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本文详细论述了风扇相似设计理论在牵引电机风扇性能及噪声优化应用中的方法,依据某气动性能较好的参考风扇设计了适合自通风型牵引电机的低噪声新风扇来替换原有风扇。同时基于自通风型牵引电机的非定常流场仿真结果,建立有限元声学计算模型,仿真计算了该电机在最高转速下的气动噪声,获取了由电机风扇产生的气动噪声幅值与频谱特性。通过对安装原风扇与优化后风扇电机的气动噪声计算结果进行对比,表明安装相似理论设计风扇的电机在高转速时有非常明显的降噪效果,达到了优化设计的目的。同时表明风扇相似设计理论在自通风型牵引电机降噪设计中具有一定的应用前景与推广价值。  相似文献   

本文通过试验研究,在仅改变风扇叶的平面形、安装角、转速及加装整流网的条件下,使整机的噪声声压级由原有的91.05dB(A)降至87.3dB(A),降低了3.75dB(A)。因改进后的风扇在工艺及用料上与原风扇基本相同,而在降噪及降低功率上却有显著之效果,因此具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

针对风幕机用贯流风机的降噪问题,采用了数值模拟与噪声试验结合的方法对其进行研究。将风机气动噪声作为优化目标,通过调整贯流风机进口面板的结构参数,改善贯流风机内部流动特性,达到降低气动噪声的目的。对4种不同进口面板结构的贯流风机,建立了三维CFD模型,模拟内部流动,分析其内流特性变化。在消声室进行噪声试验、在设计工况下,测试不同进口面板风机噪声,分析噪声频谱特性,探究进口面板改变所导致的内流与噪声频谱特性之间的关系。研究结果表明,在特定转速下,进口结构参数的改变会影响贯流风机进口回流涡的强度和范围,从而影响气动性能与噪声。模型B气动性能提升,流量提升1.5%,全压提升3%。模型C降噪效果明显,噪声降低3.3 dB(A)。  相似文献   

在标准进气风管测试装置上,对某离心风机及在风机蜗壳周向板、前盖板、后盖板等部位分别加装吸声材料后,测试了不同结构形式下风机性能和噪声特性。试验结果表明:相比原风机,蜗壳周向板与后盖板同时加装吸声材料效果最好,设计工况下A声级能够降低7.2dB(A),在小流量工况下,吸声蜗壳的降噪效果变差;根据风机噪声频谱,穿孔板加玻璃棉吸声蜗壳的吸声性能中高频好于低频,风机基频噪声在设计点能够降低12.5dB(A);加装吸声材料后风机气动性能会略有下降,压力和效率都有不同程度的降低。  相似文献   

对于齿轮驱动大涵道比涡扇发动机,载荷升高转速减小能够显著降低噪音。探究了载荷系数变化对大涵道比风扇气动噪声的影响。对设计完成的3款不同载荷的大涵道比风扇级进行了系统的声学特性分析。结果表明:无论是对于单转子还是风扇级,随着载荷系数的升高,噪声都逐步降低。超高载荷风扇转子的噪声与常规载荷风扇转子相比,降低了27.36 d B;相应匹配上静子以后,整个风扇级的噪声降低了18.03 d B。  相似文献   

对离心风机叶片进行打孔处理,分析叶片打孔位置对风机噪声的影响。首先在稳态流场的计算结果上加载宽频噪声模型,得到不同工况下离心风机蜗壳和叶片上噪声分布情况,然后在瞬态分析的基础上加载FW-H噪声模块,利用LES/FW-H匹配技术分析叶片打孔对离心风机的气动噪声特性及声压级的影响。研究结果表明:离心风机结构表面声压主要集中在集流器、蜗舌和叶轮处,随着转速的增加,最大声压级也相应升高,趋势为先加快后减缓;离心风机气动噪声的频率主要集中在低中频段,且降低速度较快,在高频段则趋于平稳。与风机原模型相比,叶轮前端和中间打孔能够有效地降低噪声,噪声分别下降了4 dB和1 dB,后端打孔则会导致噪声升高。  相似文献   

吸音隔音材料广泛应用于客车车内降噪,但其降噪效果实际会受到施工状态和客车本身噪声特性差异的影响。文章对客车发动机舱降噪材料进行了试验研究,根据车内噪声测试结果,对多种吸音隔音材料的降噪效果进行了评价,并利用阻尼材料弥补多孔材料对低频噪声降噪效果差的缺点。改善后的复合材料经测试,对300 Hz以下的低频噪声降噪达到1.7 dB(A),对300 Hz以上的高频噪声降噪达5.7 dB(A),总降噪量达4 dB(A),显著改善了车内噪声。  相似文献   

李波  王虎 《电子机械工程》2013,29(5):16-20,33
通讯电子行业的产品功率密度越来越高,传统的自然对流散热方式已经不能满足设计要求,采用风扇的强迫冷却方式已经得到非常普遍的应用。由于产品尺寸、流量要求和噪声等限制,产品往往会采用风扇串联工作的方案。目前,串联风扇的实际特性曲线与理论计算特性曲线存在差异。文中从风扇类型、转速和风扇间距等方面出发,基于ANSI/AMCA 210—2007风扇测试标准,研究了这些因素对串联风扇特性曲线的影响,还对串联风扇在系统中的应用做了相关研究,对串联风扇在系统中如何得到合理应用,以充分发挥其制冷能力提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

本文提取具有优良气动性能的海鸥翼型对其尾缘进行仿生重构以降低气动噪声。采用大涡模拟(LES)进行三维瞬态流场计算,结合Ffowcs Williams和Hawkings发展的FW-H方法进行远场声学求解。系统研究了雷诺数为9.0×104,攻角为0°条件下,基于仿海鸥翅膀翼型的常规尾缘锯齿翼型、正弦型尾缘锯齿翼型及熨斗型尾缘锯齿翼型的气动噪声特性。研究结果表明:与原型翼型相比,常规尾缘锯齿翼型的升阻比损失最小,熨斗型尾缘锯齿翼型的升阻比损失最大。正弦型尾缘锯齿翼型的远场降噪效果最好,平均降噪幅度为5.72dB。与其他两种齿型结构相比,正弦型尾缘锯齿翼型能更有效地减小湍流宽频噪声和翼型表面的压力脉动,使整体旋涡脱落噪声明显下降。而熨斗型尾缘锯齿翼型在减小涡结构展向相关性的同时加剧了纵向空间涡结构的脱落,使整体声压级降低幅度最小。  相似文献   

显控台是舰船电子信息系统的重要组成部分。为研究舰船显控台冷却风扇噪声特性,有效控制冷却风扇噪声值,首先对冷却风扇噪声源进行理论分析,采用频谱试验方法对显控台冷却风扇噪声进行识别;然后从冷却风扇的结构参数、性能参数和空间匹配参数优化入手,提出冷却风扇优化设计和噪声控制方法;最后运用声学仿真的方法对比分析优化后冷却风扇与原冷却风扇的气动声学性能,得出优化后的冷却风扇的噪声声压级比原风扇降低了6.6 dB。该研究降低了舰船显控台冷却风扇的噪声,可为风扇的声学降噪设计提供可靠的分析和指导。  相似文献   

针对一般情况下叶轮机械的非定常气流运动,特别是风扇的气动声学,文中测定轴流风机的气动声学特性和上游环境对其影响.在对叶轮机械各种噪声来源进行分析之后,研究了抽吸速度场的扰动所带来的影响,因此分析进气总管轮廓优化前后对轴流风机入口的影响.结果表明,噪声特别是宽带噪声产生于上游气流湍流水平的提高.  相似文献   

为研究动车组牵引变压器冷却风机的气动噪声特性,针对某型冷却风机进行气动噪声试验,得到在不同测点处的声压级和频谱特性。同时,针对该型风机建立仿真模型,模型中考虑电动机、支架等实际结构,结合计算流体力学方法和Lighthill声学比拟理论,对冷却风机的非定常流动特性和远场声场进行数值仿真,与试验数据进行对比。结果表明,通过大涡模拟得到的冷却风机噪声主要阶次与试验具有较好的一致性;在基于风机侧面评价点声压功率谱密度所估算声功率贡献量中,宽频带噪声占比为74.76%,是后续减振降噪的重点;阶次噪声占比为25.24%,结合仿真分析发现,阶次的主要来源为进风口动叶轮和出风口动叶轮处气流脉动压力所形成的偶极子声源,其中进风口第33阶次和出风口第10阶次最为重要。所得分析结果可为该型风机的气动性能和气动噪声的改进提供切实可行的参考依据。  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical investigation on the aerodynamic noise of axial fans is carried out to develop a low-noise fan, which is used to cool a compressor and a condenser in the mechanical room in a household refrigerator. First, the noise performance of the target fan is experimentally investigated and, then, computational aeroacoustic techniques based on the hybrid method are applied to predict the radiated sound pressure levels. The validity of the computational aeroacoustic techniques is confirmed by comparing the predictions with the measurements. To develop a low-noise fan, we came up with two design concepts: one is that the uneven grooves are made on the surface of the suction side of blade along the rotational direction, and the other is that two different blades are combined into one blade. We have set systematic numerical analysis to evaluate the effects of these design factors on the noise generation of axial cooling fans. On the basis of the prediction results showing the possible reduction of noise levels by applying the proposed design factors to the existing fan, experiments using a full refrigerator with two prototype fans are made, which show that the sound power levels from the newly developed fans are less than those of noise from existing fans. Finally, an additional experiment performed by using a grooved/double-bladed fan installed in a household refrigerator shows that the overall noise from the new fan is reduced by approximately 1 dB to 2.2 dB in comparison with that from the existing fan in the refrigerator over the rotating speeds from 1090 rpm to 1210 rpm.  相似文献   

根据对旋轴流通风机的结构特点,以一台具有代表性的对旋轴流通风机为例,介绍了与其相适应的声场测量方法。通过对其噪声源进行分析,识别出其噪声源由气动离散噪声、电机的电磁噪声及宽带噪声组成,并指出气动离散噪声是这类通风机最主要的噪声源。最后,给出了对旋轴流通风机降噪的几点创新性建议。  相似文献   


The recent development of small and lightweight rack mount servers and computers has resulted in the decrease of the size of cooling fans. However, internal fans still need to achieve a high performance to release the heat generated from interior parts, and they should emit low noise. On the contrary, measurement data, such as flow properties and flow visualizations, cannot be obtained easily when cooling fans are small. Thus, a numerical analysis approach is necessary for the performance evaluation and noise reduction of small cooling fans. In this study, the noise of a small cooling fan used for computers or servers was measured and then compared with the aeroacoustic noise result based on a numerical analysis. Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations were solved to predict the unsteady flow field and surface pressure fluctuation according to the blades and casing surface used. The simplified Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation was used to predict aeroacoustic noise by assuming that a dipole is the major cause of fan noise. Results of the aeroacoustic noise analysis agreed well with that of the experiment, and a tonal noise whose frequency was lower than the first blade passing frequency could be identified in the noise spectrum. This phenomenon is caused by the shape of the bell mouth. A coherence analysis was performed to examine the correlation between the shape of the cooling fan and the noise.


S型叶片可逆式轴流风机的全三维优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄典贵 《机械工程学报》2005,41(12):182-185
可逆风机在正向与反向送风时,都希望具有良好的气动性能。由于几何形状完全对称,S型叶片是可逆风机中比较理想的叶片。以NACA4数字系列叶型的前半部分为雏形,构造出气动性能良好的S型叶片。用三维雷诺平均Navier Stokes方程的计算流体力学方法,将叶型参数、扭转角和安装角作为设计参数,应用正交优化方法,对S型叶片的可逆式轴流风机通流部分进行优化设计,在满足风量、风压要求的前提下,获得最高的流动效率,取得了良好的设计效果。  相似文献   

The aeroacoustic characteristics of a centrifugal fan for a vacuum cleaner and its noise reduction method are studied in this paper. The major noise source of a vacuum cleaner is the centrifugal fan. The impeller of the fan rotates at over 3000 rpm, and generates very high-level noise. It was revealed that the dominant noise source is the aerodynamic interaction between the rotating impeller and stationary diffuser. The directivity of acoustic pressure showed that most of the noise propagates backward direction of the fan-motor assembly. In order to reduce the high tonal sound generated from the aerodynamic interaction, unevenly pitched impeller and diffuser, and tapered impeller designs were proposed and experiments were performed. Uneven pitch design of the impeller changes the sound quality while the overall sound power level (SPL) and the performance remains similar. The effect of the tapered design of impeller was evaluated. The trailing edge of the tapered fan is inclined. This reduces the flow interaction between the rotating impeller and the stationary diffuser because of some phase shifts. The static efficiency of the new impeller design is slightly lower than the previous design. However, the overall SPL is reduced by about 4 dB(A). The SPL of the fundamental blade passing frequency (BPF) is reduced by about 6 dB(A) and the 2nd BPF is reduced about 20 dB(A). The vacuum cleaner with the tapered impeller design produces lower noise level than the previous one, and the strong tonal sound was dramatically reduced.  相似文献   

针对T9-19No.4A离心风机,试验研究了倾斜蜗舌和蜗舌的安装位置对风机气动性能和噪声特性的影响,结果表明:随着蜗舌倾角和蜗舌与叶轮间安装间距(以下简称安装间距)的增加风机的噪声下降,蜗舌倾角和安装间距对风机的气动性能则是交互影响,不具有单一性。本文选取了3种不同的蜗舌倾角和安装间距,组合优化设计了7种倾斜蜗舌进行试验。风机气动性能的测量严格按照国标《GB/T1236-2000工业通风机用标准化风道进行性能试验》执行,噪声的测量按照《GB/T 2888-91风机和罗茨鼓风机噪声测量方法》的要求执行。  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of airfoils on the aerodynamic performance of small axial flow fans were investigated to reduce airflow turbulence on the blade surface and to improve the aerodynamic performance of small axial flow fans. Irregular airfoils where several convex grooves are bound in the blade pressure surface of the fans have two kinds. The wave-shaped edge is bound to the blade trailing edge of the fans and is designed from the smooth airfoil of the fans. The filtered N-S equations with the finite volume method and the standard k-? turbulence model were adopted to carry out the steady simulation calculation. The large eddy simulation and the FH-W noise models were adopted to carry out the unsteady numerical calculation and aerodynamic noise prediction. The results of simulation calculation are in good agreement with the tests, which proves that the numerical calculation method is feasible. The spectrum characteristics of aerodynamic noise of the smooth airfoil and the two kinds of irregular airfoils were analyzed. Although the fans of the three airfoils are regarded as noise sources, the vortex distribution features in the unsteady flow field are also described. Noise reduction mechanisms of the irregular designs of the airfoils were also discussed. The results of this research may provide proof of the parameter optimization and the structural design of small axial flow fans with low noise.  相似文献   

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