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目的:了解我国城市人群乳制品摄入状况,并探讨人口统计、生活方式、乳制品知识等影响因素。方法:对中国8个城市人群进行抽样,采用膳食频率调查问卷调查各类乳制品摄入量,分析乳制品摄入状况及其影响因素。结果:中国8个城市人群的乳制品摄入量为111.39 g/d,摄入频率为71.3%;纯牛奶的摄入占比为60.39%,为乳制品的重要组成部分,酸奶摄入占比为28.24%、奶酪占比2%、奶粉占比4.28%。单因素分析显示,乳制品摄入量与性别、年龄、地区、教育水平、家庭食物消费、吸烟、收入状况、BMI以及乳制品知识得分有关,多因素分析表明乳制品摄入量与性别、年龄、地区、教育水平、家庭食物消费以及乳制品知识得分有关。结论:我国8个城市人群乳制品摄入总体较低,乳制品构成相比国外相差较大。乳制品摄入与性别、年龄、地区、教育水平、家庭食物消费、乳制品知识得分等多种因素相关。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平提升和消费需求不断升级,中国乳制品销售量逐年上升,但乳制品消费量仍处于未饱和状态,乳制品市场空间巨大,尤其是农村市场。四川是中国重要的消费大省,农村人口比例大、人均乳制品消费量低,乳制品市场潜力巨大。本文在调研成都市农村居民乳制品消费情况的基础上,采用相关分析、多元logistic回归分析等方法,系统探讨影响成都市农村居民乳制品消费行为的主要因素。研究结果表明,乳制品安全事件是影响成都市农村居民乳制品消费行为的主导因素,消费观念、乳制品营养价值、购买乳制品方便程度、乳制品品牌对成都市农村居民乳制品消费行为也具有显著影响。最后提出加强宣传教育,培育乳品消费观念;提高企业品牌声誉,不断强化品牌价值;建立全产业链可追溯体系,保证乳制品质量安全;加强乳制品产品线的延伸,满足不断变化的消费需求;完善乳制品营销渠道体系建设,提升消费者购买便利性等对策建议,以期为乳制品企业在四川农村市场的开展提供决策参考依据。  相似文献   

<正>中国乳制品消费量呈现增长趋势,乳制品已逐渐成为人们日常消费不可缺少的食品。与百姓生活息息相关的乳制品,目前主要存在哪些不足,消费者最担心的问题有哪些?今年3·15到来之际,有媒体通过网络和电话等方式进行了乳制品消费调查。调查结果显示,在消费者心中,乳制品市场存在的主要问题排行榜上,"质量良莠不齐"、"部分品牌信誉度不够"及"过度宣传"位列前三名。调查显示,目前消费者购买的  相似文献   

南京地区乳品消费市场调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过调查问卷与走访方式对"三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件"前后南京地区乳品消费品牌信任状况、乳品消费倾向情况和乳品消费量变化情况的调查,以期为我国轧品行业的发展提出科学的导向性的建议意见和发展思路.结果表明:"三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件"发生后,经过一年的恢复期,我国乳品行业已基本走出事件后所造成的行业低谷期.目前,无论是乳制品的消费量,还是消费者对乳品企业及行业的信任状况较之前都有着大幅的提升.  相似文献   

<正>快速消费品行业历来有着鲜明的特征,如消费人群广,消费周期短,创新性强等,而随着80后、90后等一代逐步成为乳制品的主流消费群体,乳制品的市场需求更加复杂,这让乳制品企业的市场营销难  相似文献   

通过走访和电子问卷等方式,调查了广西消费者对蚕丝被的认知及市场需求(购买力与购买行为)情况。结果显示:硕士或博士、大专及大学文化程度,月收入在3 001~5 000元,40~50岁的消费人群,医生、科技工作者、公务员等比较青睐蚕丝被,是蚕丝被消费的目标人群;广西消费者在购买蚕丝被的过程中比较注重质量及品牌,但对于广西蚕丝被的品牌,消费者认知度还不高。广西蚕丝被生产企业应该针对消费市场,准确定位目标群体,生产适销对路的蚕丝被,研发功能型蚕丝被,选择合适的营销方式,提高品牌认知度,以增加蚕丝被的市场占有量。  相似文献   

正乳制品作为日常饮食中补充蛋白质和钙的重要来源,对人类健康和营养均衡具有重要的意义。随着我国居民收入的增加和对乳制品消费观念的转变,乳制品的消费人群规模逐年增大,乳制品的消费量也呈明显上升趋势,已经成为城市居民的生活必需品。自2008年奶业危机之后,中国奶业产业不断转型升级和调整革新,乳制品质量安全得到更多保障,中国乳业的信誉在逐步提高,消费者信心也在逐步恢复。而且自从中国加入世界贸易组织,尤其是签订《中新自贸协定》以后,中国乳制品  相似文献   

上海的乳制品消费近年来增长迅猛.目前整个城市一天的牛奶消费量达到700t。年乳制品人均消费在30kg左右,成为我国乳制品人均消费量最大的城市。  相似文献   

正2008年9月,我国奶业经历了最严峻的考验,三鹿婴幼儿奶粉事件对我国奶业造成重大冲击,引发消费者信任危机,导致乳制品销售量大幅度下降,乳制品消费市场出现萎缩。为调查兰州市乳制品消费者对乳制品的选择标准与安全标准,成立兰州市乳制品调研小分队,在兰州市各大型超市,兰州交通大学、西北师范大学等重要高校,兰州市人口密集的地段进行访问调查,初步得出消费者年龄、消费类型、消费者建议等各方面的数据。  相似文献   

中国食醋市场产品品类众多,该文采用问卷调研的方法了解消费者购买行为,以期揭示其对醋产品的认知对消费偏好的影响。问卷调查采取随机抽样方式,接受调查的人群范围以华北地区为主并辐射全国。通过线上线下相结合的方式共发布调查问卷545份,问卷回收率97.80%,剔除无效问卷,有效率达97.56%。分析结果显示,老陈醋、陈醋和米醋是受访者选择的主流醋产品,果醋、醋饮料、保健醋等产品具有较大的市场潜力;受访者在购买醋时首先考虑口味、价格、品牌、曾经用过和食品安全等因素;选择购买瓶装、壶装和袋装醋的频率最高,产品规格一般在300 mL到1.25 L之间;偏好单价在0.5~5.0元/500 mL之间;受访者会优先选择超市、专卖店以及居所附近的商场或便利店等卖场。  相似文献   

Despite clear health risks associated with consuming unpasteurised milk, a considerable number of people are still consuming these products. We evaluated consumers' behaviour and perceptions about food safety risks related to raw milk and unpasteurised cheese product consumption, associating their awareness of foodborne diseases with the epidemiology of gastro-intestinal disorders. A cross-sectional study in Brazil was conducted using an online standard questionnaire. The consumption of raw milk and dairy products is widespread. Although 66% of consumers are misinformed about regulations, 90% of consumers are conscious about the risks of raw milk consumption. The level of awareness of milk-borne diseases is not equal across age and educational level. Although our results should be generalised with caution, we found that awareness of milk-borne diseases is a protective factor against abdominal pain, concluding that the ability to understand the risks of unpasteurised dairy product consumption was associated with health status of the population.  相似文献   

2010年石家庄市新华区居民膳食摄入情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解石家庄市新华区居民营养与健康状况.方法:以2010年《中国居民营养与健康状况监测》为依据,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,随机抽取石家庄市新华区6个居委会180户居民共438人进行膳食调查,计算每标准人日食物消费量.膳食调查采用24h膳食回顾法和调味品称重相结合的方法.结果:新华区平均每标准人日谷类、薯类、豆及豆制品、蔬菜、水果、畜肉、禽肉、奶及其制品、蛋及其制品、食用油、食用盐消费量分别为397.77、40.09、16.79、339.78、95.85、61.87、14.80、87.21、54.09、37.76、9.06g.米面制品、畜禽类摄入量符合2007年中国营养学会公布的《中国营养膳食指南》[1](以下简称《指南》)的推荐量;水果、鱼虾类、奶类消费量与推荐量相比仍显不足,油、盐摄入量远远超出,部分营养素、矿物质与推荐量存在较大差距.居民畜禽肉、鱼虾类、奶及奶制品摄入量与年人均收入呈正相关,相关系数分别为0.219 (P<0.01)、0.154 (P<0.01)、0.101 (P<0.05);谷类摄入量与年人均收入呈负相关,相关系数为-0.153 (P<0.01).畜禽肉、蔬菜摄入量与文化程度呈正相关,相关系数分别为0.126 (P <0.01)、0.106 (P<0.05).结论:新华区居民膳食状况有了较大改善,但与《指南》相比有待进一步优化.  相似文献   

目的通过对2013年昆明市市售乳制品中总砷含量进行分析,进而了解昆明市市售乳制品中总砷污染情况。方法按照GB/T 5009.11-2014《食品安全国家标准食品中总砷及无机砷含量测定》中所述的湿法消解-原子荧光光谱法进行检测分析,根据GB 2762-2012《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》对乳制品中总砷含量标准进行评价。结果 2013年共抽检样品120份,其中巴氏消毒乳20份,灭菌乳36份,发酵乳64份。共有8份样品检出总砷,检出率6.7%;1份样品含量超标,超标率0.8%。其中巴氏消毒乳、灭菌乳、发酵乳的检出率分别为:0%、2.8%、10.9%,超标率分别为0%、0%、1.6%。结论 2013年昆明市市售乳制品中总砷含量检出率较低,砷的污染程度不严重,处于安全水平。  相似文献   

Milk and dairy products are an important food in the human diet. The present investigation was carried out to determine concentrations of lead, cadmium, zinc, copper and iron in milk and dairy products and evaluate the potential health risks of metals to humans via consumption of milk and dairy products. A total of 77 samples of milk and dairy products (22 raw milk, 20 kareish cheese, 21 butter and 14 rice pudding) were collected from farms, individual farmers and dairy shops in Beni-Suef governorate, Egypt. Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu and Fe concentrations in milk and dairy products ranged from 0.044–0.751, 0.008–0.179, 0.888–18.316, 0.002–1.692 and 1.3208–45.6198 ppm respectively. Pb concentration in all samples exceeded the maximum permissible limit (0.02 mg/kg) established by codex standard. Pd and Cd intake through milk and dairy products consumption were 1.27 and 0.33 μg/kg bw/day, which represent 35.3 and 39.8 % of the tolerable daily intake. Dairy products are poor sources of iron, copper and zinc, and milk contributes little to the total iron and zinc intake. Target hazard quotient values of less than 1 indicate a relative absence of health risks associated with the consumption of milk and dairy products.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the export competitiveness of dairy products of the European Union (EU) countries (EU-27) on intra-EU, extra-EU, and global markets, using the revealed comparative advantage index over the 2000–2011 period. The results indicated that about half of the EU-27 countries have had competitive exports in a certain segment of dairy products. The results differed by level of milk processing and for intra-EU and extra-EU markets, and did so over the analyzed years. Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, and the Netherlands are old EU-15 countries with competitive dairy exports (from the lowest to the highest according to the level of milk processing). The majority of the new EU-12 countries have faced difficulties in maintaining their level of export competitiveness, at least for some dairy products and market segments. The more competitive EU-12 countries in dairy exports were the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and Poland. The duration of export competitiveness differed across the dairy groups of products according to the level of milk processing, indicating the importance of dairy chain product differentiation for export competitiveness and specialization. The export competitiveness of the higher level of processed milk products for final consumption can be significant for export dairy chain competitiveness on global markets.  相似文献   

高金城 《食品与机械》2015,31(4):240-242
在国际国内奶源价格下跌的背景下,中国乳企将面临国内奶源缺失、库存爆仓、产品结构不合理、市场竞争进一步加剧和价格战等一系列营销风险。为了确保中国乳业的健康发展,在提高中国乳企自身营销风险防范意识的同时,中国政府和有关方面也应该发挥积极的作用;要在重视国内奶源基地建设的同时,建立乳企和奶农的长效利益机制;在适当限制进口奶粉数量的同时,积极扩大国内市场的乳品消费;在大力加强乳品消费教育的同时合理调整乳品消费结构,通过积极推进乳业兼并重组和乳业转型升级。不断提高中国乳企自身的经营管理水平,从而有效化解奶源价格下跌背景下中国乳企面临的营销风险。  相似文献   

Fluid milk consumption has declined for decades while consumption of nondairy alternatives has increased. A better understanding of why consumers purchase fluid milk or nondairy alternatives is needed to assist increased sales of milk or maintain sales without further decline. The objective of this study was to determine the extrinsic attributes that drive purchase within each product category. The second objective was to determine the personal values behind the purchase of each beverage type to give further understanding why particular attributes are important. An online conjoint survey was launched with 702 dairy consumers, 172 nondairy consumers, and 125 consumers of both beverages. Individual means-end chain interviews were conducted with fluid milk consumers (n = 75), plant-based alternative consumers (n = 68), and consumers of both beverages (n = 78). Fat content was the most important attribute for dairy milk followed by package size and label claims. Consumers of fluid milk preferred 1 or 2% fat content, gallon, or half-gallon packaging, conventionally pasteurized store-brand milk. Sugar level was the most important attribute for plant-based beverages, followed by plant source and package size. Almond milk was the most desirable plant source, and half-gallon packaging was the most preferred packaging. Means-end chain interviews results suggested that maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle was important to all consumer groups. Lactose free was an important attribute for plant-based alternative consumers and consumers of both dairy and nondairy. A distinguishing characteristic of those who only drank nondairy plant-based alternatives was that plant-based beverages contributed to a goal to consume less animal products, beliefs about animal mistreatment, and perceived lesser effect on the environment than fluid milk. Unique to fluid milk consumers was that fluid milk was perceived as a staple food item. These results suggest that the dairy industry should focus on the nutrition value of milk and educating consumers about misconceptions regarding dairy milk. Future beverage innovation should include the development of lactose-free milk that is also appealing to consumers in flavor.  相似文献   

在我国居民乳品消费量远低于发达国家水平的背景下,通过研究消费者偏好来为乳品生产及促销提供方向具有深远意义.通过基于选择的联合分析法对青岛城镇居民乳品消费调查数据进行系统分析,结果表明,青岛消费者愿意支付更高的价格来购买加工技术为巴氏灭菌法、脂肪含量低及自然口味的液态奶;女性比男性更偏好于调味奶;年轻人相比于其他消费者对调味奶的偏好尤为显著;老年人是对液态奶的脂肪含量最敏感的群体.  相似文献   

概述乳制品加工中产生的生物活性肽   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乳蛋白是许多生物活性肽的重要来源,主要的乳蛋白源生物活性肽有阿片样肽、降血压肽、免疫刺激肽、抗血栓肽和酪蛋白磷酸肽.文章对这些活性肽进行了介绍,并对乳制品(发酵乳和干酪)中的活性肽进行了讨论.乳制品中含有活性肽证明通过外源酶或微生物的作用可以将活性肽从乳蛋白中释放出来,这些肽的存在将促进乳制品的加工和消费.  相似文献   

以问卷的形式对北京、天津、石家庄3地的555位消费者的液态奶消费行为进行了调查。通过描述性分析、传统的线性支出系统以及两阶段最小二乘法分析了影响居民液态奶需求的经济、非经济因素,并测算了液态奶需求的收入弹性、价格弹性以及交叉弹性。  相似文献   

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