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敏捷供应链管理是现代企业十分关注的问题,建立良好的敏捷供需链管理系统是实现敏捷供需链管理的重要保证。本文提出了协同管理模式下敏捷供需链系统模型,并研究了该模式下敏捷供需链管理及优化方法,在此基础上提出了敏捷供需链管理系统的体系结构。为增强供需链在国际市场中的竞争力提供了一条可行性途径。  相似文献   

为实现供需链协同,合理设计信息共享价值分配机制,针对由一个制造商、多个同质分销商、多个同质零售商所组成的三级供需链系统,从库存持有水平的角度定量分析各成员的信息共享价值.在此基础上,应用多人合作博弈理论,建立了供需链库存效益分配模型,并采用τ值法求解该模型,给出了满意、协调、协同等多种分配方案.数值实验结果表明,基于τ值法的协同分配方案能够促使供需链协同的实现.  相似文献   

供需链仿真技术的发展现状与趋势   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
介绍了供需链仿真技术的发展现状和趋势,给出了供需链仿真的概念和主要内容。根据构成系统仿真的三个基本活动,依次介绍了供需链仿真中的系统建模技术、仿真建模技术以及仿真系统的实现技术。总结了目前供需链仿真技术的应用现状.并分析了目前供需链仿真技术的特点和存在的问题,探讨了未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

敏捷供需链计划与协调系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在敏捷供需链管理系统中,为了达到以最低的成本、最高的质量满足客户比性化需求的目标,必须面向订单、快速制定最优的订单执行计划,并保证计划的可行性。敏捷供需链中的计划需要考虑多种资源,需要多个独立,分布的实体之间的合作与协调。计划与协调是敏捷供需链管理的基础,多代理系统是实现敏捷供需链计划与协调系统的有效方案,本文提出了一个二级敏捷供需链计划与协高机制,并给出了基于多代理的计划与协调系统的设计与实现。实践证明,该方案将极大地增加企业的敏捷性,提高企业在竞争、合作,动态环境的竞争能力。  相似文献   

敏捷供需链及其管理   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
在传统供需链概念及相关技术的基础上,针对信息时代企业面临的竞争、合作 、动态的外部环境,提出了敏捷供需链的概念,给出了敏捷供需链管理的核心思想、主要内容及特点。  相似文献   

服装行业敏捷供需链管理系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
敏捷供需链管理系统是服装原材料供应、生产、流通企业联盟协同运作的基础。本文在分析了服装行业的特点及其对敏捷供需链管理系统需求的基础上,提出明确企业间的供需协作关系、系统建模与仿真、计划与控制模式及过程管理,是建立敏捷供需链管理系统的主要问题,并给出了主要问题的解决方案及敏捷供需链管理系统的结构与功能  相似文献   

企业供需链管理的实施策略探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
论述了供需链管理对当今企业的重要意义 ,分析了中国企业在供需链管理中所面临的特殊问题。在此基础上探讨了制定中国企业供需链管理实施策略的基本思路 ,并进一步就供需链管理基本策略的实施前提———组织形式和合作机制问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

为了有效提高船舶制造行业整体效益和竞争能力以及供需链上下游企业间协同制造的水平,在对船舶产品制造过程中多企业间协同交互困难进行分析的基础上,建立了船舶制造行业协同商务平台总体框架,并对平台建立过程中关于行业性标准零部件产品数据库的构建、分级网络协同计划的编制方法等关键技术进行了研究。  相似文献   

网络协同商务链的系统和谐性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张飞  陈子辰  熊励  梅益 《中国机械工程》2003,14(14):1208-1210
引入了和谐的概念,标出了单个企业系统和谐的组成部分以及和谐在企业中的具体表现,在单个企业系统和谐度测定的基础上,提出了要对整个协同商务链系统的和谐度进行简单测度的概念,通过对协同商务链的链结构的分层以及对元系统的系统和谐度的测度,运用层次分析方法,计算出整个协同商务链的系统和谐度,通过系统和谐度的比较分析,为决策者提供决策依据,尤其是为企业寻找最佳的上下游合作企业提供了验证方法。  相似文献   

敏捷供需链系统风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敏捷供需链风险分析是敏捷供需链管理的重要组成部分,是分析不确定性因素对系统影响的主要手段。从敏捷供需链的运行目标出发,将敏捷供需链的不确定性因素分为系统层、协作层和实体层三类;以系统各层评价指标变化为风险分析的最终结果,给出一种分析敏捷供需链系统不确定性因素的方法,即风险分析法,并给出了敏捷供需链各层的风险分析流程。  相似文献   

基于高层体系结构的供应链协调仿真系统体系结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决不确定环境下供应链协调问题,提出利用分布式仿真技术对供应链协调契约方案进行分析和评估.分析了供应链协调问题产生的原因,并描述了供应链协调问题的基本模型和特点,阐述了分布式供应链协调仿真系统的必要性.基于高层体系结构标准,建立了分布式供应链协调仿真系统的体系结构,提高了仿真应用的开发效率和集成效率.在体系结构的指导下,开发了供应链协调仿真联邦的原型系统,介绍了联邦的开发环境、系统构成和协调仿真过程,为开发供应链协调仿真应用提供了基础.  相似文献   

Quantitative models for supply chain planning under uncertainty: a review   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Managing uncertainty is a main challenge within supply chain management. Therefore, it is expected that those supply chain planning methods which do not include uncertainty obtain inferior results if compared with models that formalise it implicitly. This article presents a review of the literature related to supply chain planning methods under uncertainty. The main objective is to provide the reader with a starting point for modelling supply chain under uncertainty applying quantitative approaches. We have defined a taxonomy to classify models from 103 bibliographic references dated 1988–2007. Finally, some conclusions about the works analysed have been drawn and future lines of research have been identified.  相似文献   

Sourcing strategy design in a supply chain is vital to gain competitive advantage. In recent years, supply chain risks are growing significantly and supplier failure is identified as one of the top supply chain risks. Researchers attempt to mitigate the negative impacts of supplier failure by applying strategies such as local versus global sourcing, single versus dual/multiple-sourcing, performance-based supply contracts, and optimizing the order allocation among suppliers. Global sourcing is a widely recognized strategy among firms, and it involves a trade-off between reliable, high-cost local suppliers and unreliable, low-cost offshore suppliers. The global sourcing is associated with the risks of exchange rate volatility, trade restrictions, longer lead time, and problems with supplier reliability. Sourcing strategy design considering price, exchange rate risks, and supplier delivery reliability is an important research topic and needs attention. In this work, a hybrid optimization and simulation approach is proposed to design the supply chain sourcing strategy. In the optimization approach, a multi-objective binary particle swarm algorithm is developed for minimizing the total cost and maximizing the supplier delivery reliability. Selected scenarios from the optimization results are modeled using Witness simulation software to evaluate the robustness of sourcing strategies under price, exchange rate and demand risks. The proposed approach is exemplified using a real-life case study of a plastic product manufacture in India.  相似文献   

供应链物流能力的研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:64,自引:1,他引:64  
阐述了研究供应链上物流能力对提高供应链竞争力的意义和重要性,对国内外关于物流能力的研究现状进行了总结。定义了供应链物流能力,采用按要素性质分类的方法构建了企业物流能力要素体系,并将这一体系与现有的相关研究成果进行比较分析。在此基础上,进一步指出了目前物流能力研究中存在的问题,提出了相应的解决办法。最后,提出了供应链物流能力的未来研究方向,主要包括供应链层面物流能力绩效评价指标、供应链物流能力与供应链整体竞争力关系,以及提高供应链物流能力的物流组织方法等方面的研究内容。  相似文献   

In this paper, the impacts brought by the carbon footprint tax on fashion supply chain systems are analytically examined. First, based on various industrial practices in fashion apparel, we construct the two-echelon manufacturer–retailer analytical fashion supply chain model. Second, by exploring the fashion supply chain with a highly fashionable product, we study how the carbon footprint tax can affect the retailer’s optimal choice of sourcing. We further investigate the significance of carbon footprint tax on fashion supply chain management under two commonly adopted contracts, namely the pure wholesale pricing (WP) contract and the markdown money (MM) contract. Our analytical findings illustrate that: (1) under the WP contract case: A properly set carbon footprint tax, which depends on the product’s manufacturing and shipping costs, and manufacturer’s profit margin, can successfully entice the retailer to source locally. (2) Under the MM contract case where the MM contract is set in a way that the supply chain is coordinated: (a) If the carbon footprint tax is equal to the difference between the product costs from the local and offshore sourcing, then the optimal MM rates and the optimal supply chain product quantities from the local and offshore sourcing modes are the same. (b) Similar to the WP contract case, we prove analytically that a properly determined carbon footprint tax can always entice the retailer to source locally. Further analysis with extended models under the consideration of having a stochastically larger demand with the local sourcing mode is conducted.  相似文献   

This paper is geared toward developing an integrated modeling framework and simulation models for understanding decision-making issues of the supply chain network configuration in an integrated environment. To achieve this objective, first, this paper presents an integrated modeling framework for multistage supply chains, in which the interdependencies between model components are captured. Second, the state and resource-based simulation concepts are used to model the supply chain network configurations. The employment of state and resource-based simulation techniques facilitates the implementation procedure, since they are strong in modeling dynamic supply chain networks with highly interdependent components subject to activity start-up conditions. To investigate the impacts of component commonality on integrated supply chain network performance effectively, a new analytical measure of component commonality that consists of a component-level commonality index and a product-level commonality index is defined. The results of analysis-of-variance and Tukey’s tests reveal that there is a significant difference in performance measures, such as delivery time and order fill rates, when comparing an integrated supply chain with higher component commonality to an integrated supply chain with lower component commonality.  相似文献   

不确定交货时间下基于BOM下线结算的供应链协同供货   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
构建了交货时间不确定且需求价格时间敏感下基于物料清单下线结算的两供应商—单制造商协同供货模型。在对问题进行相关描述和假设后,分析了不考虑协同供货的供应链收益决策模型,并对供应商和制造商的最优决策进行了分析,然后对考虑协同供货的供应链收益模型进行了分析并推导出最优解的性质。数例分析比较了不考虑协同供货和考虑协同供货两种决策模式下的供应链收益和最优解的差异。结果表明,考虑协同供货决策的供应链收益要明显大于不考虑协同供货决策的供应链收益,而考虑协同供货决策下制造商的产品最优销售价格和供应商的最优协议提前期均小于不考虑协同决策。  相似文献   

多级树形供应链牛鞭效应与综合补偿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了多级树形供应链系统的牛鞭效应及其补偿问题,旨在提高供应链实际运行的效率.给出了若干牛鞭效应的量化指标,从定量的角度讨论了多级树形结构、竞争、信息传递、提前期、分配、预测等对牛鞭效应的影响作用.建立了针对信息传递、提前期,分配方式等的几种补偿方法,并结合常规补偿和模糊补偿的优点,设计了一种用模糊开关切换的综合补偿模型.对树形供应链在随机需求、竞争、促销、飞货情况下的补偿过程进行了仿真,验证了所提出的补偿方案的有效性.  相似文献   

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been widely used to evaluate supply chain performances. In conventional DEA, supply chains are represented as black boxes where only the initial inputs and final outputs are considered to measure their efficiency. However, an integrated model measuring both the efficiency of the entire supply chain and that of all its components at all levels is essential for a comprehensive evaluation. This study presents a two-stage DEA method to evaluate the performance of a three-level supply chain including suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. The proposed model can be used both under the constant returns to scale and the variable returns to scale assumptions and can be easily implemented for comprehensive analysis of multi-level supply chains. We present a numerical example to demonstrate applicability of the proposed model and exhibit the efficacy and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and procedures. In particular, the numerical results demonstrate that the entire supply chain is “comprehensively” efficient only if efficient supplier–manufacturer and manufacturer–distributor relationships are established.  相似文献   

为有效评价供应链的客户服务水平,支持供应链运作管理与供应链优化的研究,提出一种面向差异性的供应链服务水平综合评价模型.基于供应链运作过程,从可靠性、及时性、灵活性三个方面分析了服务评价相关的指标要素,构建了服务评价的指标体系;分析了不同类别客户、产品的差异性服务需求.为了在评价过程中体现出这种固有的差异性,以便更准确地评价供应链的服务水平,设计了基于多级权重的供应链服务水平综合评价过程框架.综合运用网络分析方法和模糊集理论,建立了指标权重求解的数学模型,对服务指标的各级权重进行了求解.最后,以一个应用实例,说明应用该方法评价供应链服务水平的过程.  相似文献   

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