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预处理方式影响豆类淀粉的性质,进而影响豆类产品的应用。本文综述了不同预处理方式对豆类淀粉的颗粒形态、分子结构、溶解度、糊化特性、抗性淀粉含量等性质的影响,分析这些预处理方法对豆类在低GI食品开发中应用的影响。一定条件下的湿热、超高压、干热、辐照、超声波和酶法处理可使豆类淀粉中抗性淀粉或直链淀粉的含量有所增加,有利于豆类在低GI食品开发中的应用。此外,本文综述了不同预处理的豆类产品在低GI食品开发中的应用现状,并对应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

蛋白质、脂肪对豆类理化特性及体外消化特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鹰嘴豆、花芸豆为原料,制备了脱脂豆类粉、脱蛋白豆类粉及豆类淀粉;研究了天然蛋白质、脂肪对豆类粉理化特性、体外淀粉消化速率及估计血糖生成指数的影响。经不同处理后,样品在化学组成、溶解度、糊化特性等方面均有显著差异,尤以豆类粉和豆类淀粉之间的差异最为显著。试验结果表明豆类粉的淀粉水解速率低于脱脂豆类粉、脱蛋白豆类粉和豆类淀粉,蛋白质含量、蛋白质/淀粉与估计血糖生成指数(eGI)呈极显著负相关,脂肪含量、脂肪/淀粉与eGI无显著相关性。  相似文献   

高静压技术是基于帕斯卡流体力学理论基础上发展的一种新型的非热加工技术,近年来在材料、冶金、果蔬和肉制品加工等领域的应用日益广泛。高静压技术在谷物和豆类加工中的作用主要体现在微生物灭活、大分子物质改性、产品质量改善、产品功能提升等几个方面。综述了高静压技术对谷物和豆类的蛋白质、淀粉、酶及其他有机组分的影响及其应用研究进展,并展望了高静压技术在谷物和豆类等粮食加工领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

选取绿豆、豌豆、白芸豆、白豇豆、鹰嘴豆为原料,提取其淀粉,并制备及测定几种豆类淀粉凝胶的特性(凝胶强度及硬度、弹性、黏性等),比较分析各种豆类淀粉特性的差异。结果表明,不同淀粉浓度下,均以豌豆淀粉的凝胶强度最大,白豇豆淀粉的最小;5种淀粉的TPA质构结果显示,白芸豆淀粉凝胶在高浓度下(8%和10%)具有较大的硬度、弹性、咀嚼性和回复性;豌豆淀粉在中等浓度下具有较高的硬度、弹性、咀嚼性,但其回复性在3个浓度下均是最小的;白豇豆淀粉凝胶的硬度和咀嚼性小于其他4种豆类淀粉,但其弹性和回复性却较大;5种豆类淀粉中,豌豆淀粉的凝胶强度和TPA质构特性受浓度的影响最大,且适合在中等浓度(8%)下制作凝胶制品。相关性分析发现,豆类淀粉的凝胶强度与直链淀粉含量呈极显著正相关,而黏聚性呈极显著负相关,而其他质构参数与直链淀粉含量的关系因浓度不同而呈现差异。  相似文献   

新型玉米淀粉粉条增筋剂吴立根王岸娜张子武(河南省农科院加工所,郑州450002)1前言随着农村经济的发展,粉条加工逐渐在农村形成了一种产业。粉条加工的原料来源较广,有豆类淀粉、薯类淀粉、谷类淀粉,以豆类淀粉、薯类淀粉为原料相对来说成本稍高。故不少地方...  相似文献   

为研究脂类化合物对豆类淀粉理化性质的影响,以红豆、鹰嘴豆、蚕豆为材料,采用湿法分离淀粉并做脱脂处理,分析了脱脂前后三种豆类淀粉颗粒特性、热特性、淀粉糊特性存在的差别。结果表明:与脱脂前相比,脱脂处理后三种淀粉的偏光十字更加明显,溶解度、膨胀度和透明度升高,热焓值降低,冻融稳定性变差,淀粉晶型、起糊温度、峰值黏度、终值黏度、破损值、回生值和凝沉性无明显变化。脱脂处理使三种豆类淀粉的溶解度、膨胀度、糊透明度得到改善。  相似文献   

为研究脂类物质对豆类淀粉理化性质的影响,以红豆、鹰嘴豆、蚕豆为材料,采用湿法分离淀粉并做脱脂处理,分析了脱脂前后3种豆类淀粉颗粒特性、热特性、淀粉糊特性存在的差别。结果表明:脱脂后3种淀粉的溶解度、膨胀度和糊透明度升高,热焓值降低,冻融稳定性变差,颗粒形貌、偏光十字、淀粉晶型、起糊温度、峰值黏度、终值黏度、破损值、回生值和凝沉性无明显变化。脱脂处理使3种豆类淀粉的溶解度、膨胀度、糊透明度得到改善。  相似文献   

本文以蚕豆、豌豆为对象,研究了两种豆类淀粉的各种性质:总淀粉含量,直链淀粉含量,淀粉的糊化特性,淀粉糊的膨胀度和溶解度,淀粉-碘复合物的可见光谱,淀粉糊的透明度,冻融稳定性,凝沉性以及沉降体积。结果表明:通过对淀粉的溶解度、膨胀度、黏度等性质进行研究,对蚕豆和豌豆淀粉性质有了初步的了解。实验发现温度和放置时间对两种豆类淀粉的性质有不同程度的影响。两种淀粉在进行加热、糊化时,随着温度的变化,都将不同程度地影响粉糊的溶解度和膨胀度等。两种淀粉的膨胀度和溶解度均随温度的升高而增加。放置的时间的不同,对淀粉糊的沉降体积、透明度等性质有不同程度的影响。并且淀粉碘复合物可见光光谱的最大吸收波长均在620 nm左右。  相似文献   

超声波辅助提取分离工艺具有绿色、清洁、高效的特点,具有解决淀粉生产行业发展瓶颈问题的潜力。文章综述了影响超声波辅助提取分离工艺的因素及其在不同淀粉生产工艺中应用所得淀粉的得率和品质特性,以期为超声波辅助提取分离淀粉提供一定的理论参考和技术支持。超声波辅助提取分离适合于谷物淀粉,不适用于豆类和根茎类淀粉。  相似文献   

淀粉,是由粮食、豆类、薯类等植物性原料加工而成的。 常见的淀粉品种有:木薯淀粉(即生纷)、土豆淀粉、绿豆淀粉、蚕豆淀粉、豌豆淀粉、红薯淀粉、荸荠淀粉、小麦淀粉、菱角淀粉、鹰粟淀粉、玉米淀粉、莲藕淀粉、淮山淀粉、大米淀粉、糯米淀粉、香芋淀粉等等。  相似文献   

Starch noodles are gaining interest due to the massive popularity of gluten-free foods. Modified starch is generally used for noodle production due to the functional limitations of native starches. Raw materials, methods, key processing steps, additives, cooking, and textural properties determine the quality of starch noodles. The introduction of traditional, novel, and natural chemical additives used in starch noodles and their potential effects also impacts noodle quality. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the native and modified starch as raw materials and key processing steps for the production of starch noodles. Further, this article aimed to comprehensively collate some of the vital information published on the thermal, pasting, cooking, and textural properties of starch noodles. Technological, nutritional, and sensory challenges during the development of starch noodles are well discussed. Due to the increasing demands of consumers for safe food items with a long shelf life, the development of starch noodles and other convenience food products has increased. Also, the incorporation of modified starches overcomes the shortcomings of native starches, such as lack of viscosity and thickening power, retrogradation characteristics, or hydrophobicity. Starch can improve the stability of the dough structure but reduces the strength and resistance to deformation of the dough. Some technological, sensory, and nutritional challenges also impact the production process.  相似文献   

林鹏飞  牛犁 《丝绸》2022,59(2):130-136
历代首服中装饰物多样,其中蝉纹饰物造型精巧别致,具有独特的符号价值和文化内涵。文章采用文献研究法对蝉符号的历史渊源和寓意进行深层解读和剖析,总结其表现特征;从墓葬出土及绘画中的蝉纹金珰及附蝉首服对蝉的情感表达、含义象征进行归纳、整理。研究表明:蝉是古代中国首服的重要纹饰,并在作为首服纹饰的过程中完成了文化符号、思想符号及民族符号的构建。蝉饰不仅设计巧妙而且品种丰富,无论在佩戴身份还是种类用途都分化明细。其传播原因受官宦权位、雅士情感、黄老学说等因素的影响,体现出纹饰的发展演变与社会文化息息相关。  相似文献   

为提高米饭蒸煮品质、延缓米饭回生和改善米饭消化性能,比较不同质量分数低聚果糖、山梨糖醇和麦芽糖醇3 种低能量甜味剂对大米浸泡吸水率、直链淀粉比例、硬度、微观结构、晶体结构、热特性及消化特性等指标的影响。结果表明,3 种甜味剂处理均能够提高大米的吸水率,降低米饭的硬度。此外,低聚果糖、山梨糖醇和麦芽糖醇处理均能降低米饭的体外消化水解率。其中,1.6%低聚果糖处理的大米在浸泡25 min时吸水率提高了11.18%,直链淀粉比例、糊化焓值和放置24 h后硬度分别降低了7.36%、22.91%和21.79%,且与其他处理相比,显著降低了糊化焓值和结晶度,并表现出较好的微观结构和抗回生性。该研究为大米精深加工与方便米饭产品开发提供依据。  相似文献   

In seed extracts of five oilseed species, in bran extracts of three cereal species, and in seed and/or whole berry extracts of 10 berry species, the concentrations of a large number of lignans and the enantiomeric composition of selected lignans were determined. In the case of sesame and hemp seeds, the lignan content and composition of the whole seeds was compared to that of the hulled seeds. The results showed that cloudberry seeds are the third most lignan-rich food source after linseeds and whole sesame seeds, and that most of the berry species analysed were more lignan-rich than the cereal brans. The lignans are concentrated in the hull of the oilseeds and in the seeds of the berries. In most samples, secoisolarici-, pino-, medio-, and syringaresinol were present as a mixture of two enantiomers.  相似文献   

Although being one of the most vulnerable and perishable products, fish and other seafoods provide a wide range of health-promoting compounds. Recently, the growing interest of consumers in food quality and safety issues has contributed to the increasing demand for sensitive and rapid analytical technologies. Several traditional physicochemical, textural, sensory, and electrical methods have been used to evaluate freshness and authentication of fish and other seafood products. Despite the importance of these standard methods, they are expensive and time-consuming, and often susceptible to large sources of variation. Recently, spectroscopic methods and other emerging techniques have shown great potential due to speed of analysis, minimal sample preparation, high repeatability, low cost, and, most of all, the fact that these techniques are noninvasive and nondestructive and, therefore, could be applied to any online monitoring system. This review describes firstly and briefly the basic principles of multivariate data analysis, followed by the most commonly traditional methods used for the determination of the freshness and authenticity of fish and other seafood products. A special focus is put on the use of rapid and nondestructive techniques (spectroscopic techniques and instrumental sensors) to address several issues related to the quality of these products. Moreover, the advantages and limitations of each technique are reviewed and some perspectives are also given.  相似文献   

丙烯酰胺是一种重要的化工原料, 同时也是食品热加工过程中Maillard反应的副产物之一, 可通过各种途径进入环境并广泛暴露在人类日常生活之中。然而, 环境和膳食中的丙烯酰胺会被动扩散进入人类及其他生物机体中, 并通过代谢导致机体内的氧化损伤、突触干扰、神经递质传递抑制、蛋白表达抑制, 进一步影响体内各系统和器官的功能。目前, 丙烯酰胺的广泛暴露已对环境安全及人类健康构成不可忽视的威胁。其毒性主要包括神经毒性、生殖毒性、免疫毒性、消化系统毒性、心脏毒性及潜在致癌性, 其致毒机制较为复杂, 其中丙烯酰胺的神经毒性方面的研究最为广泛。本文从丙烯酰胺的暴露来源、代谢过程、毒性及其作用机制等方面进行综述, 旨在讨论丙烯酰胺的毒性及其机制研究, 为预防丙烯酰胺带来的食品安全问题和健康风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

崔利 《酿酒》2007,34(2):13-15
文章根据酿酒就是培养微生物获取代谢产物-酒精与香味物质的原理,从"酿酒工艺不同,微生物种类不同,代谢产物不同,主香成分不同,香型不同,产品风格质量不同"几个方面,论述了酿酒工艺与产品风格质量之间的关系.提出了酿酒工艺是培养微生物的手段,获取其代谢产物酒精与香味物质才是酿酒目的的观点.指出:只有在坚持传统酿酒工艺的基础上不断改进传统酿酒工艺,才能使"手段"(酿酒工艺)更科学,更先进,更合理,更完善,更高明,才能获取更多代谢产物(酒精和香味物质),达到优质高产的"目的".  相似文献   

Taurine is an agent for treating the heavy metal intoxication and presence of metals such as zinc, copper, and iron may have a role in heavy metal toxicity, a study was undertaken to investigate the effect of taurine on the toxicity of zinc in male Wistar rats. The rats were divided into 8 groups and fed different diets with or without supplement of 5% taurine and 150 to 600 ppm zinc for 2 mo. It was found that the body weight of rats, the ratios of liver and kidney weight to body weight, and the level of glutathione in the liver were decreased with increasing the dose of zinc. The levels of zinc in the liver, kidney, and plasma, the levels of malondialdehyde in the plasma, the levels of thiobarbiture acid-reactive substances in the liver, the activities of aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase in the plasma, the levels of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine in the plasma of rats were increased with the increasing dose of zinc. Hence, symptoms of zinc toxicity in rats included loss of body weight, hepatotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity. However, these toxic effects of zinc were significantly reduced when the rats fed diet with supplement of taurine. Furthermore, the level of zinc in the feces of rats treated with taurine and zinc was higher than that of rats treated with zinc alone. It indicated that taurine thereby leading to a decreased absorption of dietary zinc and promoted excretion.  相似文献   

倪士敏 《纺织器材》2013,40(3):44-51
阐述棉纺牵伸胶辊、胶圈的应用技术和牵伸原理,重点探讨了胶辊、胶圈的牵伸工艺特性及其合理配置、胶辊制作、周期管理、质量管理、使用管理、产品缺陷与其机械波分析、纺纱环境和挡车工操作水平对纺纱性能的影响,提出胶辊、胶圈有关机件的质量要求等。  相似文献   

三甲胺和二甲胺是冷鲜肉腐败过程中产生的典型挥发性胺,具有腐败气味,是致癌物亚硝胺的前体物质,具备表征新鲜度的潜力。为探究羊肉贮藏过程中三甲胺、二甲胺含量与新鲜度指标的变化规律,明确三甲胺或二甲胺作为潜在指标表征冷鲜羊肉新鲜度的可行性,以羊背最长肌为研究对象,研究(0.0±0.5) ℃贮藏条件下冷鲜羊肉包装及肉中三甲胺和二甲胺含量与色泽、菌落总数、总挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen,TVB-N)含量、硫代巴比妥酸反应物(thiobarbituric acid reactive substance,TBARs)值等新鲜度相关指标之间的相关性。结果表明:冷鲜羊肉贮藏期间色泽、菌落总数、TVB-N含量等新鲜度指标呈现上升趋势,肉新鲜度逐渐下降,在(0.0±0.5) ℃空气密封包装条件下,冷鲜羊肉货架期长达17 d;肉中及包装中三甲胺含量均与菌落总数、TVB-N含量、TBARs值呈显著正相关(P<0.05),相关系数分别为0.86、0.75、0.74和0.92、0.96、0.95;肉中及包装中二甲胺含量与菌落总数、TVB-N含量、TBARs值相关性稍差,相关系数分别为-0.85、-0.58、-0.60和0.90、0.74、0.65。上述结果表明,三甲胺和二甲胺均具备表征冷鲜羊肉新鲜度的潜力,而与包装中二甲胺含量相比,包装中三甲胺含量与菌落总数、TVB-N含量、TBARs值的相关系数相对较高,确证了三甲胺可以作为冷鲜羊肉在该条件下的标志性气体物质,具备表征冷鲜羊肉新鲜度的能力。  相似文献   

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