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速溶甜玉米南瓜粉的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了速溶甜玉米南瓜粉的加工工艺,研究得出甜玉米南瓜粉加工工艺的最佳参数为:采用0.3%的维生素C进行南瓜护色,南瓜干制温度为70℃,甜玉米糊化工艺采用糊化温度95℃,糊化时间1.5 h,pH为8.0,料液比为1:2.最终产品的玉米粉和南瓜粉混合比例为2:1.  相似文献   

干制是最重要的果蔬加工技术之一,选择合适的干制技术与干燥能耗、产品品质密切相关。射频加热技术作为一种新型物理加热技术,因其加热迅速、具有体积加热效应、能量穿透深度大等优点,同时兼具微生物控制和灭酶效果,近年来备受关注。本文主要综述了射频加热技术的作用机理及特点,影响其在果蔬干制加工中应用的因素,归纳总结了射频加热技术在果蔬干制、微生物控制与灭酶中的应用现状,探讨了射频加热均匀性问题及可能的解决方案,并对未来研究方向进行了展望,为其今后在果蔬干制工业化应用提供参考。  相似文献   

红枣是我国的特产药食两用资源水果,具有丰富的营养价值和药用价值。干制是我国红枣加工传统方式,也是目前红枣加工的主要方式。红枣干制品能够很好的保持其营养成分,且产品易于保藏。本文对几种红枣干制主要技术的加工原理、优缺点、研究进展及在红枣干制中的应用现状进行了综述,并对红枣干制技术提出展望。  相似文献   

干制加工是红枣最重要的一种加工方式。由于红枣含有丰富的营养成分,在受热加工过程中其品质变化显著。文章概述了红枣在干制加工过程中存在的质量安全问题,介绍了在不同干制加工方式及条件下红枣加工产品中营养物质、功能性成分、感官风味物质的变化,有害物质生成,以及红枣干制加工产品的稳定性。基于此,文章为后续红枣干制加工过程中产品质量控制相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

生姜干制是生姜加工的重要加工方式之一,以生姜干制品姜辣素含量、成品颜色及复水性等因素为指标,综合考虑不同干燥工艺的成品品质、干燥时间、能耗及成本,对比不同干制工艺优缺点并进行综述,以期为生姜干制技术的发展与工艺研究提供参考。  相似文献   

干制是紫薯加工的重要方式之一,对紫薯全粉的干燥方法进行了总结,以花青素含量和碘蓝值等作为评价指标,对比了不同干燥技术对紫薯全粉品质的影响,并对其今后的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为紫薯全粉干制技术的发展与工艺研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着后基因组时代的到来,蛋白质组学越来越广泛地应用到生命科学领域,目前主要应用于医学、生物学、植物学,近些年在食品科学方面也进行了相关研究。应用蛋白质组学在植物生长发育和成熟衰老方面的研究比较常见,但在加工环节中的应用并不多见。该方法能通过研究植物体相关蛋白质而在本质上动态地揭示植物从生长发育到成熟衰老过程的机制,为研究枸杞果实成熟及干制过程中多糖积累提供了新的思路和理论支撑。本文综述了枸杞果实成熟及干制过程中多糖积累的研究进展,简单介绍蛋白质组学、蛋白质组学的研究技术及其在植物及加工环节中的研究进展,并展望蛋白质组学技术在枸杞果实成熟及干制过程中多糖积累的研究前景,为今后蛋白质组学的应用与发展提供一定的参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

果蔬干制技术是一种比较常见的果蔬深加工技术。将果蔬采用不同的加工技术进行干制可提高农民收入,改善农民生活质量,甚至对我国农业经济都有很大的影响。本文介绍了现有的果蔬干制加工技术,例如热风干燥技术、真空冷冻干燥技术和变温压差膨化技术等,并对联合干燥技术进行举例概述,最后探讨了今后果蔬干制技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

为改善海参的加工技术提供依据及为消费者提供丰富可靠的购买信息,以FAO/WHO推荐标准和不同的重金属限量标准为依据,通过分析研究不同海参产品中化学物质、氨基酸、脂肪酸和重金属组成,评估海参产品的营养价值与安全问题。结果表明:鲜活海参具有较优氨基酸、脂肪酸配比,并且重金属含量较低;4种海参干制产品由于干制过程中赖氨酸被破坏使得干海参产品中几乎不含有赖氨酸,引起氨基酸配比失调,即食海参产品的氨基酸配比较合理;5种海参产品的脂肪酸组成较优,尽管海参的脂肪含量较低,但具有较高比重的花生四烯酸、二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸;5种海参产品重金属含量低于最严格的限量标准。因此,海参是一种没有安全问题且具有巨大开发潜力的海洋资源,但目前的加工技术,尤其是干制技术存在一些缺陷导致产品营养价值下降,改善海参产品的品质尤为重要。研究结果为海参产品的改善提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

蔬菜是人们不可或缺的副食品,但因其容易腐烂、能够保存的时间有限,为进一步延长其保存期和供应期,需进行加工,以利于提高品质风味,增加经济效益。蔬菜干制是一种极为古老而又经济的大众化的加工方法,如金针菜、玉兰片、木耳、香菇、南瓜干、萝卜丝等都是许多地方的名特优产品,各具独特风味,下面介绍几种蔬菜的干制工艺。  相似文献   

The paper analyses the results of the research on drying a variety of giant pumpkin (Justynka – 957). The research involved drying kinetics of pumpkin as well as changes in the volume of 10 mm pumpkin cubes, dried at the temperature of 80 °C, using free (natural) convection and in the forced convection in the tunnel dryer, with the drying factor speed of 1.2 m s−1 and in the fluid bed dryer. Drying kinetics of pumpkin pieces dried in the tunnel dryer, fluid bed dryer and during two-stage initial drying in the tunnel, and in the fluid bed dryer were examined. Measurements results were used to verify the theoretical models of drying kinetics of the first period taking volume shrinkage into consideration, and the second period of the examined processes.  相似文献   

There is an increasing demand for texture sensations of bread during mastication, with reformulation being needed. This study investigated how bread structure influences oral processing behavior and texture perception. Variations in bread structure were created by manipulating ingredient additions, including pumpkin content and pumpkin processing methods. Results indicated that the physical, chemical, and structural properties drove the oral processing behaviors, and texture sensations were highly correlated with bolus properties. At the beginning and middle of the mastication, bolus from breads with low pumpkin-content required more saliva and exhibited greater hardness, lower adhesiveness, and a higher proportion of small-piece particles than the bolus from high pumpkin-content breads. Bolus from pumpkin pulp breads required more saliva, and was softer, stickier, and generated particles with a lower degree of degradation than the bolus from pumpkin puree breads. However, at the end period, the bolus properties tended to change to similar values. Low pumpkin content breads were initially perceived chewy, whereas high pumpkin content, soft. The dominance rate for soft sensation was higher and lasted longer in breads with pumpkin puree than in breads with pumpkin pulp. Finally, six bread samples were all perceived as hydrated, sticky, and crumbly. This study contributes to a better understanding of the impact of reformulation on oral behavior and sensory properties.  相似文献   

南瓜籽油中角鲨烯含量及特征指标比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气相色谱、气相色谱-质谱和化学滴定法等手段,对我国不同产地的10个南瓜籽油的特征指标(碘值、皂化值、相对密度、折光指数、脂肪酸组成)和角鲨烯含量进行了分析,并和其他特种木本油脂中的角鲨烯含量进行比较。结果表明:南瓜籽油相对密度范围为0.9188~0.9215;折光指数为1.4560~1.4669;碘值为108.4~116.2 g/100 g;皂化值为188.9~192.4 mg/g;共检出14种脂肪酸成分,其中以亚油酸和油酸为主,亚油酸含量在44.7%~55.5%,油酸含量在23.8%~33.1%,10个南瓜籽油中不饱和脂肪酸含量均高于78.2%;南瓜籽油中角鲨烯含量较高(310~4446 mg/kg),与橄榄油相当,明显高于茶叶籽油、澳洲坚果油、核桃油、牛油果油等。综合考虑油脂色泽、角鲨烯含量和主成分分析结果,猜测角鲨烯含量差异较大的原因可能和油脂的制取工艺有关,部分南瓜籽油在深加工过程中损失了角鲨烯。南瓜籽油具有较高的营养价值,该研究对进一步挖掘南瓜籽开发应用前景,提高其综合利用价值提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

利用C30柱及高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测-大气压化学电离串联质谱方法,对南瓜片中主要类胡萝卜素进行了定性、定量检测,研究了真空微波干燥条件对南瓜片中类胡萝卜素组成及含量的影响。结果表明:真空微波干燥南瓜片总类胡萝卜素含量显著高于热风干燥(P<0.05)。微波强度对南瓜片中类胡萝卜素的影响最大,其次是真空度和切片厚度。随着微波强度的增加,南瓜片总类胡萝卜素含量显著减少(P<0.05),增大真空度和切片厚度在一定程度上提高了干样总类胡萝卜素的含量。与此同时南瓜片中类胡萝卜素主要组分α-、β-胡萝卜素和叶黄素含量随微波强度增加而减少,随真空度和切片厚度增加而增加;而β-胡萝卜素各顺式异构体随真空度增加而减少,但随切片厚度增加含量变化不明显。由此可见,增大真空度和切片厚度有利于提高类胡萝卜素保留率,而高微波强度使类胡萝卜素含量下降。  相似文献   

南瓜的功能特性及其深加工   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
综合叙述了南瓜的营养价值和药用价值两方面功能特性,并且介绍了南瓜深加工的现状及其开发前景。  相似文献   

The study aimed to examine carrot, pumpkin and apple powders produced by hot-air-drying (50, 60, 70 °C) of samples with different levels of fragmentation (cut, grated, blended). The drying temperatures and sample structure were shown to be important determinants of the quality of the powders. The best colour stability of carrot, pumpkin and apple was found for the grated sample dried at 70 °C, the blended sample dried at 70 °C and the blended sample dried at 70 °C, respectively. The highest antiradical capacity and reducing power were found for powders obtained after drying the cut samples at 70 °C. Total phenolics and free radical quenchers were well bioaccessible in vitro. In turn, the reducing power was markedly reduced after drying at 50 °C. The analysed powders are a valuable source of concentrated bioactive ingredients, which predisposes them to serve as functional food components.  相似文献   

南瓜干热风干燥工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南瓜为原料,采用热风干燥方法,在不同的干燥温度(60℃、70℃、80℃)、不同的切片厚度(2mm、4mm、6mm)、不同的热烫时间(30s、45s、60s)条件下,记录南瓜片干燥所需的时间,并探究干燥温度、热烫时间和切片厚度对南瓜干感官质量(包括色泽和硬度)的影响。  相似文献   

为探究不同烘制预处理方式下对裸仁南瓜籽烘烤工艺的影响,对裸仁南瓜籽进行晒干(Sun Dried Unroasted,SDU)、湿盐烤(Wet Salted Roasted,WSR)、干盐烤(Dry Salted Roasted,DSR)、无盐烤(Unsalted Roasted,US)4种不同烘制预处理后,测定并分析烘烤南瓜籽的基本成分、色泽、质构、电子鼻和气味感官评价、脂肪酸、矿物质、总酚和生育酚、抗氧化活性的含量。结果表明:湿盐烤预处理条件下,基本营养成分保留效果最佳,总脂肪酸含量达99.46 mg/100 g,不饱和脂肪酸占比79.50%;五种矿物质总含量达到203.96 mg/100 g,总酚和生育酚含量分别为2.65、11.65 mg/g;?OH、DPPH?和ABTS+?清除率分别为55.36%、69.25%和85.12%,均显著高于其他处理组(p<0.05)。综上所述,湿盐浸是裸仁南瓜籽烘制过程的一个重要步骤,湿盐烤工艺为最适宜的南瓜籽烘烤预处理方式。因此,湿盐烤制的裸仁南瓜籽可制成感官品质优、风味好、抗氧化能力强的植物蛋白食品。  相似文献   

分别用烘箱在50℃,用滚筒烘炒机在140℃条件下处理使裸仁南瓜籽,使水分降至5%,分析南瓜籽厚度、密度、硬度、微观结构、营养成分和出油率的变化。结果表明:烘干南瓜籽厚度小于烘炒南瓜籽,密度和硬度则大于烘炒南瓜籽。烘干南瓜籽相比烘炒南瓜籽细胞结构破坏程度高,孔隙较多。烘干南瓜籽出油率为47.75%,显著高于烘炒南瓜籽(41.67%)(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Pumpkins belong to the family of Cucurbitaceae. They are classified to Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita mixta, according to the texture and shape of their stems. The nutritional value of pumpkin fruits is high, varies from one species or cultivar to another. Pumpkins are reach in vitamins C, B1, B6, K, and in mineral substances. There are no data found about vacuum microwave dried pumpkin application in wheat bread production. The main purpose of the research was to evaluate quality parameters of microwave vacuum dried pumpkins and to verify its application in wheat bread production. Following quality parameters of pumpkins and bread made with pumpkin additive were evaluated: moisture content (oven – drying method), vitamin C content (iodometric), carotenoid content (spectrophotometric), reducing sugars (LVS 252:2000), colour changes (ColorTec- PCM), total fat content (ISO 6492:1999), degree of bread liking (ISO 4121:2003), bread baking loss and dry off. Quality parameters of non dried pumpkins were: content of reducing sugars − 2.40 g⋅100 g-1, vitamin C – 0.26 g⋅100 g-1, carotenoids – 0.50 mg % (in dry matter). The technological parameters for pumpkins drying in vacuum microwave drier were used: pressure (70–50 mmHg), speed of tumbler – 6 rpm, one working cycle and three stages. During the pumpkins drying process a decrease in the following parameters was observed: moisture content – 10.5 times, vitamin C content – 2.0 times; increase of yellowness (b*) value – 1.5 times. The optimal dried pumpkin additive to the wheat dough was 10% of the total flour amount. The wheat bread sample with dried pumpkins additive is richer in carotenoids and reducing sugars comparing to control wheat bread sample. The results of sensory analyses using hedonic rating demonstrated that a higher degree of liking was attributed to the bread sample with dried pumpkins additive (7.3) comparing to control wheat bread sample (6.7).  相似文献   

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