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一氧化碳发色肉制品安全性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一氧化碳作为一种新型气体发色剂在畜产品和水产品加工的应用越来越广泛,但其安全性研究较少。本文简述一氧化碳发色历史、应用现状及作用机理,分析一氧化碳发色处理对产品色泽、微生物与及对食品质量的影响,探讨一氧化碳发色产品安全性问题,以期为正确认识一氧化碳发色技术及合理规范发色产品的管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

苹果多酚对鲜肉色泽稳定性及脂肪氧化的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文研究了苹果多酚对透氧保鲜膜包装的鲜猪肉的色泽稳定性及脂肪氧化的影响。结果表明,苹果多酚能明显抑制肉中脂肪的氧化,并能提高鲜肉红色的稳定性。单独使用0.05%的苹果多酚,有较好的护色效果。苹果多酚与抗坏血酸或烟酰胺配合使用,抗氧化与护色效果明显增强。0.05%苹果多酚与0.05%烟酰胺配合使用可以使鲜肉在5±1℃条件下贮藏7d后,仍保持稳定的鲜红色,TBA值为0.3mg/kg,TVB-N值为14.7mg/100g。  相似文献   

一氧化碳在水产品中的应用技术及其安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一氧化碳(CO)对水产品进行护色保鲜处理的技术逐渐在国内外水产加工业中盛行,并形成较完善的工艺技术,但CO发色技术的安全性一直备受争议。本文就水产品CO发色的机理和功能、发色产品的检测技术、发色技术的应用现状及发色技术的安全性等问题进行分析,客观评价发色水产品中CO残留及其可能对人体健康造成的危害,针对水产品CO发色技术存在的问题提出了相应的对策和建议。本文旨在为水产品加工企业提供相关指引,为国家相关决策部门提供参考,对促进水产品护色保鲜技术进步及行业良性发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

鲜牛肉综合保鲜技术的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
主要研究冷藏温度下鲜牛肉的综合保鲜技术,结果表明:利用乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)等天然保鲜剂,结合真空包装,可有效降低鲜肉的初菌数,明显延长货架期。经过正交试验筛选确定的保鲜剂配方为:Ni-sin;0.3%,F:1%,N:2%,C:1%(添加物与水溶液之比),上述配方可使鲜牛肉经聚脂/聚乙烯膜真空包装后,货架期超过21d,同时发现磷酸盐与抗坏血酸对鲜肉有明显的护色作用。磷酸盐和葡萄糖酸内酯与保鲜剂结合,进一步抑制了微生物的生长、在4℃条件下货架期延长至28d,实验还利用海藻酸钠可食性复合膜涂布鲜肉,对鲜肉保水试验,显著降低了鲜牛肉的汁液流失量。  相似文献   

目前冻肉在市场上处于滞销状况,为适应开放后的新形势,使肉类冷藏加工企业在竞争中求得生存,我们对检验合格胴体进行了保鲜条件及保存期的初试。试验后的胴体既不同于冻肉经冰结晶过程而失去鲜肉固有的色、鲜、味;也不同于鲜肉未经成熟而欠风味及鲜肉带有的微生物和寄生虫(卵),质量优于鲜肉和冻肉,能延长保存或销售期限,便于长途运输,是肉联厂参与市场调节,提高竞争能力的手段。  相似文献   

两种复合保鲜膜对冷却牛肉保质的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用胶原蛋白、壳聚糖等配制成复合保鲜液对冷却牛肉涂膜保鲜进行比较。结果表明:壳聚糖膜优于胶原蛋白膜,二者均具有明显抑制微生物生长、延长冷却肉保鲜期的作用。同时发现,复合磷酸盐与异抗坏血酸钠、烟酰胺对鲜肉有明显护色作用,涂膜显著降低汁液流失量。  相似文献   

通过测定酱牛肉贮藏期间的pH、红度值、色素残留率,及酱牛肉进行感官评价,研究迷迭香、丁香和肉桂3种香辛料提取物单独使用及复配对酱牛肉的护色效果。结果表明:单一香辛料提取物护色后,酱牛肉的a*值、色素残留率和感官评分均高于对照组和市售护色剂组,迷迭香和肉桂的护色效果最为显著,丁香的护色效果次之;香辛料提取物复配后,护色效果较单一护色剂的好,其中迷迭香+肉桂+丁香和迷迭香+肉桂的护色效果相当,其次是迷迭香+丁香和肉桂+丁香。香辛料提取物具有保护酱卤肉制品颜色的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

有机酸复合护色液对猕猴桃果脯PPO活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了柠檬酸、酒石酸、植酸3种有机酸复合护色液对猕猴桃果脯PPO(多酚氧化酶)活性的影响。运用混料回归设计试验,得出复合护色液中3种有机酸的最佳配比,并确定复合护色液总浓度及护色浸泡时间。结果表明,最佳护色工艺为:柠檬酸、酒石酸、植酸配比(质量分数)为1∶0.51∶0.51,复合护色液总浓度为0.5%.护色时间为2h。  相似文献   

分析了我国鲜肉行业的现状、鲜肉的变质机理、真空热缩包装技术的特点,国内外该技术在鲜肉保鲜中的应用,预测在不久的将来真空热缩包装技术在我国鲜肉保鲜工业中将被广泛推广和应用。  相似文献   

随着人们对传统肉用发色剂亚硝酸盐安全性问题的关注,对亚硝酸盐发色作用替代物的研究也不断增多。微生物发酵法作为一种全新的肉制品发色技术被广泛研究。本文综述在肉制品发色中发挥作用的微生物种类,护色机理及其应用情况,并展望微生物发酵法在肉制品护色中的应用前景。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Precooked turkey breast meat was aerobically packaged or vacuum-packaged and irradiated at 0, 2.5, or 5.0 kGy. CIE color, reflectance, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), gas production, and lipid oxidation were determined at 0, 7, and 14 d. Irradiation increased redness of vacuum-packaged meat, and the redness was distinct and stable under vacuum. Irradiation decreased ORP and produced carbon monoxide (CO). This indicated that the pink color was caused by the heme pigment-CO complex formation. The reflectance of meat and the absorption spectra of myoglobin solution supported the assumption that denatured CO-myoglobin is the pigment in irradiated precooked turkey breast.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The study aimed at substituting nitrite with carbon monoxide (CO) in cooked or fermented meat batter products by investigating color and color stability in myoglobin solutions, model meat systems, and full-scale hotdog and salami sausages of pork and beef. For cooked model meat systems and hotdogs at 75 to 80 °C core temperatures, direct flushing with a 1% CO gas mixture during the last stage of the batter chopping produced an initial red color equal to nitrite or more intense than with nitrite. For fermented model meat systems and salami sausages with a final pH of 4.7, pretreatment and storage of ground raw meat in a 1% CO mixture, and later use of the pretreated meat in batters, also formed an initial red color in the final products. The color stability during air and light display of cooked and fermented meat products with CO was inadequate compared to products with nitrite, although the red color of CO products was largely maintained by anaerobic packaging and storage. Spectra of carboxy- and nitrosomyoglobin at pH 4.7 demonstrated higher absorbance for carboxymyoglobin.  相似文献   

Case-ready fresh beef is typically packaged in a modified-atmosphere with approximately 80% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide. Recently, USDA approved distribution of fresh meats in a master bag system using 0.4% carbon monoxide (CO). This study compared effects of packaging system (vacuum, 80% oxygen, 0.4% carbon monoxide), fresh meat storage time (7-21 days) and cooking temperature (49-79 °C) on extent of myoglobin denaturation, color and rancidity in cooked top sirloin steaks. Steaks packaged in 80% oxygen or CO retained desirable red color for 14 and 21 days storage, respectively. Steaks stored in 80% oxygen exhibited the greatest TBA values and myoglobin denaturation at all storage times and cooking temperatures. Steaks stored in high oxygen developed brown interior color at internal temperatures as low as 57 °C, the premature browning effect. Premature browning and rancidity associated with steaks packaged in 80% oxygen was prevented by packaging in 0.4% CO or vacuum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Cooked meat color is an important quality attribute for consumers. This study compared color and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of cooked ground beef (internal temperatures of 49 to 79 °C), after storage of raw product in atmospheres of 0.4% carbon monoxide (CO), 80% oxygen, or vacuum at 2 °C for 7 to 21 d. Premature browning, observed as a brown cooked color at internal temperatures as low as 49 °C, was found in patties made from meat stored in 80% oxygen. At all cooking temperatures, samples stored in high oxygen had less internal red color, higher myoglobin denaturation values, and were more rancid with higher TBA values than CO or vacuum-packaged ground beef. Raw ground beef held in 0.4% CO modified-atmosphere packaging (MAP) remained bright red throughout the 21-d storage period. Premature browning and high TBA values in cooked patties were avoided by use of this packaging system. However, internal patty color remained somewhat red even at the highest internal cooking temperature of 79 °C. The persistent pink color observed in CO-treated patties cooked to 79°C internal temperature was likely due to development of heat-denatured CO-hemochrome, rather than the presence of undenatured CO myoglobin. The problems of PMB and high TBA values of cooked patties were also avoided by vacuum packaging. However, the development of dark purple color associated with vacuum packaging of raw beef limits the use of this packaging method for products in retail display. Keywords: beef, packaging, carbon monoxide, oxygen  相似文献   

为了使白乌鱼肉在冷藏期间呈现并保持良好色泽,本文初步探讨了一氧化碳(CO)对白乌鱼肉色泽及其他品质的影响。通过分析CO处理对白乌鱼肉颜色、菌落总数、pH、失水率、硬度、咀嚼性、TBA和感官品质的影响,发现随着CO处理天数的增加,鱼肉的a~*值呈先显著上升(p0.05)后下降的趋势,鱼肉贮藏13d时的a~*值为8.66,比新鲜白乌鱼肉的a~*值提高了18.79%;随着CO处理天数的增加,白乌鱼肉的菌落总数、失水率和TBA值呈整体上升趋势,pH值呈先下降后上升趋势,硬度、咀嚼性和感官评分整体呈下降趋势。因此,CO处理白乌鱼肉,可使鱼肉在冷藏期间保持良好的红色,但CO处理对鱼肉在冷藏期间的贮藏稳定性和其他品质无明显影响。因此,用CO处理白乌鱼肉能有效保持白乌鱼肉的色泽。  相似文献   

The effect of blending mechanically separated poultry meat under several modified atmospheres was investigated. Treatments included vacuum, nitrogen, nitrogen containing carbon monoxide (I%, 5% and 10%) and an unblended control. The blended and control meats were sealed in gas impermeable plastic pouches and stored at ?10°C for 7 months. Oxidative stability was evaluated at monthly intervals by monitoring the appearance of malonaldehyde using HPLC. Surface color determined with a HunterLab color difference meter was also used as a critereon of frozen storage quality. The modified atmosphere treated meats were found to be more stable than the control (P < 0.05). Meats blended with atmospheres containing CO were redder (P < 0.01) than the control, vacuum or nitrogen blended samples.  相似文献   

We investigated whether consumer preferences for beef colors (red, purple, and brown) or for beef packaging systems (modified atmosphere, MAP; vacuum skin pack, VSP; or overwrap with polyvinyl chloride, PVC) influenced taste scores of beef steaks and patties. To test beef color effects, boneless beef top loin steaks (choice) and ground beef patties (20% fat) were packaged in different atmospheres to promote development of red, purple, and brown color. To test effects of package type, steaks and patties were pre-treated with carbon monoxide in MAP to promote development of red color, and some meat was repackaged using VSP or PVC overwrap. The differently colored and packaged meats were separately displayed for members of four consumer panels who evaluated appearance and indicated their likelihood to purchase similar meat. Next, the panelists tasted meat samples from what they had been told were the packaging treatments just observed. However, the meat samples actually served were from a single untreated steak or patty. Thus, any difference in taste scores should reflect expectations established during the visual evaluation. The same ballot and sample coding were used for both the visual and taste evaluations. Color and packaging influenced (P<0.001) appearance scores and likelihood to purchase. Appearance scores were rated red>purple >brown and PVC >VSP>MAP. Appearance scores and likelihood to purchase were correlated (r=0.9). However, color or packaging did not affect (P>0.5) taste scores. Thus, consumer preferences for beef color and packaging influenced likelihood to purchase, but did not bias eating satisfaction.  相似文献   

Kwon JH  Kwon Y  Nam KC  Lee EJ  Ahn DU 《Meat science》2008,80(3):903-909
Ground beef, pork, and chicken thigh meats were irradiated at 0 or 5.0kGy before and after cooking and then stored at -40°C in oxygen permeable bags. The pH, lipid oxidation, volatiles, and carbon monoxide production of the meat were determined at 0 and 6months of storage. The pH values of raw meats from different animal species were different (5.36-6.25) and were significantly increased by cooking, irradiation, and storage (p<0.05). Irradiation had no effect on the TBARS values of ground beef and pork, but significantly increased the TBARS of chicken thigh meat. Cooking, whether it was done before or after irradiation, caused significant increase in TBARS and was most significant in chicken and pork. The numbers of volatiles analyzed by GC/MS were higher in irradiated meats than the non-irradiated ones regardless of meat source. Sulfur-containing compounds were newly produced or increased by irradiation, but dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide were not detected in the non-irradiated meats regardless of cooking treatment. Irradiation time, whether done before or after cooking, had little effect on the TBARS, volatiles, and carbon monoxide production in the meat.  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is the removal and/or replacement of the atmosphere surrounding the product before sealing in vapor-barrier materials. While technically different, many forms of MAP are also case-ready packaging, where meat is cut and packaged at a centralized location for transport to and display at a retail store. Most of the shelf life properties of meat are extended by use of MAP, but anoxic forms of MAP without carbon monoxide (CO) do not provide bloomed red meat color and MAP with oxygen (O(2)) may promote oxidation of lipids and pigments. Advances in plastic materials and equipment have propelled advances in MAP, but other technological and logistical considerations are needed for successful MAP systems for raw chilled fresh meat. Current MAP options of air-permeable overwrapped trays in master packs, low O(2) formats of shrunk film vacuum packaging (VP) or MAP with carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and nitrogen (N(2)) and their peelable barrier film derivatives, and high O(2) MAP each have advantages and disadvantages. Packaging technology innovations and ingenuity will continue to provide MAP that is consumer oriented, product enhancing, environmentally responsive, and cost effective, but continued research and development by the scientific and industry sectors will be needed.  相似文献   

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