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International Standard ISO 12218 applies to the process control of offset platemaking for the conventional technology. Based on the comparative analysis the paper shows the necessity of more strict process control for the CtP technology for which there is no common approach among plate manufacturers. Attaining the basic working properties of printing formes and quality parameters of image elements has been suggested as a basis of such an approach.  相似文献   

记者日前从江苏省环保厅了解到,《太湖地区城镇污水处理厂及重点工业行业主要水污染物排放限值》新近出炉,于2008年1月1日起这一标准将在包括无锡、常州、苏州市辖区、南京市溧水县、高淳县,镇江市丹阳市、句容市等太湖流域实施.这是省委、省政府在今年5月太湖蓝藻爆发后,按照铁腕治污、加速调整我省产业结构、淘汰落后产能的要求,组织省环保厅、省质监局编制制定的.  相似文献   

1995年2月,瑞典斯德哥尔摩市出现了免费的都会报--,在地铁等交通要道赠与行人,随后欧洲各国地铁火车等通勤地区开始效仿,陆续出现免费报纸,并且开始流行.2000年,免费报纸的概念传到美洲与亚洲,当时全球有50余种免费报纸,在20多个国家发行,总发行量达800万份.2006年,总发行量增加到3500万份.在欧洲,免费报纸最为流行,冰岛、丹麦、西班牙等国家免费报纸的发行量超过了收费报纸,希腊、匈牙利、意大利、立陶宛、葡萄牙、瑞士、瑞典等国发行量最大的报纸都是免费报纸.根据世界报业协会公布的报告显示,免费报纸已成气候、势不可当,且竞争激烈.丹麦的免费报纸就是最好的例子.  相似文献   

对二号矿石、汶洋石、山仔濑石、房栊岩石、山秀园石、芙蓉石、大山石等一些近年来在寿山石市场上较为常见的寿山石品种进行了研究,详细测定了它们的密度、硬度和矿物组成等.研究表明,二号矿石、房栊岩石和大山石主要由地开石组成,连江黄石、山仔濑石和汶洋石主要含有伊利石,叶蜡石是芙蓉石和山秀园石寿山石品种的主要矿物组成.综合现有的研究资料,建议将寿山石分为田石系、高山石系、月洋石系和连江黄石系.  相似文献   

闵耀霞 《今日印刷》2007,(12):63-66
纸盒业具有巨大的潜力,但生产商如果想要赢得更多的业务,就必须遵循"创新"与"环保"的发展路线. "创新"和"功能"是纸盒和纸盒成形业出现频率较高的词汇,即提供品牌拥有者和零售商所期望并能够花钱购买的产品,同时这个产品还填补了需求的空白.然而也有另外两个词与之威力相当,那就是"可持续(sustainability)"和"再生(recycling)".  相似文献   

简述了新乡盐业理清思路,更新观念,创新经营,培育市场.薄利广销,跟踪服务,实现供需和谐共赢的经验.为盐行业提供一个典型案例.  相似文献   

以南瓜为主要原料,配以花生油、白砂糖、炼乳和精制小麦粉等辅料,制作用于包子、月饼及包馅类点心的奶香南瓜馅心.结果显示,奶香南瓜馅心的最佳配料为在500 g南瓜泥中添加100 g白砂糖、70 g花生油、50 g炼乳和40 g精制小麦粉.该馅心具有南瓜香味和奶香味,色泽鲜亮,口感细腻滑润.  相似文献   

The American Oil Chemists’ Society(AOCS) is a volunteer-led association. AOCS develops and publishes methods of analysis for fats, oils, proteins, surfactants, and related materials according to accepted international standards to ensure equitable trade practices on a global scale. AOCS Official Method development has been going on for over a hundred years. The founding vision of AOCS in 1909 was "an organization designed for the development and advancement of analytical methods for cottonseed products." AOCS Official Methods are essential to world trade and are used to confirm the value of billions of pounds of oilseed-based commodities and finished products each year. In addition, AOCS conducts proficiency testing, provides certified reference materials, and collaborates with other standards developers including the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission. AOCS serves as a professional scientific membership organization providing current and emerging information as well as disseminating research results in oils, fats, lipids, proteins, surfactants, and related materials. Several avenues are used, especially meetings, publications, interest groups, networking opportunities, and web presence. Many scientists, experts, and others engaged in working in these fields find their professional "home" in AOCS. The AOCS Technical Leadership Committee comprises some of the most experienced AOCS members and scientists. The AOCS Technical Services department staff relies on this committee for guidance on scientific matters and for advice in prioritizing the opportunities facing AOCS.  相似文献   

介绍宰后肉在成熟过程中风味的变化,分别阐述肌糖原、蛋白质、脂类、核苷酸等几类化合物对肉风味的贡献.生肉很少有香味.并且只具有一种类似血腥的味道,但在宰后肉成熟的过程中所产生的丰富的具有味觉属性的化合物.以及香味的前提物质和风味增强剂对肉的感官性质产生巨大影响.  相似文献   

王翔 《江苏纺织》2007,(2):27-28
1月16日,江苏恒力集团喜传捷报--恒力化纤二期工程年产20万吨超亮光丝项目正式投产.当日,江苏恒力集团在吴江同里召开"亮丝隆"超亮光丝新产品发布会,中国纺织工业协会副会长许坤元,中国化纤工业协会理事长郑植艺、副理事长叶永茂出席发布会.会后,恒力集团董事长陈建华接受了本刊记者的采访.  相似文献   

倪士敏 《纺织器材》2014,41(6):42-46
为了提高生条质量,减少盖板落棉,分析了锡林与回转盖板的梳理原理,对比了标准盖板与非标准盖板对条干、棉结杂质及锡林—盖板隔距与质量的关系,探讨了降低盖板总高误差及锡林—盖板隔距变化的方法。指出:锡林—盖板隔距增大使生条结杂增多、短绒率降低,当隔距增大0.025mm时生条质量恶化,增大0.051mm时生条严重恶化;锡林—盖板隔距和刺辊工艺优化组合,生条棉结降低25.6%,短绒率降低0.65%、棉结降低35.5%,条干CV值降低0.07个百分点;隔距的准确性、稳定性关系到质量与节棉的双重效益;减小盖板针布总高误差及隔距差异,有利于设备更好地发挥工艺特性,取得质量和节棉双赢。  相似文献   

倪士敏 《纺织器材》2013,40(3):44-51
阐述棉纺牵伸胶辊、胶圈的应用技术和牵伸原理,重点探讨了胶辊、胶圈的牵伸工艺特性及其合理配置、胶辊制作、周期管理、质量管理、使用管理、产品缺陷与其机械波分析、纺纱环境和挡车工操作水平对纺纱性能的影响,提出胶辊、胶圈有关机件的质量要求等。  相似文献   

费青 《纺织器材》2009,36(5):2-7
分析了梳棉机上分梳元件的作用机理,论述了锡林一道夫间纤维的转移过程及转移率的测定方法,说明影响道夫转移率的因素是锡林、道夫针布的种类、规格、齿型、隔距、锡林速度及产量等;指出梳棉机道夫机构存在的严重问题导致经锡林-盖板区梳理得到的平行伸直纤维状态被破坏而出现大量的各种弯钩纤维;为了解决道夫机构缺陷,以俄罗斯梳并联合机和中国台湾CC50型新道夫机构梳棉机为例,介绍其工作原理与优点,以供研发新型梳棉机参考。  相似文献   

赛络纺纱钢领、钢丝圈的选配实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈玉峰 《纺织器材》2010,37(6):27-29
为了提高赛络纺纱成纱质量,减少细纱断头,从钢领、钢丝圈的种类,卷绕过程中对纺纱的影响及其运动配合等诸多因素出发,论述了钢领、钢丝圈的选配原则,重点阐述了赛络纺纱钢丝圈运动形态的变化及钢领、钢丝圈的选配要求,通过纯棉、非棉纤维纺纱的选配实践,指出赛络纺纱线毛羽少,结构紧密,应根据纺纱纤维性能和纺纱特点,以纱线通道通畅降毛羽、运行平稳少断头、散热良好延长使用寿命为原则对钢领、钢丝圈进行选配。  相似文献   

In a normal and healthy skin, the regular elimination of the superficial corneocytes, called desquamation, is a fundamental physiologic process intended to protect the barrier function of the skin. This invisible loss of corneocytes, individually or in small groups, is incessantly compensated by the divisions of the proliferative layer and the upward cellular maturation in order to maintain the harmonious renewal of the epidermis and the integrity of the stratum corneum. The harmony of this desquamation process is intimately conditioned by a sufficient hydration of the stratum corneum: (i) an abnormal desquamation leads to a disruption of the water barrier function and consequently to a dehydration tendency of the stratum corneum, and (ii) a cutaneous dryness (whatever the cause) is able to disturb the desquamation process. Protecting the water content of the stratum corneum has always been a major preoccupation of the cosmetic industry scientists. Consequently, the moisturizing properties of a cosmetic product are objectively measured by various explorations directly targeted on the hydration (corneometry) and on the level of the water barrier function (transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements), which depends directly on the skin hydration state. This intimate linkage of the desquamation process and the water content of the stratum corneum enable us to suggest an indirect assessment of the hydration from a direct study of the desquamation by examining a skin-stripping sample (D-Squames) by an optical microscope (linked to a computer). We will describe this already known technique and mainly its new and unpublished semiologic exploitation, named Diagnoskin, whose advantages are its simplicity and its reproducibility particularly interesting in the case of sequential appraisal of dermatologic or cosmetic treatments.  相似文献   

In high-value sweet cherry (Prunus avium), the red coloration - determined by the anthocyanins content - is correlated with the fruit ripeness stage and market value. Non-destructive spectroscopy has been introduced in practice and may be utilized as a tool to assess the fruit pigments in the supply chain processes. From the fruit spectrum in the visible (Vis) wavelength range, the pigment contents are analyzed separately at their specific absorbance wavelengths.A drawback of the method is the need for re-calibration due to varying optical properties of the fruit tissue. In order to correct for the scattering differences, most often the spectral intensity in the visible spectrum is normalized by wavelengths in the near infrared (NIR) range, or pre-processing methods are applied in multivariate calibrations.In the present study, the influence of the fruit scattering properties on the Vis/NIR fruit spectrum were corrected by the effective pathlength in the fruit tissue obtained from time-resolved readings of the distribution of time-of-flight (DTOF). Pigment analysis was carried out according to Lambert-Beer law, considering fruit spectral intensities, effective pathlength, and refractive index. Results were compared to commonly applied linear color and multivariate partial least squares (PLS) regression analysis. The approaches were validated on fruits at different ripeness stages, providing variation in the scattering coefficient and refractive index exceeding the calibration sample set.In the validation, the measuring uncertainty of non-destructively analyzing fruits with Vis/NIR spectra by means of PLS or Lambert-Beer in comparison with combined application of Vis/NIR spectroscopy and DTOF measurements showed a dramatic bias reduction as well as enhanced coefficients of determination when using both, the spectral intensities and apparent information on the scattering influence by means of DTOF readings. Corrections for the refractive index did not render improved results.  相似文献   

PEO辅助助剂对胶体悬浮液絮凝作用影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以PEO/辅助助剂系统为絮凝系统,对PCC、瓷土和TiO2等三种胶体悬浮液进行絮凝实验,探讨了辅助助剂对胶体悬浮液絮凝作用的影响。结果表明,开环结构的辅助助剂的絮凝效果好,闭环结构的絮凝效果差。由于辅助助剂DEA和ACS带有阴电荷,因此呈阳电性的PCC絮凝最好。使用高阳电性的辅助助剂VBT1时,TiO2的絮凝效果最好。使用PEO/VBT2对三种胶体悬浮液进行絮凝,对瓷土的絮凝效果最好。总体上,瓷土胶体悬浮液最易絮凝。说明辅助剂的电荷密度和酚羟基的密度对胶体悬浮液的絮凝的重要性。  相似文献   

服装的空间形态辨析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
 从分析服装空间形态的构成要素入手,通过中西方服装空间形态的比较,阐述服装形态在空间关系上的相关问题,对服装的形态类型、要素构成和内外构成等方面进行了较详细的探讨和分析,印证了人类在同一服装原生状态基础上所产生的造型差异,是由于不同人对服装空间形态的认识方式和服饰审美观念存在差异所致。认为无论是东方式的平面构成或是西方式的立体构成,服装的形态都是在不同时代、不同地域和文化中被人们以不同的空间构成方式创造出来的。辨析服装空间形态及其构成方式,为现代服装的造型设计提供了一条丰富服装创意思维的现实途径。  相似文献   

The concept of toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) has been developed to facilitate risk assessment and regulatory control of exposure to complex PCDD, PCDF and PCB mixtures. Recently the European Centre for Environment and Health of the World Health Organization (WHO-ECEH) and the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) jointly reevaluated the TEFs of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs for mammals and derived consensus TEFs for birds and fish (Stockholm, 1997). From a mechanistic point of view it can be concluded that, although the quantitative response will vary depending on the congener involved, the occurrence of a common mechanism (binding to the Ah receptor) legitimates the use of the TEF concept across species. But there also is criticism regarding the TEF concept. Pharmacokinetic differences between species can significantly influence the TEF value, and uncertainties due to additive or nonadditive interactions, to differences in species responsiveness and to differences in the shape of the dose response curve might hamper the derivation of consensus TEF values. In this context it should be noted, however, that using TCDD alone, as the only measure of exposure to dioxin-like PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs, would severely underestimate the risk from exposure to these compounds. Therefore, it can be concluded that, for pragmatic reasons, the TEF concept remains the most feasible approach for risk assessment purposes, in spite of the uncertainties associated with its use.  相似文献   

对黄牛全粒面轻涂饰服装革的生产工艺技术进行了论述,包括适当的前处理和铬复鞣,以及中和要透、染色、加油等,同时对干燥整理和涂饰工艺技术进行了较为深入的论述,包括干燥、封底、底涂及顶层的涂饰等。并说明了如何使成革更软更蓬松,更具有海绵感等时尚风格。  相似文献   

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