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本文针对金属支架类铸件壁薄和难以成型的特点,探讨了Pro/E软件在压铸模具设计中的优点,介绍了基于Pro/E软件压铸模具开发的一般流程;并借助注射模具模架系统EMX,为压铸模具装配了模架。结果表明,基于Pro/E软件的压铸模具设计方法,可大大提高压铸模具设计的效率,缩短设计周期,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

通过对压铸模设计特点的研究,以UGNX2为平台,设计面向装配的压铸模CAD系统框架,并给出压铸模CAD系统的初始化和前处理模块的实现方法。  相似文献   

以支架压铸模设计为例,介绍了Solid Works软件中的零件模块、模具模块及装配模块等在压铸模设计过程中的使用方法,对利用Solid Works进行其他零件的压铸模设计具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

压铸模具是压铸生产中重要的工艺设备。金属液在压铸模具中冷却凝固,最终形成压铸件。压铸件的形状、尺寸、质量,以及压铸生产的顺畅性都与压铸模具密切相关,因此正确合理地设计压铸模具至关重要。  相似文献   

一、前言 压铸模设计中工艺参数和模具结构的合理性直接对压铸件的质量和成品率以及模具的使用寿命都会产生极大的影响。传统的模具设计主要依靠经验进行,使得压铸模具设计周期长,劳动强度大,稳定性差,且设计质量与设计者的经验有直接关系。这种落后状况造成了压铸模具设计和制造的不可靠性,使得大部分的压铸模具需要经过多次的反复试模、修模,增加了模具成本,延长了新产品的研制生产周期,制约着压铸工业的发展。  相似文献   

尝试运用UGNX软件设计压铸模具,由于UG软件没有单独开发压铸模具设计模块,经过对压铸模具和注塑模具异同的分析,文中在设计中使用Mold Wizard、Feature和Feature Operation三个模块完成设计。  相似文献   

目前国际上广泛采用三维造型软件PRO/E对各种模具进行设计.本例基于PRO/E的平台,对汽车零部件压铸模进行设计.整个压铸模包括浇注系统、冷却管道、镶块、抽芯机构的分析和设计,通过分析比较各工艺方案,选取最优的参数,并利用PRO/E进行了汽车零部件压铸模三维装配和干涉检验.由于PRO/E的应用,提高了压铸模设计的效率,降低了设计的成本.  相似文献   

提高压铸模具寿命的途径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜萌 《装备制造技术》2009,(10):25-26,39
从压铸件的结构和压铸模具的设计、成形零件材料的选用、模具零件的加工与装配工艺、材料的热处理及压铸工艺参数的选用等方面,研究并指出了提高压铸模使用寿命的有效途径,对压铸模的设计与制造有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

在大多数情况下,镁合金压铸生产的产品与其他合金压铸件相类似,镁合金压铸模具也和铝、锌合金压铸模相似。但是由于镁合金不同于铝合金的一些特性,在设计压铸模时给予充分考虑,才能设计出合理的压铸模具,从而高效、经济地生产镁合金压铸件。  相似文献   

文中对当前国内喇叭天线板的主要生产工艺进行了介绍,指出该生产工艺的缺点,提出了采用新的精密压铸工艺批量生产该类零件的方法。以某双脊喇叭天线板作为铸件原型,设计了一套压铸模具,从原材料选择、零件结构分析、铸造工艺设计、模具结构设计等方面对压铸模具的设计要点进行了阐述,并基于FLOW-3D仿真模拟软件对模具进行了设计优化。制定工艺参数生产试铸样件,根据其表面和内部的缺陷对压铸模具进行微调优化,并对该零件的后处理方法进行了描述。最后对装配好的喇叭天线板进行了环境适应性试验和电气性能测试,验证了新工艺的有效性和模具设计的合理性。文中工作有助于喇叭天线板的工艺创新和类似薄壁铝件的压铸模具设计。  相似文献   

面向大型压铸模型腔壁厚的模糊优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用多目标模糊优化设计的原理,结合大型压铸模的工作条件,建立了逼近实际工况的型腔壁厚数学模型。采用最优水平截集法求解,并用复合形法进行优化。并给出了这种设计方法应用于潜望镜镜身铸件压铸模的工程实例。  相似文献   

基于多目标模糊优化设计的原理,结合大型压铸机合模机构的性能和尺寸要求,建立了符合实际工况的数学模型,并用最优水平截集法求解,用复合形法上机寻优.研究结果表明,多目标模糊优化在合模机构设计方面具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

支持自顶向下模具设计的装配建模方法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
按照自顶向下的设计思想,应先进行装配设计再进行零件设计,因而装配设计时缺少零件的实体信息,通过引入装配特征的概念,使得模具装配设计面向的是装配则不是实体零件,从而实现先装配后零件的设计顺序。  相似文献   

傅日光  程军 《装备制造技术》2011,(1):113-114,119
介绍了低压铸造工艺的生产流程、工艺设计要点,结合装载机变矩器铸铝件泵轮热节分布分散的结构特点,论述泵轮的低压铸造工艺的设计要点和关键的工艺过程参数温度场、充型速度、充型压力3个方面的控制技术。  相似文献   

Design of a die casting die is a nontrivial task, which depends upon a number of influencing factors related to material, part geometry, manufacturing resources, cost, delivery time, etc. Complexity of this die design activity further increases in case of a multicavity die. Currently available die design systems lack in the level of automation and do not explicitly address multicavity die design. Present work is an attempt to develop a system, which facilitates computer-aided design of a multicavity die casting die. The objective of the proposed system is to automate the process of deciding number of cavities, design of cavity layout and die–base, and core and cavity creation for a multicavity die casting die. The proposed system, which we named Auto_Die_Caster, works as an add-on application to solid modeling software SolidWorks. The proposed system is divided into four modules, namely data initialization, cavity design, cavity layout and die–base design, and core–cavity design. Use of commercial software like SolidWorks as a platform both for part design and generation of die design eliminates loss of data which makes the proposed system quite useful in the industrial scenario. To demonstrate the capabilities of Auto_Die_Caster, it was tried for a number of die casting parts and the results are presented. Proposed system is a step forward to design manufacturing integration for die casting process.  相似文献   

Development of a die design system for die casting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a research work of a computer-aided die design system for die casting. The proposed system consists of seven distinct modules. Through these modules, the die designers are able to create a die casting die from a product part model. It is a user-friendly system that allows both experienced and novice die designers to easily accomplish the task of die design.The practical goal of this research is twofold: (1) to develop a system that integrates the different stages of die design process and (2) that at the same time facilitates the editing of die casting design during or after the course of the design process. The approach undertaken in this research includes (1) feature-based and constraint-based modelling, (2) parametric design and (3) a geometric and topological information extraction technique from a B-rep model. A prototype system has been developed using this approach and the system is able to aid the automation of the die casting die design process, thus improving the efficiency and quality of, and reducing the cost of die design for die casting.  相似文献   

Die casting machines, which are the core equipment of the machinery manufacturing industry, consume great amounts of energy. The energy consumption prediction of die casting machines can support energy consumption quota, process parameter energy-saving optimization, energy-saving design, and energy efficiency evaluation; thus, it is of great significance for Industry 4.0 and green manufacturing. Nevertheless, due to the uncertainty and complexity of the energy consumption in die casting machines, there is still a lack of an approach for energy consumption prediction that can provide support for process parameter optimization and product design taking energy efficiency into consideration. To fill this gap, this paper proposes an energy consumption prediction approach for die casting machines driven by product parameters. Firstly, the system boundary of energy consumption prediction is defined, and subsequently, based on the energy consumption characteristics analysis, a theoretical energy consumption model is established. Consequently, a systematic energy consumption prediction approach for die casting machines, involving product, die, equipment, and process parameters, is proposed. Finally, the feasibility and reliability of the proposed energy consumption prediction approach are verified with the help of three die casting machines and six types of products. The results show that the prediction accuracy of production time and energy consumption reached 91.64% and 85.55%, respectively. Overall, the proposed approach can be used for the energy consumption prediction of different die casting machines with different products.  相似文献   

充氧压铸法能有效的避免在压铸件中产生气孔等缺陷,在生产中的应用已日益广泛。在对现有模具的结构方案进行分析的基础上,设计了一种高效实用的充氧压铸模排气系统结构方案。新的设计方案改变排气的沿程阻力,不改变原有的型腔结构,达到快速置换氧气的目的,来实现效率的提高;另一方面,改变了排气通道,扩大了排气的通道,减缓了排气的速度,减弱了氧气传感器的冲击力量,降低了对氧气传感器的损坏。  相似文献   

通过对传统模具CAD系统的分析及目前并行工程等先进制造理论对新型模具CAD系统的要求,基于一般模具设计过程及EXPRESS-G的研究,提出了面向并行设计的模具装配描述模型,同时讨论了已有装配模型的不足。基于此模具装配模型,解释了实现并行设计的方法与过程  相似文献   

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