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十字环槽式双万向联轴器中间轴动力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐建宁  屈文涛  赵宁  赵晓东 《机械传动》2006,30(3):73-74,83
对于十字环槽式双万向联轴器,其各个部件的受力比较复杂,尤其中间轴受到的是随时间变化的载荷,其动态性能的优劣会直接影响在高速旋转下的性能和寿命。本文应用Pro/E、ANSYS等软件,对十字环槽式双万向联轴器中间轴进行了模态、临界转速、动响应等动力学有限元分析,计算分析结果为十字环槽式双万向联轴器的设计制造和应用提供了必要的依据。  相似文献   

三叉杆滑移式万向联轴器因为可以传递更大的转矩而被广泛应用于前驱汽车的驱动桥中。其中,滑动销杆是三叉杆滑移式联轴器的重要传动部件。对滑动销杆进行运动学分析,简化几何模型并建立分析坐标系,运用方向余弦矩阵对滑动销杆的运动进行分析。通过MATLAB软件进行数值模拟并在Pro/E软件中进行运动学仿真,研究联轴器输入轴与中间轴夹角和转动频率分别对滑动销杆在三叉杆套筒孔中的运动的影响。结果表明滑动销杆运动的最大位移和最大速度都会随着输入轴和中间轴夹角的增大而增大。最大位移即振幅不受联轴器转动频率变化的影响,而最大速度则与转动频率成正比。滑动销杆的运动分析是三叉杆滑移式万向联轴器运动特性的重要组成部分,并为进一步研究其动力学特性和润滑特性提供了基础。  相似文献   

针对某钢厂冷轧线电气调试时要求的传动系统转速波动问题,分析了万向联轴器中间轴两端叉头相位差对传动平稳性的影响,给出了制造允许的相位差范围。研究结果表明:中间轴两端叉头相位差和万向联轴器工作角度越大,传动系统的转速波动越大,且波动频率是旋转频率的2倍。  相似文献   

正根据十字轴万向联轴器运动分析知,为使主、从动轴间没有转角差,消除了主动轴等速回转而从动轴转速变速波动的现象。为此,绝大多数场合下,双万向联轴器在安装时必须满足以下3个条件:(1)中间轴与主、从动轴的轴间角应相等。(2)中间轴两端轴叉应位于同一平面内。(3)主、从动轴和中间轴3轴的轴线应在同一平内。一般常用的万双向联轴器如图1所示。  相似文献   

以DH63-14离心压缩机轴心找正为实例,通过对假轴挠度及温度的影响因素分析,消除了联轴器找正误差,从而保证了机组的正常运行.提出了主机本体联轴器与电机联轴器之间由中间轴联接的设备轴心找正的方法.  相似文献   

应用Pro/E、ANSYS等软件,对十字环槽式双万向联轴器的强度、刚度进行了有限元分析,获得了输入输出轴叉、中间球体、中间轴在载荷作用下的最大应力、最大变形位置及分布状况。计算分析结果为十字环槽式双万向联轴器的设计制造和应用提供了必要的依据。  相似文献   

基于刚柔耦合多体动力学理论,运用三维设计软件,以有限元软件和多体动力学软件为基础,建立双十字轴万向节的刚柔耦合动力学仿真模型。考虑该模型中间轴空心段的柔性特性,对中间轴空心段进行了模态分析,得到了其模态中性文件。为分析双十字轴万向节输入轴、输出轴与中间轴夹角大小对传动均匀性的影响,分别在3种不同轴间角条件下对模型做动力学仿真分析。研究结果表明,输入轴与中间轴、输出轴与中间轴轴间角的绝对值相差越小,转动的不均匀性越小,与万向节的传动理论一致,该建模及分析方法为十字轴万向节的设计以及改进和优化提供了一种可借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

CD型电动葫芦用轮胎联轴器的设计缺陷   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
CD型电动葫芦用轮胎联轴器及中间轴装置,在设计中没有考虑轴的自重作用对轮胎圈变形的影响,使用中出现中间轴弯曲的轮胎圈破坏。本文提出改进办法及应注意的事项。  相似文献   

万向联轴器用于联接相交成一定角度的传动轴。图1所示的是单万向联轴器,将主动轴1和从动轴2联接起来。图2所示的是两个单万向联轴器将主动轴1和从动轴3联接起来。主动轴1和从动轴3的轴心线是平行线.主动轴1与中间轴2所夹的锐角为β;中间轴2与从动轴3所夹的锐角亦为β。再参看图1,当β=0°时,主动轴1的轴心线与从动轴2的轴心线的延长线是重合的。要了解万向联轴器的动力学特性,首先要按主动轴的角位移、角速度和角加速度求出从动轴的角位移、角速度和角加速度。设γ_1表示主动轴的角位移,γ_2表示轴2的角位移,ω_1表示主动轴的角  相似文献   

一、原结构存在的问题 S116混砂机中间传动轴的结构见附图。混砂机立轴1由电动机经速比为1:10的双级齿轮减速箱、固定在中间轴5上的小伞齿轮3、固定在立轴上的大伞齿轮2带动旋转。中间轴由滑动轴承7支承。按制造厂提供的技术资料,这些传动部件分别直接装在混凝土的单独基础上。中间轴与减速箱之间由夹壳式联轴器联结。这种联轴器要求两轴的同轴度较高,且在  相似文献   

A floating intermediate support is designed to reduce kinematic and dynamic fluctuations caused by the change of joint angles in a shaft system with multiple universal joints. The dynamic equation of the shaft system is derived via the principle of virtual work, which suggests the angular displacement of the input shaft is the only independent variable. A drive shaft system used in an articulated dump truck is taken as an example to analyze the sensitivities of shaft speed and input torque of the system about structural parameters and system variables, which proves the effectiveness of floating support to attenuate the kinematic and dynamic fluctuations of the shaft system. The stability region of floating support aimed at shaft speed and input torque of the system keeping relatively stable is obtained by setting proper upper limits of objectives, and the analysis results are verified by dynamic simulation in MapleSim platform, which is helpful to decide proper stiffness and damping or determine an optimum control strategy for floating angle of support in design.  相似文献   

Cross shaft type universal joint is widely used in ground vehicles to transfer torque between two intersecting axes, and its transmission feature can make a great contribution to NVH performance of the vehicle. We looked at the assembling clearance at cross shaft neck, and presented a dynamic model of cross shaft type universal joint with clearance at cross shaft neck. Two-state model is applied to describe the contact force between the cross shaft and driving joint fork based on Hertz theorem, and lumped mass method is applied to build up the dynamic model of the universal joint. Based on this model, numerical analysis is carried out to discuss the transmission feature of the universal joint with clearance at cross shaft neck, and the influence of clearance on the dynamic behavior of the system is evaluated with numerical results based on time history, power spectrum, and phase portrait. The method and conclusions presented are helpful to improvement of the transmission feature of cross shaft type universal joint.  相似文献   

潘金坤  罗绍新 《机械传动》2011,35(12):49-52
分别对单、双十字轴式万向节进行了运动分析,确定了转向系统输出轴产生转矩波动的影响因素.针对某车型转向系统的双万向节传动,利用RecurDyn软件建立了双十字轴式万向节的参数化模型,将各个可以变动的变量和坐标参数化并设定为设计变量,结合空间双万向节传动的等速条件,以输出轴的转矩波动达到最小为目标进行优化设计.最终获得了最...  相似文献   

为研究偏斜轴系过渡过程中的振动及其稳定性,研究了多万向铰轴系在变工况条件下的运动学特性.应用坐标变换的方向余弦矩阵法导出了双铰系统和多铰系统的角速度和角加速度波动的解析表达式,分析了主动轴加速情况下从动轴运动的变化规律,并进行了计算与分析,结果表明:与定常工况相比,变工况(主动轴加速)导致更复杂的运动波动;运动波动周期随时间增大变短;随着主动轴角加速度的增大,角速度和角加速度的波动周期变短,角加速度波动幅度增大;中间轴两端轴叉共面比中间轴两端轴又垂直引起的运动波动幅度小.研究工作对进一步确定万向铰驱动的偏斜轴系的动力学行为具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

将模糊优化设计原理与方法应用于双万向联轴节中间轴的设计,建立了以质量最轻为目标函数的模糊优化设计数学模型,应用MATLAB软件对数学模型进行求解。和传统的设计比较,该方法是一种更简便、有效的设计方法。  相似文献   

双万向传动中间轴在传动过程中,伴有速度波动,为减少速度波动引起的动载荷影响,设计时要在传递转矩一定的情况下,使中间轴质量最轻。讨论了中间轴设计过程中的模糊因素,建立了以截面积最小的模糊优化设计模型,运用模糊理论和方法获得最优解。  相似文献   

A universal joint also known as universal coupling, U joint, Cardan joint, Hardy-Spicer joint, or Hooke??s joint is a joint or coupling in a rigid rod that allows the rod to ??bend?? in any direction, and is commonly used in shafts that transmit rotary motion. It consists of a pair of hinges located close together, oriented at 90° to each other, connected by a cross shaft. The Cardan joint suffers from one major problem: even when the input drive shaft rotates at a constant speed, the output drive shaft rotates at a variable speed, thus causing vibration and wear. The variation in the speed of the driven shaft depends on the configuration of the joint. Such configuration can be specified by three variables. The universal (Cardan) joints are associated with power transmission systems. They are commonly used when there needs to be angular deviations in the rotating shafts. It is the purpose of this research to study the dynamics of the universal joints and to propose some practical methods for improving their performance. The task is performed by initially deriving the motion equations associated to the universal joints. That is followed by elaborating on the oscillatory behavior in the rotational speed and the torque that transmits through the intermediary shaft. The forces in the joint bearings are calculated by using an analytical method that is also supported by the numerical modeling. Such models are also used in order to calculate the rhythm and the amount of the excess loads on the joint. This is suggested as a systematic procedure in the search for the causes of the failures in these popular bearings. With the same purpose in mind some defected bearings with deformed sections were selected for the laboratory examinations. By analyzing the loading behavior and the surface conditions of the defected bearings and by comparison with the known fatigue theories attempts are made in order to dig into the causes for the failures in these joints and their bearing surfaces. With the aim of improving the performance and the life expectancy of these popular elements of the machineries, some practical recommendations are also suggested.  相似文献   

为了研究转向架传动系统高速通过动态曲线时的动力特性,本文以万向传动轴为对象,利用 R W 方法建立了系统的力学模型和动力学微分方程。选取 36 种通过动态曲线的典型工况,进行数值仿真。结果表明,万向轴传动比主要受机车运行速度和线路不平顺幅值的影响,而万向轴转速除了受这两个因素的影响外,还与不平顺波长和构件摩擦有关。另外适当增大曲线半径和超高可以改善万向轴传动特性。万向轴动力学分析的结果对电机控制系统、机车运行稳定性以及万向轴的结构设计和线路设计都有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

为了补偿轴向位移,经常在双十字万向联轴器的中间轴上采用轴向滑动装置。三球销滑动装置是目前公认的一种效果很好的轴向移动机构。本文采用方向余弦矩阵法,对该装置进行了运动学分析,并在此基础上,计算了该装置正常工作所必须的间隙,得出具有指导意义的结论。  相似文献   

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