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扶满云 《工具技术》2003,37(8):40-41
细长杆状类刀具 (如钻头、铰刀等 )在机械加工中应用广泛。由于刀具的刃磨决定了刀具切削部分的形状及精度 ,因此既是保证刀具性能的关键工序 ,又是保证被加工零件质量的关键工序。细长杆状类刀具精度的提高 ,一直是刀具制造中的难点 ,其主要原因是由于该类刀具的有效部分太长、制造时刀具刃口离夹持部分太远。由于刃口离夹持部分太远 ,加上夹头有一定的夹持精度 (一般在 0 0 0 2~0 0 0 5mm) ,因此在开始磨削之前 ,刀具刃口处的径向圆跳动就有可能已达到 0 0 0 5mm~0 0 1mm(甚至更大 )。由于磨制刀具特别是磨削刀槽时采用强力磨削工艺…  相似文献   

8.什么是车床系统的刀具位置偏置补偿? 所谓刀具位置偏置补偿,是对编程时的假想刀具(一般为基准刀具)与实际加工使用的刀具位置的差值进行补偿的功能。FANUC的0系统没有采用指令刀具位置偏置的G代码,而用T代码指令。如图1所示。 9.FANUC的0T系统有几类刀具位置偏置? FANUC的0系统刀具位置偏置有两类:(1)刀具形状补偿(几何形状补偿):它是  相似文献   

TMAE1型刀具预调测量仪  该测量仪适用于镗铣类加工中心与数控机床刀具的测量和调整 ,可测量刀具的径向尺寸、轴向尺寸、刀刃角度及刀尖圆弧半径。其主要性能参数 :·测量范围 :R(半径 ) :0~ 150mm ;L :4 0~ 4 0 0mm·数显表分辨率 :0 .0 0 1mm·投影屏放大倍数 :2 0×·外形尺寸 (L×W×H) :   1150mm× 650mm× 90 0mm资料索取号 :Sh990 62— 1TMAE4型刀具预调测量仪  该测量仪适用范围与TMAE1型相同 ,其主要性能参数 :·测量范围 :R(半径 ) :0~ 30 0mm ;L :30~ 70 0mm·数显表分辨率 :0 …  相似文献   

德国 CIM公司最近推出一种名为 CIMSOURCEProductline的电子刀具信息系统 (刀具部件 CAM数据库 )。该数据库可作为一种独立产品 ,利用 CAD文件与 CAM数据库和 CAD数据实现对接 ,从而与产品开发用的软件系统完全一体化。CIMSOURCE CAMbase(数据库 )可在 NC编程系统中 ,提供或取代以前需另行设置的刀具数据。这样 ,NC编程系统的用户便可直接访问总数达 112 0 0 0种精密刀具部件的数据 (包括 CAD图形和所需的切削用量 )。此外 ,用户还可根据本厂的刀具库存、工作计划和机床组合情况 ,将本厂的具体情况作为附加信息存入 CIM…  相似文献   

瑞典山高刀具进入中国十周年庆典暨山高刀具制造 (上海 )有限公司开业典礼于 2 0 0 3年 1 1月 7日在山高刀具 (上海 )有限公司隆重举行。有关方面的领导、制造业界的朋友、媒体记者以及用户代表等1 2 0多位嘉宾出席了这次典礼。典礼仪式由山高中国副总经理蒋文德先生主持 ,山高中国董事、总经理傅蕾先生致欢迎词 ,山高集团总裁兼首席执行官LarsRenstrom先生、瑞典驻沪总领事以及上海市外经贸委领导等在典礼上致词。瑞典山高刀具公司 (SECOTOOLSAB)是在瑞典斯德哥尔摩证交所挂牌的上市公司 ,系世界四大硬质合金刀具制造商之一。山高公…  相似文献   

介绍频率40kHz,振幅在(10~35)μm范围可调的振动刀具的设计过程,该刀具选用通用信号发生器作为超声波信号源,对其(0~5)V正弦电压信号进行放大,输出幅值(0~350)V用于激励压电换能器,将超声电振荡转换成机械振动,对振动信号再经变幅杆机械放大,使刀具振动幅值达到(10~25)μm以上进行切削。利用该刀具切削工件的精度和表面粗糙度达到精密切削的效果,并且已进行了天然金刚石精细切削不锈钢零件的实验,切削后的刀具磨损量明显降低。  相似文献   

高精度焊接式双刃PCD刀具刃磨技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计志忠 《工具技术》2003,37(1):56-59
随着PCD、CBN等超硬材料刀具在汽车、摩托车、空调压缩机、木材加工等行业的广泛应用 ,对此类刀具的市场需求日益增加。目前国内已有约 2 0家企业从事超硬刀具的开发、加工与刃磨 ,但其中大部分厂家都局限于低端产品 (如精度要求不高的刀片装夹式超硬刀具等 )的加工 ,导致此类产品市场竞争激烈。而一些高端产品 (如高精度焊接式PCD刀具等 )却因为技术要求高、加工难度大而少有厂家问津 ,产品仍主要依靠进口。据统计 ,2 0 0 1年上海大众汽车有限公司的 2VQS发动机生产线消耗的进口高精度焊接式PCD刀具费用已超过 1 0 0万元人…  相似文献   

刀具工具类加工汽车零件的配套刀具  该配套刀具包括 :高效小直径整体滚刀 ,径向剃齿刀 ,汽车发动机连杆拉刀 ,硬质合金组合拉刀 ,齿轮倒角刀 ,小径定心复合齿渐开线花键拉刀 ,装配式圆磨滚刀。资料索取号 :W99— 0 0 2螺纹刀具系列  细柄机用丝锥 (全磨制GB3 4 64 ,铣制GB3 4 64 )M3~M16。细柄机用丝锥 (GB3 4 64 )M18× 1~M5 2。短型机用丝锥 (Q/CL2 12 0 2 0— 93 )M3~M5 2。粗柄机用丝锥 (全磨制 ,GB3 4 64 )M3~M4× 0 .5。粗柄机用丝锥 (GB3 4 64 )M4~M6。细柄手用丝锥(GB3 4 64 )M3~M8× 0 .75…  相似文献   

张锁平 《工具技术》2002,36(5):40-41
笔者于 2 0 0 0年访问考察了欧洲部分国家的齿轮刀具、拉削刀具制造厂 ,同时参观了一些刀具用户厂家 ,对欧洲国家的齿轮刀具及其它刀具的生产与使用情况作了一些调研 ,现对欧洲地区齿轮刀具设计与制造技术的发展近况作一简评。  1 齿轮刀具材料与结构(1)齿轮滚刀通过对欧洲齿轮刀具制造厂和主要用户企业(如变速箱制造厂 )的考察可知 ,目前齿轮滚刀的使用方式可分为传统的湿式切削工艺和干式切削工艺两大类。用于湿式切削的齿轮滚刀材料主要采用M35 +TiN和M35 +TiNC ,其中M35 +TiN为主流材料 ,滚切速度通常为 90~ 110m/m…  相似文献   

舒智勇 《工具技术》2003,37(7):72-74
在加工效率不断提高的情况下 ,数控加工设备的参数设置 (刀具测量及设置 /编程 )时间就越来越成为制约生产效率的瓶颈 ,这个瓶颈在数控刀具磨床上尤其突出。这是因为刀具产品品种繁多 ,各种类型刀具的尺寸和角度复杂 ,使得砂轮测量、编程和调整时间较长。德国瓦尔特公司为此推出了一个一揽子解决方案———高效率的刀具自动制造单元 (Au tomatedToolRoom)。该单元由刀具磨床、刀具测量机和刀具虚拟磨削软件 (Cybergrinding)三部分组成(如图 1所示 ) ,可将刀具磨削参数的设置时间减少5 0 %以上 ,其实现步骤分以下三步。第一步 虚拟磨削软…  相似文献   

This study was realized with two different types (flat and thread rolled) of coated (TiAlN), uncoated, and cryogenically treated taps (uncoated). The tapping processes were carried at four different cutting speeds (2, 3, 4, and 5 m/min) and 1.25 mm/rev feed rate under dry and wet cutting conditions on the Ti-6Al-4 V alloy. The measured cutting forces (cutting torque) were evaluated according to the cutting tool and cutting parameters. The best results in terms of cutting torque were obtained with straight flutes with spiral point taps. For the coated cutting tools, it was seen that the cutting torque was higher with respect to the other tools. The cutting fluid caused decreases in cutting forces for both of the cutters. Under dry cutting conditions, in the cryogenically treated tool, cutting torques came out to be lower with respect to the coated and uncoated tool.  相似文献   

根据工业性切割的需要,对磨料水射流(AWJ)切割机制进行实验研究。通过射流与材料之间的相互作用过程,建立和验证了AWJ切割过程模型,AWJ切割过程主要是通过磨粒对材料的周期性切割磨削和变形磨削完成;验证分析了典型材料的切割特征(切割深度、切口宽度、冲蚀量)与切割变量(水压、靶距、切速等)的关系,以及磨料、材质两大因素的影响。实验研究结果对AWJ切割技术的开发与应用具有指导意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

磨料水射流的切割机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了100MPa~400MPa高水压下磨料水射流(AWJ)的切割机制。根据射流与材料之间的相互作用过程,建立和验证了AWJ切割过程模型。揭示了典型材料的切割特征(切割深度、切口宽度和冲蚀量)与切割变量(水压、靶距和切割速度等)的相关规律,以及磨料、材质两大因素的影响。获得了结果对AWJ切割技术的开发和应用具有指导意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

绿色切削加工技术分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
21世纪的制造业实施绿色制造已势在必行,绿色切削加工技术的研究应运而生。干切削技术避免了切削液的副作用,但它对刀具提出更高的要求;切削液最少量润滑技术能够使切削工作处在最佳状态下,切削液的使用量达到最少,但绿色切削液需深入研究。笔者认为,实现绿色切削加工的关键技术是:1)开发刀具技术。包括新型刀具材料和刀具涂层技术的研究和应用,优化刀具形状及结构;2)开发绿色切削液技术,包括切削液的绿色设计与绿色使用,开发切实可行的废液处理新工艺。  相似文献   

钛合金由于其出色的机械性能广泛的应用于航空航天结构组件中。但较低的机械加工性使得钛合金切削速度低,即使在使用先进的切削刀具时,也因切削高温而难以进行高速切削加工。断续切削是一种有效地降低切削温度和改善切削质量的方法,作为典型的断续切削方法,传统超声振动切削(Traditional ultrasonic vibration cutting,UVC)和椭圆超声振动切削(elliptical ultrasonic vibration cutting,EUVC)已取得了显著的加工优势。但振动切削临界速度限制了它们的应用仅在低速切削场合。因此一种新的超声振动切削方法被提出,即高速超声振动切削(High-speed ultrasonic vibration cutting,HUVC),此时刀具的振动方向与进给方向平行。当切削速度远远超过UVC和EUVC方法的临界速度时,刀具和工件依旧可以在一定的条件下实现分离。从而HUVC方法实现了宏观上的高速切削和微观上的断续切削,提升了钛合金的切削加工性。首先,HUVC方法的原理在文中给出,随后通过一系列使用普通切削(Conventional cutting CC)方法和HUVC方法的高速切削Ti-6Al-4V合金的对比试验来验证HUVC方法的可行性。试验结果表明,因刀具磨损的显著下降,HUVC方法的刀具寿命可最大提升300%。此外,相比CC方法,HUVC方法的切削效率可以显著提升90%,切削力最大下降50%并在连续的切削加工过程中获得更佳的表面质量。  相似文献   

Experimental studies on the performances of both new developed environmental friendly vegetable based cutting fluids (refined sunflower and canola oils) including different percentage of extreme pressure (EP) additive and two commercial cutting fluids (semi-synthetic and mineral cutting fluids) in turning processes were reported in this work. Performances of cutting fluids were compared with respect to surface roughness, cutting and feed forces and tool wear during longitudinal turning of AISI 304L. Experimental results were also compared with dry cutting conditions. The results indicated that 8% of EP included canola based cutting fluid performed better than the rest.  相似文献   

The cutting forces are studied for the reaming of casting aluminium alloy ZL102 (ZAlSi12) using a four-flute PCD reamer on DMG DMU 50 linear five-axis CNC machine. Kistler Dynamometer is used to measure the cutting force (X-, Y- and Z-axes) and torque. Three-coordinate measuring machine is used for measuring cylindricity of machined hole. The cutting force signatures are diagnosed by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. FFT analysis suggests that fundamental frequency is only determined by cutting speed. The frequency for the thrust signal of cutting force is zero which illustrates that the thrust is constant when cutting speed and cutting feed are fixed. The relationship between the cutting force and cutting parameter are investigated by using FFT filtering. High value of cutting feed and the low cutting speed provide the higher thrust. The optimized machining parameters are provided relative to cutting force (Fx and Fy) and the cylindricity of reamed holes.  相似文献   

《Tribology International》2012,45(12):1864-1871
Experimental studies on the performances of both new developed environmental friendly vegetable based cutting fluids (refined sunflower and canola oils) including different percentage of extreme pressure (EP) additive and two commercial cutting fluids (semi-synthetic and mineral cutting fluids) in turning processes were reported in this work. Performances of cutting fluids were compared with respect to surface roughness, cutting and feed forces and tool wear during longitudinal turning of AISI 304L. Experimental results were also compared with dry cutting conditions. The results indicated that 8% of EP included canola based cutting fluid performed better than the rest.  相似文献   

This paper presents prediction and validation of micro-milling cutting forces of AISI H13 steel at hardnesses between 35 and 60 HRC. The cutting forces are predicted based on an approach considering the full kinematics of the cutting tool including the run-out effect, effects of the cutting velocity and tool geometry, ploughing and chip formation phenomena and the hardness of the AISI H13 steel. A plane strain dynamic thermo-mechanical finite element (FE) model of orthogonal cutting is used to predict the cutting forces where the geometry of the cutting tool edge is modelled based on scanning electron microscope measurements. A constitutive elastic–plastic isotropic material model describing the relationship between stresses, strains, strain rates and hardnesses is modelled and implemented into ABAQUS/Explicit FE code by the user-defined subroutine VUMAT. Finite element analyses (FEA) are employed to obtain the relationship between cutting forces, uncut chip thickness, cutting velocity and material hardness. Numerous FEA are performed at different uncut chip thicknesses (0–20?μm), cutting velocities (104.7–4,723?mm/s) and hardnesses (35–60 HRC) using the FE model of orthogonal cutting. The full kinematics of the cutting tool including the run-out effect and the FE-predicted cutting forces are incorporated to predict the micro-milling cutting forces. The predicted micro-milling cutting forces have been experimentally validated at hardness of 43.2 HRC at different feed rates and spindle speeds. The result showed that the cutting forces and cutting temperatures increase by increasing the hardness of the AISI H13 while the stability limits of the process decrease by increasing the hardness.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a cutting force model for the micro-end-milling processes under various cutting conditions using a hybrid approach. Firstly, a finite element (FE) model of orthogonal micro-cutting with a round cutting edge is developed for medium-carbon steel. A number of finite element analyses (FEA) are performed at different uncut chip thicknesses and velocities. Based on the FEA results, the cutting force coefficients are extracted through a nonlinear algorithm to establish a relationship with the uncut chip thickness and cutting speed. Then, the cutting force coefficients are integrated into a mechanistic cutting force model, which can predict cutting forces under different cutting conditions. In order to account for the cutting edge effect, an effective rake angle is employed for the determination of the cutting force. A comparison of the prediction and experimental measured cutting forces has shown that the developed method provides accurate results.  相似文献   

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