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以塔式起重机的金属结构为主要研究对象,借助有限元平台,从简单杆件的分析入手获得了可行的线性屈曲与非线性屈曲分析的方法与流程,进而以此为基础从不同侧面对塔机桁架结构的屈曲问题进行了详细分析.研究结果表明:考虑载荷偏心和初始位移非线性屈曲分析的结果要比线性特征值屈曲分析的结果更符合实际状态.在塔机上计算时只考虑5%的载荷偏心就使结果比原来小了33%,而在实际情况中由于小车轨道不平、风载荷等原因引起的载荷偏心可能会更严重.  相似文献   

考虑变形产生的几何非线性效应对运动柔性梁的影响,在柔性梁的纵向、横向变形位移中均考虑横向弯曲以及轴向伸缩的耦合作用,从非线性应变-变形位移的原理出发,说明增加耦合变最后,剪应变为零,由此得出的变形模式更符合工程实际和简化需要。并采用有限元离散,通过Lagrange方程导出系统的动力学方程。最后对一带有中心体的柔性梁,在大范围运动为自由和大范围运动为已知两种情况下进行仿真计算,结果表明,在结构有初始变形的情况下,仅在纵向变形中计及变形二次耦合量的一次动力学模型,与考虑完全几何非线性变形的文中模型具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

采用热-弹-塑性有限元法与基于固有应变理论的弹性有限元法相结合的计算方法,模拟不同板厚铝合金(A6061)薄板结构的焊接变形.同时,基于数值模拟结果,讨论外部拘束对焊接变形的影响.在计算方法上采用两步集成计算方法,第一步采用热-弹-塑性有限元法计算薄板结构中典型焊接接头的固有变形,第二步将各个接头的固有变形转化成相应的...  相似文献   

大挠度后屈曲倾斜梁结构的非线性力学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于弹性梁的几何非线性大挠度屈曲理论,建立两端固定对称倾斜支撑梁结构的大挠度后屈曲控制微分方程,采用几何非线性隐式变形协调关系来表达强非线性超静定边值问题,得到描述倾斜梁大挠度后屈曲行为的精确解析解.采用数值方法求解含有第一、二类椭圆积分的强非线性微分方程,给出不同倾角梁结构从初始屈曲到后屈曲并发生两态跳转过程中的位形曲线及非线性刚度.根据最小能量原理和挠曲线拐点个数,分析对称屈曲模态与非对称屈曲模态之间相互跳转的内在联系及其对结构非线性刚度突变的影响,得到了屈曲模态之间的转换条件.跳转过程的数值仿真表明,倾斜支撑梁结构发生大挠度后屈曲时具有明显的双稳态特性且只出现低阶(1、2阶)屈曲模态,仿真计算结果与试验结果相一致.  相似文献   

固有变形逆解析法是一种获取焊接接头固有变形的新方法。但是,采用该方法来获得铝合金或高强钢等轻量化结构材料的薄板焊接接头固有变形时,由于焊接过程中产生几何非线性现象的倾向大,逆解析过程中常常出现收敛困难而无法获得固有变形。针对这一问题,研究提出了一种借助于切断手段的方法来消除因几何非线性引起的收敛性问题。文中以钨极惰性气体保护焊和熔化极惰性气体保护焊加工铝合金薄板接头为例,采用提出的"切断法"与"逆解析方法"相结合的新方法来获得了焊接接头固有变形,并在此基础上运用固有应变法再现了原尺寸铝合金焊接接头的焊接变形。通过比较分别由试验法、热-弹-塑性方法和固有应变法得到的焊接变形结果发现,尽管不同焊接方法对变形模式和变形量影响显著,但是利用提出的算法获得的固有变形值得到的焊接变形均能较好地再现热-弹-塑性有限元计算得到的结果。  相似文献   

研究矩形截面功能梯度材料(Functionally graded materials,FGM)梁在不同剪切变形理论下的静力弯曲问题。假设FGM梁由金属和陶瓷两种材料构成,其等效物性参数沿厚度方向连续变化,且遵从简单幂率变化规律。基于最小势能原理,建立以轴向位移、横向位移及转角为未知函数的FGM梁的运动微分方程组。对简支FGM梁,采用Fourier级数法获得5种剪切变形理论下FGM梁的挠度、轴向位移及转角曲线,分析梁的长高比、梯度指标对弯曲变形的影响,分析不同剪切变形理论下FGM梁的切应力和正应力的分布特性,并与均质材料梁的静力弯曲特性进行比较。给出FGM梁的中性轴位置随梯度指标的变化曲线并进行分析。  相似文献   

悬臂板是广泛应用于工程实践的常见结构形式,在航空航天、轨道交通、土木工程等领域均有重要应用,其变形监测问题一直是此类领域重要的研究内容之一.本文将矩形弹性悬臂薄板纯弯曲的一般问题作为研究对象,讨论求解该问题的方法,建立应变与位移的联系,并在线弹性小变形理论框架下,得到结构横向位移的有限差分表达式;采用具有高密度应变测量...  相似文献   

针对在役桥梁结构应变监测系统全天时工况下的在线校准问题,提出了一种基于被动激励的在线校准方法,建立了在线校准系统模型。该模型以桥梁正常通行车辆的动态荷载为激励源,通过应变监测系统与参考系统对结构应变响应参量的同步测量,构建校准溯源链,实现在役应变监测系统不间断工作状态下的在线校准。根据结构应变监测系统计量性能评测需要,建立了基于大样本数据的期间测量误差、基本误差及置信区间的量化分析模型。依托广东九江大桥开展了试验验证,结果表明,所提方法具有现场实施的可行性,由不同数据集计算所得的在线校准结果一致性较好,在包含概率大于90%时,基本误差区间的半宽度偏差不大于±0.005。  相似文献   

功能梯度压电材料梁的热-机-电耦合振动及屈曲特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高粱理论对静动态响应预测的可靠性和准确性,基于一种n阶广义梁理论,研究外驱动电压及轴向机械载荷共同作用下功能梯度压电材料(Functionally graded piezoelectric material,FGPM)梁在热环境中的耦合振动及屈曲特性.考虑温度沿梁厚按不同类型稳态分布,采用Voigt混合幂率模型表征...  相似文献   

机械结构件是工业制造生产中十分重要的承载部件,同时也是影响架构生产质量的重要因素。为此,本研究提出一种基于固有应变理论的机械结构件焊接变形控制方法。首先通过热-弹塑性耦合法分析机械结构件焊接变形的产生机制,然后利用固有应变法构建机械结构件三维分析模型,根据实际焊接参数和顺序对该模型进行加载计算,得到焊接过程中的瞬态温度场变化情况,以此为依据获取最优机械结构件焊接变形控制参数。经实验测试证明:该方法可以有效完成机械结构件焊接变形控制。  相似文献   

In this paper, lateral-torsional buckling behavior of open-section thin-walled beams is investigated based on a geometrically nonlinear formulation, which considers the effects of shear deformations. A finite element numerical solution along with an incremental-iterative solution procedure is adopted to trace the pre-buckling as well as the post-buckling equilibrium paths. Formulation is applicable to a general type of open-section and load position effects are also included. Numerical results are validated through comparisons with experimental results and those based on other formulations presented in the literature. Comparisons have also been made between the results based on fully nonlinear analysis and linearized buckling analysis in order to illustrate the effects of pre-buckling deformations as well as the shear deformations on the buckling load predictions. Examples illustrate the influence of beam slenderness and moment gradient on the effects of pre-buckling deformations in predicting bucking loads.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical investigation on the local and distortional buckling behaviour of cold-formed steel zed-section beams subjected to uniformly distributed transverse loads. The analysis is performed using a semi-analytical finite strip method. The beams investigated include both detached sections and restrained sections. The results obtained from the present study highlight the differences in the local and distortional buckling behaviours of the thin-walled sections between pure bending and the uniformly distributed loading.  相似文献   

An improved third order shear deformation theory is employed to investigate thermal buckling and vibration of the functionally graded beams. A power law distribution is used to describe the variation of volume fraction of material compositions. The functionally graded material properties are assumed to vary smoothly and continuously across the thickness of the beams. The Ritz method is adopted to solve the eigenvalue problems that are associated with thermal buckling and vibration in various types of immovable boundary conditions. The parametric study covered in this paper includes the effects of material composition, temperature-dependent material properties, and slenderness ratio.  相似文献   

A dynamic finite element method for free vibration analysis of generally laminated composite beams is introduced on the basis of first-order shear deformation theory. The influences of Poisson effect, couplings among extensional, bending and torsional deformations, shear deformation and rotary inertia are incorporated in the formulation. The dynamic stiffness matrix is formulated based on the exact solutions of the differential equations of motion governing the free vibration of generally laminated composite beam. The effects of Poisson effect, material anisotropy, slender ratio, shear deformation and boundary condition on the natural frequencies of the composite beams are studied in detail by particular carefully selected examples. The numerical results of natural frequencies and mode shapes are presented and, whenever possible, compared to those previously published solutions in order to demonstrate the correctness and accuracy of the present method.  相似文献   

A solving method is applied to conduct research on the non-linear thermal buckling behavior of local delamination near the surface of fiber-reinforced laminated cylindrical shell. The shape of delaminated region considered is elliptic, triangular and lemniscates. Young's modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient of material are treated as a function of temperature, which leads to the force in the middle plane of the sub-laminated shells a non-linear function of temperature. The critical temperatures of laminated cylindrical shells with various shaped local delamination, different stacking patterns and different radius of the laminated cylindrical shells are obtained by making use of the energy principle. It has been found that linear solution of the critical buckling temperature gives a higher value than that of non-linear consideration.  相似文献   

Analysis and modeling of flexural deformation of laminated steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Steel/polymer/steel laminate sheets, commonly known as laminated steels, received attention for their superior noise damping properties in automotive applications. Published work indicates that the tensile properties of the laminated steel follow the prediction of the rule of mixtures. The flexural response of the laminated steel, however, depends on the type of the sandwich configuration. The flexural rigidity of the vibration-damping type of laminated steel is lower than the value calculated using beam theory. In industrial scale numerical simulations, automotive body panels are usually represented by using a single layer of shell element. Limited research work on finite element (FE) modeling of laminated steel has indicated that the vibration-damping type of laminated steel is better represented by using two layers of shells. It is logical to relate the simplest FE representation to the way the flexural rigidity of the laminated steel that conforms to the prediction using the beam theory. This paper examines the flexural response of the vibration-damping type of laminated steel through the comparison of beam theory predictions with the experimental results for cantilever beam and three-point bending configurations. It was found that the analytical solution for the split beam is in good agreement with the experimental results. This finding confirms the FE model that represents the vibration-damping type of laminated steel using two layers of shell with tied interface. The simulations using this method yielded good correlations with the experimental results for the two flexural loading cases studied in this paper.  相似文献   

Spline function approximation technique is used to analyze the free vibration of symmetric and anti-symmetric cross-ply plates under shear deformation theory. The equations of motion of the plate are derived using YNS theory. A system of coupled differential equations in terms of displacement and rotational functions are obtained by assuming the solution in a separable form. These functions are approximated using Bickley-type splines of suitable orders. A generalized eigenvalue problem is obtained on applying the process of point collocation with suitable boundary conditions. Parametric studies have been made to investigate the frequency response of the plates with reference to the material properties, number of layers, fiber orientation, side-to-thickness ratio, aspect ratio and relative layer thickness. Some results are compared with existing solution obtained by FEM.  相似文献   

机翼是飞机的关键部件之一,在飞行过程中对机翼形变进行在线监测,有助于提升飞机的安全性能及任务执行能力。为此,本文提出一种基于光纤布拉格光栅传感技术的机翼动态形变测量系统;理论分析了 FBG 波长变化量与机翼表面曲率变化的关系,利用 FBG 温度传感器实现应变补偿,利用三次样条插值实现离散曲率的连续化,采用基于连续曲率的形变重构算法实现机翼形变测量;在 CA42 飞机的 4 个翼面上布置了 36 个 FBG 应变传感器,4 个 FBG 温度传感器,通过地面静力试验得到了机翼的形变测量误差为 2. 5% ;最后,针对机翼动态形变测量系统开展了飞行试验,试验过程完整地记录下了机翼表面的应变、温度及形变信息。 试验结果表明,由机翼形变产生的翼梢位移量正比于机翼法向过载,系数分别为 86. 33 mm/ g(左机翼)及80. 04 mm/ g(右机翼),翼梢最大位移量 250 mm,发生在法向过载为 2. 25 g 的时刻。 此外,飞机机动半径越小,机翼形变量越大。 机翼动态形变测量系统体现了良好的工程适应性。  相似文献   

In this research, mechanical buckling of circular plates composed of functionally graded materials (FGMs) is considered. Equilibrium and stability equations of a FGM circular plate under uniform radial compression are derived, based on the higher order shear deformation plate theory (HSDT). Assuming that the material properties vary as a power form of the thickness coordinate variable z and using the variational method, the system of fundamental partial differential equations are established. A buckling analysis of a functionally graded circular plate (FGCP) under uniform radial compression is carried out and the results are given in closed-form solutions. The results are compared with the buckling loads of plates obtained for FGCP based on the first order shear deformation plate theory (FSDT) and classical plate theory (CPT) given in the literature. The study concludes that HSDT accurately predicts the behavior of FGCP, whereas the FSDT and CPT overestimates buckling loads.  相似文献   

A new efficient coupled one-dimensional (1D) geometrically nonlinear zigzag theory is developed for buckling analysis of hybrid piezoelectric beams, under electromechanical loads. The potential field is approximated layerwise as piecewise linear. The deflection is approximated to account for the normal strain due to electric field. The axial displacement is approximated as a combination of a global third-order variation and layerwise linear variation. It is expressed in terms of three primary displacement variables and a set of electric potential variables by enforcing exactly the conditions of zero transverse shear stress at the top and bottom and the conditions of its continuity at the layer interfaces. The governing coupled nonlinear field equations and boundary conditions are derived using a variational principle. Analytical solutions for buckling of simply supported beams under electromechanical loads are presented. Comparisons with the exact 2D piezoelasticity solution establish that the present zigzag theory is very accurate for buckling analysis.  相似文献   

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