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压电式微质量传感器的测试精度直接依赖于结构频率对质量变化的灵敏程度.本文利用对称槽型梁和压电薄膜组成的对称敏感结构,提出了一种提高传感器灵敏度的结构设计方法,并设计了一种高精度谐振式微质量传感器.建立了结构频率变化对吸附质量敏感性的分析模型,并研究了槽型截面参数、自振频率及振动模态对灵敏度的影响.与矩形截面结构进行了仿真与实验对比,结果表明,相同几何尺寸参数下,槽型截面悬臂梁的一阶自振频率为1 851 Hz,矩形截面悬臂梁的一阶自振频率为1 610 Hz,相应的传感器灵敏度则分别为3.12×104 Hz/g和1.5×104 Hz/g,前者是后者的2倍.该项设计为提高微质量传感器灵敏度提供了一种新思路.  相似文献   

谐振式微质量传感器的灵敏度取决于弹性元件的几何尺寸和结构形式。单纯依靠结构尺寸微型化方法已难以满足传感器工程实用性的要求,因而需要探索新的改善传感器性能的方法。在保证传感器外形尺寸不变的基础上,提出通过改变弹性梁的表面形状(梯形)和截面构型(槽型)来进一步提升传感器灵敏度的新方法,建立了基于槽型变截面弹性梁的传感器灵敏度分析模型,分析了影响传感器灵敏度的关键设计因素,得到了结构设计参数、自振频率及灵敏度之间的关系表达式。仿真结果表明,在相同外形尺寸参数下,矩形截面悬臂梁传感器的自振频率和质量检测灵敏度为1 254.2 Hz和9.8×103Hz/g,槽型变截面悬臂梁传感器的自振频率和灵敏度为1 776.1 Hz和38.0×103Hz/g。相对于矩形截面梁传感器,灵敏度提高了287.8%,从而验证了提出的灵敏度提升方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

高灵敏度是微质量传感器准确探测细菌、病毒和气体等物质的关键指标。虽然借助微型化的高阶模态梁振动可以有效提升探测灵敏度,但微尺度效应也降低了传感器的抗环境干扰能力。因此,如何在特定尺度约束下提升高阶模态传感器的灵敏度已成为谐振式微传感器设计的前沿问题。本文在研究弹性梁几何构型、压电层尺寸与有效质量分布对振动模态影响关系的基础上,建立了压电驱动多阶梯梁式微质量传感器的灵敏度分析模型,以传感器灵敏度提升最大为目标,建立了高阶振动模态下悬臂梁几何构型优化设计模型,得到了在不同振动模态下具有最高灵敏度的悬臂梁构型,使同尺寸传感器的灵敏度提升了10.0~15.0倍。考虑驱动位置与制造成本约束,设计并研制了具有六阶梯梁结构的高阶模态微质量传感器。实验结果表明,总长度为17.6mm的六阶梯梁微质量传感器的灵敏度为18.8×10~4 Hz/g,考虑制造误差的影响,其二阶模态灵敏度为同尺寸等截面梁传感器的10.0倍,较一阶模态同尺寸传感器灵敏度提升了19.8倍,从而验证了所提出的高阶模态微质量传感器灵敏度提升方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

压电式微传感器的灵敏度除与悬臂梁的尺寸、加工工艺和压电材料本身有关外,还与悬臂梁的截面形状有关。讨论了PZT压电式压力微传感器的灵敏度与悬臂梁变截面长度和偏转角度的关系,给出在给定外力F和压电材料用量的前提下,建立含有约束的数学优化模型,并用遗传算法计算出最优变量值,使产生的感应电荷最大,从而提高微传感器的灵敏度。  相似文献   

采用单晶片型压电悬臂梁制作了一种双悬臂梁结构的微型夹持器,用作毫米级微型机器人的微操作手.该微夹持器整体尺寸为15mm×2mm×2mm,重量为100mg.在分析该悬臂梁操作原理的基础上,选用PbNi1/3Nb2/3-PbZrO3-PbTiO3三元系压电陶瓷准同型相界的配方作为悬臂梁压电驱动材料,这种压电陶瓷具有高压电常数 (d31) 和机电耦合系数 (Kp).进一步研究了压电微夹持器的操作特性.结果表明:50V电场下,其最大张口距离可以达到40μm,最大夹持力为25.7×10-3N.  相似文献   

谐振式MEMS温度传感器设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了实现以频率输出为信号的气象温度测量,提出了一种基于双层悬臂梁的谐振式微温度传感器。基于双悬臂梁不同材料热膨胀系数的差异会导致悬臂梁谐振频率偏移的原理,采用压电方式同时实现悬臂梁的驱动及其谐振频率的检测,从而实现温度的测量。根据硅基传感器的正面腐蚀工艺,设计了谐振悬臂梁的双层结构,采用有限元方法分析了悬臂梁的谐振模态、可利用的振型及其温度与各模态谐振频率的关系,并利用多普勒振动系统对悬臂梁的谐振特性进行了研究。实验发现悬臂梁的二阶弯曲振型Q值相对于其它振型是最大的,其Q值约为150;高阶振型特别是二阶弯曲振型适合用于以ZnO为压电材料的温度传感器的频率检测,并且具有相对较高的灵敏度(约为20Hz/℃)和频率温度系数(1.9×10-4/℃)。结果表明,微型温度传感器能够满足气象温度检测的要求,并具有抗干扰能力强、灵敏度高、信号传输接口简单等优点。  相似文献   

当压力作用在ZnO压电薄膜微悬臂梁上时,产生电荷量的大小将直接决定压电传感器灵敏度的高低.根据等效截面法,推导了复合微悬臂梁所受的作用力与其产生电荷量的关系方程,为传感器标定和力的测量提供理论依据,并依据此转换方程,对压电微悬臂梁的结构尺寸进行比较分析,以提高传感器的灵敏度和分辨率.此研究为压电微悬臂梁压力传感器的结构优化设计提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

王光庆  鲍鹏  陆跃明 《中国机械工程》2013,24(14):1933-1938
为提高单频压电悬臂梁的振动能量采集转换效率,提出一种复合L形压电悬臂梁的宽频拓展技术,通过在单频压电悬臂梁水平结构中增加一个辅助垂直悬臂梁,组成L形压电悬臂梁,通过控制L形压电悬臂梁的结构和材料参数使悬臂梁的2阶模态频率为1阶模态频率的2倍,将1阶、2阶模态频率串联起来形成一个宽频的谐振带。利用拉格朗日方程和模态假设法建立了L形压电悬臂梁的频率方程和振动方程,通过数值仿真分析了L形压电悬臂梁结构和材料参数对其频率特性和振动特性的影响,并确定了系统的最佳结构和材料参数,实例验证了悬臂梁宽频拓展方法的正确性。  相似文献   

设计了基于微机电系统(MEMS)的一阶、二阶传动低频压电振动能量采集器,通过压电效应将低频振动能量转化为电能来解决低频(小于200 Hz)振动环境中的能量采集问题。一阶传动能量采集器模型包括一阶传动梁及压电悬臂梁,二阶传动能量采集器模型包括一阶传动梁、二阶传动梁及压电悬臂梁。数学建模及有限元分析显示:采集器工作频率随一阶、二阶传动梁及压电悬臂梁材料的杨氏模量的减小均呈单调递减的趋势;传动梁的设计可有效降低采集器的高阶工作频率、拓宽工作带宽;而二阶传动梁可以在1g加速度条件下,获得10.98 Hz和44.52 Hz两个超低频率的电压峰值(分别为3.18 V/g和1.33 V/g),使系统工作频率降得更低,50 Hz以下的有效工作带宽更宽,更适合与低频振动环境匹配进行能量采集。  相似文献   

复合型悬臂梁压电振子振动模型及发电试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
单悬臂梁压电振子俘获环境中振动能时,对环境振动频率敏感且频带有限,在谐振频率与环境振动频率不匹配的情况下,会导致压电振子俘能效率低下。基于此,设计复合型悬臂梁压电振子并建立其振动模型,采用激光测振仪对复合型悬臂梁压电振子进行扫频测试。研究结果表明,复合型悬臂梁压电振子谐振频率范围为56~72Hz,与理论分析结果基本吻合,试验验证了理论模型的正确性。相比于单悬臂梁压电振子,复合型悬臂梁压电振子有效地拓宽了其谐振频带,易于实现与环境振动源振动频率匹配以提高压电发电效率。在此基础上,进行复合型悬臂梁压电发电装置的发电能力测试,在负载为820?,工作频率为60Hz时最大输出功率达到4.9mW,产生的能量能够满足网络传感器等低耗能微电子产品的供能需求。  相似文献   

The paper presents design, development and testing of a resonant sensor to measure mass in the range of 0-12 g. The sensor is built using cantilever structure with piezoelectric excitation, sensing and microcontroller based closed loop electronics. The sensor measures the unknown mass by measuring the shift in resonance frequency of the cantilever beam. The shift in resonance frequency for a change in mass is detected by measuring the phase difference between the piezoelectric sensor output and actuator input using microcontroller. The proposed measurement system is simple and accuracy is found to be ±1.2% of full scale deflection.  相似文献   

杨氏模量是一种重要的材料参数,对结构的固有频率,刚度等有着直接的影响。材料杨氏模量测量方法一般有拉伸法、共振法等,但这些传统方法通常要用到较为昂贵的设备及传感器。为了减小测量成本,文中将压电陶瓷片作为传感元件,利用悬臂梁结构,通过测量自由振动频率,并利用力学公式反推出杨氏模量。文中分析了误差的来源,利用ANSYS软件进行结构仿真,讨论了附加的压电片对悬臂梁的影响,选取较薄的压电片以减小测量误差。实验验证了这种方法可用于杨氏模量的测量。未来可以研究使用电脑麦克风进行数据采集,代替示波器以进一步减小测量成本。  相似文献   

In this study, an intensive comparative analysis of two impact-sensitive cantilever sensors for improved estimation of time difference of arrivals on plates is presented. Precise locating of the impact point requires exact bending wave propagation velocity due to the impact and time differences between each sensor. However since the bending wave velocity is dispersive on a plate, it is very difficult to decide the velocity when a vibration sensor such as an accelerometer is used. The new sensor philosophy is to provide a more exact bending wave velocity by designing the sensor as a cantilever type with a piezo transducer. Thus in this paper, two different cantilever sensors are considered: a rectangular type with a piezoelectric magnesium niobate ?? lead titanate single crystal patch and a circular type with a piezoelectric zirconate titanate disc. Their responses against impacts are compared with the response of a commercial accelerometer. The two sensors were manufactured and tested on a glass plate and an MDF plate separately. The impact test results showed that the two sensors give narrow band responses against impacts on the both plates and can provide a constant bending wave propagation velocity.  相似文献   

An interferometric sensor for measuring the rotation angle of the plate of a mechanical torsional oscillator is described. The sensor is based on a Michelson interferometer, is compact, compensates for frequency and amplitude fluctuations of an optical-radiation source, and has a high sensitivity. The sensor is mainly designed to investigate fluctuations of the rotation angle in torsional oscillators. A sensitivity of ~5 × 10?11 rad/√Hz that is limited by seismic noise, which acts on the torsional oscillator, is demonstrated at frequencies close to 60 Hz. The potential sensitivity of the sensor limited by photodetector noise is ~10?11 rad/√Hz. The sensor can also be used in devices where it is necessary to measure small differential displacements of mirrors.  相似文献   

The fiber Bragg grating geophone sensor with higher sensitivity and wider frequency range was reported. The methods to increase the sensitivity of the FBG cantilever sensor were presented. The acceleration sensitivity of the optimized FBG geophone is 220 pm/g, and the resonant frequency can reach to 295 Hz. The experiments show that the FBG geophone system has the minimum detectable acceleration of 1 mm/s2. Some factual application examples of using this fiber Bragg grating geophone monitoring system for micro seismic monitoring in coal mine were presented.  相似文献   


Modern sensors are becoming increasingly small in size while their sensitivity requirements remain relatively strict, to the point that the processing technology and test technology are highly difficult and costly. This paper proposes a micro-resonant biosensor with adjustable natural frequency. A positive feedback signal with a phase difference of 180 degrees is used to reduce the equivalent mass of the resonator, yielding an ultrahigh resonant frequency. The biosensor is formed by a coating bovine blood solution on the surface of the resonator of a cantilever sensor. The instantaneous frequency equation of the biosensor is established using a coupling dynamic calculation. The changes in instantaneous frequency during hemoglobin oxygen absorption and deoxygenation, are then measured. The proposed millimeter micro-resonant biosensor system measures the molecular weight of a single oxygen molecule quality at 5.7619×10−23 g, only deviating by 8.306 % from the theoretical value. Finally, the potential of the micron scale sensor is deeply taped.


The paper presents design, development and testing of a resonant proximity DC current sensor to measure current in the range of 0-20 mA. The sensor is built using cantilever structure with piezoelectric excitation, sensing and closed loop electronics. The sensor measures the DC current by measuring the shift in resonance frequency of the cantilever beam. The proposed measurement system is novel, simple and accuracy is found to be 1.1% of full scale deflection.  相似文献   

提出了一种通过测量动态应变实现工程中低频振动监测的方法.在对动态应变压电传感特性进行理论分析的基础上,对压电传感元件在不同激振频率下(0.1~40.0Hz)的动态响应进行了实验研究,实验给出了较好的测量精度.结果表明,压电传感元件灵敏度高、频响范围宽、响应时间快,符合工程中低频振动测量的要求.  相似文献   

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