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基于相位法的三维形貌测量。提出了一种建立被测物体彩色三维形貌的方法。该方法采用主动光源投射一组光强呈余弦变化的光栅。并由一台黑白CCD工业摄像机对被测物体拍摄从而实现三维形貌的重建;然后对被测物体进行三色光投射。同时黑白工业摄像机拍摄被测物体,通过对所得图片进行分析。实现被测物体的色彩恢复。实验结果表明,该方法能够快速准确的获得被测物体的彩色三维形貌,色彩度误差小,可有效解决黑白工业相机无法进行色彩捕捉这一问题。  相似文献   

Yao L  Ma L  Zheng Z  Wu D 《ISA transactions》2007,46(3):267-275
We present a simple, low cost but fast 3D shape measurement method. There is no limitation on the object's material and texture. We use a projector to project a strip shifting pattern on the object, and a digital camera to record videos of the scene. The distortion of the strip shadow on the object is used to get the object's 3D information. A novel space-time edge finding method is introduced to position the shadow edge accurately. This edge finding method overcomes the effect of inter-reflection and high light. Using this space-time information, we can calculate the pixels' 3D coordinates. To get the 3D shape of an object with black texture, we improve the black strip pattern to a 3-color strip pattern. The bad data are filtered by a post-processing 3D filter, which makes full use of the neighborhoods' geometric constraints and the view point constraint. Meanwhile, our measurement method is fast, regardless of the complexity of the shape.  相似文献   

互补格雷码双 N 步相移法因其具有鲁棒性好、检测精度高等特点在条纹投影轮廓术领域成为研究热点。 然而,传统互 补格雷码双 N 步相移法存在检测效率低以及未消除周期性毛刺相位误差的问题。 针对这些问题,本文对传统互补格雷码双 N 步相移法进行改进消除周期性毛刺相位误差,首先通过相机捕获形变条纹图像并计算出两组截断相位,然后利用两组截断相位 的相关性消除检测数据中的相位差、周期性毛刺相位误差,再对两组截断相位进行融合,最后通过互补格雷码相位展开法对融 合后的截断相位进行相位展开。 实验得出本文方法在检测效率不变的情况下,能有效消除周期性毛刺相位误差,得到高精度展 开相位,相比于未消除周期性毛刺相位误差的互补格雷码双 N 步相移法,本文检测方法精度提高了约 24. 57% ,相比于互补格 雷码 N 步相移法,本文检测方法精度提高了约 6. 29% 。  相似文献   

通过相移技术获取调制度值的调制度三维测量法,不可避免地存在相移误差,从而降低测量精度。简述了调制度测量原理,分析了相移误差对调制度的影响,提出利用图像灰度值进行相移误差分析并进行误差补偿,以提高测量精度。实验以一平面石膏为测量对象,根据测量结果,验证了该方法的正确性和有效性,对采用相移技术的三维测量法具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

提出了采用调制度阈值分割技术进行物体轮廓有效测量区域自动识别的一种新方法,克服了投射条纹三维测量技术中由于阴影、条纹断裂、局部镜面反射、暗背景、采样不足以及外来的噪声等因素,使得被测物体表面存在无效测量区域(相位数据不可靠区域)的问题.采用了时域相位去包裹技术,保证了无效区域的相位数据不会影响到有效测量区域的相位数据.与有效测量区域相比,无效区域的调制度明显较低,对调制度直方图进行分析,借鉴图像分割的思想,采用了迭代算法自动求解最佳阈值,辨识物体轮廓测量的有效测量区域和无效测量区域,实现了单视角测量的自动化过程.车灯反射体测量实验证明了这种方法的优越性和可靠性.  相似文献   

With the improvement of frequency standard comparison and precise frequency and phase processing technique, the high-precision frequency measurement, phase comparison, phase locked loop and signal processing are necessary. Combining phase synchronous detection principle and common frequency source, an ultra-high resolution phase comparison method is presented in this paper. Using the concepts of the equivalent phase comparison frequency, group period phase processing, phase group synchronization and phase quantization step and so on, and the high stability of common frequency source, the resolution with picosecond or subpicosecond can be easily obtained and ±1 count error in traditional phase comparison approach can be eliminated. Experimental results show that the measuring precision better than femtosecond in one hour can be achieved in the long-term frequency standard comparison.  相似文献   

The absolute optical thickness and surface shape of optical devices are considered as the fundamental characteristics when designing optical equipment. The thickness and surface shape should be measured simultaneously to reduce cost. In this research, the absolute optical thickness and surface shape of a 6–mm-thick fused silica transparent plate of diameter 100 mm was measured simultaneously by a three-surface Fizeau interferometer. A measurement method combining the wavelength tuning Fourier and phase shifting technique was proposed. The absolute optical thickness that corresponds to the group refractive index was determined by wavelength tuning Fourier analysis. At the beginning and end of the wavelength tuning, the fractional phases of the interference fringes were measured by the phase shifting technique and optical thickness deviations with respect to the ordinary refractive index and surface shape were determined. These two kinds of optical thicknesses were synthesized using the Sellmeier equation for the refractive index of fused silica glass, and the least square fitting method was used to determine the final absolute optical thickness distribution. The experimental results indicate that the all the measurement uncertainties for the absolute optical thickness and surface shape were approximately 3 nm and 35 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

基于法向分类的三维模型形状分布检索算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出一种用三个形状分布图来描述三维模型的检索算法.在模型表面任意取点,并记录每个点的法向量.将任意两点连线形成线段,计算该线段的欧几里得距离,再分别计算两端点的法向与该线段的夹角.根据两个夹角的值,将所得线段分成三个集合,并分别构造三个集合的形状分布曲线,通过对模型间三条形状分布曲线的比较,得出两个模型的相似程度,从而实现模型的相似性检索.实验表明,该算法能够较好地实现三维模型检索,检索结果比传统的形状分布算法有较大的改进.  相似文献   

Measurement and evaluation of circular profiles of cylindrical components in terms of circularity has been well established using roundness measuring instruments. For elliptical sections having very little difference between the major and minor diameters this difference can be measured with the roudness measuring instrument. However, fitting of the best fit ellipse and hence the definition of ellipticity are not available. Applications of elliptical profiles include instruments, such as the photospectrometer developed at CMTI with accurate elliptical cams, elliptical gear blanks, and the pistons of internal combustion engines whose cross sections are elliptical. In this paper a method for the evaluation of the elliptical profiles for centre and orientation of major and minor axes is described and two concepts for defining ellipticity are discussed  相似文献   

基于双频彩色光栅投影测量不连续物体三维形貌   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为减少多频条纹相移法进行三维形貌测量时的投影条纹数量,提高测量速度, 提出了采用双频四步相移彩色条纹投影技术来准确测量具有台阶状不连续或孤立物体表面三维形貌的方法。利用计算机将高低两种不同频率的正弦条纹分别输入彩色图像的红色和蓝色通道合成为彩色条纹,由数字视频投影仪将四步相移彩色条纹投影到被测物体,然后利用彩色CCD或CMOS相机采集4幅彩色条纹图并存储于计算机中。基于色彩分离技术得到8幅两种不同频率的四步相移条纹图并由图像灰度算法获得1幅反映背景的灰度图像;由低频条纹确定台阶状的物体边缘,高频条纹计算物体的形貌,并通过背景图像的二值化定位阴影和不连续区域。提出的方法仅用4幅彩色图像完成了台阶状不连续或孤立物体三维形貌的准确测量。与现有的多频4步相移条纹投影形貌测量技术需要8~12幅图像相比,该方法有效地减少了条纹投影与图像采集的数量。  相似文献   

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