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闫昕  田中俊 《光学仪器》2009,31(1):52-55
为了研究二维光子晶体波导的传输特性,应用平面波展开法计算得到在0.216~0.35229,0.432-0.48386,0.76886-0.79716Hz波段的光波能在波导中很好的传输。并且分析了当圆柱半径从0.1a~0.5a发生改变时的带隙规律,从而为光子晶体波导器件的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的能够实现定向辐射的光子晶体波导。数值仿真结果显示这种光子晶体波导具有更好的定向辐射性能。这种结构能够用于提高传统的介质波导和光子晶体波导之间的耦合效率。  相似文献   

简单介绍利用光子晶体的概念,提出一种正方结构的类似棋盘式的二维光子晶体结构,根据光子晶体能带理论计算并设计了这一结构,利用碲化铅(PbT e)与一氧化硅(S iO)材料对组合,可在此两种材料的透光区波段内,获得具有TE与TM的重合完全光子带隙,相对宽度为4.55%,其意义是可以制作全角反射镜和偏振分光镜,文中为实际制备这一器件结构提供理论指导和可行性分析。  相似文献   

Periodic photonic crystal structures channel electromagnetic waves much as semiconductors/quantum wells channel electrons. Photonic bandgap crystals (PBC) are fabricated by arranging sub-wavelength alternating materials with high and low dielectric constants to produce a desired effective bandgap. Photons with energy within this bandgap cannot propagate through the structure. This property has made these structures useful for microwave applications such as frequency-selective surfaces, narrowband filters, and antenna substrates when the dimensions are on the order of millimeters. They are also potentially very useful, albeit much more difficult to fabricate, in the visible/near-infrared region for various applications when the smallest dimensions are at the edge of current micro-lithography fabrication tools. We micro-fabricated suspended free standing micro-structure bridge waveguides to serve as substrates for PBC features. These micro-bridges were fabricated onto commercial silicon-on-insulator wafers. Nanoscale periodic features were fabricated onto these micro-structure bridges to form a tunable system. When this combined structure is perturbed, such as mechanical deflection of the suspended composite structure at resonance, there can be a realtime shift in the material effective bandgap due to slight geometric alterations due to the induced mechanical stress. Extremely high resonance frequencies/device speeds are possible with these very small dimension MEMS.  相似文献   

Waveguiding through a two-dimensional metallic photonic crystal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a two‐dimensional (2D) finite‐difference time domain simulation of the propagation of light through linear and bent channels in metallic photonic crystals. We took as a starting point the Bozhevolnyi experiment, consisting of the scattering of surface plasmons by a 2D structure of finitely sized periodic gold dots arranged in a triangular lattice of 400‐nm period. We model injection and propagation of light through linear channels of different widths. We also study the behaviour of light in the presence of a 90° bent line defect made in the structure. We show that the confinement depends on the orientation of the input and output line defects. The two cases of ΓM and ΓK orientations are considered and a spectral study for five different wavelengths is carried out.  相似文献   

为了提高低折射率化学物质监测的灵敏度,采用光子晶体光纤设计了一种在开环内镀有金薄膜的表面等离子体共振传感器。利用仿真软件COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6系统地研究了开环半径、内部气孔大小、金属膜层厚度对该传感器灵敏度的影响。最终在2800~4700 nm的工作波段内设计出折射率检测范围为1.26~1.31的低折射率传感器。该传感器平均灵敏度高达22 500 nm/RIU,最高灵敏度达33 000 nm/RIU。在七氟醚、卤代醚、含氟有机物等低折射率物质检测方向具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Because of its very low light extraction efficiency (LEE),LED is limited to be widely used under the condition of the internal quantum efficiency which up to 90%.In order to fullfill the design of a mo...  相似文献   

利用光子晶体环形腔缺陷模与线缺陷波导之间的共振耦合原理,设计了一种由主波导、环形腔和60°弯波导组成的四通道二维三角晶格光子晶体解波分复用系统。通过平面波展开法计算线缺陷波导的能带结构;利用时域有限差分法(FTDT)计算了不同频率的光波在该系统中的传输特性。最后,分析了影响输出效率和品质因子的因素并对该系统进行了改进。分析表明:改变环形腔内介质柱的半径可调节谐振频率,而在主波导末端增加反射介质柱以及改变耦合区域中介质柱的形状可提高各通道的谐振频率光波的透射率。计算结果显示:该系统较好地实现了4个波长的解波分复用,透射率均达90%以上。另外,该系统结构简单,便于加工制造,且体积小,有利于大规模集成。  相似文献   

根据光波模在光子晶体线缺陷波导和环形谐振腔之间的耦合原理,在二维三角晶格光子晶体中设计了一款由线缺陷主波导、环形谐振腔、60°弯下载波导组成的多信道下载滤波器。利用平面波展开方法计算了完整光子晶体及线缺陷波导的能带结构;基于时域有限差分方法计算了各目标频率光信号在器件中的传输特性,分析了影响器件耦合效率的因素并对其进行了改进。分析表明:通过改变环形谐振腔内介质柱的半径可以调节光子晶体环形谐振腔的谐振频率,而改变线缺陷主波导与环形谐振腔之间耦合区域中介质柱的形状以及将直下载波导改换成60°弯下载波导可以提高线缺陷主波导、60°弯波导与环形谐振腔之间的耦合效率。计算结果显示:优化后的多信道二维光子晶体滤波器具备优良的选频功能,各目标频率光信号的透射率均达90%以上。与传统半导体介质材料器件相比,该器件体积较小,结构简单,易于大规模集成,很有应用前景。  相似文献   

FDTD方法在光子晶体光纤中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘珂  杨冬晓 《光学仪器》2005,27(4):22-25
光子晶体光纤是近年来研究的热点,提出时域有限差分法在光子晶体光纤理论分析中应用的具体方法。通过实例计算,得到了光子晶体光纤的有效折射率等传播参量。  相似文献   

以光折变晶体硅酸铋(BSO)为记录介质,构建了基于反射式全息光栅零差干涉振动测量系统。系统中的参考光与被振动信号调制的信号光以反射式记录全息的方式射入BSO晶体,在晶体内干涉形成反射式动态全息并实时衍射,通过对信号光的透射光和参考光的衍射光所形成的干涉信号进行解调即可得到所测的振动信号。研究了两入射光束夹角、光强比、晶体晶向等测量条件对系统测量灵敏度的影响,分析了耦合增益与测量灵敏度的关系。结果表明,以压电陶瓷(PZT)为被测对象时,系统最高可探测到频率为360kHz的振动信号。分析显示:由于反射式全息降低了布拉格光栅的空间周期,提高了入射晶体的信号光和参考光的耦合效率,故其测量灵敏度高于透射式全息光栅振动测量系统。  相似文献   

基于微波网络理论,提出了一种基于变绝缘层的同轴光子带隙晶体应变传感器的设计方法。给出了同轴光子带隙晶体传感器的结构形式,推导了传感器带隙极值频率与晶体电长度之间的关系。根据给定监测频点设计了传感器的几何尺寸及材料参数,计算了传感器的S参数,计算结果与仿真结果相吻合。分析了提高该传感器灵敏度和品质因数的方法,并搭建了实验测试平台。实验结果表明:当应变量由0με提高至10 000με时,极值频率由2.450GHz移至2.432GHz,频移量为18 MHz,灵敏度为1.8kHz/με。得到的实验结果与仿真结果相吻合,验证了本文所提出的基于变绝缘层的同轴光子带隙晶体应变传感器设计方法的可行性和有效性。该传感器可满足不同灵敏度需求下对应变的实时监测。  相似文献   

二维光子晶体光波导透射特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用时域有限差分方法(FDTD)研究光波在光子晶体光波导中的传播规律,发现不同形状的波导能够导引不同频率的光波。光子晶体波导的带隙宽度和透射系数与该波导的结构和参数都有很大的关系,随着介质柱半径的变化,带隙呈现一定的变化规律,介质柱半径变小,该波导的带隙向高频方向移动,且带隙的宽度变宽;而介质柱半径变大时,光波的透射峰的峰值却变得比较大,损耗变小。研究结果为光子器件的设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Infrared gas sensors employing hollow-core photonic crystal fibers are reported. A hollow-core photonic crystal fiber in the gas cell of the sensor was inserted between a single mode fiber and a multi-mode fiber in the light path. The gaps between the facets of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber and single mode fiber were optimized to increase the coupling efficiency. The gas chambers were modified to reduce the time for filling. Broadband and laser sources were employed to determine acetylene at concentrations between 0% and 0.6%. The resolution was 0.084 ppm and the stability was 0.556%. These sensors have promising applications for trace gas measurements.  相似文献   

Local phase measurements of light in a one-dimensional photonic crystal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For the first time the local optical phase evolution in and around a small, one-dimensional photonic crystal has been visualized with a heterodyne interferometric photon scanning tunnelling microscope. The measurements show an exponential decay of the optical intensity inside the crystal, which consists of a periodic array of subwavelength air rods fabricated in a conventional ridge waveguide. In addition it is found that the introduction of the air rods has a counterintuitive effect on the phase development inside the structure. The heterodyne detection scheme allows the detection of low-intensity scattered waves. In the vicinity of the scattering air rods phase singularities are found with a topological charge of plus or minus one.  相似文献   

提出一种具有负折射特性的二维光子晶体设计。对其色散关系的分析表明,该设计对归一化频率为0.5263的TE极化光波具有负折射特性。时域有限差分(FDTD)数值计算模拟结果证明了分析的正确性;并且负折射对光子晶体层数没有依赖关系;很薄的光子晶体就能表现出明显的负折射,且便于实验制作和探测;在一定入射角范围内,光子晶体平板表现出奇异的负折射导引现象。给出了光子晶体模型参数。  相似文献   

光在具有负等效折射率的二维光子晶体中传输时会产生反常Doppler现象,为了分析光在该反常效应中传输时的相位变化,首先用时域有限差分(FDTD)法仿真了光经过静止光子晶体时的负折射现象,然后对光子晶体中沿光传输方向的Bloch波做快速傅里叶(FFT)处理。对滤波后的频谱,用iFFT反演出各平面波分量,并通过分析各平面波分量的相位演变,分离出与负折射产生有关的后退波分量。然后,将实验中的连续运动过程分解为各静止瞬间,分析了各相邻时刻探测面上信号光和参考光的相位变化,此处两束光的相位变化差随时间的变化量就是差频。静态FDTD方法仿真计算得到的差频与理论值的误差约为20%,能较好解释反常Doppler效应发生过程中光的相位变化。本文的研究揭示了反常Doppler效应发生时光子晶体中起作用的分量的相位变化,也为研究光在运动介质中的传输特性提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

为了降低全息聚合物分散液晶光栅的驱动电压并提高其对比度,基于偏振原理设计了一种新型电调谐光栅。对传统的全息聚合物分散液晶(HPDLC)光栅进行了基板表面取向处理,加强液晶的均一排列程度,消除了液晶区域内的散射;然后,在光栅前面放置扭曲向列(TN)偏振调谐器,通过调节入射光的偏振方向,实现光栅内液晶折射率的变化,进而改变与聚合物折射率的差别,实现衍射强度的调谐。实验结果表明:光栅的阈值电压降低到了0.75~0.8V,对比度提高到了245:1,是传统HPDLC光栅的6~7倍,同时也大幅降低了散射损失且稳定性良好,可满足高端光学设备及显示产品方面的需求。  相似文献   

基于硅介质柱型光子晶体,采用时域有限差分方法(FDTD),探究高斯光束在光子晶体界面的逆古斯汉欣(GH)位移。通过在光子晶体下表面添加硅透镜,研究高斯光束的入射角度、硅透镜的曲率半径以及温度对光子晶体逆GH位移的影响。研究结果表明,发生最大逆GH位移的角度大于几何理想全反射角。添加焦点位于光子晶体表面中心的硅透镜可以使逆GH位移显著增强,且当硅透镜的曲率半径为170时,逆GH位移增大为不加透镜时的1.7倍。研究不同入射角度下温度对光子晶体的逆GH位移的影响发现,当高斯光束的入射角为26o时,逆GH位移随着温度的变化最大且线性度较好,便于温度监测。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the spectral properties of stratified structures consisting of two volume holographic reflection gratings separated by an optically uniform layer. When such structures are illuminated by polychromatic light, the interference of the waves generated by these gratings leads to the formation of a set of narrow spectral passbands. The period of arrangement of the passbands is determined by the optical thickness of the intermediate layer, and their envelope coincides with the spectral selectivity contour of one grating. The existence of this type of spectra with local passbands spaced 2–8 Å apart (in different experiments) was confirmed experimentally. A high-resolution Ramanor U1000 spectrometer and an optical Fabry–Perot interferometer were used. It is found that the nonuniformity of the internal structure of the holographic gratings due to the imperfection of the recording medium substantially distorts the spectral characteristics of the studied structures in comparison with their simple theoretical models: the spectrum is asymmetric and the transmission of the local bands is significantly lower than the estimated value. Similarity between the experimental data and simulation results was achieved by selecting the parameters of said nonuniformity.  相似文献   

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