, and dietary intakes were assessed via a 3-day diet history. Vegetable intakes were calculated and standardised per kg body weight. A subset of children (n = 485) were genotyped for SNPs in TAS2R38, (A49P, V262A, I296V), and fungiform papilla (FP) were counted. The bitterness of PROP and sweetness of sucrose were rated on a generalised labelled magnitude scale (gLMS). PROP and sucrose intensity were significantly correlated (R2 = 0.33, p = 0.001), although neither sucrose intensity nor FP density differed across the TAS2R38 genotype groups. Supertasters were less likely than nontasters to have tried/tasted cruciferous vegetables p < 0.04). A small, positive correlation was seen in FP density and vegetable intake, but only in the AVI homozygous children, (R2 = 0.17, p = 0.035). 174 Nutrient acceptable children reported an intake of one or more of the vegetables of interest in the 3-day period. Liking of cruciferous vegetables and reported intake were significantly correlated. In multiple regression analyses in this subsection of the cohort, socioeconomic status (SES) and gender were more important than PROP bitterness or TAS2R38 genotype in predicting intakes (approximately 15% of liking and 67% of intake was explained by these models). Overall, neither PROP taster status nor TAS2R38 genotype alone had significant impact on bitter vegetable liking or intake. Further research into FP density and vegetable liking and intake may be warranted.  相似文献   

Complexity is a relevant dimension in the development of products preferences and acceptability because of its relationship with hedonic appreciation. The present study aimed to investigate the individual differences in the relationships between product complexity in alcoholic cocktails to liking and to specific sensory properties, situational appropriateness and emotional responses. Six alcoholic cocktails, all of them composed by a common bitter ingredient were selected to represent different complexity levels based on alcohol content, number of ingredients and differences in sensory properties. Products were evaluated by a consumer panel using consumer-led product specific questionnaires. At panel level, the perceived complexity was found to be aligned with the hypothesized range of complexity. When two clusters of consumers based on individual differences in complexity ratings were considered, we observed different relationships between complexity and liking as compared to panel level. Furthermore, the sensory, emotional and situational appropriateness drivers of complexity differed in the two clusters. These data showed that perceived complexity is a multi-dimensional construct in which individuals showing high familiarity with cocktails based on bitter are found to have a very high variation in complexity perception due to a difference in conceptualization of this product dimension compared to individuals with a lower familiarity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how bitterness, roughness, color, perceived 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) intensity, and fungiform papillae density affect bread liking. To accomplish this, 78 subjects rated their liking for bread samples that were manipulated to vary independently in bitterness (provided by added wheat germ extract), roughness (provided by added bleached bran), and darkness (provided by added caramel color). The bitterness from added germ extract decreased bread liking. The roughness from the bleached bran increased bread liking; this increase was larger for subjects with higher fungiform papillae densities and was larger for subjects less sensitive to PROP.Added color decreased liking for subjects who preferred refined bread, but it increased liking for subjects who preferred whole wheat bread.  相似文献   

It is still not fully clear how particular aromas in wine may affect consumers’ liking and emotional responses, and whether these change in different contexts and seasons. Therefore, a study was conducted with 3000 regular wine consumers from Australia, UK and USA using an online survey that assessed liking for 59 wine aromas, and from which 9 aromas, selected as representatives of groups of similar aromas, were profiled for elicited emotions by the ScentMove™ scale.The most liked wine aromas across all countries were ‘berry-like’, followed by ‘vanilla’, ‘chocolate’, ‘citrus-like’ and ‘honey’. Interestingly, aromas with the same liking rating displayed significantly different emotional profiles which seemed to drive differences in preferred consumption occasion and season. For example, highly liked ‘passionfruit’ aroma, associated with happy, relaxed and romantic emotions, was suitable for many occasions and seasons, ‘lemon’ evoked energetic emotions and was preferred in wines consumed at parties/BBQs in summer, while ‘chocolate’ would fit well in a restaurant. Hedonic and emotional responses towards selected wine aromas differed between various demographic groups. Gender, age and consumption frequency had greater effects than education or income, with similar patterns found in each country indicating similarity in wine cultures and the language used. The national influence was more reflected in the polarised rating by the USA consumers compared to UK and Australia. This information could be utilised to produce wines for specific occasions and seasons.  相似文献   

Individual variation in the perception of saccharin has been related to genetic sensitivity to the bitterness of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP). But, data on other intense sweeteners are sparse, particularly when tasted in real foods. The objectives of this study were (1) to identify the sensory attributes of intense sweeteners that influenced perception and acceptability of citrus-flavored model soft drinks and (2) to investigate the influence of PROP taster status on these responses. The sweeteners were: 10% and 8% high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) (controls), sucralose (SUC), aspartame (ASP), acesulfame-K (ACE), ASP/ACE and SUC/ACE. Twenty-nine PROP non-tasters (NT) and 30 PROP super-tasters (ST) rated nine attributes for intensity and liking. Data were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The sweeteners were described in three dimensions. Factor 1 was a bitter-citrus contrast for which overall liking was associated with higher citrus impact and lower bitterness. Factors 2 and 3 were related to overall flavor and carbonation, respectively. The sensory profiles of ASP, ASP/ACE and SUC were most similar to 10% HFCS. SUC/ACE was more bitter and less acceptable than 10% HFCS; ACE was the most bitter and was liked the least. PCA also revealed that NT placed more emphasis on the perception of sweetness and citrus flavor (Factor 1; 37% variance), whereas ST tasters placed more emphasis on bitterness (Factor 1; 43% variance). Liking was uniquely related to lower bitterness for NT. For ST, liking was negatively related to bitterness and weakly positively related to persistence of sweetness. These data suggest that ST experience intense sweeteners differently than NT but these differences play a minor role in soft drink acceptance.  相似文献   

The drivers of liking of lemon‐lime carbonated beverages were investigated with regular and diet beverage consumers. Ten beverages were selected from a category survey of commercial beverages using a D‐optimal procedure. Beverages were subjected to consumer testing (n = 101 regular beverage consumers, n = 100 diet beverage consumers). Segmentation of consumers was performed on overall liking scores followed by external preference mapping of selected samples. Diet beverage consumers liked 2 diet beverages more than regular beverage consumers. There were no differences in the overall liking scores between diet and regular beverage consumers for other products except for a sparkling beverage sweetened with juice which was more liked by regular beverage consumers. Three subtle but distinct consumer preference clusters were identified. Two segments had evenly distributed diet and regular beverage consumers but one segment had a greater percentage of regular beverage consumers (P < 0.05). The 3 preference segments were named: cluster 1 (C1) sweet taste and carbonation mouthfeel lovers, cluster 2 (C2) carbonation mouthfeel lovers, sweet and bitter taste acceptors, and cluster 3 (C3) bitter taste avoiders, mouthfeel and sweet taste lovers. User status (diet or regular beverage consumers) did not have a large impact on carbonated beverage liking. Instead, mouthfeel attributes were major drivers of liking when these beverages were tested in a blind tasting. Practical Application : Preference mapping of lemon‐lime carbonated beverage with diet and regular beverage consumers allowed the determination of drivers of liking of both populations. The understanding of how mouthfeel attributes, aromatics, and basic tastes impact liking or disliking of products was achieved. Preference drivers established in this study provide product developers of carbonated lemon‐lime beverages with additional information to develop beverages that may be suitable for different groups of consumers.  相似文献   

Current UK intake of non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) is above recommendations. Reducing the sugar content of processed high sugar foods through reformulation is one option for reducing consumption of NMES at a population level. However, reformulation can alter the sensory attributes of food products and influence consumer liking. This study evaluated consumer acceptance of a selection of products that are commercially-available in the UK; these included regular and sugar-reduced baked beans, strawberry jam, milk chocolate, cola and cranberry & raspberry juice. Sweeteners were present in the reformulated chocolate (maltitol), cola (aspartame and acesulfame-K) and juice (sucralose) samples. Healthy, non-smoking consumers (n = 116; 55 men, 61 women, age: 33 ± 9 years; BMI: 25.7 ± 4.6 kg/m2) rated the products for overall liking and on liking of appearance, flavor and texture using a nine-point hedonic scale. There were significant differences between standard and reduced sugar products in consumers' overall liking and on liking of each modality (appearance, flavor and texture; all P < 0.0001). For overall liking, only the regular beans and cola were significantly more liked than their reformulated counterparts (P < 0.0001). Cluster analysis identified three consumer clusters that were representative of different patterns of consumer liking. For the largest cluster (cluster 3: 45%), there was a significant difference in mean liking scores across all products, except jam. Differences in liking were predominantly driven by sweet taste in 2 out of 3 clusters. The current research has demonstrated that a high proportion of consumers prefer conventional products over sugar-reduced products across a wide range of product types (45%) or across selected products (27%), when tasted unbranded, and so there is room for further optimization of commercial reduced sugar products that were evaluated in the current study. Future work should evaluate strategies to facilitate compliance to dietary recommendations on NMES and free sugars, such as the impact of sugar-reduced food exposure on their acceptance.  相似文献   

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