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赵江海  章小建 《光学精密工程》2015,23(11):3069-3076
设计了一种新型的双Fabry-Perot腔光纤传感器用于材料损伤引起的声发射信号检测。基于低细度Fabry-Perot腔多光束干涉原理,建立了光纤Fabry-Perot传感器检测声发射信号的数学模型。分析双Fabry-Perot腔正交点稳定工作机制,设计并制作了具有双Fabry-Perot腔结构的光纤声发射传感器来保持传感器正交点的稳定性。通过模拟AE信号检测与热应力干扰实验对设计的传感器进行了实验验证。实验一通过冲击振动与折断铅笔芯产生两类模拟声发射信号,使用商用的压电传感器和光纤传感器进行对比实验,结果表明光纤传感器能够成功检测到两类模拟声发射信号,灵敏度为12.9nm,带宽达到30kHz。实验二对传感器进行工作点稳定测试,结果表明双F-P腔的控制机制能够保证传感器工作在正交点,解决了传感器输出信号衰减的问题。  相似文献   

作为最有潜力替代常规压电传感器的光纤声发射检测方法之一,光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感器由于其体积小、抗电磁干扰、易实现分布式检测等特点,已成为国内外研究热点,并出现了商用FBG声发射检测产品。为了更深入地理解FBG传感器的检测效果和应用特性,采用落球实验作为测试用的声发射源,分析了FBG传感系统的声发射信号检测性能,并对比了FBG传感器和压电传感器2种声发射检测系统的时频域响应特性。实验结果表明,信号采样频率范围偏低是制约FBG光纤检测技术在声发射检测上应用的最大障碍。  相似文献   

声发射(Acoustic Emission)可以定义为物体或材料内部迅速释放能量而产生瞬态弹性波的一种物理现象,是材料或结构受内力或外力作用产生变形或断裂,以弹性波的形式释放出应变能的结果。在基于虚拟仪器的轮轴故障检测分析平台中,可实现对声发射信号的时域分析、频谱分析、参数分析、小波去噪等主要功能。通过该平台,对具有典型状态的滚动轴承的声发射信号进行了试验研究。试验研究结果表明,对于不同状态的轴承,所测取的声发射信号包络频率特征有着明显的不同,并且和理论特征频率有着一定的关系。  相似文献   

利用光纤光栅传感器和边缘滤波原理构建传感系统,结合小波分解与重构和支持向量机算法,对铝合金板声发射定位进行了研究。根据划分区域进行声发射实验,探索声发射源所在区域与信号特征之间的关系。在对声发射信号进行小波分解的基础上,使用近似系数和细节系数进行重构,并对重构后的各信号计算其振荡能量作为信号特征,进行声发射区域识别。以重构信号的振荡能量作为输入、声发射区域位置类别作为输出构建支持向量机多分类模型,实现了声发射区域定位识别。实验结果表明,在400mm×400mm×2mm的铝合金板上对36个测试样本进行了多次声发射区域定位识别,在180次模拟实验中实现了176次声发射区域准确定位,正确率达到97.78%,声发射区域识别精度为30mm×30mm。该研究结果为机械结构的声发射区域定位检测提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

为了改善微纳耦合光纤传感器声发射模态识别的能力,立足于模态声发射理论,实验研究了微纳耦合光纤有效传感区结构、长度以及对称性对传感器模态识别能力的影响,分析了优化后传感器模态识别能力的定向性。实验结果表明,当有效传感区结构为包括分离区、锥区和腰区的"X"型结构时,传感器不能识别S_0模态,且识别的A_0模态完整性差;当有效传感区结构为包括腰区和全部锥区的"---"型结构时,传感器能够识别出S_0模态,并完整地识别A_0模态;当有效传感区对称时,所测信号模态完整性好;而当有效传感区不对称时,所测信号完整性较差;"X"型结构时,分离区会衰减声波的部分能量,传感器灵敏度随着有效传感区长度的减小而增大;"---"型结构时,由于锥区起到应变放大作用,传感器灵敏度会随着锥区长度的减小而降低;传感器的模态识别能力随着检测角度的减小而减弱,其有效检测角度范围为45°~135°。该研究对本传感器应用于模态声发射具有指导意义。  相似文献   

由于声发射源产生的瞬态弹性波会在传播过程中产生各种频率和模态的声发射信号,这给应用声发射技术进行无损检测带来一定困难。针对声发射信号在实际介质中传播的复杂性,为了研究弹性波的传播对波形的影响,提出了利用有限元方法模拟声发射信号在薄铝板的传播及几何形状边界反射过程,得到声发射波形的时域特征,进一步分析了声发射信号在铝板中的传播特性;搭建了与有限元模型相应的声发射断铅实验系统来采集断铅信号。试验及研究结果表明,利用声发射断铅实验系统获得的信号与有限元计算方法得到的模拟信号基本吻合,说明有限元数值计算方法可以作为分析声发射信号传播过程的一种手段;该结果为基于声发射的结构缺陷检测技术提供了数值模型,同时声发射技术用于无损检测也有了更精确的理论基础。  相似文献   

六、光纤传感器的光输出/脉冲变换电路 用反射型光纤传感器检测物体通过和存在的方法,能进行不接触检测物体,传感器还便于跟检测对象接近,现已广泛应用。反射型光纤传感器和光波导器件一样,将发射光的光纤芯线和检测对象的反射光聚合起来,并通过光纤芯线送到检测端,在发射光中,一旦有待检测物横向穿过,将其反射光聚集起来并输出。因此,传感器的输出通常是一个待检测物通  相似文献   

利用信号相关性抑制光纤陀螺强度噪声   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种利用陀螺干涉信号和耦合器空闲端信号相关性估计光源强度噪声抑制效果的方法,并在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)中进行了实时估计.根据估计结果,判决是否进行强度噪声相减,以提高光纤陀螺强度噪声抑制方法的可靠性.理论分析表明,强度噪声抑制效果与信号相关性直接相关.利用该方法,对某高精度干涉型光纤陀螺进行了实验.结果表明,当陀螺干涉信号和耦合器空闲端信号互相关系数为0.91时,干涉信号噪声方差降低至17.16%,然而,当上述互相关系数为0.28时,噪声相减法反而使干涉信号噪声方差增大至143.18%,由此验证了理论分析结果.利用该方法可以在线检测陀螺干涉信号和耦合器空闲端信号的相关性,进而避免噪声相减法中当陀螺干涉信号和耦合器空闲端信号相关性较差时,光纤陀螺噪声不降反升的情况,提高了强度噪声相减法的可靠性.  相似文献   

磁头磁盘界面碰撞声发射信号特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了不同磁头飞行状态下磁头磁盘界面声发射信号的特性,分析了各种情况下的声发射信号的频率特性,利用磁头悬臂振动时产生的声发射信号作为对比,验证了磁头悬臂振动产生的声发射信号与磁头磁盘碰撞接触紧密相关,是磁头磁盘碰撞声发射信号的重要来源,可以作为判断头盘界面接触和碰撞的依据,利用它可以提高声发射信号对磁头磁盘界面碰撞接触检测的灵敏度.  相似文献   

首次研制了一种完全利用光纤实现光耦合及传输的时间分辨荧光光纤生物传感器.该传感器以镧系离子(铕离子)作为被检测物质的荧光标记物,根据铕离子的荧光特性,利用时间分辨检测技术进行生物医学检测.光学部分采用光纤耦合器和石英光纤作生物样品激发光的传导光学元件,生物样品受激发产生的荧光也同样由光纤耦合器及光纤收集和传导,实现了该传感器的紧凑性和小型化,提高了检测灵敏度.经性能测试,该仪器不稳定性小于2.3%,重复测量的互相关高达99.9%.测铕离子标准液的检测限为7.3×10-10g/L,达到国外有关文献报道的水平.  相似文献   

Vibration analysis is widely used in machinery diagnosis, and wavelet transform and envelope analysis have also been implemented in many applications to monitor machinery condition. Envelope analysis is well known as a useful tool for the detection of rolling element bearing faults, and wavelet transform is used in research to detect faults in gearboxes. These are applied for the development of the condition monitoring system for early detection of the faults generated in several key components of machinery. Early detection of the faults is a very important factor for condition monitoring and a basic component to extend CBM (Condition-Based Maintenance) to PM (Prediction Maintenance). The AE (acoustic emission) sensor has a specific characteristic on the high sensitivity of the signal, high frequency and low energy. Recently, AE technique has been applied in some studies for the early detection of machine fault. In this paper, a signal processing method for AE signal by envelope analysis with discrete wavelet transforms is proposed. Through the 15 days test using AE sensor, misalignment and bearing faults were observed and early fault stage was detected. Also, in order to find the advantage of the proposed signal processing method, the result was compared to that of the traditional envelope analysis and the accelerometer signal.  相似文献   

It is believed that the acoustic emission (AE) signals contain potentially valuable information for tool wear and breakage monitoring and detection. However, AE stress waves produced in the cutting zone are distorted by the transmission path and the measurement systems and it is difficult to obtain an effective result by these raw acoustic emission data. In this article, a technique based on AE signal wavelet analysis is proposed for tool condition monitoring. The local characterize of frequency band, which contains the main energy of AE signals, is depicted by the wavelet multi-resolution analysis, and the singularity of the signal is represented by wavelet resolution coefficient norm. The feasibility for tool condition monitoring is demonstrated by the various cutting conditions in turning experiments.  相似文献   

频带能量特征法在声发射刀具磨损监测系统中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于对声发射(AE)信号特点的分析和小波包分解理论对不平稳信号特征提取的优势,提出一种利用AE信号的能量变化来监测刀具磨损状态的方法。该方法利用db8小波基对AE信号进行5层小波包分解,将分解后各频带上的能量值作为特征参数,并组成特征向量。分别提取在新刀和刀具磨损状态下的特征向量,根据其变化即可判别刀具磨损的程度。试验结果验证了该方法在刀具磨损判析中的可用性。  相似文献   

In grinding, most control strategies are based on the spindle power measurement, but recently, acoustic emission has been widely used for wheel wear and gap elimination. This paper explores a potential use of acoustic emission (AE) to detect workpiece lobes. This was achieved by sectioning and analysing the AE signal in the frequency domain. For the first time, the profile of the ground workpiece was predicted mathematically using key frequencies extracted from the AE signals. The results were validated against actual workpiece profile measurements. The relative shift of the wave formed on the surface of the part was expressed using the wheel-workpiece frequency ratio. A comparative study showed that the workpiece roundness profile could be monitored in the frequency domain using the AE signal during grinding.  相似文献   

Monitoring the condition of the engine compression ring in an engine operation is very important since it affects the engine performance. One of the most promising ring wear monitoring methods is based on the analysis of acoustic emission (AE) signals, which is an extremely powerful technique that can be deployed in a wide range of applications of non-destructive testing [Vallen Systeme (2000)]. This technique is already used for monitoring tool wear almost in all machining operations, but in this study, the AE signals were applied for monitoring ring wear in internal combustion (IC) engines. The AE signals generated in the ring sliding zone are very sensitive for correlation with ring wear, which in turn affects ring performance. This study was carried out with a single compression ring mounted on the piston. The AE signals were analyzed by considering signal parameters such as ring down count and RMS voltage [Krzysztof Jemielniak (2000) J Mater Process Technol 4752:1–6]. Analysis showed that the AE signal technique is applicable for ring wear monitoring in IC engines.  相似文献   

本文提出基于半导体环形激光器的光纤传感阵列系统,用于在铝板上撞击定位监测。采用光纤法布里-珀罗(F-P)标准具对光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感器信号进行解调。施加在FBG传感器的应变被编码为FBG反射光的波长位移,然后由自由光谱范围为50 GHz的光纤F-P标准具转换为强度调制。通过波分复用技术,光纤F-P标准具可同时解调多个FBG信号,光纤传感阵列系统安装在厚度为1 mm的铝板上,50 g的小钢球在20 cm的高度自由下落撞击铝板产生声发射信号。利用时频小波分析,从测量的FBG传感器瞬态响应中获得的Lamb波的群速度频散曲线,并根据三角定位算法,确定撞击点的坐标。经过撞击试验,通过本系统和定位算法的平均定位精度误差在30.89 mm,达到了较好的精度。  相似文献   

Face rub-impact of a dry gas seal was investigated using acoustic emission (AE) technology. A force applicator was designed and mounted on the seal test rig to provide controlled misalignment and thus induce rub-impact of the seal faces. Two types of AE sensor were mounted at different positions on the seal. For the PICO AE sensor mounted directly on the seal ring, the root mean square (RMS) of the original AE signal was sensitive to face rub-impact of the seal. When force was applied, the AE RMS of the PICO sensor gave a distinct periodic waveform with a period consistent with the rotational period above an initial noise signal. The magnitude and shape of the waveform changed as the applied force increased. For the R15α AE sensor mounted on the housing of the seal, no obvious changes could be found from the RMS of the original AE signal synchronously obtained during loading. Two kinds of signal processing methods were tried to eliminate noise. After band-pass filtering, the RMS of the AE signals of the R15α sensor indicated face rub-impact when the misalignment was relatively large. The empirical mode decomposition method using masking signals was found to be more effective than band-pass filtering in eliminating the noise but took much more computational time. The results indicate that the AE technology is a potentially effective tool in monitoring and investigating face rub-impact of dry gas seals.  相似文献   

Recently, the demand for realizing micromachining through small-diameter tools has increased. When performing microfabrication using a numerically controlled machine tool, a machining error may be introduced if the relative position of the tool tip and workpiece surface deviates during tool change. Therefore, it is critical to determine this relative position in an actual machining condition at a specific spindle speed. We are currently developing an air bearing turbine spindle with a built-in acoustic emission sensor that can detect the contact of the tool tip with the workpiece surface in real time. The acoustic emission (AE) signal generated at the tool tip can be accurately detected by placing the AE sensor in direct contact with the tool end surface inside the main shaft floated by air. In this study, we investigated the possibility of contact detection between the tool tip and the workpiece surface at the submicrometer level through the proposed spindle. The results of the performed evaluation experiments indicated that by using the spindle with a built-in acoustic emission sensor, the contact of the small-diameter tool tip with the workpiece surface could be detected with damage to the workpiece at the submicrometer level on average.  相似文献   

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