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Test-day variances for permanent environmental effects within and across parities were estimated along with lactation stage, age, and pregnancy effects for use with a test-day model. Data were test-day records for calvings since 1990 for Jerseys and for Holsteins from California, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. Single-trait repeatability models were fitted for milk, fat, and protein test-day yields. Method R and a preconditioned conjugate gradient equation solver were used for variance component estimation because of large data sets. Test-day yields were adjusted for environmental effects of calving age, calving season, and milking frequency and for estimated breeding value (EBV) expressed on a daily basis. To assess the effect of adjustments, test-day yields also were analyzed without adjustment. For adjusted data, permanent environmental variances across parities relative to phenotypic variance ranged from 8.3 to 15.2% for milk, 4.4 to 8.3% for fat, and 6.9 to 11.0% for protein across regions and breeds; relative permanent environmental variances within parity ranged from 31.4 to 34.7% for milk, 18.2 to 22.3% for fat, and 28.3 to 29.1% for protein and were similar across regions and breeds. Adjustment for EBV reduced permanent environmental variance across parities and removed cow genetic variance. Relative permanent environmental variances within parity from unadjusted test-day yields were nearly identical to those from adjusted test-day yields. For unadjusted test-day yields, heritabilities ranged from 0.19 to 0.30 for milk, 0.13 to 0.15 for fat, and 0.17 to 0.23 for protein. Adjustments for lactation stage, age at milking, previous days open, and days pregnant were estimated from adjusted test-day yields using the same single-trait repeatability models and variance ratios estimated for permanent environment within and across parities. Those adjustments can be applied additively to test-day yields before evaluation analysis. Variance components and solutions for the various effects can be used to calculate test-day deviations in an analysis within herd that contributes to an analysis across herds.  相似文献   

Seven test-day models with different ways of accounting for the effect of pregnancy on production traits were compared by their residual variance, rank correlations of estimated breeding values of bulls and cows and number of nonpregnant cows in the top 500 for milk yield and milk persistency. Data were 22,546,696 first-parity test-day milk, fat, and protein yields and somatic cell score records of 2,677,862 Canadian Holstein heifers calved between 1988 and 2006. The first model fitted separate lactation curves to 8 days open classes and 1 curve to a nonpregnant cow class. Two other models adjusted for pregnancy by fitting the effect of month of pregnancy or stage of pregnancy. One model fitted regression on days pregnant. The remaining 3 models fitted interactions between stage of pregnancy and stage of lactation when conception occurred using either regression on days pregnant nested within days open or classes for specific stage of pregnancy and stage of lactation combination. All models were contrasted to a model without any adjustment for the effect of pregnancy. Both models that accounted for the effect of pregnancy and the model without the effect of pregnancy had similar residual variance. Adjusting for the effect of pregnancy did not cause reranking of sires for estimated breeding values for 305-d yield and persistency but influenced ranking of cows. Models that used days open for the effect of pregnancy overestimated breeding values of nonpregnant cows and cows with shorter days open. No interaction was found between stage of pregnancy and stage of lactation. Month of pregnancy and stage of pregnancy models, compared with the model without the effect of pregnancy, decreased overestimation of breeding values of nonpregnant cows and did not overestimate breeding values of cows with short days open like models fitting days open. Month of pregnancy and stage of pregnancy models are recommended for estimation of adjustment factors for the effect of pregnancy on production traits.  相似文献   

Pregnancy has a negative impact on milk production in dairy cattle. Estimates of the effects of pregnancy are required in genetic evaluation models. Test-day records of Ayrshire, Jersey, Brown Swiss, and Guernsey breeds were analyzed phenotypically for the effect of pregnancy using 4 different models. Milk, fat, and protein yields were analyzed separately. The first model used a fourth-order Legendre polynomial regression on days in milk within classes of 10 d open. The second model fitted stage of pregnancy within days open classes to investigate the possible interaction between lactation stage and gestation stage. The third model included a fourth-order Legendre polynomial regression on days pregnant. In the fourth model, test-day records were divided into stage of pregnancy classes. Given that the effect of pregnancy was significant for all models, and that the adjusted R-squared values were consistent across the models, implying that the models for each trait fitted equally well within breeds, models were therefore compared based on the practicality of the results. Analysis of the first model indicated that milk production for cows with ≤180 d open tended to have low yields in the last part of lactation. Cows with longer days open, however, had proportionally higher milk yield throughout lactation, suggesting a possible confounding effect of production level with days open effects. Results from the analysis involving the second model illustrated that there was no apparent interaction between lactation stage and gestation stage. Results from the third and fourth models showed that milk and fat yields began to decline after about 4 mo of pregnancy for all breeds, and protein yield began to decline after about 2 mo of pregnancy for all breeds. A lack of records during the final 60 d of pregnancy (the typical dry period) severely limited the third model, as pregnancy effects could not be estimated accurately. This problem was lessened, however, with the fourth (stage of pregnancy) model, because test-day records for cows ≥210 d pregnant were grouped together, allowing for a moderate number of test-day records in the final class of days pregnant. Because the stage of pregnancy model showed a decline in production that increased as gestation progressed, and because there was not a lack of test-day records at the end of pregnancy, the fourth model provided the most realistic estimate of the effect of pregnancy on milk production. Further investigation is needed into the incorporation of stage of pregnancy effects into genetic evaluations.  相似文献   

The objective was to utilize data from modern US dairy cattle to determine the effect of days dry on fat and protein yield, fat and protein percentages, days open, and somatic cell score in the subsequent lactation. Field data collected through the dairy herd improvement association from January 1997 to December 2003 and extracted from the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory national database were used for analysis. Actual lactation records calculated from test-day yields using the test-interval method were used in this study. The model for analyses included herd-year of calving, year-state-month of calving, previous lactation record, age at calving, and days dry as a categorical variable. Fat and protein yield was maximized in the subsequent lactation with a 60-d dry period. Dry periods of 20 d or less resulted in substantial losses in fat and protein yield in the subsequent lactation. In contrast to yields, a short dry period was beneficial for fat and protein percentages. Short dry periods also resulted in fewer days open in the subsequent lactation; however, this was entirely due to the lower milk yield associated with shortened dry period. When adjusted for milk yield, short dry periods actually resulted in poorer fertility in the subsequent lactation. Long days dry improved somatic cell score in the subsequent lactation. Herds with mastitis problems should be cautious in shortening days dry because short dry periods led to higher cell scores in the subsequent lactation compared with 60-d dry.  相似文献   

Preadjustment of phenotypic records is an alternative to accounting for the effect of pregnancy within the genetic evaluation model. Variance components used in the Canadian Test-Day Model may need to be re-estimated after preadjusting for pregnancy. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of preadjusting test-day yields on variance components and estimated breeding values using a random regression test-day model in a random sample of Ayrshire cows. A random sample of 981 Canadian Ayrshire cows from 18 complete herds (average of 54.5 cows/herd) was analyzed. Two data sets were created using the same animals, one with unadjusted milk, fat, and protein yields, and one data set with test-day records adjusted for pregnancy effects. Pregnancy effect estimates from a previous study were used for additive preadjustment of records. Variance components were estimated using both data sets. Results were very similar between the 2 data sets for all estimated genetic parameters (heritabilities, genetic, and permanent environmental correlations). The relative squared differences were very small: 0.05% for heritabilities, 0.20% for genetic correlations, and 0.18% for permanent environmental correlations. Furthermore, paired Student's t-tests showed that the differences between the genetic parameters of data sets adjusted and unadjusted for pregnancy effect were not significantly different from 0. Results from this study show that preadjusting data for pregnancy did not yield changes in covariance component estimates, thus suggesting that preadjusting test-day records could be a feasible solution to account for pregnancy in the Canadian Test-Day Model without changing the current model. Estimated breeding values (EBV) were calculated for both data sets to observe the impact of preadjusting for pregnancy. Overall, the largest changes in EBV seen when preadjusting for pregnancy (compared with unadjusted records) occurred for nonpregnant elite cows, whose EBV declined. Preadjusting for pregnancy before genetic evaluations improves the estimation of breeding values by adding the negative impact of pregnancy back onto pregnant cow test-day records, causing an increase in their production EBV.  相似文献   

First-lactation test-day milk, fat, and protein yields from New York, Wisconsin, and California herds from 1990 through 2000 were adjusted additively for age and lactation stage. A random regression model with third-order Legendre polynomials for permanent environmental and genetic effects was used. The model included a random effect with the same polynomial regressions for 2 yr of calvings within herd (herd-time effect) to provide herd-specific lactation curves that can change every 2 yr. (Co)variance components were estimated using expectation-maximization REML simultaneously with phenotypic variances that were modeled using a structural variance model. Maximum heritability for test-day milk yield was estimated to be approximately 20% around 200 to 250 d in milk; heritabilities were slightly lower for test-day fat and protein yields. Herd-time effects explained 12 to 20% of phenotypic variance and had the greatest impact at start of lactation. Variances of test-day yields increased with time, subclass size, and milking frequency. Test month had limited influence on variance. Variance increased for cows in herds with low and high milk yields and for early and late lactation stages. Repeatabilities of variances observed for a given class of herd, test-day, and milking frequency were 14 to 17% across nested variance subclasses based on lactation stage.  相似文献   

Length of open period affected annualized yield [(total lactation yield/calving interval) 365]. Yield was maximum with more days open for low, as opposed to high, peak production and for primiparous, as opposed to multiparous, cows. Interactions with days open were not found for mean herd production or cow production relative to the herd mean. Number of days open for maximum yield was similar for milk, fat, and economically fat-corrected milk [.67 kg milk + 10 kg fat]. Correction factors were derived by smoothed least square means of days open classes. Additive adjustment factors were more appropriate than multiplicative adjustment factors. Records adjusted for days open were not able to predict the following lactation yield significantly better than unadjusted records. Cumulative yield of current and following annualized lactations, including the contribution of the calf expressed in units of milk production, was greatest at 117 and 98 days open for primiparous and multiparous cows. For cows with high peak production maximum yield was with 12 to 14 fewer days open than for cows with moderate peak. Conception prior to 2 mo postpartum had an adverse effect on cumulative yield.  相似文献   

A method of accounting for differences in covariance components of test-day milk records was developed based on transformation of regressions for random effects. Preliminary analysis indicated that genetic and nongenetic covariance structures differed by herd milk yield. Differences were found for phenotypic covariances and also for genetic, permanent environmental, and herd-time covariances. Heritabilities for test-day milk yield tended to be lower at the end and especially at the start of lactation; they also were higher (maximum of ∼25%) for high-yield herds and lower (maximum of 15%) for low-yield herds. Permanent environmental variances were on average 10% lower in high-yield herds. Relative herd-time variances were ∼10% at start of lactation and then began to decrease regardless of herd yield; high-yield herds increased in midlactation followed by another decrease, and medium-yield herds increased at the end of lactation. Regressors for random regression effects were transformed to adjust for heterogeneity of test-day yield covariances. Some animal reranking occurred because of this transformation of genetic and permanent environmental effects. When genetic correlations between environments were allowed to differ from 1, some additional animal re-ranking occurred. Correlations of variances of genetic and permanent-environmental regression solutions within herd, test-day, and milking frequency class with class mean milk yields were reduced with adjustment for heterogeneous covariance. The method suggests a number of innovative solutions to issues related to heterogeneous covariance structures, such as adjusted estimates in multibreed evaluation.  相似文献   

Variance ratios were estimated for random within-herd effects of age at test day and lactation stage, on test-day yield and somatic cell score to determine whether including these effects would improve the accuracy of estimation. Test-day data starting with 1990 calvings for the entire US Jersey population and Holsteins from California, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Texas were analyzed. Test-day yields were adjusted for across-herd effects using solutions from a regional analysis. Estimates of the relative variance (fraction of total variance) due to within-herd age effects were small, indicating that regional adjustments for age were adequate. The relative variances for within-herd lactation stage were large enough to indicate that accuracy of genetic evaluations could be improved by including herd stage effects in the model for milk, fat, and protein, but not for somatic cell score. Because the within-herd lactation stage effect is assumed to be random, the effect is regressed toward the regional effects for small herds, but in large herds, lactation curves become herd specific. Model comparisons demonstrated the greater explanatory power of the model with a within-herd-stage effect as prediction error standard deviations were greater for the model without this effect. The benefit of the within-herd-stage effects was confirmed in a random regression model by comparing variance components from models with and without random within-herd regressions and through log-likelihood ratio tests.  相似文献   

Experience with a test-day model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Canadian Test-Day Model is a 12-trait random regression animal model in which traits are milk, fat, and protein test-day yields, and somatic cell scores on test days within each of first three lactations. Test-day records from later lactations are not used. Random regressions (genetic and permanent environmental) were based on Wilmink's three parameter function that includes an intercept, regression on days in milk, and regression on an exponential function to the power -0.05 times days in milk. The model was applied to over 22 million test-day records of over 1.4 million cows in seven dairy breeds for cows first calving since 1988. A theoretical comparison of test-day model to 305-d complete lactation animal model is given. Each animal in an analysis receives 36 additive genetic solutions (12 traits by three regression coefficients), and these are combined to give one estimated breeding value (EBV) for each of milk, fat, and protein yields, average daily somatic cell score and milk yield persistency (for bulls only). Correlation of yield EBV with previous 305-d lactation model EBV for bulls was 0.97 and for cows was 0.93 (Holsteins). A question is whether EBV for yield traits for each lactation should be combined into one overall EBV, and if so, what method to combine them. Implementation required development of new methods for approximation of reliabilities of EBV, inclusion of cows without test day records in analysis, but which were still alive and had progeny with test-day records, adjustments for heterogeneous herd-test date variances, and international comparisons. Efforts to inform the dairy industry about changes in EBV due to the model and recovering information needed to explain changes in specific animals' EBV are significant challenges. The Canadian dairy industry will require a year or more to become comfortable with the test-day model and to realize the impact it could have on selection decisions.  相似文献   

Influences of days open present lactation, days open previous lactation, and days dry previous lactation were fit simultaneously to determine their effects on measures of yield, which were fat-corrected milk, milk, and milk fat, all adjusted to a 305-d mature equivalent basis. Best linear unbiased estimates were obtained. Multiparity analyses were conducted using a model in which later parity records could be compared with more unselected first parity records. Additional parity information made little difference in the influence of previous days dry and previous and present days open on yield. As present days open increased from 20 to 300 d, lactation yields for FCM, milk, and milk fat increased approximately 1250, 1350, and 45 kg. As previous days open increased from 20 to 300 d, lactation yields for FCM, milk, and milk fat increased approximately 625, 650, and 25 kg. Cows dry 60 to 69 d gave the most milk the following lactation. Cows dry less than 40 d produced much less milk the next lactation. Heritability estimates for previous days dry were less than 7%. Multiplicative adjustment factors were developed to adjust lactation yield records for the largely environmental effects of days open and days dry.  相似文献   

With random regression models, genetic parameters of test-day milk production records of dairy cattle can be estimated directly from the data. However, several researchers that used this method have reported unrealistically high variances at the borders of the lactation trajectory and low genetic correlations between beginning and end of lactation. Recently, it has been proposed to include herd-specific regression curves in the random regression model. The objective was to study the effect of including random herd curves on estimated genetic parameters. Genetic parameters were estimated with 2 models; both included random regressions for the additive genetic and permanent environmental effect, whereas the second model also included a random regression effect for herd x 2-yr period of calving. All random regressions were modeled with fourth-order Legendre polynomials. Bayesian techniques with Gibbs sampling were used to estimate all parameters. The data set comprised 857,255 test-day milk, fat, and protein records from lactations 1, 2, and 3 of 43,990 Holstein cows from 544 herds. Genetic variances estimated by the second model were lower in the first 100 d and at the end of the lactation, especially in lactations 2 and 3. Genetic correlations between d 50 and the end of lactation were around 0.25 higher in the second model and were consistent with studies where lactation stages are modeled as different traits. Subsequently, estimated heritabilities for persistency were up to 0.14 lower in the second model. It is suggested to include herd curves in a random regression model when estimating genetic parameters of test-day production traits in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

In the present study, 6 different mastitis data sets of 3 dairy herds with an overall herd size of 3200 German Holstein cows were analyzed. Data collection periods included the first 50, 100, or 300 d of lactation. The 3 data collection periods were analyzed with a lactation model and a test-day model. All models were animal threshold models. Mastitis frequencies in the lactation model data sets varied between 29 and 45%, and varied between 3 and 6% in the test-day model data sets. Depending on the period of data collection, heritabilities of liability to mastitis in the lactation models were 0.05 (50 d), 0.06 (100 d), and 0.07 (300 d). In the test-day models, heritabilities were slightly higher with values of 0.09 (50 and 100 d), and 0.06 (300 d). Between lactation models, the rank correlations between the relative breeding values were high and varied between 0.86 and 0.94. Rank correlations between the relative breeding values of the test-day models ranged from 0.68 to 0.87. The rank correlations between the relative breeding values of lactation models and test-day models varied from 0.51 and 0.80. Genetic correlations between mastitis and milk production traits were estimated with a linear animal test-day model. The correlations with mastitis were 0.29 (milk yield), 0.30 (fat yield), 0.20 (fat content), 0.34 (protein yield), and 0.20 (protein content). The estimated genetic correlation between mastitis and somatic cell score was 0.84.  相似文献   

Test-day genetic evaluation models have many advantages compared with those based on 305-d lactations; however, the possible use of test-day model (TDM) results for herd management purposes has not been emphasized. The aim of this paper was to study the ability of a TDM to predict production for the next test day and for the entire lactation. Predictions of future production and detection of outliers are important factors for herd management (e.g., detection of health and management problems and compliance with quota). Because it is not possible to predict the herd-test-day (HTD) effect per se, the fixed HTD effect was split into 3 new effects: a fixed herd-test month-period effect, a fixed herd-year effect, and a random HTD effect. These new effects allow the prediction of future production for improvement of herd management. Predicted test-day yields were compared with observed yields, and the mean prediction error computed across herds was found to be close to zero. Predictions of performance records at the herd level were even more precise. Discarding herds enrolled in milk recording for <1 yr and animals with very few tests in the evaluation file improved correlations between predicted and observed yields at the next test day (correlation of 0.864 for milk in first-lactation cows as compared with a correlation of 0.821 with no records eliminated). Correlations with the observed 305-d production ranged from 0.575 to 1 for predictions based on 0 to 10 test-day records, respectively. Similar results were found for second and third lactation records for milk and milk components. These findings demonstrate the predictive ability of a TDM.  相似文献   

Dairy Herd Improvement data from 284,450 cows in 37 states were used to examine the relationship of test-day somatic cell score, herd, calving year, parity, lactation stage, and calving ease score with fertility measures (rate of nonreturn to estrus by 70 d after first service, days to first service, and days open) for US Holsteins and Jerseys. Factors other than somatic cell score were examined to ensure that the estimation of the effect of somatic cell score was independent of other effects. Nonreturn rates were highest during April and May and lowest during June. Parity had a large effect on nonreturn rate, which was 6 to 7% higher for first parity than for sixth parity and later. Effect of lactation stage at first service on nonreturn rate was large; nonreturn rate increased by 8 to 13% from early to late lactation. Effect of calving ease score on nonreturn rate also was large: a 7% decline in nonreturn rate from score 1 to 5. For Holsteins, a small linear regression was found for nonreturn rate on preceding test-day somatic cell score, but this relationship was not significant for Jerseys. The magnitude of the effect of somatic cell score on fertility traits does not warrant postponing first service when somatic cell score is high.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to estimate the effect of total blood plasma calcium (TBPCC) concentration at calving on milk yield in dairy cows. Data originated from 153 dairy cows in 27 herds from a single veterinary practice. For each cow, data included calcium concentration in a blood sample taken within 12 h postpartum, monthly test-day milk yield until 300 d in milk, calving date, parity, breed, and herd. The TBPCC ranged from 0.69 to 2.73 mmol/L, with a mean value of 1.80 mmol/L. The statistical analysis adjusted for the fixed effects of parity and lactation stage, random effects of herd and cow, and the correlation between repeated measures of test-day milk yield. The results showed that TBPCC at calving was not significantly related to fat- and protein-corrected milk yield at any lactation period. The present study indicates that hypocalcemia (low TBPCC) at calving is not an important risk factor for decreased milk yield.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to quantify the relationship between 24-h milk loss and lactation milk loss due to mastitis at the cow level. For the year 2009, individual cow test-day production records from 2,835 Ontario dairy herds were examined. Each record consisted of 24-h milk and component yields, stage of lactation (days in milk, DIM), somatic cell count (SCC, ×10(3) cells/mL) and parity. The modeling was completed in 2 stages. In stage 1, for each animal in the study, the estimated slope from a linear regression of 24-h milk yield (kg), adjusted for DIM, the quadratic effect of DIM, and the 24-h fat yield (kg) on ln(SCC) was determined. In stage 2, the estimated slope were modeled using a mixed model with a random component due to herd. The fixed effects included season (warm: May to September, cool: October to April), milk quartile class [MQ, determined by the rank of the 24-h average milk yield (kg) over a lactation within the herd] and parity. The estimated slopes from the mixed model analysis were used to estimate 24-h milk loss (kg) by comparing to a referent healthy animal with an SCC value of 100 (×10(3) cells/mL) or less. Lactation milk loss (kg) was then estimated by using estimated 24-h milk loss within lactation by means of a test-day interval method. Lactation average milk loss (kg) and SCC were also estimated. Lastly, lactation milk loss (kg) was modeled on the log scale using a mixed model, which included the random effect of herd and fixed effects, parity, and the linear and quadratic effect of the number of 24-h test days within a lactation where SCC exceeded 100 (×10(3) cells/mL; S100). The effect of SCC was significant with respect to 24-h milk loss (kg), increasing across parity and MQ. In general, first-parity animals in the first MQ (lower milk yield animals) were estimated to have 45% less milk loss than later parity animals. Milk losses were estimated to be 33% less for animals in first parity and MQ 2 through 4 than later parity animals in comparable MQ. Therefore, the relative level of milk production was found to be a significant risk factor for milk loss due to mastitis. For animals with 24-h SCC, values of 200 (×10(3) cells/mL), 24-h milk loss ranged from 0.35 to 1.09 kg; with 24-h SCC values of 2,000 (×10(3) cells/mL), milk loss ranged from 1.49 to 4.70 kg. Lactation milk loss (kg) increased significantly as lactation average SCC increased, ranging from 165 to 919 kg. The linear and quadratic effect of S100 was a significant risk factor for lactation milk loss (kg), where greatest losses occurred in lactations with 5 or more 24-h test days where SCC exceeded 100 (×10(3) cells/mL).  相似文献   

A high level of production at the peak of lactation may be associated with animal health disorders, high feeding costs, and reduced milk supply throughout the year. The objective of this study was to typologize the lactation curves in French dairy goats and analyze the influence of environmental and genetic factors on these curves. The data set consisted of 2,231,720 monthly test-day records of 213,534 French Saanen and Alpine goats recorded between September 2008 and June 2012. First, principal component analysis classified the shape of the lactation curves into 3 principal components: the first component accounted for milk yield level throughout lactation, the second component accounted for lactation persistency, and the third component accounted for milk yield in mid-lactation. Then, from the principal component scores, the lactations were clustered into 5 different groups. Most lactations had a similar shape to the mean curve, except 30% of the lactations that fell into 3 clusters that had a high production level at the peak and then a different persistency according to cluster. Estimated breeding value for milk yield and home region of breeding were the factors most related to lactation production level. Month of kidding, breed, and gestation stage had the biggest effect on persistency. Month of kidding was the factor most strongly linked to mid-lactation production. A herd effect was observed on all 3 principal components.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the evaluation of climate sensitivity via genomic reaction norm models [i.e., to infer cow milk production and milk fatty acid (FA) responses on temperature-humidity index (THI) alterations]. Test-day milk traits were recorded between 2010 and 2016 from 5,257 first-lactation genotyped Holstein dairy cows. The cows were kept in 16 large-scale cooperator herds, being daughters of 344 genotyped sires. The longitudinal data consisted of 47,789 test-day records for the production traits milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), and protein yield (PY), and of 20,742 test-day records for 6 FA including C16:0, C18:0, saturated fatty acids (SFA), unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). After quality control of the genotypic data, 41,057 SNP markers remained for genomic analyses. Meteorological data from the weather station in closest herd distance were used for the calculation of maximum hourly daily THI. Genomic reaction norm models were applied to estimate genetic parameters in a single-step approach for production traits and FA in dependency of THI at different lactation stages, and to evaluate the model stability. In a first evaluation strategy (New_sire), all phenotypic records from daughters of genotyped sires born after 2010 were masked, to mimic a validation population. In the second strategy (New_env), only daughter records of the new sires recorded in the most extreme THI classes were masked, aiming at predicting sire genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) under heat stress conditions. Model stability was the correlation between GEBV of the new sires in the reduced data set with respective GEBV estimated from all phenotypic data. Among all test-day production traits, PY responded as the most sensitive to heat stress. As observed for the remaining production traits, genetic variances were quite stable across THI, but genetic correlations between PY from temperate climates with PY from extreme THI classes dropped to 0.68. Genetic variances in dependency of THI were very similar for C16:0 and SFA, indicating marginal climatic sensitivity. In the early lactation stage, genetic variances for C18:0, MUFA, PUFA, and UFA were significantly larger in the extreme THI classes compared with the estimates under thermoneutral conditions. For C18:0 and MUFA, PUFA, and UFA in the middle THI classes, genetic correlations in same traits from the early and the later lactation stages were lower than 0.50, indicating strong days in milk influence. Interestingly, within lactation stages, genetic correlations for C18:0 and UFA recorded at low and high THI were quite large, indicating similar genetic mechanisms under stress conditions. The model stability was improved when applying the New_env instead of New_sire strategy, especially for FA in the first stage of lactation. Results indicate moderately accurate genomic predictions for milk traits in extreme THI classes when considering phenotypic data from a broad range of remaining THI. Phenotypically, thermal stress conditions contributed to an increase of UFA, suggesting value as a heat stress biomarker. Furthermore, the quite large genetic variances for UFA at high THI suggest the consideration of UFA in selection strategies for improved heat stress resistance.  相似文献   

In the United States, lactation yields are calculated using best prediction (BP), a method in which test-day (TD) data are compared with breed- and parity-specific herd lactation curves that do not account for differences among regions of the country or seasons of calving. Complete data from 538,090 lactations of 348,123 Holstein cows with lactation lengths between 250 and 500 d, records made in a single herd, at least 5 reported TD, and twice-daily milking were extracted from the national dairy database and used to construct regional and seasonal lactation curves. Herds were assigned to 1 of 7 regions of the country, individual lactations were assigned to 3-mo seasons of calving, and lactation curves for milk, fat, and protein yields were estimated by parity group for regions, seasons, and seasons within regions. Multiplicative pre-adjustment factors (MF) also were computed. The resulting lactation curves and MF were tested on a validation data set of 891,806 lactations from 400,000 Holstein cows sampled at random from the national dairy database. Mature-equivalent milk, fat, and protein yields were calculated using the standard and adjusted curves and MF, and differences between 305-d mature-equivalent yields were tested for significance. Yields calculated using 50-d intervals from 50 to 250 d in milk (DIM) and using all TD to 500 DIM allowed comparisons of predictions for records in progress (RIP). Differences in mature-equivalent milk ranged from 0 to 51 kg and were slightly larger for first-parity than for later parity cows. Milk and components yields did not differ significantly in any case. Correlations of yields for 50-d intervals with those using all TD were similar across analyses. Yields for RIP were slightly more accurate when adjusted for regional and seasonal differences.  相似文献   

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