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随着时代的发展,经济的增长,社会的进步,我国的综合国力逐渐提高,科学技术不断的改良、创新、进步,而这些改变随之而来的是我国的工业发展越来越迅速,以往的封建的旧的思想以及旧的技术、产品已近满足不了这个时代的需求,人们的生活水平不断提高,对于新兴的产品以及技术的需求越来越高,超声振动辅助钻削钛合金技术的发展就是其中之一。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,人们的出行方式产生了巨大的变化,汽车的普及在给人们的出行提供前所未有的便捷的同时,其产生的污染也是十分严重的,汽车发动机所造成的污染问题不仅减低了环境质量,同时对人们的身体健康也造成了威胁。基于此,本文针对机动车中的微型汽车进行相应的发动机尾气污染排放的研究,指出污染物的危害,并针对性的提出相应的治理措施。  相似文献   

经济的发展和社会的进步对现阶段的各行各业都产生了十分深远的影响,尤其是经济的发展在很大程度上带动了科技的发展,而科技的发展将直接带动港口设备维修管理技术的发展。港口对我国的经济发展有着十分重要的作用,是我国实现经济现代化的一个重要的途径。同样作为路运、水运的重要交通枢纽,港口的存在对我国社会主义经济的发展有着不可忽视的意义。  相似文献   

在经济日益发展的今天,环境问题越来越严重,其中最主要的问题是气候的变化和空气的污染。而空气的污染,最重要的原因是煤炭等资源的燃烧。由于对资源的过度开发使得能源日益的紧张。在资源紧张的大背景下,科学家们正在考虑开发新的清洁能源,比如水能,风能和太阳能等。在这个形势下,电动汽车利用自身的清洁环保的优势,从而得到很多人的推广和运用。而电动汽车的核心是电池,电力工业与汽车工业,之间的核心纽带是电动汽车的电池部分,电动汽车的电池也是这两者之间所联系的重要桥梁和纽带。用清洁的电能来替代传统的汽车供应的石油化工,能源是现在社会的大发展趋势下所必然的过程。本文将针对于电动汽车电池的发展现状与趋势进行科学合理的分析,并对电动汽车电池的未来发展状况给予比较科学的推测。  相似文献   

制造业是国家发展的重要基础,其决定着工业生产发展的水平,而制造业的加工技术是否足够先进,对制造业的发展以及整个国家经济的发展有直接的影响。航空工业作为高精尖行业,对设备的运行性能有着非常高的要求,为了能够达到机械设备相应的精度,对机械加工提出了较为严格的要求,而为了满足相关航空产品使用的要求,机械产品必须具备非常高的加工精度,但目前我国的部分航空产品的加工可能还达不到实际的要求,从而对航空工业的发展产生较大影响。针对这种情况,本文对航空工业机械加工技术目前的现状以及存在的问题进行了相应的分析,在此基础上有针对性的明确了具体的技术改进方案,对航空工业机械加工的进一步发展有较大的促进作用。  相似文献   

变压器的电磁分析在科学研究和工程应用中一直是一种研究变压器故障的重要方法。目前基于FRA的变压器绕组的建模多数都是单一的电路模型,忽略的磁场方面的重要作用。因此利用大型多物理场耦合软件建立变压器绕组的二维有限元模型,用场路耦合的方法实现了变压器的漏磁场仿真。模拟了绕组的变形故障,采用FRA的方法分析研究绕组径向的变形尺寸以及发生变形的位置对变压器绕组的传递函数的影响,对变压器绕组故障的研究提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

魏晓  郭云志 《中国机械》2014,(12):286-286
随着社会的发展以及经济的进步,人们的生活水平得到了迅速的提升,在当今城镇化建设不断加快的同时,一些高层的建筑也不断的增加,这就使得电梯的数量也随之得到了增加,电梯在城市的发展过程中发挥的作用已经愈来愈显著,在人们生活质量提高的同时,人们在电梯的安全性能的关注也越来越多,故此,对于电梯的安全检测就显得格外重要。本文主要就当前的电梯检测的现状进行详细的分析探究,希望能够对此领域的发展起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

随着现代社会的快速发展,我国各行各业的生产情况发生了很大的变化,先进的科学技术的出现,改变了传统的发展方式,我们要把握好发展的关键,针对具体的情况来合理的安排各项工作的进行,这样才能达到更好的效果,保证各项工作能够有效的进行。土地工程技术在城镇土地生态整治中发挥着重要的作用,我们要紧跟时代的发展步伐,应用各种先进的技术,有效的处理其中各种问题,这样就能达到更好的效果。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和科技的进步机械设计理论也不断的创新和发展。相对于传统的一些设计理念来讲,现代的机械设计理论和方法都突出了其非常大的优势。但是其中也存在严重的不足,严重的阻碍了机械设计理论的发展。文章全面的分析了机械设计理论的发展的过程,并且根据现代机械设计理论的不足给出了一些措施,最后预测了其发展的趋势。希望能够为未来的机械设计理论和发展提供更多的帮助。  相似文献   

随着国际贸易的不断发展,国内外港口的集装箱流通数量也在不断的提高,这就给港口机械设备的发展提供了重要的动力。高新技术的发展促进了港口机械产品的自动化与大型化的发展趋势逐渐升级,港口设备的结构形式也是越来越复杂,相应的技术水平也是不断的提高。本文主要针对我国的港口机械设备进行了详细的分析,对其中的制造成本优化管理提出相应的措施。  相似文献   

针对工业测控的现状和需求,提出新的测控方案,并对度数据采集及处理,提出并对双DSP的并行FFT的运算效率进行分析.基于RS485无线通信方式实现数据和控制信号的发送、接收.在上位机中用LabVIEw开发平台实现信号的接收与发送,并开发ODBC数据库接口,将虚拟仪器技术和面向Internet的Web技术有机结合起来,满足监测系统的互联和资源共享的需求.  相似文献   

An advanced ceramic cutting tool material Al2O3/TiC/TiN (LTN) is developed by incorporation and dispersion of micro-scale TiC particle and nano-scale TiN particle in alumina matrix. With the optimal dispersing and fabricating technology, this multi-scale and multi-phase nanocomposite ceramic tool material can get both higher flexural strength and fracture toughness than that of Al2O3/TiC (LT) ceramic tool material without nano-scale TiN particle, especially the fracture toughness can reach to 7.8 MPa·m0.5. The nano-scale TiN can lead to the grain fining effect and promote the sintering process to get a higher density. The coexisting transgranular and intergranular fracture mode induced by micro-scale TiC and nano-scale TiN, and the homogeneous and densified microstructure can result in a remarkable strengthening and toughening effect. The cutting performance and wear mechanisms of the advanced multi-scale and multi-phase nanocomposite ceramic cutting tool are researched.  相似文献   

A miniature wheel-track-legged mobile robot to carry out military and civilian missions in both indoor and outdoor environments is presented. Firstly, the mechanical design is discussed, which consists of four wheeled and four independently controlled tracked arms, embedded control system and teleoperation. Then the locomotion modes of the mobile robot and motion analysis are analyzed. The mobile robot can move using wheeled, tracked and legged modes, and it has the characteristics of posture-recovering, high mobility, small size and light weight. Finally, the effectiveness of the deve-loped mobile robot is confirmed by experiments such as posture recovering when tipped over, climb-ing stairs and traversing the high step.  相似文献   

The representation and acquisition of a product gene is a crucial problem in product evolutionary design. A new methodology of product gene representation and acquisition from a population of product cases is proposed, and the methodology for product evolutionary design based on a population of product cases is realized. By properly classifying product cases according to its product species, the populations of product cases are divided and a model is established. Knowledge of the scheme design is extracted and formulated as the function base, principle base, and structure base, which are then combined to form a product gene. Subsequently, the product gene tree is created and represented by object-oriented method. Then combining this method with the evolutionary reasoning technology, an intelligent and automatic evolutionary scheme design of product based on the population of product cases is realized. This design method will be helpful in the processing of knowledge formulation, accumulation, and reuse, and in addressing the difficulty of acquiring design knowledge in traditional design. In addition, the disadvantages of manual case adaptation and update in case-based reasoning can be eliminated. Moreover, by optimizing the design scheme in multiple levels and aspects of product function, principle, and structure etc., the level of creativity in the scheme design can be improved.  相似文献   

Robotic unmanned blimps own an enormous potential for applications in low-speed and low-altitude exploration,surveillance,and monitoring,as well as telecommunication relay platforms. To make lighter-than-air platform a robotic blimp with significant levels of autonomy,the decoupled longitude and latitude dynamic model is developed,and the hardware and software of the flight con-trol system are designed and detailed. Flight control and navigation strategy and algorithms for way-point flight problem are discussed. A result of flight experiment is also presented,which validates that the flight control system is applicable and initial machine intelligence of robotic blimp is achieved.  相似文献   

RLS and LMS blind adaptive multi-user detection algorithm and multi-user detector was proposed to solve the problem of multi-user signal detection problem encountered in underwater acoustic communication networks.In simulation analysis,RLS and the LMS blind adaptive multi-user detector were designed and tested for synchronous and asynchronous multi-user communication process.The results of SIR comparison and MMSE comparison show that,both of the two methods can realize blind adaptive detection when any user change in multi-user communication,during this process,the training communication sequences are not needed.The RLS algorithm has about 5 dB higher in SIR compared with LMS algorithm,and the convergence velocity of RLS algorithm is also higher than LMS algorithm when the communication users change.RLS algorithm has better ability in multi-user detection than that of LMS algorithm,and it has great attraction and guiding significance for solving the problem of multiple access interference(MAI) in multi-user communication.  相似文献   

为检测现代汽车产品中日益增加的特殊性能,生产企业对检测线流程进行了科学编排与整合,既保证了车辆安全及产品品质,控制了生产成本,也满足了GB7258-2004和GB21861-2008标准的要求。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional information is necessary for the proper investigation of the interrelationships of bone cells, and of the complex interface between these cells and the bone matrix they form and destroy. The use of fluorescence confocal microscopy was explored in the determination of the distribution of immunolabelled actin and vinculin—cytoskeletal and attachment proteins—in isolated chick bone cells cultured on dentine, and in neonate rat and rabbit calvaria. Confocal imaging, compared with conventional fluorescence imaging, greatly enhanced the interpretation possible.  相似文献   

The technique of 3D light scanning macrography permits the non-invasive surface scanning of small specimens at magnifications up to 200×. Obviating both the problem of limited depth of field inherent to conventional close-up macrophotography and the metallic coating required by scanning electron microscopy, 3D light scanning macrography provides three-dimensional digital images of intact specimens without the loss of colour, texture and transparency information. This newly developed technique offers a versatile, portable and cost-efficient method for the non-invasive digital and photographic documentation of small objects. Computer controlled device operation and digital image acquisition facilitate fast and accurate quantitative morphometric investigations, and the technique offers a broad field of research and educational applications in biological, medical and materials sciences.  相似文献   

工业机械手运动学仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用Pro/Engineer建立了工业水平多关节机械手3D模型,并使用Adams作为仿真工具,实际分析了机械手的运动学和动力学特征:介绍了机械手设计的过程与方法,取得了优化的3D设计参数,为3D建模与优化提供了一种实际方法.  相似文献   

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