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曹荣 《纺织器材》2000,27(3):28-30
研究了织针铣刀在在使用过程中对产品质量和生产率的影响,分析了现有铣槽刀的一些缺陷,提出了改进铣槽刀技术参数、选用新型材料来设计和制造铣槽刀的方法。这种新型织针铣槽刀寿命长,加工的针槽质量好,并能大大提高铣槽生产率  相似文献   

陆永海 《纺织器材》2000,27(5):45-47
介绍了国内研制的织针高速铣槽机的主要结构特点,技术参数,并通过生产使用提出对该机主辅加工进给参数、匀速切削、以及硬质合金刀片切削参数的改进意见,将为国产织针铣槽工艺水平和织针质量的提高产生积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

汤志平 《纺织器材》1990,17(5):12-14
在分析织针圆弧部分形状对铣削的影响的基础上,提出改进铣刀参数设计,选用W18Cr4V高速钢为铣刀材料等提高织针铣槽精度等措施。结果是;每把铣刀可铣2000枚织针,针槽形状和尺寸精度以及粗糙度等都符合要求。  相似文献   

浅析织针舌槽的设计和加工对舌牢度的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
于世旺 《纺织器材》2003,30(5):20-21
通过分析影响舌牢度的主要因素,提出改进舌槽设计和加工工艺的要点,从而提高织针的使用寿命。  相似文献   

铣槽工序是织针机械加工过程的关键一环。我厂针槽的加工一直沿用立式铣槽机铣削,虽然几经改进长年使用,但是结构和精度还不够理想。引进日本铣槽机从试生产的情况来看,与我们现行在用的铣槽机比较,是比较理想的铣槽设备。其特点为:1、更换品种方便。它的送针、出针结构与国内不同,采用带槽滚筒进出针,所以更换品种不需要换任何部  相似文献   

陆永海 《纺织器材》1999,26(2):13-17
织针产品的91年标准,是织针类型、性能、质量、材料、公差等方面的系列标准。在生产中如何依据行业标准的各项要求,对各工序的工艺性问题进行探讨,归纳出一些合理的、可行的工艺原则,这对稳定和提高织针生产水平,无疑会起很大作用,在新品开发过程中的作用更是显而易见。在实际生产中,织针厂极少自行设计产品,一般都是按照针织机械的要求进行配套,或按样品仿制,在开发替代进口织针时更是这样。为了能制造出合格的织针,若对各工序的工艺性有一个较深层次的理解,就能在工艺制订中得心应手,应付自如。下面就锯槽的工艺规程,提出一…  相似文献   

国内每年需织针十多亿枚,需求量大的原因之一是寿命低,主要是针舌牢度不够,铣槽质量关系到织针产品档次和制成率。提高铣槽用的铣刀耐用度成为织针行业共同关心的课题。高速钢铣刀1985年开始应用到织针生产中,使用效果较好,在此愿与织针同行们交流。我厂1983年从日本引进钢皮舌针生产线,生产24—32G160毫米以下中高档针织用针。织针生产线所用的铣槽机,设备精度高,速度快(车速最高达3200转/分,进给5—16枚/分)采用的是硬质合金铣刀,生产效率高,但国内目前不能生产,进口铣刀则花费外汇,  相似文献   

Blank  M 《木材加工机械》1998,(3):29-31
面对客户需求的增长和生产成本的提高,许多木材加工企业都在寻找更多样和更快捷的方法来提高他们机器的生产能力,四面刨铣机也同样要经历这样的过程。近几年,这种机器由于采用了先进的制造工艺,安装了能够对刀具进行修磨的装置,使它不论在长时间或短时间多品种加工中...  相似文献   

织针制造过程中的现场质量管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
织针制造过程中的现场质量管理就是保证每道工序生产出来的织针符合工序质量要求,使成品织针符合设计要求,保证用户的适用性。所以,加强织针现场质量管理,具有重要的现实意义。 (一)织针生产的现场质量管理的任务 1.对质量缺陷的预防。对织针的一些重要生产工序中,要预防质量缺陷的出现,保证织针加工后符合图纸、工艺及标准要求。如解决针舌太松,舌拉力不足等。做好预防工作,把产品缺陷消除在产生之前,防止批量或成批织  相似文献   

根据袜厂提出的电力袜机提花针齿形毛刺过大,槽齿斑点较多的质量问题,我厂从工艺角度提出用铣刀铣齿的设想,并在车间进行实践,对提花针的铣齿加工进行了改革,取得了较好的效果。提花针齿形加工的情况  相似文献   

田潇凌  王晓曦 《食品科学》2021,42(9):275-282
小麦制粉是将小麦籽粒经粉碎碾磨、分级、混配等工艺制成小麦粉的加工过程。现有的小麦制粉理论认为在制粉过程中,籽粒受到机械力作用后只对其物理性质如粒度、损伤淀粉含量等产生影响,而越来越多的研究表明,粒度的差异不足以解释制粉过程中出现的面粉品质差异。机械力化学是研究固体因受机械力作用而发生的化学或者物理化学变化,这些变化包括物质破碎、粒度减小、晶型变化、化学键变化等,其还能降低部分化学反应所需能量,使反应更易发生,目前已应用于材料表面改性、物理降解等领域。本文综述了机械力化学理论、原理模型,以及机械力化学在合成、降解和改性方面的应用,介绍了小麦制粉基本理论和当前实践过程中遇到的困扰,以及机械力化学在淀粉和蛋白质等谷物大分子成分方面的研究现状,并对机械力化学理论在小麦制粉研究中的应用作出展望。  相似文献   

In this work, fermentable sugar, total protein, phenolics and ferulic acid content were estimated in sweet worts at different points of lautering. Transfer of these selected malt compounds into worts was analyzed in relation to the method of malt milling (wet milling of malt — the “test worts” or dry milling of malt — the “reference worts”). Glucose, maltose and maltotriose were more rapidly transferred into sweet worts at the early stages of lautering (40 hL and/or 80 hL of wort) after wet milling in comparison to dry milling. Total protein content in the test worts was significantly higher than in the corresponding reference worts at each stage of lautering. Transfer of phenolic compounds and ferulic acid (in the free as well as in the ester form) from the mash into sweet worts was significantly improved by dry milling, but not by wet milling. No difference in the total antioxidant activity was observed between the two types of worts. In conclusion, it can be stated that wet conditioning of malt before milling enhances the fast transfer of fermentable sugars and proteins from the mash into the sweet wort during lautering. Lautering is a time‐consuming process, and time reduction without the loss of wort quality should be a priority. Therefore, wet milling can be of interest to professionals in the field as an interesting alternative method to improve the mashing process.  相似文献   

小麦制粉过程中,原粮的多样性、设备的不稳定性、操作的随意性、气候的多变性等不确定因素.严重影响小麦制粉工艺和小麦粉品质的稳定。同一条小麦制粉生产线,相同的原粮。不同的操作管理,将会产生明显不同的制粉效果。着重从研磨工序、筛理工序、清粉工序等方面探讨、分析了小麦制粉工艺的控制与设备的操作管理。良好的工艺和设备是前提,正确的操作技能是保障。需要在小麦制粉中综合考虑,熟练掌控操作技能,不断探索和积累。因此,各工段工序的操作都要尽职尽责,相互协作,精心操作。只有通过控制制粉过程各环节.确保麸粉最大限度地分离,才能提高出粉率,才能达到优质、高产、高效的最佳制粉效果。  相似文献   

Postharvest operations, such as drying, storage, and milling, have been used to ameliorate the aging of rice grains and to achieve and maintain desirable rice grain quality, and thus play a key role in determining rice commercial quality and value. This review summarizes publications from the past decade and outlines the evidence supporting attribution of grain quality changes induced by postharvest processes to changes in the physical properties and chemical composition of the rice grain (starch, protein, lipids, and antioxidants). Rice drying mainly affects rice milling quality as rice kernel fissuring that may occur during drying leads to head rice yield reduction. Rice grain aging occurring during storage is inevitable and responsible for the changes in rice appearance, milling, eating, cooking, and nutritional quality. As milling significantly changes the chemical composition of rice by removing protein‐ and lipid‐rich bran layers, milling can alter the aging process of rice and also affect rice appearance, eating, and sensory quality, but mainly affects the nutritional quality. Therefore, drying methods, storage conditions, and milling methods warrant further research to achieve and maintain the desired rice grain quality. This review may contribute to better understanding of the impacts of postharvest processes on rice grain quality, and provide insights into potential improvements in these practices for rice production and utilization in the whole rice industry.  相似文献   

小米兼具营养价值与药用价值,为提高小米的附加值和小米面条的加工品质,本实验利用球磨技术对小米全粉进行改性处理,探究不同球磨处理时间(0.5、1、2、4、6、8 h)对小米全粉营养成分、水合特性、糊化特性、流变特性、结晶结构及面条品质的影响,并分析部分理化性质与面条品质的相关性。结果表明,随着球磨时间延长,小米全粉的结晶结构破坏较明显,损伤淀粉质量分数显著增加,直链淀粉质量分数不断减少(除8 h外),面粉亮度由77.27升至81.37。同时,球磨处理使小米全粉峰值黏度、谷值黏度和最终黏度均显著上升(P<0.05),分别由1 478、665 Pa·s和1 384 Pa·s提升至3 271(球磨1 h)、982 Pa·s(球磨2 h)和2 199 Pa·s(球磨2 h),同时使水合特性(持水力、膨润力)显著提升(P<0.05)。当球磨时间为4 h时,面团的凝胶网状结构愈发均匀致密,制作的小米面条质构、蒸煮品质均最佳。相关性分析结果表明,面条质构特性(弹性、胶黏性、咀嚼性)、感官品质(色泽、外观、黏性)与直链淀粉质量分数呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与损伤淀粉和支链淀粉质量分数整体上呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。面条的蒸煮品质(断条率)与直链淀粉质量分数呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与损伤淀粉和支链淀粉质量分数呈极显著负相关(P<0.01);且糊化黏度与面条品质相关性也较强。综合分析,球磨技术对小米全粉的改性处理可用于生产较高品质的小米面条。  相似文献   

Inbred lines were developed from a cross between a waxy and a non-waxy barley, enabling populations with and without the waxy gene to be compared. For all quality characters measured, both waxy and non-waxy types demonstrated wide ranges and waxy lines with fairly high levels of thousand corn weight and hot water extract were obtained. Over three seasons, milling energies were always significantly higher in waxy compared with non-waxy lines and, in waxy types, milling energy was closely related to rate of cell wall modification during malting. In a season, where grain weights were fairly high, the mean extract of the waxy population was significantly lower than that of the non-waxy and it was suggested that large grain could be disadvantageous in waxy lines due to their slow rate of modification.  相似文献   

Hot water extract is dependant on endosperm structure and its breakdown during malting. These endosperm characteristics can be rapidly assessed on 5 g samples by measuring the milling energy of malted barley. α-amylase determinations on the resultant flour indicate that good malting barleys have either moderate or high levels of the enzyme. High levels of α-amylase will not confer good malting quality where endosperm modification has proceeded slowly.  相似文献   

Proso millet is a nutritious, sustainable, and gluten free food which is currently underutilized. They can be incorporated into the grain industry and provide much needed healthy alternatives. Efficient grinding method should be adopted for easy incorporation. This study aimed to investigate the effect of three different methods of grinding namely, roller milling (RM), pin milling (PM), and hammer milling (HM) on proso millet flour rheology and baking properties for food application. The milling flow sheet was developed toward the production of the quality whole grain flour. The particle size distribution of all the flours showed bi-modal distribution except for the RM flour. The PM produced the flour with the finest particles with geometric mean diameter of 82 μm. The study also revealed that starch damage in the PM flour (4.64%) was higher than RM (2.46%) and HM flour (2.51%). The nutritional composition was not significantly affected by different grinding methods. Pasting properties of the flour were also affected by the grinding method applied. Rapid Visco Analysis profile showed pin mill flour to have a higher peak viscosity (PV) (2,295 cP) compared to HM (2,065 cP) and RM flour (2,130 cP). Finally, this study demonstrated that the production of bread from proso millet flour with desirable quality and texture is possible. The grinding method did not affect the specific volume of bread loaves and C-cell characteristics. The specific volume of the breads ranged from 2.40 to 2.52 cm3/g. This study will help in promoting and producing value-added proso millet food products with enhanced nutritional quality.  相似文献   

Planetary ball milling is presented as an alternative way to improve the native flour properties by physical modification. A grinding protocol was developed by combination of grinding and pause stages. The effect of rotational speed (450–650 rpm) and milling time (10–20 min) on flour properties were determined using RSM method. The effect of milling conditions on flour attributes was significant. With increasing milling speed and time a significant increase in damaged starch, water-absorption and solubility indexes was observed. Changes in functional attributes, intrinsically related to structural and morphological properties of rice flour, were satisfactorily correlated with crystallinity loss, specific surface area and gelatinization degree. Modified rice flours presented pre-gelatinized characteristics which can offer new opportunities for flour applications, for example as ingredient for instant meal product. Flour modification can be controlled by selecting milling conditions. The distinctive characteristic of the planetary ball mill was the fast speed with which the modified flour was obtained which presented intermediate characteristics in relation with native and amorphous state.  相似文献   

A method has been developed using a laboratory 2 roll mill for reproducibly milling malt produced from European Barley (two-row). The procedure can be readily adapted to give grists of similar particle size distribution to those produced by either commercial four or six roll mills. Factors which were considered likely to affect the milling of malt were studied with particular attention to moisture level, the degree of modification, extent of kilning, influence of storage, differences in grain size and extent of steam conditioning. Most of these factors did exert an effect on milling. However, in the majority of cases the values needed to be outside normal commercial limits before substantial changes in milling performance were observed. Studies employing a laboratory mashing system have shown that by using malts containing c.a. 6% moisture it is possible to reduce wort separation times without affecting extract recovery. Steam conditioning can have a marked beneficial effect on the milling performance of malt providing the extent of moisture pick-up is carefully controlled.  相似文献   

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