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上游单弯头对内锥流量计性能影响的仿真与实验研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
旨在获取上游安装单个90°弯头条件时内锥流量计所需要的最短直管段长度.将计算流体动力学数值仿真和实流实验有机结合,通过数值仿真揭示速度场与压力的分布信息,预测上游弯头及直管段长度对内锥流量计流出系数的影响规律,并结合实流实验进行验证.仿真和实验的介质均为常温水,雷诺数范围分别为0.498×105~4.98×105和0.14×105~5.1 × 105.实验包含基线实验与弯头实验两种类型,以基线实验为基准,其中节流比分别为0.45/0.65/0.85,利用平均流出系数相对误差及附加不确定度作为安装条件影响的主要评价标准,给出上游单个90°弯头的直管段长度,并与国外研究结论进行了比较.  相似文献   

关键因素对内锥流量计压损的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高对内锥流量计压力损失的认识,获得高准确度的压损计算公式,开展了关键因素对内锥流量计压损影响的实流实验研究。实验介质为常温水,雷诺数范围0.14×105~4.2×105。设计等效直径比分别为0.45、0.55、0.65、0.75、0.85的实验样机一套,从永久压损与相对压损2个角度进行分析。研究表明,一方面等效直径比相同而雷诺数不同时,内锥流量计的永久压损随雷诺数的增大而增大,在对数坐标系下成线性关系;雷诺数相同而等效直径比不同时,永久压损随等效直径比的增大而减小;另一方面,内锥流量计的相对压损与雷诺数无关,与等效直径比相关,随等效直径比的增大而减小。将本研究给出的内锥流量计相对压损计算公式与国外公式预测结果进行了比较,最大偏差为21%;同时,与国外测试的不同流量计相对压损曲线进行了比较,得出本套样机相对压损曲线介于孔板和喷嘴之间,且更靠近孔板的结论。  相似文献   

V型内锥流量传感器使用灵活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用数值仿真和实验相结合的研究方法,主要研究V型内锥流量传感器的使用灵活性和安装条件,针对50 mm口径的管道,通过长200 mm的渐扩和渐缩管与100 mm口径等效直径比分别为0.45/0.65/0.85 3种结构类型的样机进行连接,对50mm口径的管道进行常温水流量测量.设计并进行了基线和扩管2类实验,仿真预测结果和实验结论吻合,研究结果表明,在一定的前直管段安装条件下,其流出系数相对误差和附加不确定度满足性能指标要求.研究结果可为V型内锥流量传感器实际安装和使用提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

V锥流量计的优化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要目的在于探讨当前流行的“V”型内锥式非标准流量计的形状优化问题。采用计算流体力学软件FLUENT代替复杂繁琐的流量标定实验。对不同前后锥角节流装置进行了线}生J受、压损和压力梯度的对比分析,得出优化结果和各种规律性。采用三维建模,分析支撑杆对流量计性能的影响。使用有限元软件ANSYS,并结合FLUENT得出的流场条件,进行节流装置的结构刚度分析,得出最大应力区域和最大变形大小。以探讨其在大流场条件下的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索一种适用于双支撑型V锥流量计仿真工作的湍流模型。以50 mm、100 mm、200 mm口径共计6种样机为研究对象,在常温常压条件下,以水为介质,雷诺数范围为1.0×104~29.9×104,分别采用标准k-ε、RNG k-ε以及SST k-ω3种湍流模型对其流出系数及其线性度误差指标进行仿真预测。为验证仿真准确度,同时开展实流实验研究,将仿真预测结果与实流实验进行对比,结果表明SST k-ω模型对于不同结构的V锥流量计的仿真线性度误差在0.04%~0.32%,与实流实验吻合较好。利用SST k-ω模型预测的流出系数与实验数据的平均误差为6.6%,优于经典的k-ε模型,更适用于双支撑型V锥流量计流场仿真和流出系数的预测。  相似文献   

上下游闸阀对内锥流量计性能影响的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
旨在认识恶劣流场对内锥流量计性能的影响,利用上下游闸阀实现对流场的扰动,设计内径为100 mm的实验样机一台.实验介质为常温水,雷诺数范围0.1×10~5~4.5×10~5.实验分基线实验与闸阀开度实验2种形式,累计65组,上游闸阀开度分别为75%/50%/25%.下游闸阀开度分别为100%/50%,安装形式13种,等效直径比分别为0.45/0.55/0.65/0.75/0.85.提出平均流出系数相对误差、不确定度和附加不确定度作为安装条件恰当与否的主要评价标准.实验结果给出了12种不同安装形式的直管段建议长度,并与国外研究结论进行了比较.等效直径比为0.45/0.55时,前直管段均为3D;等效直径比为0.65/0.75/0.85时前直管段均为5D.  相似文献   

V锥流量计和孔板流量计同属于差压类流量计,但是由于内部结构不同,V锥流量计和孔板流量计各有特点。该文结合实例,对V锥流量计和孔板流量计的优缺点做了详细的比较。  相似文献   

"V"型内锥式流量计的应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来,标准孔板由于其发展技术成熟、标准化程度高、结构简单等特点在过热蒸汽流量计量中得到非常广泛的应用.然而,孔板流量计存在着一些固有的缺陷,如流出系数不稳定、线形差、重复性不高、准确度受客观因素制约而无法达到设计要求、量程比小、压损大等.本文介绍"V"型内锥式差压流量计的工作原理,分析了如何解决孔板流量计的这些缺陷,并通过计算实例介绍"V"型内锥式流量计在节能方面的优点,最后介绍在恶劣条件下"V"型内锥式流量计是如何提供准确计量的.  相似文献   

光纤光栅内锥式流量计的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光纤光栅传感技术具有光纤传感技术的所有优点,内锥式流量传感器具有量程比大,压损较小,耐高温高压,要求前后直管段长度小的特点。将光纤光栅和内锥流量传感器结合组成了新型的光纤光栅内锥式流量计,介绍了光纤光栅和内锥式流量传感器的工作原理,光纤光栅内锥式流量计的组成。实验数据和结论。  相似文献   

季乐  彭亮  吴智科 《机械制造》2023,(12):28-30
碟形弹簧具有轴向空间紧凑、缓冲能力强的优点,应用范围越来越广。提出了一种碟形弹簧内锥角的计算方法,针对普通碟形弹簧、带圆角碟形弹簧、有支撑面碟形弹簧、带圆角有支撑面碟形弹簧,分别推导出内锥角计算式,并给出计算实例。  相似文献   

The effect of divergent section of ISO 9300 toroidal-throat nozzle on discharge coefficient was analyzed based on the inviscid transonic flow model and laminar boundary layer theory. A series of numerical simulations were conducted to verify the results of theory, and investigate the effect of divergent section length L and diffuser angle θ operated at different Reynolds numbers. Combined with the numerical results in this study and the experimental data reported by Nakao, it showed the discharge coefficient increases with the rise of diffuser angle θ or the drop of divergent section length L. A lot of new results about the effect of divergent section were obtained. It indicated that the effect of divergent section on discharge coefficient of ISO 9300 toroidal-throat nozzle should be considered when Re<1.1×104. At last, a concept of effective critical flow was proposed to discuss the effect of divergent section on discharge coefficient.  相似文献   

To research the influence of roughness on discharge coefficient of axisymmetric sonic nozzles systematically, a turbulence model was established, and standard k–ε model was used in the turbulent core region while Wall Functions was carried out in the boundary layer region. A series of numerical simulations were conducted to research discharge coefficients of 6 critical flow Venturi nozzles with throat diameter ranging from 0.5 to 100 mm when Reynolds numbers ranges from 104 to 109 and relative roughness from 10−2 to 10−6. The validity of the simulation model was confirmed by both the experimental data of Stewart and ISO 9300 empirical equation. According to the simulation results and theoretical analysis, the relations between discharge coefficient and relative roughness were obtained. It is recommended that the dimensionless parameter relative roughness should be used in ISO 9300 rather than absolute roughness. Additionally, when the machining of nozzle cannot satisfy the ISO 9300 requirement or the Reynolds numbers exceed the upper limits of the ISO 9300 equation, the effect of roughness should be considered, and the relative roughness of sonic nozzle should be provided clearly in the further experiment of discharge coefficient.  相似文献   

影响V带当量摩擦因数的摩擦力方向角研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖林清  蔺朝莉  屈翔  谢明 《机械传动》2011,35(11):5-8,33
根据V带传动的实际情况,分析传动带在主动轮和从动轮动弧区内任意位置的周向变形和径向变形,给出摩擦力方向角的计算公式;并运用Matlab软件绘制出动弧角和方向角的关系图.通过分析摩擦力方向角对当量摩擦因数的影响,得出从动轮处当量摩擦因数随摩擦力方向角增大而减小,主动轮处当量摩擦因数随摩擦力方向角绝对值的增大而增大;根据主...  相似文献   

Labyrinth type weirs are structures that, due to their geometry, allow the discharge capacity to be increased compared to linear weirs. They are a favorable option for dam rehabilitation and upstream level control. There are various geometries of labyrinth type weirs such as trapezoidal, triangular or piano key as well as different types of crest profiles. Geometric changes are directly related to hydraulic efficiency. The objective of this work was to analyze the hydraulic performance of a labyrinth type weir, by simulating several geometries of the apex and of the crest using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). For model validation, experimental studies reported in the literature were used. Tests were carried out with trapezoidal and circular apexes and four types of crest profiles: sharp-crest, half-round, quarter-round and Waterways Experiment Station (WES). The results revealed a determination coefficient of R2 = 0.984 between experimental and simulated data with CFD, which provides statistical agreement. Simulations showed that circular-apex weirs are more efficient than those with trapezoidal apex, because they have a higher discharge coefficient (4.7% higher). Of the four types of crest profiles analyzed, the half-round and the WES crest profiles had similar discharge coefficients and were generally greater than those of the sharp-crest and the quarter-round (5.26% y 8.5% higher) profiles. Nevertheless, to facilitate a practical construction process, it is recommended to use a half-round profile. For hydraulic heads with HT/P > 0.5 ratio, all profiles generated sub-atmospheric pressures on the side walls of the weir. However, when HT/P ≈ 0.8 ratio the half-round crest generated a higher negative pressure (−1500 Pa), while the sharp-crest profile managed to increase the pressure by 76% (−350 Pa), but with a greater area of negative pressure. On the other hand, the WES profile reduced the negative-pressure area by 50%.  相似文献   

This paper presents performance characteristics of 100 mm line size cone flow elements having beta ratios of 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8. A magnetic flow meter is used as a reference standard for flow measurement in vertical test section. A series of experiments have been conducted using water at in-house Flow Calibration Facility (FCF) to cover the Reynolds number ranging from 20,000 to 200,000. The performance characteristics of 100 mm line size cone flow elements with different beta values have been evaluated experimentally. It is found that the discharge coefficient of the cone flow element is nearly independent of the specified range of Reynolds number. Testing of the cone flow element in accordance with new API 5.7 is carried out at flow calibration facility. The testing requirements in the standard explain the conditioning effect of the cone flow element having gate valve disturbance upstream of the cone at various locations. The effect of the upstream velocity profile has been investigated by placing a gate valve upstream of the cone flow element at a distance of 0D and 28D and performing experiments at 25%, 50% and 100% opening of gate valve. The value of the discharge coefficient is not affected when the cone is placed at a distance of 0D and for 100% opening of gate valve. The uncertainty results of the cone testing are discussed. For studying pressure and velocity distributions, cone elements are modeled using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code PHOENICS. Pressure and velocity profiles for different sizes of cone elements are plotted. From the pressure profile, it can be seen that the pressure recovery downstream of the cone is within a distance of 3D. The velocity profile downstream of the cone signifies the use of flow element as a signal conditioner. For measurement of flow through a 100 mm line, differential pressure across the cone is measured using a Differential Pressure Transmitter (DPT). Experiments were repeated by replacing the cone element for obtaining different β values.  相似文献   

Based on the operational conditions of the PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas well field, this study aims to explore the wet gas flow overreading (OR) characteristics of a nonstandard long-throat Venturi by the means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. The studied prototype structure size is an inner diameter of 50 mm, a diameter ratio of 0.4 and a throat length of 50 mm. According to the field experiment, the simulation pressure is 3 MPa gauge. Through a comparative study of the multiphase flow models and turbulence models, combined with the analysis of the Baker׳s flow regime and interparticle space under the field conditions, this paper eventually employed DPM model and Eulerian model for wet gas simulation, respectively, and RSM for turbulence model. An equivalent droplet diameter adjustment method was implemented to improve the precision of prediction. During post-processing, the liquid phase distributions and the wall pressure profiles were investigated. The numerical results indicate that the differential pressure in convergent section of long-throat Venturi by using DPM model is less than that by using Eulerian model, and the differential pressures in the divergent section by using the two models are analogous. Afterwards, the OR prediction correlations based on the differential pressure ratio method were proposed, and then compared and validated by the industrial field tests. The root mean square errors (RMSE) and the average relative errors predicted by Eulerian model were 4.24% and 3.78%, 5.69% and 5.01% by using DPM model, respectively. In conclusion, Eulerian model is more suitable for wet gas flow prediction. And some advice on the improvement of the multiphase flow simulation is provided to get a more preferable performance in wet gas flow prediction.  相似文献   

在短周期跨音速传热风洞上,研究不同雷诺数和压比下无气膜导叶表面换热系数分布,并在相应的数值模拟中分析叶栅通道涡结构的生成与发展,研究其对叶片换热的影响。  相似文献   

高雷诺数下有限长圆柱绕流阻力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵萌  毛军  郗艳红 《机械工程学报》2015,51(22):176-182
针对不同长径比的有限长圆柱模型,采用大涡模拟及雷诺平均的方法,对高雷诺数下有限长圆柱绕流阻力特性进行数值模拟和分析,得到了圆柱阻力系数随长径比和雷诺数的变化规律,讨论端面效应对绕流阻力系数的影响。结果表明:在亚临界区内,相同雷诺数下阻力系数随长径比的增大而增大,呈线性变化规律,L/D的对阻力系数的影响明显大于Re对阻力系数的影响;在阻力危机区内,相同雷诺数下阻力系数随长径比的增大而增大,呈二次函数的变化规律,但各工况达到阻力系数“转折点”对应的雷诺数各不相同,基本呈现随雷诺数的增大向前推移的趋势,Re对阻力系数的影响明显大于L/D对阻力系数的影响;在阻力回升区,阻力系数回升的“转折点”随着雷诺数的逐渐增大而向后推移。在各分区内,端面效应对阻力系数的影响随雷诺数增大而更加明显,在高度方向上的最大影响区域约占圆柱总高度的16%。研究结果对有限长圆柱绕流特性的研究及应用具有重要意义和价值。  相似文献   

结合转子动力学和数学矢量线性特性,提出一种基于影响系数和滞后角来正确确定振动仪相位测定含义的新方法。首先,利用影响系数法,分析标准脉冲信号与振动信号的导前或滞后关系,以确定出不平衡方向位置;然后,根据滞后角定义,反推振动响应的正高点,计算出反推相位角,找出该角度与实测相位角的关系,从而推出振动仪所测转子同频振动相位的含义;最后,在无任何已知相位参考和比较的情况下,以LM S测试系统所测定的相位,应用该方法进行分析。结果表明该方法操作简单方便,能准确分析出各类振动仪相位测定的含义。  相似文献   

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