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植物基仿肉制品能够满足消费者基本的感官和营养需求,缓解肉类消费增加带来的环保压力,满足消费者对健康、动物福利、性价比和素食的需求,受到市场的持续关注。植物基仿肉制品的感官属性是其重要的品质之一,其原料组成和加工工艺会对产品质地、外观、风味品质产生重要的影响作用。本研究从植物基仿肉产品的加工工艺、原料、配方等角度出发,对植物基仿肉制品原料蛋白、油脂和水分对纤维化蛋白和产品品质的作用进行阐述,并以市场上的典型产品Beyond Meat、Impossible Foods和金字火腿为例,分析了植物牛肉饼所用着色剂、粘结剂和风味物质的来源、分类和功能。最后对植物基仿肉制品存在的问题和发展方向进行总结,以期为植物基仿肉制品的进一步研究与产品品质提升提供支持。  相似文献   

植物多糖在低盐低脂肉制品中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食用高盐高脂肉制品不利于人体健康,低盐低脂已成为肉制品发展趋势。植物多糖是一种天然的高分子化合物,将其添加到肉制品中可以改变肉体系的凝胶、持水、乳化能力等特性,提高肉制品品质(质构、保水性等)、改善感官品质、促进健康等。本文系统总结和归纳植物多糖在肉制品中的应用研究现状,梳理植物多糖在肉类工业中的应用前景,以期为肉类工业中更好地应用植物多糖提供理论指导。  相似文献   

植物多糖作为天然的植物提取物,具有抗氧化、抑菌的能力以及降血糖、抗肿瘤等多种生物活性,因此成为医学和食品等领域的研究热点。将植物多糖应用于肉制品中可改善产品的质构、风味、色泽等,部分植物多糖可使加工后的肉制品具有功能特性。植物多糖还可替代部分脂肪,减少肉制品中的脂肪含量,起到促进健康的作用。文章对植物多糖的多种功能特性以及在肉制品中添加多糖对产品感官、理化性质等方面的影响进行综述,以期为后续的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

植物蛋白基肉制品的营养安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球人口不断增长、环境压力、动物福利及可持续性发展等问题的出现,传统养殖业及肉制品产业正面临着日益严峻的挑战。人口不断增长,消费者对蛋白质需求不断增加,植物蛋白基肉制品作为一种肉类替代品可以满足消费者需求并解决粮食紧缺问题。肉类替代品也因其资源天然性、绿色制造、可持续发展等方面的优势而受到广泛关注。食品安全问题是社会广为关注的话题,植物蛋白基肉制品生产过程的潜在食品安全问题也不容忽视。该文介绍了国内外植物蛋白基肉制品的代表性产品,阐述植物蛋白基肉制品的发展现状,着重分析可能影响植物蛋白基肉制品加工过程的安全因素,以期为我国生产商和消费者提供食品安全方面的理论参考,促进我国人造肉食品朝着健康安全的方向发展。  相似文献   

正葡聚糖是一类水溶性纤维素,广泛应用于健康产品、食物和药物产品的加工,应用目的包括增稠、乳化稳定或脂肪替代。将葡聚糖添加到肉制品中可以提高肉制品的烹制产率、增加肉制品的水分含量和脂肪保留率,同时能够降低氯化钠的使用量。西班牙、哥伦比亚和加拿大的科学家采用复合建模系统对葡聚糖、角叉菜胶和淀粉在牛肉糜中的应用效果进行研究。考察的主要参数为蒸煮损失、颜色和质构特性。在获得的所有模型  相似文献   

<正>土耳其干发酵香肠是由牛肉、羊肉或水牛肉加工制成的肉制品,在其加工过程中添加脂肪对产品的嫩度和多汁性等质构特性具有重要影响。研究表明,减少总脂肪、饱和脂肪酸和胆固醇的摄入量可以降低健康风险,这也使消费者对低脂和精瘦肉制品的需求增加。近年来,研究人员试图通过植物油胶囊化、凝胶化、有机凝胶、魔芋胶与油脂组合等途径,用不含胆固醇、高不饱和脂肪酸和低饱和脂肪酸含量的植物油脂替代动物脂肪,以  相似文献   

植物基肉制品研究进展与未来挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物基肉制品是以植物蛋白为原料,主要通过挤压等技术生产具有类似肉类质构、口感和风味的仿肉制品。植物基肉制品是近几年较为火热且具有广阔前景的"人造肉"产品。本文通过介绍植物蛋白特别是大豆蛋白和配方组成,阐述植物基肉制品在世界范围内的发展历程,分析食品挤压技术在植物基肉制品中的应用和高水分挤压过程中蛋白质纤维形成机理,探讨植物基肉制品面临的挑战及未来发展趋势,期望为我国植物基肉制品及相关领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

肉制品的低脂营养化改良   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
肉类制品含有较多饱和脂肪,对消费者的健康产生潜在影响.笔者概述了国内外降低肉类食品中脂肪含量的努力和遇到的主要问题,探讨了用新技术和食品添加剂降低肉类脂肪的效果,并预测了低脂肪肉制品的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

阐述了我国肉类产品市场概况及肉类产品加工技术动态,介绍了生物酶制剂对肉制品的改善特性及其在肉制品加工中的应用。  相似文献   

脂肪是重要的食品组分,但脂肪的过度摄入会对人体健康产生多种不利的影响,导致肥胖和各种慢性疾病的发生。近年来,随着消费者已经认识到长期高热量饮食的危害,低脂低热量的健康饮食已经成为保障居民身体健康的重要手段。简单的去除脂肪虽能降低食物热量,但会造成食品品质的下降。为解决这一矛盾,学者致力于研究开发脂肪模拟物来代替脂肪,降低食物热量,同时保持食物较好的口感。在众多的脂肪模拟物中,基于碳水化合物的脂肪模拟物因安全性高,成本低,相容性好等优势已经成为最重要的脂肪模拟物。本文总结了脂肪模拟物的发展、分类、特点和基本脂肪模拟机制,重点介绍了碳水化合物基脂肪模拟物模拟脂肪口感的作用机制、影响风味特性的机制和发挥低热量作用的机制,阐述了以淀粉、菊粉、麦芽糊精、纤维素等为基质制备的低热量脂肪模拟物在食品中应用情况,总结了脂肪模拟物的几种制备方法,最后提出了未来发展的建议。  相似文献   

Demand for plant-based meat alternatives has increased in recent years due to concerns about health, ethics, the environment, and animal welfare. Nevertheless, the market share of plant-based meat alternatives must increase significantly if they are to support sustainable food production and consumption. Flavor is an important limiting factor of the acceptability and marketability of plant-based meat alternatives. Undesirable chemosensory perceptions, such as a beany flavor, bitter taste, and astringency, are often associated with plant proteins and products that use them. This study reviewed 276 articles to answer the following five research questions: (1) What are the volatile and nonvolatile compounds responsible for off-flavors? (2) What are the mechanisms by which these flavor compounds are generated? (3) What is the influence of thermal extrusion cooking (the primary structuring technique to transform plant proteins into fibrous products that resemble meat in texture) on the flavor characteristics of plant proteins? (4) What techniques are used in measuring the flavor properties of plant-based proteins and products? (5) What strategies can be used to reduce off-flavors and improve the sensory appeal of plant-based meat alternatives? This article comprehensively discusses, for the first time, the flavor issues of plant-based meat alternatives and the technologies available to improve flavor and, ultimately, acceptability.  相似文献   

The 21st-century consumer is highly demanding when it comes to the health benefits of food and food products. In the pursuit of attracting these consumers and easing the rise in demand for high-quality meat products, the processed meat sector is intensely focused on developing reformulated, low-fat, healthy meat products. Meat and meat products are considered the primary sources of saturated fatty acids in the human diet. Therefore, these reformulation strategies aim to improve the fatty acid profile and reduce total fat and cholesterol, which can be achieved by replacing animal fat with plant-based oils; it could be performed as direct inclusion of these oils or pre-emulsified oils. However, emulsions offer a viable option for incorporating vegetable oils while avoiding the multiple issues of direct inclusion of these oils in meat products. Processed meat products are popular worldwide and showing a gradually increasing trend of consumption. Various types of plant-based oils have been studied as fat replacers in meat products. This review will focus on possible methods to reduce the saturated fatty acid content in meat products.  相似文献   

植物蛋白经挤压结构重组可形成具有类似动物肉品质特征的植物基肉制品,作为动物肉的有益补充,对实现蛋白质高值化利用和保障高效供给具有重要意义。但目前的植物基肉制品还存在产品弹性不足、结构松散、多汁性较差等突出问题,多以碎肉形式用于肉丸、肉饼、饺子等肉制品添加物,尚不能完全满足我国消费者的需求。酶法改性技术具有安全、高效、绿色等特点,可对蛋白质结构进行修饰改性,改善产品质构和风味等品质,已广泛应用于肉制品的研究和产品开发,在植物基肉制品中也展现出良好的应用前景。本文总结动植物蛋白之间化学结构与功能特性的差异,分析酶法改性对蛋白质结构修饰改性的机理并列举其在肉制品中的应用,综述酶法改性结合挤压技术工艺在植物基肉制品中应用的最新进展,以期为我国新型植物基肉制品的研发和品质提升提供参考。  相似文献   

为了减少动物性蛋白食品生产过程对环境的影响,新近开发出的一系列与肉类产品具有相似感官特征的植物基仿肉类食品成为了食品行业的研究热点。本文分析了植物基仿肉类食品快速发展的原因,聚焦于影响这类食品感官品质的关键性因素—纤维结构设计,总结了植物基仿肉类食品纤维结构设计的相关工艺研究进展,介绍了产品纤维结构评价方法。在此基础上,建议我国植物基仿肉类食品的开发要在结合国外优秀技术经验的同时保持中式特色,创新适用于中式烹饪的"仿鲜肉"产品;此外,还应进一步加大对植物基仿肉类食品加工技术中瓶颈问题的研究力度,完善相关标准,加强安全监管,构建具有中国特色的植物基仿肉类食品生产加工体系,促进我国植物基食品新品类的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

近几年人们对于肉制品的摄入量逐渐增加,而传统肉制品中较高的脂肪含量给人们带来了很多慢性疾病。由于脂肪替代物在肉制品中的应用可有效降低脂肪的摄入,且能预防高脂膳食所引起的一系列疾病,弥补脂肪的减少给肉制品所带来的口味上的损失,因此低脂肉制品的研究势在必行。本文基于国内外脂肪替代物的发展现状,从单一型脂肪替代物(蛋白质类、碳水化合物类、脂质类)和复合型脂肪替代物(由不同基质来源物按照一定比例结合在一起协同发挥脂肪替代作用的混合物)2个方面阐述了各自对于低脂肉制品的感官特性和质构特性影响的研究进展还有脂肪替代物应用中存在的问题,并对脂肪替代物发展方向做出了展望,以期为低脂肉制品的研发提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

植物肉的出现为动物肉类食品供应短缺和养殖业环境污染问题带来希望。食品加工技术的快速发展弥补了植物基肉制品外观和口感的不足, 但其营养价值和安全性也应引起重视。本文综述了以植物蛋白为主要原料所制肉类替代品的营养价值, 包括植物肉中碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、水分、维生素和矿物质的相对含量和营养性质。分析了植物肉在生产及食用过程中可能出现的物理、化学、生物因素在内的安全问题, 并探讨目前植物肉发展所存在的局限性与挑战, 以期为我国植物蛋白肉制品的研发与推广提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Plant-based yogurt alternatives are increasing in market value, while dairy yogurt sales are stagnating or even declining. The plant-based yogurt alternatives market is currently dominated by products based on coconut or soy. Coconut-based products especially are often low in protein and high in saturated fat, while soy products raise consumer concerns regarding genetically modified soybeans, and soy allergies are common. Pulses are ideally suited as a base for plant-based yogurt alternatives due to their high protein content and beneficial amino acid composition. This review provides an overview of pulse nutrients, pro-nutritional and anti-nutritional compounds, how their composition can be altered by fermentation, and the chemistry behind pulse protein coagulation by acid or salt denaturation. An extensive market review on plant-based yogurt alternatives provides an overview of the current worldwide market situation. It shows that pulses are ideal base ingredients for yogurt alternatives due to their high protein content, amino acid composition, and gelling behavior when fermented with lactic acid bacteria. Additionally, fermentation can be used to reduce anti-nutrients such as α-galactosides and vicine or trypsin inhibitors, further increasing the nutritional value of pulse-based yogurt alternatives.  相似文献   

Consumers are increasingly demanding foods that are more ethical, sustainable and nutritious to improve the health of themselves and the planet. The food industry is currently undergoing a revolution, as both small and large companies pivot toward the creation of a new generation of plant-based products to meet this consumer demand. In particular, there is an emphasis on the production of plant-based foods that mimic those that omnivores are familiar with, such as meat, fish, egg, milk, and their products. The main challenge in this area is to simulate the desirable appearance, texture, flavor, mouthfeel, and functionality of these products using ingredients that are isolated entirely from botanical sources, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. The molecular, chemical, and physical properties of plant-derived ingredients are usually very different from those of animal-derived ones. It is therefore critical to understand the fundamental properties of plant-derived ingredients and how they can be assembled into structures resembling those found in animal products. This review article provides an overview of the current status of the scientific understanding of plant-based foods and highlights areas where further research is required. In particular, it focuses on the chemical, physical, and functional properties of plant-derived ingredients; the processing operations that can be used to convert these ingredients into food products; and, the science behind the formulation of vegan meat, fish, eggs, and milk alternatives.  相似文献   

The consumption of meat contributes significantly to undesirable effects on the environment. In order to reduce the impact of animal husbandry, one approach is to decrease meat consumption by substituting plant-based meat alternatives. Because the consumption of such meat alternatives is currently rather low, the aim of this research was to identify the barriers that keep people from consuming meat alternatives and increase the probability of future consumption. This was accomplished by exploring free associations people have towards meat and meat alternatives, comparing selected meat products with their respective meat alternatives using the semantic differential, and studying the perceived appropriateness of eating meat alternatives in different consumption situations. To achieve these objectives, we carried out an online survey with participants from Germany (N = 1039). Our results suggest that while meat is being associated with positive terms, meat alternatives were viewed more negatively. The previous findings that meat alternatives should be similar to meat with regard to taste, texture, and ease of preparation were confirmed. Results from the direct comparison of meat with corresponding meat alternatives indicate that meat alternatives are similarly perceived to their processed meat counterparts. Regarding different consumption situations, our results show that eating meat alternatives is perceived to be more appropriate in situations where one eats alone or with family and friends. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that meat alternatives have the best chance of successfully replacing meat when they closely resemble highly processed meat products in taste and texture and are offered at competitive prices. The recommendation for producers of meat alternatives is thus to focus on replicating processed meat products instead of trying to imitate meat cuts such as steak or escalope.  相似文献   

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