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本文从硬脆材料的超精密加工需求与硬脆材料机械加工性能较差的矛盾分析着手,对硬脆材料的塑性域加工研究展开了调研。首先,分析了硬脆材料的塑性域加工机理,阐述了硬脆材料塑性域加工的可行性和指导性理论;其次,以几种典型的硬脆材料加工为例,论述了在实验室条件下,其塑性域加工的需求条件;最后,结合铍材超精密加工的潜在需求,展望了铍材塑性域加工的可行性。  相似文献   

空间太阳望远镜中的轻量化铍镜研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘 要:针对空间太阳望远镜相关跟踪器中的摆镜研究,开展了Φ84mm轻量化铍镜设计与研制。利用冲击研磨工艺得到铍粉,再通过热等静压工艺和机械加工得到铍镜镜坯。使用化学镀镍工艺在镜坯基体上镀覆镍磷合金过渡层,再经过光学加工完成铍镜研制。干涉检测得到面形精度为,RMS:0.012λ,PV:0.114λ,轻量化率为43.68%。检测结果满足空间太阳望远镜的技术要求。铍镜研制结果表明,金属铍可以作为空间天文仪器中反射镜基体材料,实现了高精度铍镜研制的技术路线,为在我国空间天文仪器中应用铍镜奠定了基础。  相似文献   

吴优  熊雪峰  贾磊 《工具技术》2019,53(12):74-76
通过定量计算求得铍材料实现脆塑转变的临界切削厚度;通过对微细铣削切削力的检测、加工表面的形貌特征表征,探讨影响铍样品微细铣削加工脆塑转变过程的裂纹衍生扩展与微量切屑粘结机理;根据该机理,利用微细铣削加工工艺,在刀具切入侧实现铍样品的塑性加工,并获得了良好的表面质量。  相似文献   

在改进传统表面粗糙度经验公式的基础上,以铍铜为研究对象,利用数控铣削加工的试验数据,通过构造方程组和矩阵,推导并求解出平行铣削模式下铍铜表面加工质量的数学模型。对计算的粗糙度理论值和试验获得的实际测量值进行了比较,结果表明该铍铜表面加工质量数学模型的误差可控制在20%左右,能满足实际工程要求。  相似文献   

机械加过工艺系统复杂、环节多、影响因素多,对零件加工精度影响较大。为确保零件加工精度符合质量要求,必须对加工工艺环节中影响零件加工精度的因素进行控制。本文简单介绍了机械加工工艺,分析了机械加工工艺中影响零件加工精度的因素,探讨了基于机械加工工艺提高零件加工精度的措施。旨在为机械加工工艺中零件加工精度的控制提供一些参考。  相似文献   

以提高静电陀螺仪实心铍转子的加工制造精度为目标,对运用数学及力学基础理论知识分析实心铍转子的结构精度进行了研究。首先介绍了静电陀螺仪实心铍转子的两种经典结构形式,然后利用高等机构学中的坐标变换原理分别对两种结构的转动惯量误差进行计算分析。计算结果表明:所提出的两种经典铍转子结构中,铍球内镶嵌三根空间内相互平行的钽丝转动惯量误差更小、结构精度更高。研究结果为静电陀螺仪实心铍转子结构形式的选择和实心转子的加工制造提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

机械加工工艺作为影响零件加工的重要工艺,其对零件的精度有较为严格的要求。由此可见,机械加工工艺严格控制是零件加工精度最大化的重要基本条件。然而,在机械加工工艺过程中却存在诸多影响因素,进而导致零件加工的质量。基于此,本文在概述机械加工工艺及零件加工精度相关理论概述的基础上,分析了影响零件加工精度的机械加工工艺因素,并着重从零件加工制造、温度控制以及降低外力因素干扰三方面提出了优化对策,以期为进一步降低机械加工工艺对零件加工精度的影响,进而最大化提高零件加工的精度。  相似文献   

科学技术的快速发展,对机械加工精度提出来更高的要求,机械加工是目前零件加工的主要方法,具有加工速度快、自动化程度高等优势,但在具体加工过程中,零件加工的精度会受到机械加工工艺的影响,为保证零件加工精度,必须采用更加先进、技术含量更高的机械加工艺。基于此,本文结合理论实践,先分析了机械加工工艺对零件加工精度的积极影响,然后分析了消极影响,并提出相应的控制对策,希望对提升机械零件加工进度一定帮助,促进我国机械加工事业稳健发展。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的持续发展,机械加工产业对推动社会生产力的发展做出了重要贡献。而零件加工是机械加工中十分重要的内容,在现代系统越来越复杂、零部件精度越来越高的情况下,市场对机械加工工艺提出了更高的要求。文章阐述了机械加工工艺和零件加工精度之间的关系,从受力变形、热变形以及几何误差等角度,分析了机械加工工艺对零件加工精度的具体影响,针对这些影响因素提出了一些提高零件加工精度的建议。  相似文献   

机械加工时很容易因为刀磨损、加工机床自身误差等多种因素,导致几何精度下降,这严重影响了机床加工的整体质量,而在零件加工时,经常会受到多种因素的影响,导致加工精度发生明显的变化,不同的加工工艺形式也会使得零件加工精度受到干扰,为此要积极提高机械加工工艺,确保加工的整体质量全面提高。本文通过对不同加工精度影响的因素进行分析,总结相应的机械加工工艺,确保机械加工精度得到有效控制,减少因为机械加工出现的各种问题,提高机械加工的整体运行效果,为我国工业的发展做出重要贡献。  相似文献   

本文对电火花加工用石墨电极的结构特征进行了加工工艺分析,对其数控加工工艺做了研究,介绍了石墨电极的数控加工方法,解决了石墨电极数控加工中容易出现的崩角等问题,对石墨电极的加工规范做了探讨。  相似文献   

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most promising non-traditional micro-scale machining methods. Because several operating parameters that are insignificant in macro EDM cannot be neglected during micro EDM process, models derived from the macro EDM process may be inappropriate at the micro scale. This paper contains a comprehensive review of size effects in traditional micro-machining and characteristics specific to micro EDM compared to macro EDM techniques. The very concept of size effects in micro EDM is thoroughly defined and three categories of effects are presented: material microstructure, processing parameter and thermal conduction size effects. Future potential research directions on the subject are also summarized. We assert that careful research and precise attention must be given to size effects in micro EDM. Size effect information especially benefits the machining speed and machining precision of micro EDM.  相似文献   

曲线孔仿生电火花加工工艺规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲线孔仿生电火花加工工艺是作者综合运用形状记忆合金功能材料、仿生技术和电火花等技术等研制开发出一种加工技术,该加工技术可方便地加工出形状复杂的曲线孔。本文对该加工技术的加工苣规律进行了实验研究,给出了加工极性、加工深度等对加工工艺效果的影响规律关系。  相似文献   

The micro machining of copper plates by the electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is described. Tungsten carbide was selected as the material for the electrode. Experiments were carried out on a conventional CNC-EDM machine to investigate machining of micro holes, and micro slots. The results show that micro holes, and micro slots can be successfully processed on a conventional CNC-EDM machine. To improve the productivity of micro parts using the EDM process, a batch production method of micro EDM using multi-electrodes has been studied. A new technique for preparing multi-electrodes has been developed. Results also show that the batch production of micro parts using EDM is feasible and that the batch production of micro parts using EDM process with multi-electrodes is very effective.  相似文献   

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the earliest non-traditional machining processes. EDM process is based on thermoelectric energy between the work piece and an electrode. In electrical discharge machining (EDM), a process utilizing the removal phenomenon of electrical discharge in dielectric, the working fluid plays an important role affecting the material removal rate and the properties of the machined surface. Choosing the right dielectric fluid is critical for successful operations. This paper presents a literature survey on the use of dielectric fluids and also their effects in electrical discharge machining characteristics.  相似文献   

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is an advanced non-traditional manufacturing technology that has many advantages over other machining methods. Many papers have discussed the machining mechanism and modeling of the EDM process. However, previous mechanism models have mainly been linear, which contradicts their precondition that EDM is a stochastic process. In this paper, a non-linear mechanism model is proposed for the EDM process. A threshold condition that leads to chaos is calculated using the Melnikov theory. The theoretical results indicate that the EDM system can generate varied chaos in the evolution of electrical discharge. To verify this conclusion, validation experiments are implemented. Several sets of complete EDM processes’ real-time series are analyzed by multiple chaotic numerical criteria, including power spectrum analysis, principle component analysis (PCA), correlation dimension analysis, and Lyapunov exponent analysis. The experimental results provide further qualitative and quantitative evidence that a complete EDM process has dynamical chaotic characteristics.  相似文献   

节能式电火花加工脉冲电源的系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对比传统电阻限流独立式电火花加工脉冲电源和节能式脉冲电源电路结构和控制策略的基础上,提出了节能式电火花加工脉冲电源的系统设计方案,并且通过工艺试验,在检验节能式电火花加工脉冲电源加工工艺性能的同时,也考察了其系统设计的方案可行性和加工稳定性。  相似文献   

混粉电火花镜面加工技术的研究及进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
混粉电火花镜面加工技术能够显著改善加工表面粗糙度,提高表面质量,使电火花加工作为精密模具制造的最终工序成为可能。从混粉电火花镜面加工技术的机理性研究和工艺性研究两方面,详细论述了有关研究内容和研究进展,可为今后的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

电火花成形加工技术的现状与发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了电火花成形加工技术的发展现状 ,综合评述了电火花成形加工技术在加工理论、加工设备结构的改进、加工工艺、数控系统、操作安全与环境保护等方面的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Electro-discharge machining (EDM) is a widely accepted nontraditional machining process used mostly for machining materials difficult to machine by conventional shearing process. Surface modification by powder metallurgy sintered tools is an uncommon aspect of EDM. Of late, it is being explored by many researchers. In the present paper, attempts have been made to model the surface modification phenomenon by EDM with artificial neural networks. Two output measures, material transfer rate and average layer thickness, have been correlated with different process parameters and presented in the form of plots. The predicted results are matching well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

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