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在干切环境下选用了硬质合金刀具对近β相钛合金TC17进行高速铣削研究。着重讨论高速铣削过程中的铣削力、刀具磨损和刀具耐用度;研究分析各铣削参数对铣削力、刀具磨损和刀具耐用度的影响规律。  相似文献   

低温氮气射流对钛合金高速铣削加工性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苏宇  何宁  李亮  李新龙  赵威 《中国机械工程》2006,17(11):1183-1187
在钛合金的高速切削过程中,切削区温度很高,加速了刀具的磨损,限制了切削速度的进一步提高。为降低切削区温度、防止刀具的氧化磨损,提出在低温氮气射流条件下进行钛合金的高速铣削加工。在干铣削、浇注切削液、常温氮气油雾、低温氮气射流和低温氮气射流结合微量润滑等冷却润滑条件下进行了钛合金的高速铣削对比试验。试验结果表明,低温氮气射流结合微量润滑能够最有效地降低铣削力,抑制刀具磨损。借助扫描电镜的检测手段,研究了不同冷却润滑条件下刀具的失效形式。指出在低温氮气射流条件下高速铣削钛合金时,只要热裂纹的形成与扩展未引起刀具的崩刃及刀面的剥落,进一步降低低温氮气的温度将提高刀具的使用寿命。  相似文献   

钛合金零件高速铣削刀具磨损的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴欣  张柳  徐锋 《电子机械工程》2009,25(6):41-45,58
高速铣削钛合金时,由于切削区内的切削温度高,加剧了刀具的磨损。通过对钛合金TC4的高速铣削实验,得出带TiA lN涂层的硬质合金刀具切削钛合金TC4时的刀具磨损的变化规律和刀具耐用度公式。通过对刀具磨损特性的分析,研究结果主要是刀具表面层的粘结相Co在高温下丧失对WC颗粒的结合强度,磨损机理以高温下的粘结层撕裂磨损为主。  相似文献   

基于复合制冷技术研制了一种低温最小量润滑供给装置,在低温最小量润滑(cryogenic minimum quantity lubrication,低温MQL)条件下进行高速铣削钛合金试验,研究了低温MQL对刀具与工件材料的摩擦接触状态、刀具磨损及已加工表面粗糙度的影响。将测量的铣削分力转化为切向铣削力和径向铣削力,以分析高速铣削时刀具与工件材料的摩擦接触状况。研究结果表明:低温MQL可使峰值径向铣削力减小27.6%~34.3%,有效地改善了刀具与工件材料的摩擦接触状态;降低低温MQL的温度有益于微量润滑油润滑功能的发挥并改善刀具与工件材料的摩擦接触状态,可延长刀具寿命,减小已加工表面粗糙度,但效果不明显;低温MQL的良好润滑作用可有效延长高速铣削钛合金时刀具的寿命。  相似文献   

使用钛合金铣刀在120m/min线速度下进行高速铣削试验,对前、后刀面的磨损进行电镜与能谱分析,发现刀具磨损主要包括磨料磨损、粘接磨损和扩散磨损三种类型。以磨损机理为导向,通过刀具几何结构的设计、刀具基材和涂层的优化,开发了新的钛合金高速铣刀。对钛合金TC4进行高速铣削试验,将开发的钛合金高速铣刀与国外先进的高速铣刀进行对比试验。结果表明:开发的钛合金高速铣刀切削速度可达100-120m/min,并且加工稳定;三向切削力均值和波动幅度均小于国外品牌铣刀,切削更轻快;端铣或侧铣时,刀具磨损均小于国外品牌铣刀,刀具耐用度更高。  相似文献   

基于深度学习的高速铣削刀具磨损状态预测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于铣刀在高转速下进行不连续切削,刀具磨损迅速且难于监测,并且刀具磨损严重影响加工精度与产品质量。针对高速铣削刀具磨损难以在线预测问题,提出了一种基于深度学习的高速铣削刀具磨损预测的新方法。通过小波包变换提取铣削力信号在不同频段上的能量分布作为初始特征向量;采用无监督学习对稀疏自编码网络进行特征学习,并将单层网络堆栈构成深度神经网络;最后利用有监督学习对整个深度网络进行微调训练,建立铣削刀具磨损预测模型。实验结果表明,所提出的方法对刀具磨损状态预测准确率达到93.038%。  相似文献   

采用对比实验法,使用S30T硬质合金刀具对钛合金进行高速干式铣削,研究了在正常磨损阶段,主要铣削参数改变时刀具磨损对表面粗糙度的影响。结果表明:高速铣削钛合金时可得到较小的表面粗糙度值;铣削速度增加时,随刀具磨损的增大表面粗糙度值呈减小的趋势;铣削深度增大时,随刀具磨损的增大表面粗糙度值呈增大的趋势;每齿进给量增大时,随刀具磨损的增大表面粗糙度值呈先增大后趋向平稳的趋势。  相似文献   

难加工材料钛合金在采用传统铣削方式时,随着切削速度的增加,切削力和切削温度都迅速增加,使得切削条件恶化并加速刀具磨损,从而导致刀具过早失效。将超声椭圆振动加工技术引入到高速铣削中,进行了钛合金高速旋转超声椭圆振动侧铣削试验。从切屑特征以及刀具后刀面磨损两个方面研究了高速超声椭圆振动铣削参数匹配对钛合金加工的影响。首先基于高速超声椭圆振动铣削过程中刀具-工件的运动学特点推导出高速超声椭圆振动铣削加工参数与振动参数间的匹配关系,然后利用本实验室自行研制的超声椭圆振动铣削装置进行了不同参数匹配关系下的验证性切削试验。试验结果表明:合理的参数匹配使得超声椭圆振动铣削在高速条件下依然能够实现分离型断续切削加工。相比普通铣削加工,分离型的高速超声椭圆振动铣削能够获得更加微细的切屑,切削热能够被及时地带走;良好的切削条件使得刀具的后刀面磨损均匀而缓慢,从而延长刀具的使用寿命;高速超声椭圆振动铣削能够有效地提高生产效率。  相似文献   

在航空结构件钛合金零件数控加工中,刀具非均匀磨损状态对工件的最终质量影响很大。为了及时发现并控制因刀具非均匀磨损导致的异常加工状态,对钛合金加工刀具非均匀磨损状态监测方法进行了研究。建立了基于刀具刃线参数化模型的铣削力参数化模型,实现了对钛合金加工刀具非均匀磨损状态的监测,解决了零件单件或首件加工中样本数据缺失条件下的钛合金加工刀具非均匀磨损状态准确监测难题。  相似文献   

高速铣削近α钛合金的切削温度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
切削温度不仅直接影响刀具的磨损和耐用度,而且也影响工件的加工精度和已加工表面质量。由于钛合金导热性差和化学亲和性强等原因,通常在其切削加工时切削温度高、刀具磨损严重,致使切削速度难以进一步提高。本文重点对钛合金高速铣削时的切削温度进行试验研究,阐明夹丝半人工热电偶法测温原理和所测热电势信号的物理意义。试验选用了3种不同类型的硬质合金刀具,系统地研究了切削用量、冷却条件及刀具磨损等因素对近α钛合金高速铣削时切削温度的影响。  相似文献   

为研究PCD刀具高速铣削GH4169合金时刀具的磨损规律,采用单因素试验法分别对不同铣削参数下后刀面磨损程度随切削路程的变化进行对比。结果显示主轴转速对高速铣削GH4169合金时刀具磨损的影响不大,采用顺铣、切削液冷却的方式,并适当降低每齿进给量有助于减小刀具磨损。使用BP神经网络对试验数据进行训练,建立了刀具磨损预测的模型,预测结果与实际结果误差在5%以内。  相似文献   

液氮冷却下大进给铣削TC4钛合金的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈冲  赵威  何宁  李亮  杨吟飞 《工具技术》2014,48(8):13-17
钛合金是现代飞行器的主要结构材料之一,是一种典型的难加工材料。针对切削加工钛合金时刀具磨损快、表面质量不易控制等难题,将TC4钛合金作为研究对象,以液氮作为冷却介质,进行了TC4钛合金的大进给铣削试验,测试了液氮冷却条件下大进给铣削TC4钛合金的铣削力、铣削温度以及刀具磨损等,并与乳化液和低温冷风条件下的测试结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:在以较大的切削速度和每齿进给量铣削TC4钛合金时,采用液氮冷却比使用乳化液能更有效地降低切削力和切削温度;比采用低温冷风冷却能更有效地延长刀具寿命。  相似文献   

无污染切削介质下钛合金铣削刀具磨损机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舒彪  何宁 《机械科学与技术》2005,24(4):454-457,461
绿色制造和可持续发展的难加工材料的高速切削技术是21世纪重要的发展领域。本文基于绿色制造基础上,针对空气油雾介质和氮气油雾介质下,对钛合金TC4的高速铣削过程中的刀具磨损机理进行了比较系统的试验研究。通过对试验研究结果分析,初步将刀具的磨损归结为粘结磨损、氧化磨损、剥落与崩刃和扩散磨损。  相似文献   

Titanium alloy is a kind of typical hard-to-cut material due to its low thermal conductivity and high strength at elevated temperatures, this contributes to the fast tool wear in the milling of titanium alloys. The influence of cutting conditions on tool wear has been focused on the turning process, and their influence on tool wear in milling process as well as the influence of tool wear on cutting force coefficients has not been investigated comprehensively. To fully understand the tool wear behavior in milling process with inserts, the influence of cutting parameters on tool wear in the milling of titanium alloys Ti6Al4V by using indexable cutters is investigated. The tool wear rate and trends under different feed per tooth, cutting speed, axial depth of cut and radial depth of cut are analyzed. The results show that the feed rate per tooth and the radial depth of cut have a large influence on tool wear in milling Ti6Al4V with coated insert. To reduce tool wear, cutting parameters for coated inserts under experimental cutting conditions are set as: feed rate per tooth less than 0.07 mm, radial depth of cut less than 1.0 mm, and cutting speed sets between 60 and 150 m/min. Investigation on the relationship between tool wear and cutting force coefficients shows that tangential edge constant increases with tool wear and cutter edge chipping can lead to a great variety of tangential cutting force coefficient. The proposed research provides the basic data for evaluating the machinability of milling Ti6Al4V alloy with coated inserts, and the recommend cutting parameters can be immediately applied in practical production.  相似文献   

高速铣削航空铝合金7050-T7451时刀具的磨损破损   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析涂层硬质合金刀具高速铣削航空铝合金7050-T7451时的磨损、破损形态,通过正交试验研究了高速铣削航空铝合金的铣削力及其变化规律,提出模拟高速铣削刀具裂纹萌生的脉冲激光热冲击试验方法,研究铣削力和热应力在刀具磨损、破损过程中的不同作用.试验和理论分析证明:高速铣削航空铝合金7050-T7451时,热应力使刀具萌生裂纹,裂纹在热应力和机械应力综合作用下扩展.研究刀具失效机理,证明:高速铣削航空铝合金时,粘结磨损和扩散磨损是主要磨损机理.提出通过提高切削系统稳定性和优化切削参数,可以有效降低机械应力对刀具的冲击作用,并在生产现场收到良好的效果.  相似文献   

Titanium alloy is a kind of typical hard-to-cut material due to its low thermal conductivity and high strength at elevated temperatures, this contributes to the fast tool wear in the milling of titanium alloys. The influence of cutting conditions on tool wear has been focused on the turning process, and their influence on tool wear in milling process as well as the influence of tool wear on cutting force coefficients has not been investigated comprehensively. To fully understand the tool wear behavior in milling process with inserts, the influence of cutting parameters on tool wear in the milling of titanium alloys Ti6Al4 V by using indexable cutters is investigated. The tool wear rate and trends under different feed per tooth, cutting speed, axial depth of cut and radial depth of cut are analyzed. The results show that the feed rate per tooth and the radial depth of cut have a large influence on tool wear in milling Ti6Al4 V with coated insert. To reduce tool wear, cutting parameters for coated inserts under experimental cutting conditions are set as: feed rate per tooth less than 0.07 mm, radial depth of cut less than 1.0 mm, and cutting speed sets between 60 and 150 m/min. Investigation on the relationship between tool wear and cutting force coefficients shows that tangential edge constant increases with tool wear and cutter edge chipping can lead to a great variety of tangential cutting force coefficient. The proposed research provides the basic data for evaluating the machinability of milling Ti6Al4 V alloy with coated inserts, and the recommend cutting parameters can be immediately applied in practical production.  相似文献   

为了研究高速切削特征参数变化规律,通过5A02铝合金高速铣削试验,得到切削用量和加工特征参数的关系,以及硬度较大材料高速切削时刀具使用寿命。试验表明5A02铝合金高速切削条件下切削力、切削温度和刀具振动幅度下降,工件表面质量提高,高硬度材料高速加工合理选择刀具材料很关键。  相似文献   

由于Al-Si合金比重小、强度高、导热性好和便于回收利用等优点,广泛应用于飞机、汽车和电子科技等行业产品中。因其切削加工过程中易发生刀屑粘结、刀具磨损严重和划伤已加工表面等问题,难以获得良好的表面质量和较高的加工精度。为研究高硅铝合金的切削性能,本文以切削力和切削温度为研究对象,采用正交试验法试验,分析切削速度、进给量、铣削宽度和背吃刀量对铣削力和温度的影响。通过本研究,期望改善生产中刀具磨损严重和加工表面质量差的状况。  相似文献   


For titanium alloy at high cutting speed, the severe tool wear will ineluctably take place diminishing the available tool life because of the high instantaneous temperature rise. Especially the WC-Co material in carbide tool will be reacted with the oxygen element in the air and generate oxide, and the tool oxidation wear is inevitable. In milling Ti–6Al–4V alloy operations, this article presents the first comprehensive investigation on the oxidation wear effect of cryogenic cooling on carbide tool compared with the conventional cooling. Based on the Gibbs free energy of the chemical reaction, the machining characteristics of the oxidation reactions were analyzed in detail. A series of machining testes were executed adopting controllable cryogenic cooling milling system. The surface and cross-section morphology and phase composition characteristics of tool were measured by SEM and XRD measuring equipments, as well as the oxidation wear mechanism of tool in cryogenic cooling. The results show that the thermal oxidation degree of the elements of WC-Co is higher in the conventional cooling processing. After cryogenic cooling intervention, oxidation reactions in tool are reduced significantly. Even the most probable reaction is disappeared, and the oxidation degree is decreased. When the temperature drops to 180 K, it has the best cooling effect. In cryogenic, the effective binding of WC crystal particle to the adhesive phase Co is a major factor for inhabiting oxidation wear of tool. The investigations indicate that the cryogenic cooling method can effectively inhibit the oxidation effect of carbide tool in milling titanium alloy process, and it improves the resist oxidation ability of tool.  相似文献   

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