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We present a new micro-vision system for tool wear monitoring, which is essential for intelligent manufacturing. The tool wear area is divided into regions by a watershed transform, then subjected to automatic focusing and segmentation. The individual pixel gray values in each region are then replaced with the corresponding regional mean gray value. A hill climbing algorithm based on the sum modified laplacian (SML) focusing evaluation function is used to search the focal plane. In addition, we implement an adaptive Markov Random Field (MRF) algorithm to segment each region of tool wear. For our MRF model, the connection parameter value is adaptively determined by the connection degree between regions, which improves image acquisition of more integral tool wear areas. Our findings suggest that automatic focusing and segmentation of the tool wear area by region (within the tool wear area) enhance accuracy and robustness, and allow for real time acquisition of tool wear images. We also implement a complementary tool wear assessment procedure based on the surface texture of the workpiece. The optimal texture analysis window is determined using the entropy metric – a texture feature generated using a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). In the best texture analysis window, entropy remains monotonic as tool wear increases, demonstrating that entropy can be used effectively to monitor tool wear. Information from combined measurements of tool wear and workpiece texture can reliably be used to monitor tool wear conditions and improve monitoring success rates.  相似文献   

FCM聚类算法和粗糙集在医疗图像分割中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张东波  王耀南 《仪器仪表学报》2006,27(12):1683-1687
本文通过结合FCM聚类算法和粗糙集,提出了一种新的图像分割方法。首先,以不同聚类数情况下FCM的分割结果为依据构建属性值表,基于属性构成的不可分辨关系将图像分成多个小区域;然后,通过值约简获得各属性权值并以此为依据,计算各区域之间的差异度,进而通过差异度定义的等价关系,实现各区域相似度评价;最后,通过相似度定义的最终等价关系实现区域合并,完成图像分割。该方法在人工生成图像和大脑CT图像及MRI图像的分割中得到验证,实验结果表明,本文方法和FCM方法相比,可以降低错分率,且对模糊边界区域的分割效果较好。  相似文献   

数控车削加工过程的刀具磨损动态监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对车削加工刀具磨损的各阶段信号进行采集,通过动态时频域分析,找到车削加工过程中刀具磨损的重要参数变化,对其进行振铃记数和人工神经网络的模式识别,实现了车削加工刀具磨损的状态检测。  相似文献   

数控机床刀具磨损监测实验数据处理方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数控机床刀具磨损监测对于提高数控机床利用率,减小由于刀具破损而造成的经济损失具有重要意义.有针对性地回顾了国内外各种分析刀具磨损信号方法的研究工作,详细叙述了功率谱分析法、小波变换、人工神经网络以及多传感器信息融合技术的实现形式.通过比较各种数据处理方法的优缺点,提出基于混合智能多传感器信息融合技术是数控机床刀具磨损监测实验数据处理的未来发展的主要方向.  相似文献   

研制了一种铣刀磨损的监控方法.在该系统中信号采集采用声发射传感器,信号的特征提取采用小波分析的方法,将变换后的尺度系数和各个频段的小波系数作为特征,采用自行设计的Sugeno模糊控制系统进行状态识别,模糊控制系统的输出是刀具磨损的具体值.  相似文献   

We present a preliminary design and experimental results of tumor objects tracking method for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain images (some stock images) that utilizes color-converted segmentation algorithm with K-means clustering technique. The method is capable of solving unable exactly contoured lesion objects problem in MRI image by adding the color-based segmentation operation. The key idea of color-converted segmentation algorithm with K-means is to solve the given MRI image by converting the input gray-level image into a color space image and operating the image labeled by cluster index. In this paper we investigate the possibility of employing this approach for image-based-MRI application. The application of the proposed method for tracking tumor is demonstrated to help pathologists distinguish exactly lesion size and region.  相似文献   

设计一种融合声发射(AE)、主轴电动机电流和Z向进给电动机电流多特征参数检测方法的、以PC机为上位机、以80C196KC单片机为下位机的刀具磨损监测系统。主要介绍系统的硬件结构,阐述系统中多路信号采集装置硬、软件工作原理与设计中的关键技术,以及具有辨识功能的上位数据处理计算机的软件工作流程。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to understand micro-milling of aluminum material with ball nose end mill and consisted of four stages: experimental work, modelling, mono and multi objective optimization. In the first stage (experimental work), micro-milling experiments were carried out using Taguchi method. The effects of spindle speed, feed per tooth and depth of cut on tool wear, force and surface roughness were investigated. Cutting tools and workpiece surfaces were also inspected via scanning electron microscope. Adhesion and abrasion wear mechanisms during micro-milling of aluminum were observed. Workpiece surfaces had the accumulations of plastically deformed workpiece material due to the high ductility of aluminum. In the second stage (modelling), all data gathered in the experimental works were utilized to formulate first-order models with interaction. These first-order models with interaction could be used to predict responses in micro-milling of aluminum with a minor error. In the third stage (mono-objective optimization), responses were used alone in optimization study as an objective function. To minimize all responses, Taguchi’s signal to noise ratio was used. The effect of control factors on responses was determined by analysis of variance. In the fourth stage (multi objective optimization), responses were optimized simultaneously using grey relational analysis.  相似文献   

针对模糊C均值聚类算法中,聚类效果往往受到聚类中心数目和初始聚类中心的影响这一问题,提出一种基于多尺度自回归(MAR)模型与模糊C均值(FCM)聚类的声呐图像分割方法.引入MAR模型,建立层与层之间以及相邻层像素点间的数学关系,利用粗尺度图像的灰度-邻域均值二维直方图中的峰值个数来确定聚类中心数目,通过MAR得到的预测分割结果引导初始聚类中心的确定.实验结果表明,改进后的算法能准确、快速地确定聚类中心数目,并较好地解决初始聚类中心问题;与传统的FCM聚类方法相比,具有分割准确和收敛速度快的特点.  相似文献   

基于差商的油液监测铁谱图像自适应分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对油液监测中铁谱磨粒图像分割阈值难以选取的问题,本文提出一种基于差商的自适应铁谱图像分割算法。首先,将铁谱磨粒灰度图像转换成三维灰度直方图,并对其进行切片分析;然后,引入Newton插值多项式,将不同切片所得的频数作为切片灰度-频数曲线的插值点,基于差商构造第一类可接受函数和第二类可接受函数,结合实验数据确定两类误差,选取同时满足两类误差的最小灰度值作为分割阈值;最后,用本文方法对不同类型的磨粒图像以及添加高斯噪声和椒盐噪声后图像分别进行分割实验,并与经典的迭代阈值法、Otsu算法、最大熵法进行了比较。实验结果表明,本文方法受噪声干扰较小,误检率和漏检率整体优于其他3种算法。对分割所得的磨粒图像进行特征提取,并利用支持向量机进行识别,本文方法对3种故障磨粒识别准确率最高,达到82.86%,虽在运行时间上无明显优势,但综合性能最优,能满足油液监测过程中铁谱图像自适应分割的需求。  相似文献   

铁谱分析技术是润滑油液分析技术的主导技术,是机械设备工况监测和故障诊断的主要技术手段之一。铁谱片上磨损颗粒间的区分是磨损颗粒识别和诊断的基础。针对铁谱图像中磨损颗粒形状和颜色分布的复杂性,利用数字图像处理技术,采用K-均值聚类法,对铁谱彩色图像进行了分割处理研究。试验结果表明,K-均值聚类法可以有效地分割彩色铁谱图像,将磨损颗粒提取出来,为铁谱图像的后续处理工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在机器识别中,图像分割是重要的一个步骤,传统分割手段存在一定缺陷。针对传统K均值聚类分割的初始聚类中心敏感的缺陷进行了优化,利用自适应天牛须优化算法,避免了这一问题。通过实验结果表明,该算法(ABASK)对图像进行分割,既可以保证图像轮廓的分割,同时还可以更多地保留图像细节。  相似文献   

Intelligent monitoring and diagnosis of tool status are of great significance for improving the manufacturing efficiency and accuracy of the workpiece. It is difficult to quickly and accurately predict the wear state of worm gear hob under different working conditions. This paper proposes a novel approach to predict hob wear status based on CNC real-time monitoring data. Based on the open platform communication unified architecture (OPC UA) technology and orthogonal test, the machine data of motor power, current, etc. related to tool wear are collected online in the worm gear machining process. And then, an improved deep belief network (DBN) is used to generate a tool wear model by training data. A growing DBN with transfer learning is introduced to automatically decide its best model structure, which can accelerate its learning process, improve training efficiency and model performance. The experiment results show that the proposed method can effectively predict hob wear status under multi-cutting conditions. To show the advantages of the proposed approach, the performance of the DBN is compared with the traditional back propagation neural network (BP) method in terms of the mean-squared error (MSE). The compared results show that this tool wear prediction method has better prediction accuracy than the traditional BP method during worm gear hobbing.  相似文献   

Tool wear monitoring is a popular research topic in the field of ultra-precision machining. However, there appears to have been no research on the monitoring of tool wear in ultra-precision raster milling (UPRM) by using cutting chips. In the present research, monitoring tool wear was firstly conducted in UPRM by using cutting chips. During the cutting process, the fracture wear of the diamond tool is directly imprinted on the cutting chip surface as a group of ‘ridges’. Through inspection of the locations, cross-sectional shape of these ridges by a 3D scanning electron microscope, the virtual cutting edge of the diamond tool under fracture wear is built up. A mathematical model was established to predict the virtual cutting edge with two geometric elements: semi-circle and isosceles triangle used to approximate the cross-sectional shape of ridges. Since the theoretical prediction of cutting edge profile concurs with the inspected one, the proposed tool wear monitoring method is found to be effective.  相似文献   

针对刀具磨损检测在图像处理技术中的发展现状总结,并对刀具磨损检测在图像处理技术应用趋势下做出展望。首先,对刀具的磨损检测系统简单的介绍和总结;其次,对检测后的图像预处理、磨损区域提取及边缘检测、磨损状态识别技术的相关内容进行详细讨论。最后,结合目前计算机视觉、人工智能等新形势下对刀具磨损检测在图像处理技术中做出展望。  相似文献   

空间约束FCM与MRF结合的侧扫声呐图像分割算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对侧扫声呐图像斑点噪声强、目标分割困难的问题,提出了一种基于空间约束的快速模糊C均值聚类(SCFFCM)与马尔可夫随机场(MRF)相结合的分割算法。为克服噪声干扰,该算法首先基于贝叶斯最大后验概率理论在非下采样Contourlet变换域去除声呐图像中的强斑点噪声;然后为加快分割速度,提出SCFFCM算法,该算法用于给出一个较好的初始分割;接着由初始分割计算MRF模型的约束场,再根据图像邻域内灰度波动情况自适应更新结合权值,进而求解得到FCM模糊场与MRF约束场的联合场,并基于最大概率准则得到分割结果;最后,采用形态学去除分割结果中的孤立噪点,并完成孔洞填充。对仿真及实际的侧扫声呐图像的分割实验结果表明,所提算法较FCM和现有的一些FCM改进算法有更强的抗噪能力、更高的分割精度以及更快的运算速度。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop a new, simple to use and reliable automatic method for detection and monitoring wear on the cutting tool. To achieve this purpose, the vibratory signatures produced during a turning process were measured by using a three-axis accelerometer. Then, the mean power analysis was proposed to extract an indicator parameter from the vibratory responses, to be able to describe the state of the cutting tool over its lifespan. Finally, an automatic detector was proposed to evaluate and monitor tool wear in real time. This detector is efficient, simple to operate in an industrial environment and does not require any protracted computing time.  相似文献   

An adaptive signal processing scheme that uses a low-order autoregressive time series model is introduced to model the cutting force data for tool wear monitoring during face milling. The modelling scheme is implemented using an RLS (recursive least square) method to update the model parameters adaptively at each sampling instant. Experiments indicate that AR model parameters are good features for monitoring tool wear, thus tool wear can be detected by monitoring the evolution of the AR parameters during the milling process. The capability of tool wear monitoring is demonstrated with the application of a neural network. As a result, the neural network classifier combined with the suggested adaptive signal processing scheme is shown to be quite suitable for in-process tool wear monitoring  相似文献   

基于视觉注意的随机游走图像分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统随机游走图像分割需要多次交互设置种子点以获得理想的分割结果。在视觉注意的基础上,提出了一种新的自动确定种子点的随机游走图像分割算法。首先对图像进行超像素分割,并生成概率边界图(PBM);然后基于Itti模型,通过视觉注意焦点的转移搜寻待分割的关键区域;为确定关键分割区域种子点,以当前注意焦点作为极点对概率边界图进行极坐标变换,在获得的极坐标概率边界图上建立关于焦点区域边界的能量函数,采用图论max-flow min-cut算法最小化能量函数检测焦点区域的最优边界,焦点区域边界内的超像素即为种子点;最后以超像素为节点构造图,在图上随机游走完成图像分割。在Berkeley Segmentation Data Set上的实验表明本文方法能有效分割复杂图像。  相似文献   

针对聚类分割算法对喷墨印花纹理图像存在的局限性,提出了一种结合期望最大化(EM)的喷墨印花纹理图像聚类分割算法(CSA).首先,将空间相关性引入聚类分割中,利用自回归模型表征纹理同质区域;然后,为了提高分割模型参数估计的精度,将分块标定机制引入期望最大化算法中,实现了参数极大似然估计的迭代算法,解决了不完全数据参数估计问题;最后,利用数据集分块并进行聚类,使同类元素具有较高的相似度,从而对图像中的像素进行了归类划分,并将得到的结果进行了合并,实现了目标图像的正确分割.实验结果表明,和传统的聚类分割算法相比,该算法能更好地解决喷墨印花纹理图像的分割问题.  相似文献   

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