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涡旋压缩机是继活塞压缩机和螺杆压缩机之后的一种新型高效的流体机械。它是依靠加工精度很高且相互啮合的两个涡盘的相互运动而工作的,其中一个固定在机架上,称为静涡盘;另一个由偏心轴驱动绕静涡盘基圆中心平动,称为动涡盘,工作原理如图1所示。与其他容积式压缩机相比,涡旋压缩机具有许多不可替代的优越性。首先,它结构简单、体积小、重量轻,其主要零部件数量仅为往复式压缩机的1/10,体积减小约40%,重量减轻15%以上。其次,涡旋压缩机的吸气、压缩和排气过程是同时而且连续进行的,吸、排气腔不直接相邻,故泄漏较小,效率较高。压缩机工作腔…  相似文献   

本文阐明冰箱、空调器压缩机的发展趋向,即改进往复活塞式压缩机,发展滚动转子式压缩机,开发新型的涡旋式压缩机.并对滚动转子式及涡旋式的工作原理及基本结构作了简要介绍.  相似文献   

文章主要针对3L-10/8式空气压缩机相关问题进行了讨论,主要论述内容为检修的周期、内容、方法以及质量标准和维护工作中常见的故障处理方式和验收标准。  相似文献   

平行双螺杆机构的发展及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘小平  王平 《轻工机械》2005,23(1):20-24
在介绍平行双螺杆机构的分类、工作原理的基础上,着重阐述了平行双螺杆机构在双螺杆泵、双螺杆压缩机、双螺杆膨化机、双螺杆挤出机和双螺杆磨浆机等方面的应用,并且比较了它们之间的差异、特点和工作条件。本文的工作列于平行双螺杆机构的研究、设计和应用具有积极作用。  相似文献   

对于迅速成为家庭必需品的空调器,许多消费者耳熟能详的国产品牌,有格力、海尔、美的、春兰、科龙、海信等。但是,对直接影响空调器质量的“心脏”——空调压缩机,普通消费者关心、所知甚少。不过,从今年开始,爱听广播的人每天早晚都能从中央人民广播电台“中国之声”栏目了解到有关空调压缩机的信息。  相似文献   

新型双回转式压缩机的结构原理及其特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
双回转式压缩机具有涡旋式压缩机的高输气效率和滚动转子式压缩机结构简单、体小量轻、易于加工等优点,它实际上是一种扩展的摆动导杆机构.在双回转式压缩机中,曲轴回转中心与转缸回转中心的距离等于曲轴的偏心半径,活塞行程为偏心半径的4倍.计算分析表明,双回转式压缩机的活塞往复运动规律与活塞式压缩机的活塞运动规律相同.  相似文献   

大型压缩机组具有重要的地位并发挥着无可替代的作用,基于此,笔者将详细的探讨大型压缩机组的前期管理,机组运行维护方法等。  相似文献   

简述了疏水器的选用和废蒸汽回收压缩机工作过程及其特点和节能效果,其锅炉煤耗、电耗、盐耗,节约软水所产生的节能效率高达25%以上,冷凝水回收率达90%。  相似文献   

针对原汽车空调用制冷压缩机性能测试台存在的压缩机转速不易控制、制冷工况不易稳定这一问题,对压缩机转速调节系统进行了改进,将开环系统改为闭环系统.该系统调节范围宽,精度高,适应性强,能较好地满足不同转速下汽车空调制冷压缩机性能测试要求  相似文献   

陈莉  刘皓  周丽 《纺织学报》2013,34(10):52-0
镀银纤维作为一种高性能纤维具有广阔的应用前景。编织了四种不同组织的镀银长丝针织物:添纱平针组织,添纱1+1罗纹组织,添纱四平组织,衬纬组织,对通电后织物的发热效果进行分析后,决定采用衬纬组织。测试镀银长丝衬纬针织物的电热性能,结果显示:镀银长丝衬纬针织物通电后,织物的温度上升最后达到稳定状态,输入功率与稳定温升线性相关,织物的热稳定性较好,织物表面温度分布均匀。  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to analyze the changes of secondary structure of myofibrillar proteins in short-term storage of battered and deep-fried pork slices. These changes were combined with low-field NMR analysis results to analyze the correlation between secondary structure and dynamic changes of water content. The results showed that the number of α-helix and β-sheet decreased by 22.90 and 16.54% respectively, and the orderly structure changed to the disorder structure. The correlation results show that NMR spin–spin relaxation time (T21) has a high negative correlation with α-helix, β-sheet, and has a high positive correlation with irregular curl and β-turn. The population of immobile water (P22) has a very high positive correlation with α-helix, β-sheet, and has a relatively high negative correlation with irregular curl and β-turn. The immobilized water plays an important role in maintaining the secondary structure.  相似文献   

The morphological structure and properties of a natural bamboo shell fiber are analyzed. The fiber has a slight natural convolution morphological structure with a rough surface, and its cross-section has irregular zigzag shape with a hole in the middle, which shows the typical structure of cellulose fiber. The crystalline degree of the fiber is about 68.2%, which is higher than that of the cotton. The bamboo shell fiber has good moisture absorption and desorption properties, and it begins to degrade at about 345℃, and there is a large mass loss in the range from 410℃ to 470℃.  相似文献   

针对机织物结构相传统模型未能敏感反映不同组织结构状态差异的问题,剖析了模型的约束条件和不足,建立了能够有效反映组织信息的结构相模型。提出了相对屈曲波高概念用于表征不同织纹组织中纱线的弯曲程度,为结构相模型的修正提供了理论参考。研究结果表明:结构相改进模型随屈曲波高的增加而增加,但呈非线性关系;对于不同织纹组织,形成等支持面的结构相是不固定的(0 结构相除外),相同屈曲波高对应着不同的结构相,三原组织的结构相值之间存在平纹< 斜纹< 缎纹;在低结构相区域,结构相与屈曲波高可看成非线性关系,在高结构相区域改进模型与传统模型有统一性。  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic substrate (LS), which is a low cost biomaterial, has a strong complexing ability and can be used in the treatment of wastewaters as biosorbentto remove heavy metals. The speciation of copper and lead to this biomaterial has been studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The copper(II) has a 6-coordinate structure with four oxygen atoms in the equatorial plane at 1.95 A and two in axial position at 2.35 A. In the case of lead a particularly low coordination number of about 3 has been obtained. The combination of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) suggested that Cu and Pb are bound to the surface of LS through carboxylic moieties.  相似文献   

Consumers’ preference to have a healthy eating pattern has led to an increasing demand for more nutrient-dense and healthier plant-based foods. Pulse proteins are exceptional quality ingredients with potential nutritional benefits, and might act as health-promoting agents for addressing the new-generation foods. However, the utilization of pulse protein in foods has been hampered by its relatively poor functionality and unpleasant flavor. Protein structure modification has been proved to be a useful means to improve the functionality and flavor profile of pulse protein. This paper begins with a brief introduction of hierarchical structure of pulse protein materials to better understand the structure characteristics. A comprehensive review is presented on the current techniques including chemical and enzymatic modifications and molecular breeding on pulse protein structure and functionality/flavor. The mechanism and the limitations and the toxicological concerns of these approaches are discussed. We conclude that understanding protein structure‒functionality relationship is extremely valuable in tailoring proteins for specific functional outcomes and expanding the availability of pulse proteins. Furthermore, selective protein modification is a valuable in-depth toolkit for generating novel protein constructs with preferable functional attributes and flavor profiles. Innovative structure modification with special focus on the molecular basis for the exquisite protein designs is a pillar of pulse protein access to the desired functionality.  相似文献   

随着造纸工业的发展,制浆造纸装备技术不断进步,KADANT公司在原来设计的基础上,结合多年的生产实践对鼓式碎浆机传动结构进行了优化设计,使结构更加紧凑,既降低了成本,又提高了产品性能。  相似文献   

提出一种新型的凸轮钢球式机械手,介绍了其结构形式及工作原理,推导了其啮合方程和凸轮廓面方程,研制了样机。这种新型机械手简化了现有的弧面凸轮机械手的结构,具有优越的性能特点及良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Nowadays the special attention of scientists is focused on flaxseed that is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-3 and ω-6, proteins, water-soluble polysaccharides, dietary fibre, lignin, vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds. Paying attention is caused by flaxseed ability to have a great influence on human health, prevent cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems and cancer. New butter with flaxseed additive and flaxseed additive technology were developed by us. The suspension microstructure of flaxseed additive was studied. It was revealed that microstructure of flaxseed additive is multicomponent and structured system. It consists of uninterrupted phase of polysaccharides solution and structural elements such as particles of flaxseed, globules and areas with a cellular structure from polygonal cells. As a result the mechanism of microstructure suspension formation was proposed. It has a few stages. They are the formation of dispersion of globules, the aggregation of globules and formation of areas with a cellular structure. Sensory evaluation has shown that butter with flaxseed additive has pure creamy flavour and odor without flavour and odor of additive, yellow color and good spreadability and plasticity. It was proven that addition of structured suspension of flaxseed additive makes structure destruction decrease and plasticity increase. It was also revealed that recovering ability of butter structure soars when flaxseed additive dose increases. This fact indicates that butter with the flaxseed additive has coagulation-crystallization structure with domination of the coagulation one. Decrease of structure destruction and increase of recovering ability of butter structure apparently due to the formation of additional intermolecular bonds between the components of flaxseed additive and butter.  相似文献   

目的 设计陶瓷餐具缓冲包装结构。方法 依据瓷碟尺寸,以纸浆模塑和A型瓦楞纸板建立组合结构, 通过包装件的静载实验和跌落实验分析结构在纸浆模厚度、波纹间距、结构高度变化时的缓冲性能。结果 纸浆模厚度为2.5 mm,波纹间距为25 mm时,内结构高为180 mm时组合缓冲结构能在一定的跌落高度内足以实现对瓷碟的保护。结论 陶瓷餐具包装中的瓷碟包装结构设计满足缓冲包装要求,可实现缓冲材料与结构的融合统一,有一定的应用与参考价值。  相似文献   

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