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针对湿气中液相流量在线检测误差较大的问题,提出采用V锥流量计压损比实现湿气液相流量直接测量的思路。实验研究了节流比分别为0.45、0.55、0.65和0.75的4个V锥流量计压损比特性,结果表明,压损比较好的反映了湿气中含液量的变化,其随液体密度弗鲁德数增大而增加,并且受气液密度比的影响;对于节流比为0.55的V锥流量计,在本实验范围内,压损比基本不受气体密度弗鲁德数的影响。建立了该流量计基于压损比的湿气液相流量测量关联式,其预测的绝大部分工况点液相流量满度相对误差小于±5.0%;当体积含液率大于0.5%时,液相流量相对误差优于±20.0%。研究结果可为建立基于单节流装置双差压的湿气气、液分相流量在线测量方法提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

利用双差压式节流装置测量湿气   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为实现湿气气液两相的在线不分离测量,提出一种由内锥和文丘里组合构成的新型双差压式湿气测量装置,并进行了实验研究。针对内锥及文丘里湿气虚高值的特点,建立了基于Lockhart-Martinelli参数、Froude数、气液密度比的内锥高精度虚高模型;建立了文丘里Deleeuw修正模型,实现了对n值的高精度拟合。通过对内锥和文丘里管在湿气测量中气液两相精度的对比分析,建立了湿气气液两相测量的迭代修正算法。实验结果表明,对于压力P为0.1~0.2MPa,气相弗劳德数0.6~1.5,L-M参数0.002~0.12,质量含气率在30%~99%范围内,气相流量测量的平均相对误差优于±1%,液相流量测量的满度误差小于±10%。  相似文献   

文丘里流量计广泛应用于湿气流量测量领域。为探索长喉颈文丘里管喉部取压位置对其湿气测量模型的影响,从理论上对其各个部分压力降进行研究。设计内径为50 mm、节流比为0.4的文丘里试验样机,取压位置距离喉部入口分别为喉部直径的0.5倍、3.75倍和7倍。在天津大学流量实验室双闭环中压湿气装置上进行试验验证。试验压力为0.2~0.8 MPa,干度为0.5~1。根据试验数据,针对不同的喉部取压位置,分析虚高梯度与L-M参数之间的关系;同时分析差压比K参数灵敏度与液气质量比qml/qmg之间的关系,发现虚高和K参数均受喉部取压位置的影响。建立基于K参数、Froude数、气液密度比的虚高模型和液气质量比模型,通过迭代算法求出气相和液相流量。分析基于不同取压位置的测量模型对湿气两相流气相和液相流量预测结果误差和不确定度的影响,得出取压位置为距离喉部入口3.75倍喉部直径时效果最好的结论,该位置模型气相测量不确定度为5.06%,液相为2.15%。  相似文献   

湿气作为一种石油天然气行业经常出现的流体,对于湿气的准确测量具有重要的意义。目前常用的方法是在气液分离之后采用单相仪表进行计量,而这种方法成本较高,因此为实现湿气的气液两相在线不分离测量,设计一种基于类内锥和长喉径类文丘里组合的双节流湿气流量测量装置,提出一种基于三级差压信号的测量方法,引入差压信号的比值作为建模的关键参数。同时建立并比较研究此双节流装置的4套湿气测量模型在实验室和现场的表现。经实验室验证,平均气相测量精度为2.13%,平均液相测量精度6.68%。现场性能测试结果表明未经修正的测量模型平均气相测量误差为7.87%,平均液相误差为15.96%,经二次修正后可实现平均气相测量误差优于±3%,液相测量满度误差优于±10%。  相似文献   

通过理论分析和室内试验研究差压信号的基本特性及差压法测量原理的局限性。对湿气流过孔板和V锥的差压信号进行分析发现:两相流差压主要由气相流动产生,液相的影响很小;低含液率时液相以薄液膜的形式附着在管壁,对气相流动有“润滑”作用,液膜厚度增大到一定值后,气液界面摩擦压降显著增加,由此导致湿气流过节流元件的差压、压损及压损比随含液率增加先减小后增大;差压波动是一个随机过程,差压方根的标准差等特征参数具有稳定性和重复性都较差的特点,难以适用于工业中的湿气流量测量。以过读关联式为基础的测量方法,误差传递过程会缩小气相流量预测误差,但会放大液相流量预测误差,且含气率越高,放大效果越明显,由此造成液相流量预测误差远大于气相流量。建议对于高含气率的湿气流动,液相流量独立测量,避免与气相流量耦合求解;应用压损比作为特征参数时应关注其非单调特性;不建议将差压方根标准差等重复性差的差压信号特征参数用于流量测量。  相似文献   

标准节流装置测量中流量计算所用的是设计工况对应的系数。随着工况不断变化。这些系数必然变化。产生测量误差。本文提出了基于RBF(radial basis function)神经网络的标准节流装置流量测量方法,测得的流量在全量程范围内有较高的精度。仿真实验表明。与传统的测量方法相比。流量测量的精度有较大提高。流量测量的最大相对误差为0.27%。而传统方法最大相对误差为9.59%。  相似文献   

基于V型内锥与电导环的油水两相流参数测量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
油水两相流在石油工业过程中十分常见,对其流动过程参数(如流量与含率)的准确测量一直受其流态的复杂性限制而成为科学研究与工业应用中亟待解决的重要课题。差压法是常用的流量测量手段,作为差压式流量计的一种,V型内锥式流量计结合两相流动模型可实现两相流流量的测量。电学法通过测量两相混合物电学性质(如电导率与介电常数)的变化实现分相含率的测量。本文采用等效直径比0.65的V型内锥式流量计结合环形电导式传感器阵列实现50mm内径水平管道中油水两相流总流量、含率与分相流速的测量,针对油水两相流特性修正Chisholm分相流差压测量关系式实现油水两相流质量流量的测量,并利用环形电导式传感器阵列实现含水率与质量含油率的测量。实验结果表明,油水两相流含水率测量的平均相对误差为8.1%,质量含油率的平均相对误差为13.7%,基于修正关系式与含水率、质量含油率测量结果的油水质量流量测量平均相对误差为4.4%,油相与水相表观流速的平均相对误差分别为3.2%与15.7%。本工作为进一步提高油水两相流过程参数的测量精度打下基础。  相似文献   

微弯型科氏质量流量计测量气-液两相流研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
与普通U形和Δ形科氏质量流量计相比,微弯型科氏质量流量计固有频率更高、相位差更小,测量气-液两相流时误差更大。为此,设计气-液两相流实验方案,采用课题组研制的科氏质量流量变送器进行气-液两相流实验,采用BP人工神经网络对测量误差进行建模,得到误差模型,实现对气-液两相流测量误差的在线实时修正。实验结果表明,当密度降在0%~30%范围内变化时,通过在线修正,气-液两相流测量误差从原来的最大为-50%减小到-5%~3%以内,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

为了探索喷水减温阀喷嘴结构参数变化对其雾化效果的影响,优化喷嘴结构参数,根据Fluent软件VOF模块对喷水减温调节阀的离心喷嘴进行气-液两相仿真分析。以喷嘴出口直径、旋流槽倾斜角、旋流室收缩角作为优化因素,以雾化锥角、流量系数作为雾化性能的评价指标,进行正交实验设计。基于响应面法建立雾化锥角和流量系数的代理模型,再运用粒子群优化算法对代理模型进行寻优,得到一个最优结构参数。结果表明:当出口直径为2.55 mm,旋流槽角度为40°,旋流室角度为110°时,雾化性能得到最优,雾化锥角比原模型增大17.7%,流量系数增大32.53%,为喷嘴的设计提供了一个新的方案。  相似文献   

针对碳捕集与封存条件下科里奥利质量流量计测量气液两相CO_2动态过程质量流量时误差较大的问题,本文提出了一种基于门控循环单元(GRU)的动态过程下气液两相CO_2质量流量校正方法。利用GRU适合动态过程预测的特点,使用来自CO_2气液两相流实验平台的采集数据,对GRU网络模型进行训练,并使用网格搜索法结合K折交叉验证优化模型参数。使用八组典型工况下的测试集对优化后的GRU模型在测量精度和泛化性能方面进行了评估,并与最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)模型进行了对比分析。实验结果表明GRU模型优于LS-SVM模型,并且GRU模型在动态波动发生后的平稳阶段,其输出结果能够快速跟随CO_2质量流量变化,相对误差在±5%以内。  相似文献   

To gain a deeper understanding of the performance of V-Cone meter in low pressure wet gas measurement, the over-reading of the V-Cone meter was experimentally investigated in the present study. The equivalent diameter ratio of the V-Cone meter is 0.55. The experimental fluids were air and tap water. The operating pressure and the gas volume fraction ranged from 0.1 MPa to 0.4 MPa and 97.52%–100%, respectively. The results showed that the existing V-Cone wet gas correlation, which was developed for the medium and high pressure wet gas cannot be well extended to the low pressure conditions. The Chisholm exponent monotonically decreased with the ratio of liquid-to-gas mass flow rate increasing, and was almost not affected by the gas to liquid density ratio and the gas densiometric Froude number in the present test ranges. A measurement correlation dedicated for the low pressure wet gas was developed. In the present cases, the relative deviation of the gas mass flow rate predicted by the new correlation was within ±4.0% and ±3.0% under the 95% and 90% confidence level, respectively; the average relative deviation was 0.046%. Our results provide insights into the measurement performance of V-Cone meter in low pressure wet gas and may help to develop a more comprehensive wet gas correlation.  相似文献   

The online measurement of wet gas with extremely-low liquid loading (Lockhart-Martinelli parameter lower than 0.02) remains a challenge. In this study, three types of throttle devices, Venturi, orifice plate and cone, are compared experimentally with air-water two-phase flow in a horizontal pipe of inner diameter of 50 mm. High-precision correlations are established to measure the gas and liquid flowrates via a single throttle device. Results show that the two-phase mass flow coefficient (K) of the three throttle devices all increase linearly with the liquid densiometric Froude number and the K correlations are established respectively to correct the gas mass flowrate deviation. The pressure loss ratio (δ) for Venturi is sensitive and monotonous to the liquid loading, which contributes to the high accuracy of liquid flowrate measurement. By incorporating the K correlations, both the gas and liquid mass flowrates can be predicted precisely. The relative error of the gas mass flowrate predicted by the Venturi is within ±2.0% at 95% confidence level, and that of the liquid mass flowrate is within ±15% at 90% confidence level.  相似文献   

Wet gas metering has become an increasingly important technique for many industries. However, the over-reading phenomenon reduces the accuracy of Differential Pressure meters. This research fills the vacancy of correlations and presents a new correlation for low pressure between 0.82 and 1.52 MPa with a vertically mounted Venturi meter to calculate the over-reading coefficient accurately. Based on the correlational analysis, the over-reading coefficient is a function of the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter, density ratio, and gas Froude number. The constant coefficients in this correlation are obtained by nonlinear regression. Effect of low gas velocity with gas Froude number under 1.5 is taken into consideration as well. The average relative error is 1.9% and the root mean square error is 3.0%. Furthermore, a new method to calculate the over-reading coefficient for industrial applications is put forward due to the difficulties of online measurements of the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter which is substituted with the void fraction. The void fraction is calculated by an empirical correlation using quality and an approximate algorithm is utilized to obtain gas Froude number. For this new method, the average relative error is 2.3% and the root mean square error is 3.7%. This quality-based method will be helpful to resolve the limited applicability of gamma-ray attenuation for wet gas flow metering in industry regarding vertical low pressure conditions.  相似文献   

Wet gas flow is a subset of gas-liquid two-phase flow, and the swirlmeter has been used in wet gas flow metering more and more recently. The swirlmeter performance in low pressure wet gas flow was investigated. It is found that the entrained liquid present in a gas stream tends to induce a negative bias in the gas flow rate reading of swirlmeter comparing with equal gas flow rate. When the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter X, which is closely related to the liquid fraction, is bigger than a threshold value, the swirlmeter will not properly work due to the disappearing of vortex precession. It is also found that the liquid-induced gas flow rate reading errors of swirlmeter are dependent on X and the gas densiometric Froude number Frg. A correlation for swirlmeter in low pressure wet gas flow is proposed, and it corrects the liquid-induced gas flow rate errors to an accepted accuracy under the tested conditions. It implies that the swirlmeter with the proposed correlation and the known liquid fraction may be used to meter the gas flow rate in wet gas applications with a relatively low liquid fraction.  相似文献   

基于槽式孔板的凝析天然气计量技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种新型气液两相流量传感器——槽式孔板的结构特点和工作原理,并将其应用于凝析天然气计量技术研究。结合实验数据和理论模型详细分析了影响槽式孔板两相压降倍率的各种因素,利用曲面拟合技术给出了传感器两相压降倍率与压力、气体富劳德准数、Lockhart-Martinelli参数之间的相关式,该相关式计算精度可以满足生产计量的精度要求,为低含液率的凝析天然气流量计研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In this paper a novel flow measurement device composed of a long throat Venturi tube and a V-cone was proposed to deal with the wet gas flow measurement without separation, and a new metering method was put forward based on the triple differential pressures. The correlations were based on the gas densiometric Froude number, gas–liquid density ratio, and the differential pressure ratios, which were then compared and validated by the laboratory and field tests. The laboratory test results showed that the uncertainty of relative errors for the gas and liquid flow rates were less than 3% and 6%, respectively. The field test results showed that the uncertainty of relative errors for the gas flow rates before correction varied from 5.53% to 11.57%. After correction the uncertainty of relative errors for gas flow rate varied from 1.37% to 3.22% and full-scale error for liquid flow rate was less than ±10%.  相似文献   

Parameter measurement of gas–liquid two-phase flows with a high gas volume fraction (GVF) has received great attention in the research field of multiphase flow. The cone meter, as a new proposed differential pressure (DP) meter, is increasingly being applied in flowrate measurement of gas–liquid two-phase flow. A dual-parameter measurement method of gas–liquid two-phase flow based on a dual-cone meter is proposed. The two-phase flow is investigated in a horizontal pipeline with high GVF and low pressure, and exists in the form of annular flow. By adding a second cone meter, both gas mass fraction (GMF) and mass flowrate are measured. The pressure drop performances of five different sized cones have been discussed to make a cooperating cone selection and efficiently position the dual-cone in the pipe. Dual-cone flowmeter experiments of 0.45 and 0.65 equivalent diameter ratio combination, and 0.65 and 0.85 equivalent diameter ratio combination are respectively carried out to analyze the linearity of two-phase flow multiplier with Lockhart–Martinelli parameter and obtain the dual-parameter measurement results. The relative experiment error of GMF, gas mass flowrate and total mass flowrate are respectively within ±7%, ±5% and ±10%. The relative error of the liquid phase is within ±10% when the liquid mass fraction is beyond 40%. The experimental results show that it is efficient to utilize this dual-cone method for high GVF and low pressure gas–liquid two-phase flow measurement.  相似文献   

Wet gas metering with a horizontally mounted Venturi meter   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Wet gas metering is becoming an increasingly important problem to the Oil and Gas Industry. The Venturi meter is a favoured device for the metering of the unprocessed wet natural gas production flows. Wet gas is defined here as a two-phase flow with up to 50% of the mass flowing being in the liquid phase. Metering the gas flowrate in a wet gas flow with use of a Venturi meter requires a correction of the meter reading to account for the liquids effect. Currently, most correlations in existence were created for Orifice Plate Meters and are for general two-phase flow. However, due to no Venturi meter correlation being published before 1997 industry was traditionally forced to use these Orifice Plate Meter correlations when faced with a Venturi metering wet gas flows. This paper lists seven correlations, two recent wet gas Venturi correlations and five older Orifice Plate general two-phase flow correlations and compares their performance with new independent data from the NEL Wet Gas Loop with an ISA Controls Ltd. Standard specification six inch Venturi meter of 0.55 beta ratio installed. Finally, a new correlation is offered.  相似文献   

In the energy industry, such as the gas field, precise measurement of wet gas is becoming increasingly crucial. Many studies have focused on the over-reading (OR) of throttle flowmeter in wet gas measurement. By using the dimensional analysis method, we proposed a precession Venturi and established a new OR correlation based on the gas Froude number, liquid-gas density ratio, and the Lockhart–Martinelli parameter. Experimental tests of air-water flow were conducted, and the relationships between differential pressure and OR with liquid volume fraction were investigated at various pressures and superficial gas velocities. The experimental results show that the uncertainty of gas flow rate measurement is in the range of 0.35%–0.56%, and 90.8% of the points are in the range of 0.35%–0.45%, with a relative error band of ±2.94% calculated by the OR correlation at a confidence probability of 95.5%.  相似文献   

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