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大气颗粒物浓度在线监测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李佳颖  应启戛 《仪器仪表学报》2006,27(Z2):1643-1644
大气颗粒物浓度是大气污染监测中的一项重要指标.大气中的颗粒物,特别是PM10及其以下颗粒物浓度的监测一直是国内外专家关注的问题.本文提出一种采用振动原理在线测量颗粒物质量浓度的监测方法,替代了传统的离线监测技术,提高了监测工作的实时性和正确性.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物中水溶性离子影响空气环境质量,影响人体健康,产生气候效应。本文对大气颗粒物中水溶性离子组成、来源及不同条件下对环境影响进行综述。同时,总结大气颗粒物中水溶性离子离线与在线监测方法及其在大气环境监测工作中应用。  相似文献   

CEMS是英文Continuous Emission Monitoring System的缩写,是指对大气污染源排放的气态污染物和颗粒物进行浓度和排放总量连续监测并将信息实时传输到主管部门的装置,被称为“烟气自动监控系统”,亦称“烟气排放连续监测系统”或“烟气在线监测系统”。CEHS分别由气态污染物监测子系统、颗粒物监测子系统、烟气参数监测子系统和数据采集处理与通信子系统组成。  相似文献   

CEMS是英文Continuous Emission Monitoring System的缩写,是指对大气污染源排放的气态污染物和颗粒物进行浓度和排放总量连续监测并将信息实时传输到主管部门的装置,被称为“烟气自动监控系统”,亦称“烟气排放连续监测系统”或“烟气在线监测系统”。CEHS分别由气态污染物监测子系统、颗粒物监测子系统、烟气参数监测子系统和数据采集处理与通信子系统组成。  相似文献   

由于抽取式监测系统存在不少问题 ,导致直接在烟道测量源水平气体浓度在线监测系统的发展。所谓在线系统即在没有改变烟气的组成并在颗粒物存在的条件下直接测量气体浓度的系统。在线监测系统要求能经受烟道环境条件的考验 ,结构简单 ,比抽取式监测系统的子系统要少。最初设计的在线监测系统 ,只能测量燃烧源排放烟气中污染物浓度在 5 0 0PPm和以上的气体。业已证明 ,只要按适合的质量保证措施进行维护 ,在线监测系统就能够顺利地、连续地运行。由于气体控制装置的出现 ,使排气中污染物的浓度降低。一些在线监测器要满足测量低浓度的污染…  相似文献   

有害气体排放是对环境造成严重污染的主要问题.特别是那些在工业生产过程中排放的有害气体,对人体产生极大的危害性.以工业氯气为监测对象,提出一种对工业废气中的氯气浓度进行远程监测的方法.采用此方法可实现对多个检测点的数据进行在线监测,同时可通过GSM网络实现对检测装置的远程控制.更换检测装置中的滤光片,可以实现其它有害气体的在线监测.主要介绍有害气体远程多点监测方法及系统构成、原理及实现.  相似文献   

为了满足大气网格化监测对环境空气质量进行实时监控的需要,设计了一种基于传感器及光散射原理的微型环境空气质量监测系统。介绍了仪器系统的整体设计,以及电化学传感器模块和颗粒物检测模块的原理和具体实现方法。在实验室验证以及户外的国标法仪器的对比测试中,该监测系统表现出了优良的检测精度以及稳定性等应用效果,能够满足日常的空气质量监测的基本需求。  相似文献   

近年来,基于β射线法的大气颗粒物监测仪在环境空气自动监测领域得到了广泛的应用。β射线法的大气颗粒物监测仪是可测量大气中吸入肺颗粒物(PM2.5和PM10)浓度的专用仪器,用户可以交互设置参数进行连续在线测量。介绍了β射线法大气颗粒物监测仪的工作原理和日常维护方法,以期对装备保障人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

烟气在线监测系统是指对大气污染源排放的气态污染物和颗粒物进行浓度和排放总量连续监测并将信息实时传输到主管部门的系统,通常被称为"CEMS"。随着经济的快速发展,国内因燃煤排放的气态污染物和颗粒物急剧增加,造成了严重的环境污染。国家制定并多次完善了相应的法律法规,加大对烟气污染物排放的考核力度,因此烟气在线监测系统需要不断优化和改造,以确保满足最新环保规范。  相似文献   

光纤传感器在线油液监测系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析了油液污染产生的原因及其对机械设备的危害的基础上,利用油液中悬浮颗粒对光线的吸收,结合光纤传感系统的优点设计了油液光纤监测传感器。实验结果表明,该系统可以在一定程度上检测油液的污染度,在机械设备的实时在线监测中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于计算机视觉的刀具磨损状态识别技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张利  许青  计时鸣  张宪 《机电工程》2001,18(6):89-92
刀具磨损状态自动识别系统能够显著地降低制造成本,但是,只有很少的刀具磨损检测理论能够应用到工业实践中去,特别是基于声发射和切削力测量的间接测量技术。本文综述了作为直接测量技术的计算机视觉系统的优点和它的组成及对刀具图像进行处理的基本原理。  相似文献   

阐述一种质谱定量分析方法的分析原理、数据处理,以及在工业过程中的监测与应用。考虑到工业过程控制对连续稳定、高精度分析的需求,文中重点讨论了取样系统及样品分析方法,充分发掘质谱定量分析方法实时、快速、准确、多流路、多组分分析的特点。以工业过程质谱在合成氨工艺过程控制中的实际应用为例,详细阐述了质谱定量分析方法。  相似文献   

一种用于状态监测和故障诊断的新型声发射传感器已经研制成功。它基于全光纤法布里—珀罗干涉仪原理。其分辨率高达埃级,频率范围为100kHz~1.4MHz。由于信号光束和参考光束在同一根光纤中通过,所以消除了温度变化、微弯效应以及电磁干扰等环境影响,并具有很高的测量稳定性。  相似文献   

汽车尾气中的挥发性有机物(VOCs)是主要的人为排放污染源之一,排放到大气环境中的VOCs具有很高的反应活性,能够参与臭氧的生成,是形成二次有机气溶胶等污染物的重要前体物质。因此,研制开发适用于现场实时、在线检测VOCs的便携式分析仪器,是现代科学仪器发展的重要方向之一。本工作利用苯系物标准气体对自行研制的便携式膜进样真空紫外灯单光子电离飞行时间质谱仪整机进行性能测试,仪器的质量分辨率优于350,质量精度优于1×10-4,对苯系物的检测限可达μg/m3级,动态范围优于3个数量级,仪器的总质量小于25 kg。将仪器放置户外对汽车尾气进行现场测试,基于该仪器高时间分辨率的特点,初步研究了汽车尾气排放VOCs的变化趋势与发动机工作状态的相关性。该仪器有望应用于环境应急事故、现场长期监测、化工园区生产工艺过程监控以及无组织排放等领域。  相似文献   

On-line mass flow measurement of particulate solids in pneumatic conveying pipeline is a technically challenging area, where mass flow measurement presents a range of problems. These problems are not normally relevant to a single phase flow, but are always involved in gas–solids two-phase flows, like inhomogeneous distribution of solids over the pipe cross section, irregular velocity profiles, variations in particle size, moisture content, and deposition of fine particles on the inner wall of the pipeline. These variables may affect the response of a solids flow meter in ill-defined ways. All of these make the design and the calibration of solids’ mass flowmeter more difficult. Based on a review of non-invasive mass flow measurements of particulate solids, this paper summarizes and highlights several key issues, which often rely on structures of sensors or measurement methods, in indirect mass flow metering of pneumatically conveyed solids. They are: (i) spatial filtering effect; (ii) averaging effect; (iii) measurement resolution and sensitivity of array structures in tomography sensors.  相似文献   

边坡内部位移监测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国对煤炭资源大力开采,矿山排土场的排弃量日渐增大,排土场边坡失稳问题频繁发生.实施边坡内部位移监测是保证矿山安全生产及运输的重要手段和措施.目前尚没有广泛应用的长期监测边坡内部岩土体位移的专用仪器.介绍了一种边坡内部位移监测系统,采用电磁信号发射及信号测距的思想进行设计,可以实现对矿山排土场边坡的内部岩土体动态运移情况进行监测.最终实现数字化、自动化、可靠性高,并能实施长期监测,具有预警功能的监测系统.  相似文献   

Field measurements of electromagnetic emission intensity were performed by picket profiling in the Tashtagol mine workings. Increased emissions from rock contacts in the mine mass were found. The possibility of detecting latent structural distortions in mine workings by the developed method of monitoring and controlling the changes in the stressed-strained state of rock masses with the characteristics of electromagnetic emission was shown.  相似文献   

Electric capacitance tomography (ECT) is advantageous for online imaging of pneumatic conveying of solids. From the ECT images, the spatial distribution of the mass of the material can be displayed at a very fast speed. However, as the mass distribution and the permittivity of the solids simultaneously affect the values of the measured capacitance arrays, they cause a coupled effect on the ECT images. In situations where the permittivity of the solids is influenced by the moisture, and this influence cannot be separated from the influence of the mass, or cannot be accounted for by an appropriate means, the measurement will be erroneous, as ECT images are usually interpreted as the distribution of the mass alone. This study aims to tackle the problem by an attempt to decouple the combined influence of the mass and the permittivity. A sensor of narrow electrodes is designed for the purpose of detecting only the variations in the permittivity. Simulation and experimental results both demonstrated that the influence of the permittivity and the mass of the solids can be decoupled under certain conditions, which provide a mechanism to correct the possible errors due to the unknown variation of the solids permittivity, or moisture.  相似文献   

The triboemission behavior of charged particles was measured under boundary lubrication of saturated hydrocarbon liquids during scratching of various solids by a diamond stylus. The solids tested were the metals Cu, Al and Fe, ceramics Si, ZrO2, Si3N4, Al2O3, soda lime glass and mica, polymers of 6, 6-nylon and PTFE. Saturated hydrocarbons of n-hexane, n-undecane and n-hexadecane were used as lubricating oils.

Triboemission occurred in bursts and ceased abruptly as scratching was started and stopped. The emission intensity of the charged particles depended closely on the kinds of solids, especially on their insulating properties, with an increase of emission intensity in the order of conductor < semiconductor < insulator. The emission intensity decreased as the hardness of the solids increased. These emission characteristics under the boundary lubrication condition are principally the same as in dry friction under ambient conditions.  相似文献   

Sulfur emission rules are being changed. This action and a proposed EPA Supplementary Control strategy that would allow industrial facilities to continue their operations based on emission measurements and weather conditions is a logical step. Nevertheless, other EPA requirements and limitations are not acceptable to the electric power generating industry. Effective sulfur removal processes and equipment are yet beyond the "state of the art" and thus are not cost effective capital investments while the technology is in development. Field proven ambient monitoring networks are available now to implement fuel switching which is the preferred method of the power industry. This permits remaining within ambient limits, thus fulfilling the basic requirements of the primary SQX stand"... to protect the public health.".  相似文献   

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