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含电动汽车充换储一体化设施的微电网由于负荷用电的不确定性,使得微电网联网功率产生随机性,造成配电系统电压波动、功率不平衡等问题。为解决上述问题,开展了基于多目标优化的微电网能量管理及协调控制策略研究,通过微电网需求侧负荷分类控制、基于多目标优化的微电网动态运行管理以及微电网日前优化调度等控制策略,实现对微电网的能量优化管理;根据建立的多目标优化策略,对微电网系统上层、下层进行协调控制,并通过微电网能量管理策略优化联网功率,为含电动汽车充换储一体化设施的微电网的稳定运行提供理论依据。  相似文献   

区域微电网群两级能量调度策略优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现阶段微电网能量管理技术发展趋势,在满足其内部经济调度的基础上,还需要关注微电网间的能量互补机制。对并网型区域微电网群提出了一种两级能量优化调度模型。引入条件风险指标(CVaR)衡量可再生能源与负荷预测误差对调度方案造成的影响,结合微电网运行收益,作为微电网内部能量调度的优化目标;采用多目标粒子群优化算法(MOPSO)进行求解,研究收益风险比作为优化调度策略的筛选指标,提出微电网内部能量优化调度策略;以区域微电网群公共并网点有功功率梯度变化最小化为前提,获得最佳微电网净功率组合方案,由此平抑微电网群对配电网造成的功率波动;考虑电力传输距离制定了微电网间净功率互补机制,提高功率传输效率。算例仿真结果表明,该模型能够合理实现微电网内与微电网间经济运行与功率平衡,为微电网群日前调度计划提供了有效设计流程。  相似文献   

针对微电网分布式能量管理系统控制结构和调度方式中存在的局限性,文中通过对系统多层级结构的优化和两级控制器设计,构建了分布式能量管理调度策略,改善了传统集中式控制方式的不足,提高了系统分布式资源的协调运行,实现了微电网系统的可靠、高效运行。  相似文献   

江启赟 《机电工程》2013,(10):1259-1263
针对主从式控制结构的独立微电网中可再生能源发电及负荷随机波动的问题,提出了一种基于净负荷超短期预测的微电源协调控制策略,以保障独立微电网的稳定运行.介绍了独立微电网的结构,阐述了净负荷的概念.通过在线采集功率数据,运用最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)方法分别对微电网内负荷及可再生能源出力进行了滚动预测,实现了对净负荷的超短期预测.在预测结果的基础上,主动修正了可控电源日前出力计划,提前响应系统净负荷变化,减轻主电源的调节压力,提高了独立微电网系统的可靠性.算例结果证明了该预测方法的精度,并验证了该控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

为提高新能源微电网负荷预测及规划能力,提出基于串行集成学习和负载自适应均衡配置的新能源微电网不确定性负荷规划方法。构建新能源微电网不确定性负荷的线性空间融合模型,通过重组非线性时间序列,完成新能源微电网不确定性负荷的输出时间序列分析。采用串行集成学习方式调节新能源微电网不确定性负荷稳定性,结合负载均衡调度法完成新能源微电网不确定性负荷的期望预测。利用指数序列评估的方法,预测新能源微电网不确定性负荷。基于此,采用负载自适应均衡配置和功率增量参数估计方法,规划新能源微电网不确定性负荷。仿真结果表明,所提负荷规划输出稳定性较高,负载均衡性较好,有效改善新能源微电网运行稳定性。  相似文献   

微电网系统中功率供需不平衡将导致系统电压的不稳定,为此在考虑多源互补特性的基础上研究了一种新的微电网系统自动优化策略。通过光伏、水电、复合储能等多种发电系统建立微电网拓扑结构,以能量控制层、中央协调控制层和本地控制层设计微电网控制框架,采用复合储能实现微电源的协调控制,从而提高电压的稳定性;通过复合储能系统组成的调控系统,基于直流母线电压分区策略,实现系统自动优化控制。实验结果表明,研究的考虑多源互补特性的微电网系统自动优化策略能够有效实现功率平衡,确保电压稳定性。  相似文献   

基于元胞自动机的基本理论及其在时间和空间尺度动态演化模拟中的应用,提出了一种微电网优化调度仿真模型。该方法从元胞自动机的基本定义出发,研究了元胞自动机理论对于微电网优化调度仿真的适用性。建立了微电网元胞空间,构建了微电网元胞空间的宏观演化规则。提出了一种微电网密度需求管理的自适应算法,实现分布式电源与负荷需求的动态平衡调整。在MATLAB环境中建立了仿真模型并模拟了微电网格局的时间和空间尺度动态演化过程。仿真实验结果验证了该方法对于微电网格局优化以及模拟微电网密度需求管理的可行性。  相似文献   

张瑞成  翟电杰  张怡 《机械设计与制造》2022,373(3):242-246+250
针对风光储互补的双层母线直流微电网系统,提出一种基于多端口变换器直流微电网分布式模型预测控制策略。首先,建立各个子微网系统中风电系统、光伏系统和储能系统的数学模型,其次,依据风电系统、光伏系统工作在经济最优,发电功率最大,储能系统作为补充的原则,采用分布式模型预测控制算法优化风电系统、光伏系统输出功率,保证高低压侧母线负荷跟踪性能和经济性能。最后,通过微网间DC/DC变换器进行PI控制,实现高低压母线间能量平衡,维持母线电压稳定。通过仿真、实验验证,所提控制策略能够实现各个微电网发电单元经济最优的同时,维持高低压侧母线的功率平衡和母线电压稳定,提高了系统的运行可靠性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种微电网的协调控制策略,单一系统由光伏、储能、油机等3部分组成,相同功率等级之间可并联运行。研究了将光伏、储能、油机、市电统一调度,以及可扩展的模块化结构和配置方式。取常规微电网主从控制、对等控制之精粹,创造性地提出了协调控制策略,各从机接受主机统一控制,实现调度优化和节能控制;同时从机可竞争成为主机。实验验证了每部分模块化设计、并联运行、即插即用的可行性。解决了目前野外中大功率用电场合,供电单一使用油机、油料保障难,新能源使用不方便、不经济的问题。  相似文献   

针对微电网内部分布式电源和负荷的多样性、分散性,在分析P/Q控制以及基于下垂特性的V/f控制策略的基础上,采用了一种P/Q-V/f对等控制策略。该策略可有效实现负荷功率共享,保证微电网频率和电压的稳定。在PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台上对所建微电网模型进行运行模式转换以及孤岛下切/增负荷的仿真分析,证明所提出的控制策略的有效性与正确性。  相似文献   

刘霞  江全元 《机电工程》2012,29(5):553-558
微电网作为一特殊的电网运行方式,可运行在并网和孤岛两种模式下。对微电网中的电源及整个微网进行有效控制是微电网技术中的关键。为保证微电网的稳定可靠运行,并在运行模式改变时,完成有效、平滑的切换,在构建不同类型的分布式电源的基础上,提出了以蓄电池为主电源,用飞轮保证不间断供电的微电网系统协调控制方法。该控制方法保证了微电网经济、稳定运行和良好的供电质量,并且能够在微网运行模式切换过程中维持其内部不间断供电并大幅减少暂态冲击,迅速过渡到稳态运行。建模仿真结果证明了该控制策略的有效性和精确性。  相似文献   

曹勇  李培恺  辛焕海 《机电工程》2017,34(6):633-638
Aiming at solving the economic operation problem when large scale of distributed energy resources (such as photovoltaic,wind power and energy storage) integrated into distribution network and to improve the real-time ability,robustness and flexible scalability of the control strategy,a distributed consensus-based collaborative control strategy was proposed. The power sources were controlled in a distributed way. The optimal operation point was realized in the condition that each power source could only collect information from its own and its neighbors. The results indicate that the proposed strategy is effect in real-time economic dispatch in cases of peak-valley price,intermittency of the renewable energy and power fluctuation of the load. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]  相似文献   

温室效应导致全球持续升温,巨大碳排放量导致地球已不堪重负,如何降低碳排放成为目前亟待解决的问题。当风电出力与火电机组最小出力之和大于负荷量,只能通过储能、储热装置或弃风来达到功率平衡,此时可定义为低负荷运行状态。在低负荷时段,负荷消纳风电难、储能成本运行高。首先,考虑火电机组深调对发电成本和碳排放量的影响,建立了火电机组分阶段出力模型,将碳交易机制引入系统的调度模型中,构建阶梯型碳交易成本的计算模型;其次,以碳排放量和发电成本最小为优化目标,综合考虑系统的各种约束条件,建立了基于多目标的含低负荷场景低碳多源协调调度模型;然后,采用改进萤火虫算法,得到最优调度方案;最后,以带10个风电场的系统为算例,采用3种不同对比实验证明,所提方法可有效降低碳排放量,提高了系统运行经济性。所提方法分析了风电并网渗透率对系统运行方式的影响,表明含低负荷场景低碳多源协调调度与风电并网渗透率密切相关。  相似文献   

FD Li  M Wu  Y He  X Chen 《ISA transactions》2012,51(6):743-751
This paper presents an improved reinforcement learning method to minimize electricity costs on the premise of satisfying the power balance and generation limit of units in a microgrid with grid-connected mode. Firstly, the microgrid control requirements are analyzed and the objective function of optimal control for microgrid is proposed. Then, a state variable "Average Electricity Price Trend" which is used to express the most possible transitions of the system is developed so as to reduce the complexity and randomicity of the microgrid, and a multi-agent architecture including agents, state variables, action variables and reward function is formulated. Furthermore, dynamic hierarchical reinforcement learning, based on change rate of key state variable, is established to carry out optimal policy exploration. The analysis shows that the proposed method is beneficial to handle the problem of "curse of dimensionality" and speed up learning in the unknown large-scale world. Finally, the simulation results under JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) demonstrate the validity of the presented method in optimal control for a microgrid with grid-connected mode.  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive super-twisting sliding mode control (STC) along with double-loop control for voltage tracking performance of three-phase differential boost inverter and DC-link capacitor voltage regulation in grid-connected PV system. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategies are demonstrated under realistic scenarios such as variations in solar insolation, load power demand, grid voltage, and transition from grid-connected to standalone mode etc. Additional supplementary power quality control functions such as harmonic compensation, and reactive power management are also investigated with the proposed control strategy. The results are compared with conventional proportional-integral controller, and PWM sliding mode controller. The system performance is evaluated in simulation and in real-time.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an improved hierarchical control strategy consists of a primary and a secondary layer for a three-phase 4-wire microgrid under unbalanced and nonlinear load conditions. The primary layer is comprised of a multi-loop control strategy to provide balanced output voltages, a harmonic compensator to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD), and a droop-based scheme to achieve an accurate power sharing. At the secondary control layer, a reactive power compensator and a frequency restoration loop are designed to improve the accuracy of reactive power sharing and to restore the frequency deviation, respectively. Simulation studies and practical performance are carried out using the DIgSILENT Power Factory software and laboratory testing, to verify the effectiveness of the control strategy in both islanded and grid-connected mode. Zero reactive power sharing error and zero frequency steady-state error have given this control strategy an edge over the conventional control scheme. Furthermore, the proposed scheme presented outstanding voltage control performance, such as fast transient response and low voltage THD. The superiority of the proposed control strategy over the conventional filter-based control scheme is confirmed by the 2 line cycles decrease in the transient response. Additionally, the voltage THDs in islanded mode are reduced from above 5.1% to lower than 2.7% with the proposed control strategy under nonlinear load conditions. The current THD is also reduced from above 21% to lower than 2.4% in the connection point of the microgrid with the offered control scheme in the grid-connected mode.  相似文献   

As the output power of a microgrid with renewable energy sources should be regulated based on the grid conditions, using robust controllers to share and balance the power in order to regulate the voltage and frequency of microgrid is critical. Therefore a proper control system is necessary for updating the reference signals and determining the proportion of each inverter in the microgrid control. This paper proposes a new adaptive method which is robust while the conditions are changing. This controller is based on a modified sliding mode controller which provides adapting conditions in linear and nonlinear loads. The performance of the proposed method is validated by representing the simulation results and experimental lab results.  相似文献   

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