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露点温度是表征气体状态的一个重要参数,针对低温环境的低露点温度精确、快速、连续、原位测量的迫切需要,提出了可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱(TDLAS)技术对水汽露点温度测量的方案。首先与安徽省气象局的冷镜式露点仪一起对比测量标准温湿度箱内的露点温度,验证波长为1 381nm的TDLAS系统露点温度测量的可行性及精度,然后结合一套开放式的测量装置,进行低温度环境(最低温度100K)水汽露点温度原位测量。得到了实时的露点温度值,其中TDLAS露点测量结果与冷镜式露点仪测量结果一致性较好(相差小于1K),TDLAS测量的时间分辨率为0.83s,远远快于冷镜式露点仪的时间响应速度。对于更低气体温度的露点测量,获得了与气体温度变化趋势相同的露点温度,同时得到了随着环境温度降低,水汽逐渐趋向饱和的结论。  相似文献   

可调谐激光光谱(TDLAS)技术利用激光管的波长扫描实现痕量气体吸收曲线的二次谐波检测,具有响应时间短、检测灵敏度高、精度高等优点。但实际应用条件分析结果表明,烟道气在线检测中存在外界环境和系统本身引入的噪声。为了实现TDLAS检测方法的高精度、高灵敏度等优势,本文提出在检测系统中加入温度反馈,以减少高温环境带来的干扰,设计并采用双光路扣除背景,消除颗粒物及背景吸收干扰以及采用对激光管驱动电流进行高频调制来抑制系统噪声等3条主要的降噪途径。理论分析表明,这些措施可以降低环境干扰及系统噪声影响,有效提高检测精度。  相似文献   

为实现碳氢燃料冲压发动机羽流温度在线测量,以H_2O分子为目标组分,通过分子光谱仿真计算优选(7 444.352+7 444.371) cm~(-1)-(7 185.586 5+7 185.597 3) cm~(-1)谱线对,采用扫描波长直接吸收光谱-时分复用(SDAS-TDM)策略设计了用于碳氢燃料冲压发动机羽流参数测量的可调谐半导体激光器吸收光谱(TDLAS)系统,并利用预混平面火焰炉验证了该系统测温精度,结果显示采用此系统对预混平面火焰炉高度1 cm处火焰温度测量结果与标准参考值相对偏差均在15%之内。在此基础上,将该系统应用于碳氢燃料冲压发动机羽流参数测量,通过交替调制1 392 nm与1 343 nm半导体激光器,测量调制激光经待测区域后的光强衰减信号,获得H_2O分子在(7 444.352+7 444.371) cm~(-1)和(7 185.597+7 185.597 3) cm~(-1)谱线吸收光谱,通过双线技术实现了发动机羽流温度在线测量,为碳氢燃料冲压发动机燃烧组织与性能评估提供重要参考。  相似文献   

摩擦离合器动态温度测量常颖曾平娄颖白元章(吉林工业大学长春1300025)(天津理工学院天津300000)引言掌握摩擦离合器在工作过程中的温度变化对研究摩擦离合器的摩擦、磨损有着重要的意义。离合器片在工作过程中的温升及其变化直接影响着离合器的工作情况...  相似文献   

可调谐激光吸收光谱学检测甲烷浓度的新方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱的光纤气体传感器检测气体浓度,具有灵敏度高、选择性好、响应时间快等优点。目前报导的基于二次谐波的气体浓度检测系统,普遍采用一次、二次谐波幅值之比作为系统输出,消除光强波动的影响。研究中分析了二次谐波检测方案的特点与不足,提出利用一次谐波检测甲烷的浓度,以一次谐波峰峰值与平均值的比值作为系统输出,系统结构简单,并可抑制光源波长漂移和扫描步长等因素对系统检测精度的影响。实验结果表明甲烷的浓度与系统输出值之间具有很好的线性关系,其线性拟合系数为0.999,系统的分辨率和检测精度分别为20×10-6和100×10-6。  相似文献   

介绍了可调谐激光二极管激光光谱分析器的工作原理、性能特点和结构形式,说明了该仪器在在线过程分析中的优势,对其发展远景作了讨论.  相似文献   

可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱层析成像(TDLAST)是一种重要的非侵入式燃烧检测技术。然而,TDLAST逆问题的欠定性使得传统算法重建的气体吸收密度存在较大误差。本文将期望块对数似然先验引入TDLAST逆问题的求解,提出基于高斯混合模型(GMM)正则化的温度重建算法(GMMTRT)。该方法利用GMM建模燃烧场气体吸收密度的局部分布特性,采用半二次分裂方法求解引入GMM正则化的TDLAST逆问题。利用火灾动力学模拟器生成的仿真数据与利用TDLAST实验系统获得的实际数据进行的重建实验均表明,GMMTRT重建的温度图像能够准确定位火焰位置,并清晰描述燃烧场感兴趣区域的温度分布。与现有的基于Tikhonov正则化的温度重建算法和同时代数重建算法相比,GMMTRT的重建误差分别能够降低15.42%~36.16%和23.10%~44.79%。  相似文献   

机械密封端面温度的动态过程测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
自行设计制造了一部机械密封测试试验台,利用该试验台能准确测出机械密封的端面温度.实测结果表明;机械密封的端面温度与密封工况及密封端面摩擦状态之间存在密切的关系,利用端面温度的变化能判定密封工况及端面摩擦状态的变化.  相似文献   

潘云  李颐  颜昌翔 《光学精密工程》2021,29(7):1539-1548
在利用可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱技术测量一氧化碳(CO)气体浓度时,反演精度受光强、温度、压强等的影响,需要对系统的总体误差进行分析与分配.为了提高TDLAS的测量精度,降低多项误差对测量的影响,本文提出了对系统各个测量误差的分配方法.首先建立了CO浓度反演的误差模型,基于二次谐波测量原理引入了二次谐波峰值、光强、驱动电...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a method to align optical fibers within 0.2 μm of the optimal position, using tube laser bending and in situ measuring of the coupling efficiency. For near-UV wavelengths, passive alignment of the fibers with respect to the waveguides on photonic integrated circuit chips does not suffice. In prior research, it was shown that permanent position adjustments to an optical fiber by tube laser bending meets the accuracy requirements for this application. This iterative alignment can be done after any assembly steps. A method was developed previously that selects the optimal laser power and laser spot position on the tube, to minimize the number of iterations required to reach the target position. In this paper, that method is extended to the case where the absolute position of the fiber tip cannot be measured. By exploiting the thermal expansion motion at a relatively low laser power, the fiber tip can be moved without permanent deformation (only elastic strain) of the tube. An algorithm has been developed to search for the optimal fiber position, by actively measuring and maximizing the coupling efficiency. This search is performed before each bending step. Experiments have shown that it is possible to align the fiber with an accuracy of 0.2 μm using this approach.  相似文献   

高精度绝对距离测量在科技发展中具有重要的作用,传统的测量方法已无法满足日益提高的测量要求。光学频率梳是重频和相位完全锁定的锁模脉冲激光,具有很高的空间、时间和频率分辨率。基于光频梳的测距技术由于在大尺寸计量及未来空间任务中的应用潜力引起了极大关注。介绍了光频梳测距技术的发展与现状,重点介绍了5种测量原理,包括合成波长干涉法、多波长干涉法、色散干涉法、双光梳干涉法和飞行时间法。  相似文献   

高精度铂电阻测温系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
普通四线制铂电阻测温系统受恒流源长短期漂移、导线热电动势影响,其测量准确度难以超过0.1℃量级。本文分析了一种改进型4线制高精度铂电阻测温方法的原理误差,并设计了相应的高精度铂电阻测温系统。采用温度系数小、阻值稳定性好的参考电阻作为铂电阻阻值测量基准,消除了恒流源长期漂移引起的铂电阻测温误差;分别在正、反向恒流激励条件下测量了铂电阻上的电压,利用导线热电势大小与方向的短期不变性,对得到的两电压量求差以消除导线热电势的影响;通过半导体致冷器(TEC)控制恒流源温度来减小恒流源的短期电流漂移,进而减小其对铂电阻测温精度的影响;设计了精度高、阶跃响应速度快的分时复用式电压信号采集单元用来高精度地测量铂电阻和参考电阻上电压量的比值。等效实验和校准实验结果表明,高精度铂电阻测温系统的测量稳定性优于0.005 ℃/10 day,测量分辨力优于0.005 ℃,测量准确度为0.02 ℃(k=2),满足超精密激光干涉测量系统提出的高精度温度测量需求。  相似文献   

利用相位估计算法实现ps量级的高精度时间间隔测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高精度时间间隔测量广泛应用于时间同步、卫星导航、航天测控、激光测距以及核电子等场合.目前主流的时间间隔计数器能达到25 ps分辨率,约100 ps的准确度.本文把被测信号作为采样参考频标信号的触发信号,利用参考频标的相位记录被测信号的触发点,然后利用插值FFT对参考频标信号的采样数据进行相位估计,提出了一种理论上分辨率和精度均优于1 ps的时间间隔测量方法.实验测试结果表明原理样机达到了10 ps的测量精度.进一步改进样机的设计,有望达到1 ps的测量精度.  相似文献   

脉冲激光测距中高精度时间间隔的测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑时间间隔测量对脉冲激光测距系统的意义,提出了一种新的高精度时间间隔测量方法.该方法在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)中实现了脉冲计数法、多相采样法和延迟链法的结合.采用脉冲计数法对被测时间间隔进行"粗值"测量,保证大的动态测量范围.利用FPGA内部锁相环产生N路同频率,相位均匀分布的时钟信号作为计数时钟,基于等精度测频原理,将被测时间间隔的测时分辨率提高到Tclk/N.利用FlipFlop锁存器形成延时链,对被测信号与相邻计数时钟的时间间隔进一步量化.该方法解决了传统多相采样技术中由于倍频次数高导致相移分辨率降低的问题,在不增加计数时钟和有限延迟链数量的前提下,得到较高测时分辨率.测试结果表明,该时间间隔测量模块的动态测量范围为163.8 μs,测时过程相对较短,当进行多次重复测量时,测量的标准误差在71 ps以内,基本满足实际应用的精度要求.  相似文献   

Jongwon Kim  Jong Dae Kim 《Measurement》2011,44(10):2054-2059
When measuring temperature with a voltage divider, and changing the variation of the thermistor resistance from the temperature to the voltage, the divider resistance greatly impacts the resolution of each ADC step. This work presents a method for determining the divider resistance to minimize the resolution’s maximum value in a given temperature range. Since the function of the resolution strongly depends on the derivative of the thermistor resistance, we also investigated the effect on the resolution when the derivative was calculated by forward and backward finite differences and the Stein–Hart calibration equation. The results showed that the resolution’s maximum calculated by the three methods had only a 5% difference, for the four types of commonly used NTC thermistors. Also, we demonstrated that the divider resistance which minimizes the interval resolution’s maximum can be determined by the thermistor resistance and its derivative at each end of the temperature range.  相似文献   

阐述了对数测温电路的工作原理和存在的不足,并通过温度补偿和差动补偿结构电路的设计,消除了双极型晶体管非线性参数和热敏电阻常数的影响,使热敏电阻测温电路具有良好的线性和一致性。  相似文献   

为满足高分辨率光刻机控制大时间热响应常数投影物镜温度时响应速度和超高精度的要求,设计了前馈—串级水冷投影物镜温控系统。该系统以物镜为主控对象、冷却循环水为副控对象。针对物镜的慢动态温度变化特征,采用模型预测控制作为外环主控制算法;针对冷却水远传回路的纯时滞特性,采用带Smith预估器的PID控制作为内环副控制算法;为解决光刻机在不同工况下激光光路对物镜温度的严重扰动,引入前馈补偿控制激光热扰动。最后,在不同控制结构和热干扰条件下,进行了模拟物镜温度控制实验。结果显示,物镜温度稳态误差曲线在±0.01 ℃内波动。实验证明该系统极大地提高了物镜的温度收敛速度,具有较强的抗干扰能力,能满足物镜的超高精度温度控制要求。  相似文献   

The temperature stability of immersion liquid is one of the main factors that affect the performance of the immersion lithography tool. Since the temperature control system of immersion liquid has the characteristics of time delays, full of disturbance and non-linear, the system and control algorithm should be carefully designed to control the temperature of the immersion liquid within the specification. In this paper, a control system of cascade structure with feed forward and lag compensation is proposed to reduce the time delays and the disturbance caused by the temperature fluctuation of ambient environment. Then, the mathematical model of the temperature control system is built, and the parameters of the model are obtained by ‘gray’ identification method. Based on the model, an algorithm which combines hierarchical control algorithm, integral separation PI algorithm, feed forward algorithm and lag compensation algorithm is designed. Last, experiments are conducted to evaluate the algorithm. The results show that the algorithm improves the robustness, compensates the time delays and reduces the overshoot. The system achieves a temperature stability of the immersion liquid within 22±0.01 °C/30 mins, and it also has a good characteristic of anti-interference.  相似文献   

Self-assembly of components using liquid surface tension is an attractive alternative to traditional robotic pick-and-place as it offers high assembly accuracy for coarse initial part placement. One of the key requirements of this method is the containment of the liquid within a designated binding site. This paper looks to expand the applications of self-assembly and investigates the use of topographical structures applied to 3D printed micro components for self-assembly using liquid surface tension. An analysis of the effect of edge geometry on liquid contact angle was conducted. A range of binding sites were produced with varying edge geometries, 45–135°, and for a variety of site shapes and sizes, 0.4–1 mm in diameter, and 0.5 mm × 0.5 mm–1 mm × 1 mm square. Liquid water droplets were applied to the structures and contact angles measured. Significant increases in contact angle were observed, up to 158°, compared to 70° for droplets on planar surfaces, demonstrating the ability of these binding sites to successfully pin the triple contact line at the boundary. Three challenging self-assembly cases were examined: (1) linear initial component misplacement >0.5 mm, (2) angular misplacement of components, and (3) misplacement of droplet. Across all three assembly cases the lowest misalignments in final component position, as well as highest repeatability, were observed for structures with actual edge geometries <90° (excluding 45° nominal), where the mean magnitude of misalignment was found to be 31 μm with 14 μm standard deviation.  相似文献   

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