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步行康复训练机器人协调控制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现步行康复训练机器人的协调控制,对外骨骼助行腿与跑步机的协调控制以及减重支撑系统与外骨骼助行腿的协调控制,提出了协调控制方法。最后用假人代替真实患者通过实验验证了外骨骼助行腿、跑步机和减重支撑系统之间的协调控制效果。实验结果表明,步行康复训练机器人能够很好的对假人进行减重步行康复训练,外骨骼助行腿、跑步机和减重支撑系统很好地实现了协调控制,同时为进一步对真实患者进行实验研究奠定了很好的基础。  相似文献   

重力辅助惯性导航可视化仿真系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何英  蔡体菁 《仪器仪表学报》2006,27(Z3):2530-2531
为了形象直观地研究重力辅助惯性导航系统,用数字地球重力异常图和Matlab/Simulink组合导航仿真模块,建立了基于Matlab的重力辅助惯性导航可视化仿真系统,实现了Matlab/Simulink导航模块的仿真计算与控制、仿真轨迹动画显示和数据处理.  相似文献   

针对微小型无人直升机动力学建模与控制实验的安全问题,避免在实验或测试中造成人员伤害和直升机及其机载设备的损毁,设计了一种被动式微小型无人直升机6自由度支撑平台。该平台由具有被动重力平衡能力的平行四边形机构组成,无人直升机与平台之间采用球铰连接,从而使得直升机能够在所允许的范围内作任意方向的飞行、姿态机动或悬停在任意位置而不受支撑平台重力的影响,能够满足无人直升机在实际运动过程中全部6个自由度仿真的需求。为了评价机构的重力平衡效果,在ADAMS环境下对支撑平台系统进行了动力学仿真,并给出了仿真结果。评估了支撑平台设计方案的优缺点,以及在实际实际使用过程中需要注意的问题。研究结果表明,该方案结构简单、实施方便,能够有效保障微小型无人直升机动力学建模与控制实验的安全。  相似文献   

静载荷作用下的ITER重力支撑系统有限元静力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对ITER重力支撑系统的特点,提出了ITER重力支撑系统的有限元静力分析方法。应用ANSYS软件,建立了ITER重力支撑系统三维实体模型。采用精度比较高,且计算规模又可以接受的单元网格划分方法,进行网格划分。在Volume之间的界面上定义接触单元。得到了支撑系统有限元模型。对受静负载作用的ITER重力支撑系统进行了有限元静力分析。获得了支撑系统各零件的应力分布及最大应力,分析了这些零件的强度。静力分析的结果为ITER重力支撑系统的设计或改进提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的ITER重力支撑系统特征值屈曲分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对ITER重力支撑系统的结构特点,应用有限元软件ANSYS,建立了ITER重力支撑系统的有限元模型.采用Block Lanczos方法对ITER重力支撑系统在静载荷与地震载荷同时作用下的稳定性进行了特征值屈曲分析,求出了ITER重力支撑系统的前3阶屈曲特征值和特征值屈曲模态.结果表明ITER重力支撑系统不会发生屈曲,韧性板是整个支撑系统中最易发生屈曲的零件.屈曲分析的结果对ITER装置的设计与改进具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

基于ABAQUS仿真软件建立整体货架的有限元模型,依据有限元模型数据,在保证立柱承载能力及稳定性的前提下对立柱截面进行了减重减料的改进设计。  相似文献   

面向下肢运动障碍患者的步态和平衡康复训练需求,以动态减重悬吊支撑为目标,设计了自主行走跟随和实时支撑的康复机器人平台及控制流程,基于"远程计算机+嵌入式控制器"架构设计了康复机器人控制系统;开发了基于ARM的嵌入式控制器,实现了双轴随动控制、多传感器数据采集、WIFI通信、安全防护等功能;研究动态减重核心算法并完成了控制系统上、下位机软件开发。康复训练实验结果表明:动态减重康复机器人控制系统动态响应快,吊绳动态支撑力稳态误差控制在±2.5 N范围内,多种康复训练模式可以满足患者在不同阶段的安全康复训练。  相似文献   

基于FSS的自动化立体仓库系统建模及三维虚拟仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对现代生产物流系统具有离散性、随机性的特点,以及系统仿真模型场景复杂的问题,利用系统仿真模型参数的处理及实时交互控制的实现手段,以及虚拟现实支撑软件FSS的二次开发系统实现了参数化的自动化立体仓库系统建模和人机交互控制的仿真过程。  相似文献   

康复减重步行训练车(后文简称减重车)是一种辅助下肢步行障碍患者进行步态康复训练的设备,其机架设计的合理性和可靠性有待研究。通过SolidWorks对减重车机架进行参数化建模,运用Simulation插件对模型进行仿真分析,随后对减重车机架模型进行优化设计,计算以焊缝屈服应力安全系数为约束条件的机架型钢横截面厚度的最优尺寸。最后,对比减重车试验测试结果与仿真分析结果,验证了优化设计和分析的正确性和有效性。该方法可在设计初期得出最优解,为减重车机架结构分析和优化提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

航天器微低重力仿真试验是模拟验证太空环境下航天器性能最有效、最经济的方法。由于空间站由多个舱段在轨组装而成,其自身的质量和惯量较大,对微低重力仿真系统的构建带来新的挑战。文中提出一种以大型超平支撑平台为基础、多体式气浮平台为刚性运动基,跨度达20 m的大惯量、低摩擦微低重力试验系统。通过对试验系统的原理介绍、关键指标分析,确定试验系统各部分的设计依据。同时对单轴气浮平台、3自由度气浮平台、桁架结构、地基等进行设计和分析,实物验证此微低重力仿真试验系统满足空间站控制系统验证需求。  相似文献   

研究基于视觉检测原理的承载鞍磨耗尺寸自动检测系统,采用立体视觉结合结构光投射技术设计了测量传感器,由传感器组成测量组件,每个测量组件可以测得承载鞍一个磨耗面的三维形貌,多个测量组件构成完整的检测系统,同时测量承载鞍各个复杂磨耗面实际三维形貌,由此计算得到相关磨耗尺寸。为实现测量自动化,设计了自动传送机构和分选机构。系统工作稳定、测值准确、速度快,解决了承载鞍磨耗长期依赖手工模板测量的难题,为保证铁路运行安全提供了有效的检测手段。  相似文献   

The conventional recoil mechanism of guns provides the retarding force on the gun to stop the rearward motion in the firing cycle. The concept of the soft recoil mechanism has been developed. This mechanism was introduced to reduce the firing shock and the reaction force due to the forward momentum of the recoiling parts prior to firing. This paper verifies the theory of the soft recoil mechanism and demonstrates its feasibility on a large-caliber gun system. Numerical simulation on recoil dynamics and shock response analysis were utilized in this study. A FORTRAN program, which was developed in a previous study, was employed for simulation. The shock response analysis utilized the shock response spectrum and the pseudo-velocity shock spectrum. As a result, a newly developed recoil system was proven to be applicable for guns in the near future with further refinements.  相似文献   

基于问题求解环境理论建立了支持轴承设计的计算服务平台,将分布在不同研究机构的基于不同软件开发的关于流场、电磁场、应力场以及温度场等的有限元分析程序进行集成,使其通过Internet为企业设计用户提供设计服务,并以实例说明了系统的可行性。  相似文献   

杜小振  张龙波  于红 《光学精密工程》2016,24(11):2753-2760
开展了基于环境振动发电作为微电源弥补传统化学电池供能缺陷的研究。基于非线性磁力调频开发了低宽频振动能采集压电电磁复合发电系统。介绍了发电装置工作原理;利用ANSYS和Ansoft Maxwell有限元分析软件仿真分析了压电和电磁发电的输出特性;最后,搭建了压电电磁复合宽频发电装置实验测试系统,测试了发电系统在磁力自调过程中的输出特性。实验结果显示:复合发电系统在谐振频率60Hz时输出开路电压峰值为5.8V,高于压电系统(5.5V)和电磁系统(410mV)独立发电的开路电压峰值。施加磁力拓宽装置后,当压电悬臂梁沿竖直方向上下移动0~15mm时,系统适应谐振频带拓宽为45~76Hz;悬臂梁沿水平方向平移0~30mm时,谐振频带拓宽为51~70 Hz。结果表明仿真分析与实验测试结果吻合很好。该宽频带能量采集技术可用于低频振动环境的能量采集,可在频变环境中为微型低功耗系统提供低电能。  相似文献   

A grasping force regulation for industrial parallel grips is developed without any requirement of mathematic model regarding to the contact mechanism and system dynamic. The physical system including the grasping dynamic and contact mechanism is considered as a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time systems. An adaptive network called multi-input fuzzy rules emulated network (MiFREN) is implemented as the controller. This control scheme is performed by if-then rules which can be directly defined by human knowledge regarding to the gripper’s specification and objects. The learning algorithm based on gradient search is developed to tune all adjustable parameters inside MiFREN. The system performance and stability can be guaranteed by the time-varying learning rate. An industrial parallel grip SCHUNK-WSG 50 with the proposed controller demonstrates the performance via the experimental setup. Furthermore, the performance can be spontaneously improved within the next iteration of the learning process.  相似文献   

矿井提升机在线选型系统方案设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

With the development of air-breathing integrated vehicle test models equipped with engines, the designing of traditional internal balance force measuring systems has become complicated. This is partly because hypersonic vehicle models have slender bodies, and engine systems inside such model cavities are densely distributed, thereby limiting the space available to house traditional internal balance systems. Moreover, traditional force measuring systems are assembled mechanical systems, and their dynamic force transmission characteristics are inevitably degraded under extremely short test time conditions. Thus, herein, we propose a support force measuring system that integrates the traditional internal balance system with a support in an integral design. The designed internal triangular concurrent force system considerably reduces the additional moment generated by the thrust/resistance force. Calibration tests reveal that the new system demonstrates good linearity and repeatability, and the results prove the correctness of the triangular concurrent force system structure principle.  相似文献   

A force controlled nanocutting system based on a flexible mechanism was developed. Instead of utilizing force sensors, the force sensing and control in the developed system is realized by sensing and controlling the deformation of the flexible mechanism. With force feedback control for controlling the cutting force in real time, this system could achieve adaptive cutting along non-planar surfaces without prior knowledge about the surface shape. The finite element method was used to model the flexible mechanism and a Pareto-based multi-objective optimization algorithm with the goals of high force resolution and stability was used to obtain the geometric parameters of the flexible mechanism. During the cutting processing, a capacitive displacement sensor was used to detect the deformation of the flexible mechanism to measure the force in real time, and a piezoelectric ceramic actuator was used to adjust the feed position of the tool to control the cutting force. Nanocutting experiments of microstructures were successfully carried out on inclined and curved surfaces of ductile as well as brittle materials without prior knowledge of their surface forms.  相似文献   

Cutting force measurement is important for monitoring the diamond cutting process. In this paper, a new measurement method of thrust cutting force associated with a voice coil motor (VCM) driven fast tool servo (FTS) system has been developed. Instead of integrating additional force sensors to the FTS which would influence the dynamics of the FTS, the force measurement in the proposed system is achieved associated with in-process monitoring the variation of the driving current of the VCM and pre-process determining the system parameters. In this way, the cutting forces are accurately obtained by subtracting the influences of the driving force, the spring force, the damping force and the inertial force associated with the system as well as the cutting process. Based on the proposed method, a microstructure array was machined using the developed VCM-FTS and the cutting force during the machining process was monitored in real time. The measured force signal was in good agreement with the machining result. The surface profile error of the fabricated microstructure could be clearly distinguished by the variation of the measured cutting force signal. This provides a new approach for in-process cutting force measurement associated with FTS based diamond cutting process.  相似文献   

Appropriate contact force is required for the pantograph on the high speed train to collect current from the catenery system without separation. However, at high speed, large aerodynamic lifting force is generated by the contact plate and the body of pantograph, which may cause wear of the contact wire. In this study, to confirm the interface performance of the pantograph on Korea High Speed Train, a method to measure the contact force of the pantograph was proposed and the related measuring system was developed. The forces acting on the pantograph were clarified and a practical procedure to estimate the forces was proposed. A special device was invented and applied to measure the aerodynamic lifting force. Measured contact forces were displayed by the developed system and evaluated based on the criteria.  相似文献   

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