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烟草需硼临界值及田间叶面施硼肥效研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在温室0~800mg/lBO33-浓度范围内,研究硼临界值及其对烤烟生长发育和内在品质的影响。结果表明,水培中BO33-浓度低于0.5mg/l时,烟株表现缺硼,上桶后24天出现症状;当BO33-浓度高于200mg/l时,烟株出现中毒现象,上桶后15天出现症状,硼不足或过量都会严重影响株高、叶长、叶间距、叶宽,烟叶的硼含量在一定范围内与烟碱含量呈正相关。田间烟叶叶面喷施硼肥后,在产量及品质方面都有一定的提高。  相似文献   

以两株青岛啤酒酵母c-02和c-03为出发菌株,经紫外线诱变后挑出甲磺隆抗性菌株,经过实验室菌种分离、筛选、发酵及双乙酰驯养等步骤选育出一株②#菌,12°P麦汁经1000L小罐11℃低温发酵,双乙酰峰值为0.35mg/L,主酵结束双乙酰为0.13mg/L,成品啤酒双乙酰为0.06mg/L,成品啤酒真正发酵度65.6%,凝聚性指标F值为48.4%,啤酒风味基本不变。  相似文献   

三明烟区土壤养分丰缺状况及施肥对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对三明烟区247个土壤样品化验分析得出,该区植烟土壤平均pH5.22,有机质31.1g/kg,全氮1.5g/kg,碱解氮151.95mg/kg,速效磷22.46mg/kg,速效钾40.55mg/kg,交换性钙372.7mg/kg,交换性镁38.68mg/kg,有效铜3.79mg/kg,有效锌3.41mg/kg,水溶态硼0.07mg/kg。根据分析结果,该烟区应采取施用石灰调节土壤酸度,适N,P  相似文献   

在水培条件下,进行镁对烟草(Nicotiana tobacum)品质因素、生长发育、生理代谢、养分吸收影响的研究,结果表明:水培液中镁含量低于36ppm(烟叶含 Mg 量为0.37%)时烟株开始表现缺镁。  相似文献   

通过试验发现,在褐土上增施微肥使全株钙和镁积累量增加,其中烟茎和烟叶的钙、镁积累量增加,而根系的钙、镁积累量降低。施用腐熟饼肥使烟株根、茎和叶的钙、镁积累量增加。提高氮肥中硝态氮比例(1:1)可在一定程度上促进烟株对钙镁的积累。与不施肥相比,施肥对根系的Ca/Mg变化动态影响最大。施用饼肥对烟叶的Ca/Mg变化动态影响最大。饼肥可提高初烤烟叶的香气量和香气质,改善余味,减轻杂气;微量元素肥料可提高初烤烟叶的香气量。  相似文献   

以60Co的r射线为诱变剂,核黄素合成途径的中间产物的结构类似物为“筛子”,筛选了阿舒假囊酵母(Eremotheciumashbyi)的四种抗性突变株:杀结核菌素抗性突变株(Tubr)、2-脱氧葡萄糖抗性突变株(2-DGr)、8-氮杂鸟嘌呤(8-AGr)和抗残液突变株。杀结核菌素抗性突变株T30的摇瓶核黄素产量由出发菌的2.5~2.8mg/L提高并稳定在3.5mg/L以上,经初步优化(培养基配方)后,稳定在5.4g/L以上。  相似文献   

以谷氨酸棒杆菌诱变株ZL9601为赖氨酸生产菌,通过摇瓶发酵培养,分析了人工培养基中3种必需生长因子(生物素,蛋氨酸,苏氨酸)对该菌产赖氨酸的影响并,并通过正交试验设计确定了3种生长因子的最佳配比,结果表明,3种生长因子可明显增高赖氨酸的产量,在人工培养基中,3种生长因子的最佳配比为,生物素400μg/L,蛋氨酸250mg/L,苏氨酸300mg/L。  相似文献   

纸厂三废综合治理利用技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍煤渣、含SO2烟气、造纸中段碱性废水综合治理利用技术。达到的指标是:湿式脱硫设备的脱硫率98.0%,烟气总除尘率99.0%,煤渣回收率98.5%。沉淀池排水指标CODcr<100mg/L,BOD5<50mg/L。处理1m3混合废水的费用为0.02元,开辟了一条治理造纸中段碱性废水的新路子。  相似文献   

镁对烤烟生长发育和生理特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用水培方法,研究了镁水平对烤烟生长发育和生理特性的影响.结果显示:镁浓度小于4 mmol/L时,对烤烟株高、最大叶面积和茎粗有明显促进作用,当镁浓度超过8 mmol/L时,烟株生长发育受剑抑制;缺镁和高镁均能使烟草叶片叶绿素含量显著降低.适量的镁(<4 mmol/L)能增强烟株根系活力和CAT活性,各处理团棵期的根系活力和CAT活性最高.SOD活性和MDA含量均随镁浓度的增加先降低后升高,各处理SOD活性随生育期的推迟而降低,而MDA含量刚好相反.随镁水平的提高,各时期的POD活性均下降,且各处理的活性均以团棵期为最高;镁浓度为8 mmol/L时,旺长期的NR和ATPase活性最高.  相似文献   

CPPU与GA4+7及2HGA5采用6种不同浓度,在花后14d处理维纳斯、希姆劳特和维娜莎三个早熟无核葡萄品种。各处理都显著地增大每个品种的果实。其中25mg/L GA4+7+20mg/L CPPU、12.5mg/L 2HGA5+0mg/LCPPU,25mg/L 2HGA5+20mg/L CPPU,分别处理维纳斯、希姆劳特和维娜莎增大果实效果最明显,分别为对照的165.8%、164.2%和145.  相似文献   

Concentrations of eight essential minerals were determined in 78 samples of goats'milk from the Canary Islands. The following mean values (ranges) were found: Se (μ/L), 19.98 (9.2‐31.2); Fe (mg/L), 0.52 (0.19‐1.17); Cu (mg/L), 0.17 (0.08‐0.31); Zn (mg/L), 3.31 (1.6‐4.6); Na (mg/L), 514 (289‐906); K (mg/L), 1585 (1212‐2160); Ca (mg/L), 1533 (1118‐1962); and Mg (mg/L), 157 (101‐210). Comparing with data for human milk and cows' milk from the Canary Islands, the mean concentrations of Se, K and Mg arranged in according the following sequence: goats' milk > cows' milk > human milk. Cows' milk had the highest (P<0.05) mean concentration for Ca and Zn, while humans had the highest (P < 0.05) mean concentration for Cu. The milk of goats milked once per day had significantly higher concentrations of Se and lower Mg and Zn than the milk of goats milked twice per day. While the concentrations of Na and Mg increased significantly from March to August, the concentrations of Se, Fe and Cu in goats' milk decreased significantly from March to June.  相似文献   

Trees belonging to the genus Populus are often used for phytoremediation due to their deep root formation, fast growth and high transpiration rates. Here, we study the capacity of transgenic hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x tremuloides var. Etropole) which expresses the bacterial nitroreductase gene, pnrA, to tolerate and take-up greater amounts of the toxic and recalcitrant explosive, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) from contaminated waters and soil. Transgenic aspen tolerate up to 57 mg TNT/L in hydroponic media and more than 1000 mg TNT/ kg soil, whereas the parental aspen could not endure in hydroponic culture with more than 11 mg TNT/L or soil with more than 500 mg TNT/kg. Likewise, the phytotoxicological limit for transgenic plants to a constant concentration of TNT was 20 mg TNT/L while wild-type plants only tolerated 10 mg TNT/L. Transgenic plants also showed improved uptake of TNT over wild-type plants when the original TNT concentration was above 35 mg TNT/L in liquid media or 750 mg TNT/kg in soil. Assays with 13C-labeled TNT show rapid adsorption of TNT to the root surface followed by a slower entrance rate into the plant. Most of the 13C-carbon from the labeled TNT taken up bythe plant (> 95%) remains in the root with little translocation to the stem. Altogether, transgenic aspen expressing pnrA are highly interesting for phytoremediation applications on contaminated soil and underground aquifers.  相似文献   

A direct sampling method by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry was evaluated for determining trace elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Se and Zn) in Chinese rice wine. The parameters of ICP (plasma power, nebulizer pressure and sampling speed) were optimized considering the complicated matrix. Both the nebulizer pressure and the sampling speed were kept low, and plasma power was set at a high value of 1.35 kW. The good accuracy was confirmed by the recovery test (>95 %). The relative standard deviation was less than 5 %. Comparing with the dry ashing and wet ashing method, direct sampling showed to be fast, reliable and simple. The data of trace metals in Chinese rice wine were obtained: Co (0.088–0.106 mg/L), Cr (0.097–0.164 mg/L), Cu (0.085–0.126 mg/L), Fe (0.181–0.308 mg/L), Mg (0.179–0.311 mg/L), Mn (0.102–0.184 mg/L), Se (0.219–0.349) mg/L), and Zn (0.090–0.139 mg/L).  相似文献   

隐甲藻发酵产DHA最佳无机盐浓度的确定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨了在摇瓶条件下 ,NaCl、Mg2 、PO4 3 对隐甲藻生长、油脂和DHA积累的影响 ,确定了它们的最适浓度。NaCl的最适浓度为 0 9g/L ,KH2 PO4 的最适浓度为 0 8g/L ,Mg2 的最适浓度为12mmol/L ,此时 ,单位体积DHA产率较高  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜和透射电镜分别观察不同质量浓度水平的Cd2+对泡菜乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis)细胞的影响,扫描电镜结果显示:Cd2+质量浓度在0、10 mg/L时,泡菜乳酸乳球菌呈椭圆形、表面光滑、菌体生长繁殖旺盛,随着Cd2+质量浓度的增加菌体细胞表面产生白色颗粒状物质、菌体细胞存活数量大幅下降(OD600 nm值由1.336下降到0.515)。当添加200 mg/L Cd2+时,几乎没有见到明显的菌体、显示有少量棱形晶状物。透射电镜结果显示:当Cd2+质量浓度为0~50 mg/L时泡菜乳酸乳球菌结构完整、细胞内容物分布均、菌体生长较为正常,当菌体暴露于100、200 mg/L Cd2+时菌体细胞出现异常现象,如细胞破裂、内容物从薄膜穿孔中释放、质壁分离等。两类电镜结果均表明:在低质量浓度Cd2+(≤50 mg/L)胁迫下,对泡菜乳酸乳球菌的生长几乎不产生影响,添加Cd2+质量浓度上升到100、200 mg/L时泡菜乳酸乳球菌正常生长受到抑制。  相似文献   

对侧孢短芽孢杆菌fmb70-24产短杆菌素的发酵培养基进行优化。在单因素实验的基础上利用Plackett-Burman设计对影响短杆菌素含量的6个主要因素进行评价,筛选出具有显著效应的因素为镁离子、牛肉浸膏和蔗糖,并利用爬坡试验确定响应面试验的最佳区域,设计三因素三水平的Box-Behnken试验得到侧孢短芽孢杆菌产短杆菌素的最适培养基配方为:蔗糖28.65 g/L、牛肉浸膏17.04 g/L、镁离子13.01 g/L、胰蛋白胨10 g/L、酵母提取物5 g/L、氯化钠10 g/L,以该培养基进行发酵验证,短杆菌素含量为457.87±5.12 μg/mL,与理论最大值462.94 μg/mL较为接近,较初始发酵培养基提高了34.6%。  相似文献   

从转几丁质酶基因烟草株系(NPTⅡ基因是选择标记基因)对卡那霉素的抗性,及外源几丁质酶基因表达蛋白的活性(Western Blot检测)两个方面对转基因株系的遗传稳定性进行了分析研究.在卡那霉素抗性检测试验中,检测了13个T2转基因株系,其中9个株系被检测种子100%对卡那霉素(100mg/L)具有抗性;T3和T4转基因株系各检测了10个,100%被检测种子在含卡那霉素100mg/L的MS培养基上长成了烟苗.Western Blot检测了11个T2株系,检测结果表明,6个株系被检测植株100%含有外源几丁质酶蛋白,2个株系被检测植株80%含有外源几丁质酶蛋白,2个株系被检测植株50%含有外源几丁质酶蛋白,1个株系被检测植株19.05%含有外源几丁质酶蛋白.在温室内将转基因烟草与未转基因烟草密植在一起,种植2代,烟株开花期模仿自然风力对烟株吹风,进行了转基因烟草是否可以通过花粉进行基因漂移的研究.研究结果表明,在自然风媒条件下未发现转基因烟草可进行基因漂移.  相似文献   

Nine species (Amaranthus viridis L. , Atriplexnummularia L. , Chenopodium album L. , Plantago major L. , Portulaca oleracea L. , Solanum nigrum L. , Sonchus oleraceus L. , Stellaria media L. and Taraxacum officinale W.) of edible wild plants grown in Australia were examined for their fatty acid composition by gas chromatography. The total fatty acid contents in the young leaves of these species ranged from 8.75 to 29.12 mg/g of dry matter, and were predominantly comprised of the alpha-linolenic acid (4.78 to 19.88 mg/g). These plants did not contain any of the longer-chain omega-3 fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid or docosapentaenoic acid.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca) in chickpea seed are important constituents in vegetarian diets. The aim was to investigate associations of these nutrients in different chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars with phytic acid (PA), another naturally occurring constituent of grain that may influence the bioavailability of mineral micronutrients. Chickpea was grown at Saskatoon and Swift Current, SK, in 2002 and 2003, representing dryland production from high-yielding locations in western Canada. Minerals were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy; PA was measured using high-performance anion-exchange conductivity detection methodology. Seed from 10 genotypes contained from 29 to 52 mg/kg Zn, 77–112 mg/kg Fe, 1,448–2,457 mg/kg Mg, 1,211–2,457 mg/kg Ca, to 3.8–9.0 mg/g PA. Phytic acid, Fe, Mg, and Ca decreased in 2003 from 2002 concentrations. Kabulis had greater Zn, the same Fe, but lower Mg and Ca concentrations than desi genotypes. Large-seeded genotypes had greater or the same Zn, the same Fe and Mg, but lower Ca than small-seeded genotypes. Iron and Ca concentrations positively correlated with PA concentration. Nutrients were affected by environment and genotype, which means that chickpea can be exploited by breeding, in addition to sourcing favorable nutritional profiles by environment, seed size, and market class.  相似文献   

张世涛 《饮料工业》2014,17(10):28-29
研究利用ICP-OES法快速测定茶饮料中铁、锌、锶、铜、锰、镍等多种微量元素,选取了最佳仪器分析条件,检出限分别为0.002mg/L、0.005mg/L、0.0001mg/L、0.002mg/L、0.0005mg/L、0.008mg/L,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.38%~0.79%,回收率在93.8%~104.3%之间。该方法样品前处理简便、快捷,测定结果准确。  相似文献   

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