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利用线性线圈和低频宽带脉冲在钢板中实现兰姆波激励,该结构电磁超声传感器与常用回折线圈传感器相比,无需对板厚、激励频率以及线圈间距进行匹配,具有更广的应用范围。通过实验对线性传感器提离距离与信号幅值关系进行研究,发射探头提离0.5 mm,接收探头提离1 mm是较理想的选择,可以同时满足系统稳定性和信号强度要求。通过希尔伯特-黄变换提取缺陷反射回波中高频成分可以更精确的反应缺陷特征,经计算,缺陷定位误差0.6%。包络幅值特征可以表征缺陷尺寸。  相似文献   

电磁超声换能器一般采用具有超强磁力的稀土永磁制作,在实际检测中由于磁力不可控,存在偏置磁场不够强导致换能效率过低和磁力过强造成操作不方便等问题.提出一种偏置磁场磁力可控的电磁超声换能器,采用电磁铁与永磁铁相结合的方式,达到偏置磁场磁力可控的目的.通过有限元仿真和试验得出,提出的偏置磁场磁力可控的电磁超声换能器,在电磁铁处于关闭模式下,永磁铁能够提供基础磁场;采用增强模式或减弱模式,无被测物时,换能器下表面平均垂直磁通最大分别增强78.58%和减弱19.36%,而提离2 mm检测钢板时,换能器下方钢板表面平均垂直磁通最大分别增强52.99%和减弱38.02%;得出3种模式下,探头磁力随着提离距离缩小而增强的试验曲线;通过增强模式对铝板和钢板进行测厚试验,将检测信号幅值分别提高46.91%和62.01%.所设计的磁力可控电磁超声换能器不仅具有磁力可控的功能,还能够提高检测信号幅值.  相似文献   

电磁超声(Electromagnetic acoustic testing,EMAT)检测易受温度、提离和被检对象材料的影响,使换能器的辐射声场、阻抗特性和换能效率发生变化,导致同样的检测系统及参数在不同工况下检测效果差异很大。其中检测频率是需要优化的关键因素之一,实验室常采用逐个频率点扫频测试寻找最佳检测频率的方法进行优化,效率极低,难以在现场实时应用。提出一种基于线性Chirp信号实现电磁超声传感器最佳检测频率快速优化的方法,通过数据处理的方式,可以在一次激励接收过程中,实现对一段频率中各频率点检测信号的提取,从而快速优化得到工况下相对最佳检测频率。采用该方法的检测系统可自适应现场温度、接触条件及被检对象变化,实时优化选择检测频率,得到最佳检测效果。  相似文献   

采用控制变量法从激励信号的占空比、电压幅值和激励线圈提离高度3个方面研究不同影响因素对脉冲涡流传感器检测刹车盘表面缺陷的影响规律。用DG1022U函数发生器产生脉冲激励信号;设计了由圆柱形激励线圈和霍尔传感器构成的脉冲涡流检测探头并制作放大滤波电路;用USB4711A数据采集卡采集信号,经MATLAB小波去噪后提取信号的峰峰值和信噪比。  相似文献   

提出了一种空心圆柱结构的电磁超声换能器(EMAT,Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer)线圈探头,为获得空心圆柱探头的设计参数,以有限元仿真软件ANSYS为工具,对所设计的电磁超声探头进行了三维有限元建模和仿真,分析了空心圆柱型换能器所激发超声波的幅值和频率;研究了线圈的各几何参数及换能器电气特性变化对所激发感生涡流幅值的影响规律;确立了电磁超声圆柱探头的基本设计准则。仿真结论证明:空心圆柱线圈适合作为EMAT探头进行缺陷检测,为此类线圈的设计提供的理论指导。  相似文献   

为了对较厚钢板进行缺陷检测,采用对低压大功率的电源进行斩波的方式产生大电流脉冲,设计圆柱形探头,采用激励线圈缓慢放电的方式检测钢板表面缺陷;设计矩形探头,采用激励线圈瞬间放电的方式检测钢板亚表面;对脉冲涡流瞬态感应电压信号进行小波滤噪和幅值归一化处理。实验结果表明,小波滤噪可以提高检测精度,对信号幅值进行归一化处理可以更直接地反映不同深度缺陷产生的曲线间的相互关系,大电流激励的脉冲涡流信号幅值能反映较厚钢板表面和亚表面缺陷深度。  相似文献   

杨理践  李春华  裴磊 《中国机械工程》2013,(13):1773-1776,1782
为了对较厚钢板进行缺陷检测,采用对低压大功率的电源进行斩波的方式产生大电流脉冲,设计圆柱形探头,采用激励线圈缓慢放电的方式检测钢板表面缺陷;设计矩形探头,采用激励线圈瞬间放电的方式检测钢板亚表面;对脉冲涡流瞬态感应电压信号进行小波滤噪和幅值归一化处理。实验结果表明,小波滤噪可以提高检测精度,对信号幅值进行归一化处理可以更直接地反映不同深度缺陷产生的曲线间的相互关系,大电流激励的脉冲涡流信号幅值能反映较厚钢板表面和亚表面缺陷深度。  相似文献   

针对平衡电磁技术对管道内表面周向、轴向裂纹缺陷检测的灵敏度问题,提出采用串联谐振激励电路增大激励电流,提升检测灵敏度的方法.利用电磁场理论分析了平衡电磁技术激励电流对检测信号的影响,以有限元仿真的方式计算了不同激励电流下检测信号的曲线与幅值,研究了串联谐振电路减小激励线圈阻抗,增加激励电流的机理,设计了基于串联谐振的激...  相似文献   

光学外差干涉法检测微弱超声振动的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
设计一个具有较高检测灵敏度的光学外差干涉系统,用于检测微弱超声振动信号。采用相干性高的线偏振光作为光源,提高有效干涉强度;利用光阑消除光学噪声,有效控制回授光对光路的影响;以1级光作为参照,使光路调节简单易行。用主频为62.42KHz、幅值为74V的方波信号激励超声探头作为振动信号源,测得振动信号频率和幅值分别为62.38KHz和76.4mV。结果表明该系统能满足微弱超声振动检测要求。  相似文献   

管道内壁腐蚀具有不同的形状和取向,需要对不同的缺陷产生相对的横向的涡流场,方能有效地检测到相应的涡流产生的二次磁场的扰动信号。基于涡流检测技术,提出了一种用于在役检测管道内壁腐蚀状况的新型阵列式传感器探头设计方法,该探头使用相隔60°的3组绕组并通以三相电流来产生旋转磁场,对管道进行励磁;使用新型的高灵敏度巨磁阻(GMR)传感器芯片代替传统的线圈检测器来提取管道缺陷信号。通过有限元分析研究了三相电流激励频率、传感器提离以及激励电流对检测效果的影响,结果表明所设计的探头能够准确地识别并定位不同取向的管道缺陷,设计方法具有一定的可靠性。  相似文献   

A high-performance technique is suggested for generating ultrasonic waves by the magnetic–acoustic method without using a bias field. The technique is based on the frequency doubling of emitted ultrasonic wave as compared to the frequency of the field coil of electromagnetic transducer due to the evenness of magnetostriction. The efficiency of excitation and reception of ultrasonic waves at the doubled frequency without a bias field is compared with that at the base frequency with a bias field.  相似文献   

电磁超声换能器(EMAT)换能效率低、激发信号弱,而基于长周期激励信号以产生声波共振的电磁声谐振技术(EMAR)虽然可以提高接收信号的信噪比,然而可能导致主脉冲加宽并扩大超声波检测盲区,降低测量精度。本文应用一种宽频激励电磁声谐振技术(BE-EMAR)和一种Halbach阵列纵波EMAT,以单周期宽频激励作为EMAT输入信号,并利用EMAR方法对7075型铝合金试件板厚进行测量,借助检出概率(POD)模型来表征该技术针对微金属板厚的测量精度。实验结果表明,在未降噪时BE-EMAR得到的三种信噪比下的POD曲线中,对应的a_(50)或a_(90/95)最大差异值为0.05 mm,同一信噪比下降噪前后的最大差异值为0.07 mm,而在时差法(ToF)得到的POD曲线中这一最大差异值则为0.21 mm,因此说明BE-EMAR降噪前后得到的结果并无较大差别,该方案对于常规噪声信号不敏感;且降噪前后,在BE-EMAR得到的POD曲线中,a_(50)和a_(90/95)均可稳定在0.55 mm以内,证明了BE-EMAR比ToF测厚具有更优的精度、稳定性和抗噪能力。  相似文献   

提出了一种由正交矢量锁相发大器为核心构成的电磁超声接收系统,该系统针对电磁超声换能器(EMAT)换能效率低,噪声干扰大的现状,以及锁相放大在提取噪声中微弱信号方面的优异性能,采用模拟与数字相结合的方式完成整个接收系统的设计.在该方案中,整个接收电路围绕由平衡调制解调器AD630构成的相敏检波器(PLD)展开,分别设计了信号通道、参考信道和相关器电路,并给出了相关的电路设计图.最后通过实验对比验证,证明该系统可以从噪声中提取出微弱的检测信号,且消噪效果明显,提高了信噪比.  相似文献   

为研究Helmholtz声源的声学特性,设计并制作了一款由扬声器和Helmholtz共振器组成的Helmholtz声源,并对其等效声阻抗、两端电压、输出声压值和电声转换效率随信号频率变化的响应特性进行了初步探索。结果表明,Helmholtz声源的声学特性与扬声器和Helmholtz共振器的相互作用有关,Helmholtz声源的声学阻抗特性主要由Helmholtz共振器决定;扬声器的谐振或Helmholtz共振器的共振能够增强Helmholtz声源的声波辐射能力,可以有效提高声源的电声转换效果;在选定的实验条件下,Helmholtz声源的最大输出声压值约是扬声器的22倍,此时Helmholtz声源的电声转换效率高达113%。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the problems of system detuning, amplitude attenuation, and even vibration stop after the load was applied to the acoustic system during ultrasonic-assisted vibration processing. In the theoretical part, the overall theoretical model of the ultrasonic longitudinal–torsional composite drilling system (ULTCDS), including the longitudinal–torsional composite horn, transducer, and load was established based on the four-terminal network, combined with the longitudinal and torsional vibration equations of the variable cross-section rod. Also, the influence of the load on the input impedance and output amplitude of the acoustic system was preliminarily analyzed. In the simulation part, the static and dynamic drilling force was simulated by the pre-stressed modal and transient dynamic analyses, and the influence of the force load on the resonant frequency and output amplitude of the system was further explored. In the experiment part, the static force loading test and the ultrasonic drilling test of titanium alloy were designed. The micro-morphology of drilling holes under different processing parameters was observed, and the influence of force load on the system characteristics and stability was explored. The results showed that when the system was subjected to a force load greater than 400 N, the system current and frequency were greatly offset, the electromechanical conversion efficiency reduced, and the amplitude was attenuated to below the amplitude at empty load. In the ultrasonic-assisted drilling of titanium alloy processing, the acoustic system undergoes an obvious detuning phenomenon and the drilling quality is attenuated when the current increased by more than 60% and the frequency changed by more than 350 Hz, affecting the stability of the system and the ultrasonic-assisted processing effect.  相似文献   

A miniature fast response high temperature pressure probe, with demonstrated use in liquid metals up to 255 °C (528 K), has been developed. Innovative packaging technologies have been applied to integrate a conventional piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor into the probe, without the need of an auxiliary water-cooling system. In situ static calibrations are used to verify the linearity of the pressure signal and the stability of the pressure sensitivity (0.5% standard deviation over 70 min at 255 °C). Dynamic calibration, completed in an air shock tube facility, yields the probe's natural frequency. This frequency, when corrected for probe operation in liquid tin, is found to be 100 kHz. The reliability and accuracy of the probe is assessed by mounting it in a tin droplet dispenser for use in an extreme ultraviolet light source. Droplet dispensers typically include an excitation mechanism, which can be based on the generation of acoustic pressure waves to impose a desired droplet frequency. The probe accuracy is verified by the comparison of pressure measurements with laser Doppler vibrometry measurements of the pressure generating structure. A reference pressure measurement, conducted at representative conditions, shows a complex frequency response, with peaks distributed over three orders of magnitude and maximum amplitude of 440 mbar. Time variance of the excitation mechanism due to thermal transients is studied by monitoring the pressure response during operation. Finally, the linearity of the excitation system, with respect to the excitation amplitude, is verified by response measurements. In conclusion, the developed probe is capable of characterizing the excitation mechanism of a liquid metal droplet dispenser. Additionally, real-time monitoring of the performance of the excitation system during long-term operation is possible.  相似文献   

为了保证压电换能器谐振频率的一致性以及其长期工作的稳定性,提高换能器电声转换效率,介绍了利用检测谐振频率和扭矩压力来判别夹心式压电换能器装配质量的方法。在研究了压电效应的基础上,提出了通过检测压电陶瓷受压产生电荷量的方法来精确判别其装配质量,解决了其装配质量不稳定的问题。研究结果表明,该方法提高了装配精度和一致性,使其性能稳定可靠。  相似文献   

In this paper a new non-destructive testing (NDT) system focusing on micro size superficial defects in metallic joints is presented. The innovative system is composed by a new type of eddy currents probe, electronic devices for signal generation, conditioning and conversion, automated mechanized scanning and analysis software. The key original aspect of this system is the new type of eddy currents probe. This new probe provides enhanced lift-off immunity and improved sensitivity for micro size imperfections. The probe concept was studied using a Finite Element Method (FEM) tool and experimental verified using a standard defect.  相似文献   

This paper presents the numerical simulation and experiments on focusing low-frequency ultrasonic waves in a 2-D covered channel above acoustic metamaterials composed of the periodic array of Helmholtz resonators, in which the refractive index can be in a negative value. The 2-D channel above the acoustic metamaterials is covered by a plate to limit the area affected by the negative refractive index metamaterials. Ultrasonic waves propagated in the 2-D covered channel are found to be highly dependent on input frequency and the designed Helmholtz resonator structure, where its negative refractive index causes the focusing phenomenon in this channel. From the numerical simulation and experiments, an amplitude focus spot is observed in the peak-to-peak of the time domain signal and frequency response at 125 kHz by mapping a pressure field in the 2-D covered channel. Different focal points with several input frequencies are also identified. Our research demonstrates the possibility of applying the designed lens based on acoustic metamaterials to improve the focusing effect in ultrasonic testing.  相似文献   

Pulse eddy current (PEC) testing is broadly used as an effective nondestructive testing technique especially for the defect detection of multiple layer and irregular surface objects. PEC testing’s adoption of repeated pulses as excitation provides for the penetration of many frequency components into the piece being tested and returns more information from various depths. As the lift-off height will inevitably change during detection, the lift-off effect serves as a significant obstacle to implement effective nondestructive testing and further evaluations. This paper concentrates on improving the probe’s immunity to the lift-off effect and proposes two-stage PEC differential probes. Physical experiments are addressed in this paper. Experimental results demonstrate that two-stage differential PEC probes are able to suppress lift-off effects. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

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