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视频小卫星凝视姿态跟踪的仿真与实验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
孙志远  张刘  金光  徐开  陈茂胜 《光学精密工程》2011,19(11):2715-2723
对视频卫星实现对地凝视成像时的数学模型、姿态跟踪控制器设计和全物理仿真进行了研究.首先,根据卫星轨道运动与姿态运动相关理论,推导了对地凝视时视频小卫星相对轨道坐标系的期望四元数和期望姿态角速度的变化规律.设计了基于误差四元数和误差姿态角速度的PD控制器,并采用李雅普诺夫稳定性理论证明了所设计控制器的稳定性.然后,以在曝...  相似文献   

针对刚性航天器在姿态跟踪控制中存在的系统不确定及外界干扰等问题,提出了一种预定义时间滑模控制器(PTSMC).首先,给出了以四元数为姿态参数的航天器姿态跟踪控制系统,利用误差四元数和误差角速度设计了预定义时间滑模面.然后,考虑了航天器系统的不确定性和外界干扰设计了一种非保守上界的PTSMC,并通过边界层技术降低了系统抖动.最后,通过设计Lyapunov函数,证明了所提出的控制器的预定义时间稳定性和系统收敛时间上界的非保守性.仿真结果表明,刚性航天器的姿态跟踪误差精度可达1.5×10-6 rad,角速度跟踪误差精度可达2×10-6 rad/s.与现有的预定义时间控制器相比,所提出的控制器的稳定时间上限是更加非保守的,与传统PD控制和非奇异终端滑模控制相比,所提出的控制器具有更高的跟踪精度和鲁棒性.通过3自由度气浮平台的姿态跟踪实验进一步说明了控制方案的有效性,其中角度跟踪误差小于0.1 rad,位置跟踪误差小于0.2 m.  相似文献   

多个遥感相机固定在一颗遥感卫星上,调整其中一个遥感相机工作姿态的反作用力产生的角动量会改变遥感卫星的姿态,进而影响其他遥感相机的工作姿态。为了在遥感相机姿态控制轴内自平衡该角动量,减小影响,设计了一种遥感相机姿态控制轴动平衡机械机构。该机构主要由一个驱动电机、一个主轴、一个传动齿轮系、一个增速器及一个角动量平衡轮组成。机构工作时,电机转子驱动主轴带动遥感相机姿态控制轴调整相机姿态,同时,电机定子的反作用力通过传动齿轮系、增速器逐级传递,驱动角动量平衡轮旋转。通过调整角动量平衡轮的质量放大比或者增速器的增速比可得适当量值的平衡轮角动量,实现机构内部动平衡。基于角动量守恒定律和理论力学基本原理,证明了机构设计的正确性。最后,建立了遥感相机姿态控制动平衡机构的三维动态仿真模型,根据机构的实际参数,设定了机构的仿真参数,在给定负载的条件下进行了仿真验证和结果分析,进一步验证了设计的可行性。  相似文献   

从控制的角度综述了多功能、高质量成像需求下,超稳定、超精确、超敏捷高分辨率光学遥感卫星精密敏捷控制的关键技术和研究进展。以卫星成像与姿态控制系统性能的关系为基础,从姿态机动能力与多功能成像、姿态确定精度与成像质量和姿态控制精度与成像质量三个方面论述了精密敏捷控制技术对光学遥感卫星成像的重要性。在此基础上,结合光学遥感卫星姿态控制系统的组成及原理,分析了影响姿态控制精度和姿态机动能力的主要因素,对高精度姿态确定、精密姿态控制和敏捷姿态控制三个关键技术方向进行了讨论和总结。最后,综合当前技术的发展趋势,围绕一体化成像控制的设计思想展望了精密敏捷控制技术未来的发展趋势,为实现高分辨率光学遥感卫星多功能、高质量成像控制提供了理论依据和工程参考。  相似文献   

在地面上精确测量航天器的惯性参数是困难的,并且由于燃料的消耗、航天器的交会对接、载荷及姿态的变化等因素将会使航天器的惯性参数在轨发生变化。因而航天器的控制系统、状态估计系统将会受到航天器惯性参数变化的影响。在轨辨识出航天器的惯性参数,可以为更加优化、实时的控制航天器服务。文中提出了一种基于粒子群优化算法的航天器惯性参数辨识算法。建立了引入带有模型误差以及由于航天器惯性参数变化引起的误差的航天器姿态运动学与动力学模型,基于模型误差最小准则建立目标函数,利用改进的粒子群优化算法对模型误差进行实时估计,从而实现对航天器惯性参数的辨识,并将其应用到航天器的姿态控制中,并通过仿真实验证明了该算法的有效性以及实用性。  相似文献   

针对航天器多体系统受非完整约束作用时,其动力学方程是强非线性微分方程组而难以求解析解、系统的稳定性及其控制难以进行分析的问题,提出通过带非完整约束的哈密顿控制系统对航天器多体系统的姿态稳定及控制进行分析的方法。采用该方法可以避免求解非线性方程组的边值问题。建立了一种简洁的航天器多体系统姿态稳定性控制方法,而且该方法使得系统的运动控制更加易于从物理意义上进行解释,即使得系统的稳定控制可以理解为系统和控制器之间的能量平衡。通过算例进行了验证和说明。  相似文献   

针对半车油气悬架系统,提出了一种由车身姿态控制器和力跟踪控制器组成双闭环控制系统的车身姿态控制策略。外环利用Backstepping控制算法作为姿态控制器实现对期望姿态的精确跟踪,输出一个最优控制力、力矩;分析了内动态对系统的影响,并通过引入地棚阻尼控制进行修正。设计了输出解耦使最优控制力及力矩分配到前后悬架力,作为内环的给定。内环采用滑模控制算法设计了力跟踪控制器。仿真分析表明,对凸起路面、正弦路面及C级路面提出的控制策略能满足半车悬架的控制要求。  相似文献   

针对电动独轮车稳态性能差和抗负载转矩扰动能力差的问题,将自适应模糊PD控制技术应用到电动独轮车的姿态控制中。该系统是以加速度计、陀螺仪为姿态传感器,永磁无刷直流电机为执行机构的单轮平衡车,在分析骑行过程中电动独轮车姿态变化的基础上,推导了系统对应的动态模型,建立了电动独轮车的姿态信息与电机输出转矩之间的关系,并结合传统PD控制和模糊控制的相关理论,提出采用自适应模糊PD控制的方法实现电动独轮车的姿态控制。在实验室搭建的电动独轮车上,分别采用传统PD控制和自适应模糊PD控制方法进行了试验比较。研究结果表明,相比于传统的PD控制器,自适应模糊PD控制在不同的运行环境都可以获得良好的控制效果,可以提高系统的动静态性能。  相似文献   

本文设计了一款简单的四轴飞行器,并论述了四轴飞行器的飞行原理以及各个模块的组成。它由STC15系列单片机控制模块、MPU6050飞行姿态采集传感器、2.4G无线等模块组成。重点介绍四轴飞行器姿态控制算法,将采集到的实时姿态与期望姿态作对比,利用PID控制器调节飞行系统的PWM占空比,控制电机的转速以调整飞行姿态。最后,对制作的四轴飞行器进行飞行测试。实现结果表明,所设计的四轴飞行器具有较强的稳定性,能够完成简单的飞行动作。  相似文献   

为了在硬件有限的条件下测试微纳卫星姿态控制软件的实时控制性能,建立了微纳卫星姿态控制软件实时测试系统,并使用该系统对微纳卫星姿态控制软件进行了测试实验.根据卫星姿态动力学与运动学、轨道环境信息与姿态控制算法数学模型,在PC机上设计开发了微纳卫星模拟飞行平台.使用控制器局域网络(CAN)和串口建立了连接星载计算机与PC机微纳卫星模拟飞行平台的高效通讯链路,并对姿态控制软件主程序进行必要的修改.最后,基于该实时测试系统完成了星载计算机上姿态控制软件的实时控制性能测试实验.实验结果表明:姿态控制软件在星箭分离后18446 s完成初始控制阶段并进入偏置对地三轴稳定模式,实现了微纳卫星的稳态控制目标.偏置对地三轴稳定模式中卫星最低单轴姿态精度与角速度稳定度分别优于±1.86°和±0.048(°)/s,满足该模式控制精度与收敛时间的要求.  相似文献   

The paper presents a distributed finite-time controller for multiple under-actuated spacecraft with flexible appendages to track a virtual leader with stationary states under an undirected communication graph. Each spacecraft of concern is simplified as a free-floating hub-beam system, which is an under-actuated Euler-Lagrange system by nature since only the hub is driven. In the undirected communication graph, it is assumed that only one spacecraft can receive the information from the virtual leader. A distributed finite-time control law is presented for such a multi-agent system. The closed-loop system is proven to converge to the desired states within a finite time via Lyapunov theory and homogeneous method. Finally, a comparison is made between the proposed controller and the PD controller to show the better performance of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new robust control based on finite-time Lyapunov stability controller and proved with backstepping method for the position and the attitude of a small rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicle subjected to bounded uncertainties and disturbances. The dynamical motion equations are obtained by the Newton–Euler formalism. The proposed controller combines the advantage of the backstepping approach with finite-time convergence techniques to generate a control laws to guarantee the faster convergence of the state variables to their desired values in short time and compensate for the bounded disturbances. A formal proof of the closed-loop stability and finite-time convergence of tracking errors is derived using the Lyapunov function technique. Simulation results are presented to corroborate the effectiveness and the robustness of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

针对电液伺服系统中的模型不确定性和状态约束问题,设计了一种模型参考鲁棒自适应控制(MRRAC)方法。将电液伺服系统的近似模型作为模型预测控制(MPC)的设计对象,在设计过程中考虑状态约束,并生成受约束的状态期望,作为后续伺服控制方法的参考指令。为了克服液压系统中的模型不确定性,基于反步法设计了鲁棒自适应控制器(RAC),实现了兼顾模型不确定性和状态约束的伺服控制。基于Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了所设计控制策略的闭环渐近稳定性,且系统所有信号均有界。仿真结果表明,控制器对于系统模型不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性,且可实现对指定状态的有效约束,充分验证了该控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

In the common practice of designing an attitude tracker for an aerospacecraft, one transforms the Newton-Euler rotation equations to obtain the dynamic equations of some chosen inertial frame based attitude metrics, such as Euler angles and unit quaternions. A Lyapunov approach is then used to design a controller which ensures asymptotic convergence of the attitude to the desired orientation. Although this design methodology is pretty standard, it usually involves singularity-prone coordinate transformations which complicates the analysis process and controller design. A new, singularity free error feedback method is proposed in the paper to provide simple and intuitive stability analysis and controller synthesis. This new body frame based method utilizes the concept of Euleraxis and angles to generate the smallest error angles from a body frame perspective, without coordinate transformations. Global tracking convergence is illustrated with the use of a feedback linearizing PD tracker, a sliding mode controller, and a model reference adaptive controller. Experimental results are also obtained on a quadrotor platform with unknown system parameters and disturbances, using a boundary layer approximated sliding mode controller, a PIDD controller, and a unit sliding mode controller. Significant tracking quality is attained.  相似文献   

Lv Y  Hu Q  Ma G  Zhou J 《ISA transactions》2011,50(4):573-580
This paper treats the problem of synchronized control of spacecraft formation flying (SFF) in the presence of input constraint and parameter uncertainties. More specifically, backstepping based robust control is first developed for the total 6 DOF dynamic model of SFF with parameter uncertainties, in which the model consists of relative translation and attitude rotation. Then this controller is redesigned to deal with the input constraint problem by incorporating a command filter such that the generated control could be implementable even under physical or operating constraints on the control input. The convergence of the proposed control algorithms is proved by the Lyapunov stability theorem. Compared with conventional methods, illustrative simulations of spacecraft formation flying are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach to achieve the spacecraft track the desired attitude and position trajectories in a synchronized fashion even in the presence of uncertainties, external disturbances and control saturation constraint.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of robust dissipative control is investigated for uncertain flexible spacecraft based on Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model with saturated time-delay input. Different from most existing strategies, T–S fuzzy approximation approach is used to model the nonlinear dynamics of flexible spacecraft. Simultaneously, the physical constraints of system, like input delay, input saturation, and parameter uncertainties, are also taken care of in the fuzzy model. By employing Lyapunov–Krasovskii method and convex optimization technique, a novel robust controller is proposed to implement rest-to-rest attitude maneuver for flexible spacecraft, and the guaranteed dissipative performance enables the uncertain closed-loop system to reject the influence of elastic vibrations and external disturbances. Finally, an illustrative design example integrated with simulation results are provided to confirm the applicability and merits of the developed control strategy.  相似文献   

An adaptive saturated fault-tolerant controller is proposed for a spacecraft rendezvous maneuver with a cooperative target spacecraft. The six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) relative dynamics subject to unknown inertial parameters, external disturbances, actuator faults and saturations are formulated in the pursuer's body-fixed frame. To design controller satisfying asymmetric magnitude constraints, a modified smooth hyperbolic tangent function is applied to approximate the non-differentiable saturation function. Based on the augmented system technique, an adaptive fault-tolerant saturated controller is designed for the pursuer by using a Nussbaum function matrix compensating for the nonlinear term arising from the input saturations. In addition, a Levant differentiator is introduced to obtain the derivative of the virtual control in finite time that avoids the complicated calculation. It is proved via Lyapunov stability theory that all the signals in the closed-loop augmented system are bounded and the relative errors asymptotically converge to zero. Numerical simulations are performed to illustrate effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

针对直线电机的强非线性和时变特性,采用模型参考自适应控制(MRAC)方法对SISO直线电机闭环位置控制器进行了研究。利用偶极子对消建立了简化的永磁直线电机二阶数学模型,提出了基于局部参数最优化MIT(梯度)方案和全局稳定性理论的Lyapunov方案下的二阶直线电机位置模型参考自适应控制器,并对自适应控制器下的直线电机闭环系统稳定性进行了分析研究。在相同的前馈加反馈的控制器下,对这两种方案下的实验结果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,基于Lyapunov第二方法设计的二阶控制器比MIT方法下的二阶控制器更能实现对三阶点到点轨迹输入信号的快速响应和跟踪,证实了直线电机位置自适应控制的有效性。  相似文献   

Nonlinear attitude control for a rigid spacecraft by feedback linearization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Attitude control laaw design for spacecraft large angle maneuvers is investigated in this paper. The feedback linearization technique is applied to the design of a nonlinear tracking control law. The output function to be tracked is the quaternion attitude parameter. The designed control law turns out to be a combination of attitude and attitude rate tracking commands. The attitude-only output function, therefore, leads to a stable closed-loop system following the given reference trajectory. The principal advantage of the proposed method is that it is relatively easy to produce reference trajectories and associated controller.  相似文献   

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