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基于工作流的敏捷化生产过程控制技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了将动态生产环境信息、生产计划有机地集成在一起的生产过程链运行模式。建立了基于工作流技术的元生产活动控制模型。在此基础上进一步研究了采用Agent技术实现生产活动的控制与协调机制,并给出了基于事件驱动的实时生产调度方法,实现按过程的生产计划的调度与控制。  相似文献   

CIMS环境下MRP—Ⅱ主生产计划系统的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了制造资源计划(MRP-Ⅱ)主生产计划系统的总体结构和开发策略,用人机交互方式可以非常方便地制定主生产计划。  相似文献   

电力计量设备全生命周期管理的优化配置需要先进的数据挖掘技术支撑,回顾了数据挖掘的任务和方法。根据挖掘的数据库种类、发现的知识、利用的技术和适应的应用,将数据挖掘算法重点应用到电力计量设备生产计划和排程,其重点是短期到中期或长期计划的时间框架范围。综合考虑多种计划,如流程计划、战略能力计划、总体计划、主调度、材料需求计划和订单调度等,依据其不同的时间、产品和生产环境及导致的不同问题,实现在复杂生产机器与工作任务结合下的多目标综合最优生产计划与排程。  相似文献   

通过推广应用SEM系统,SWS促进了生产增长方式的转变。按现代造船模式要求,以“精益生产、精细管理”为原则,不断优化造船主流程,优化生产组织、工序,建立标准工期和计划管控体系。  相似文献   

单件小批量生产由于其多样性,无规律性的特点,其计划管理与流水线生产的计划管理完全不同,本文通过粗进度计划,综合进度计划,生产作业计划的编制过程阐述了单件小批量产品的纵向,横向生产组织的计划管理过程。  相似文献   

介绍国产板材FMS的集成化生产管理系统,并详细论述了系统的模块结构、计划调度方法以及数据库设计技术。  相似文献   

针对生产车间加工工艺过程的复杂性,信息量大且动态变化的特点,采用先进的信息技术和计算机技术,开发了面向CLMS的车间制造执行系统,该系统能及日寸反映出车间动态的生产信息,实现了车间生产能力的平衡与初步作业编排,同日寸连接了企业上层生产计划和车间制造过程。  相似文献   

为了解决钢铁企业目前由于缺乏生产计划和调度系统而造成的宏观调控和实时监控等方面存在的问题,在对现有钢铁企业的信息化体系结构和生产管理模式等进行理论研究的基础上,提出了基于MRP II与JIT相结合的特钢行业生产管理模式;采用多层递阶计划和动态实时调度策略,构建面向企业上层管理ERP和下层执行MES系统的集成化解决方案。实现了企业生产计划和调度的整体优化,建立了适合特钢企业经营管理与生产制造一体化的信息系统。  相似文献   

基于J2EE/Web services的生产计划模型与实现技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对敏捷供应链下生产计划的敏捷反应需求,探讨了敏捷生产计划系统的主要功能特征,建立了相应的生产计划体系结构模型。基于J2EE和网络服务技术,研究了敏捷生产计划的实现技术,设计了基于浏览器/服务器模式的系统结构框架。为解决跨企业之间的生产数据的传递与共享的难题,采用了基于网络服务的可扩展标记语言集成技术,以保证系统的平台无关性。  相似文献   

面向飞机装配的生产管理技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对飞机装配作业生产管理复杂的特点,以及难以制定合适的生产计划以及生产调度难等问题,在深入分析飞机装配作业过程的基础上,提出了一种面向订单设计的飞机装配生产管理方法.该方法以飞机装配过程为核心,利用多级网络计划技术制定适应生产现场的柔性生产计划,采用面向生产现场的生产调度方法实现生产调度优化,从而实现了生产现场能快速组织装配资源按时完成生产订单.该方法已在实际生产中得到应用,并取得良好的效果.  相似文献   

Determining the production capacity of flexible manufacturing systems is a very important issue in the design of such systems. We propose an approach for determining the production capacity (i.e., the maximum production rate) of a flexible manufacturing system with several part types, dedicated pallets, and fixed production ratios among the different part types. We show that the problem reduces to the determination of a single parameter for which we propose an iterative procedure. Simulation or approximate analytical techniques can be used as the building block performance evaluation technique in the iterative procedure.  相似文献   

Analyzing the production capacity of a flexible manufacturing system consisting of a number of alternative, nonidentical, flexible machines, where each machine is capable of producing several different part types simultaneously (by flexibly allocating its production capacity among these part types), is not a trivial task. The production capacity set of such a system is naturally expressed in terms of the machine-specific production rates of all part types. In this paper we also express it in terms of the total production rates of all part types over all machines. More specifically, we express the capacity set as the convex hull of a set of points corresponding to all possible assignments of machines to part types, where in each assignment each machine allocates all its capacity to only one part type. First, we show that within each subset of assignments having a given number of machines assigned to each part type, there is a unique assignment that corresponds to an extreme point of the capacity set. Then, we propose a procedure for generating all the extreme points and facets of the capacity set. Numerical experience shows that when the number of part types is less than four, the size of the capacity set (measured in terms of the number of variables times the number of constraints) is smaller, if the capacity set is expressed in terms of the total production rates of all part types over all machines than if it is expressed in terms of the machine-specific production rates of all part types. When the number of part types is four or more, however, the opposite is true.  相似文献   

依据客户要求(订单),采用柔性化的生产模式来满足客户日益多样化和个性化的需求,企业如何充分利用制造信息技术在复杂的生产环境中,高效组织混流装配生产活动并制造出满足客户需求的产品,显得异常重要.提出了基于数据流的柔性化批次装配生产全状态、全过程和责任制管理模式,采用基于单位时间内提高资金回款额和利润额日排产体系,较好地解决了小批量多品种多批次生产模式下的生产管理问题,并对小批量多品种混合装配制造的企业具有较好的示范意义.  相似文献   

实时动态排产系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对众多企业在多品种小批量生产且缺乏稳定的主生产计划时难以实施MRPⅡ与JIT的困境,研究了一种新的生产计划与控制体系——实时动态排产系统。详细介绍了该系统的整体架构、订单处理流程和排产与插单算法。对所提出的两种排产算法及相应的插单算法进行了数值模拟,给出了不同算法的优缺点及应用条件。受运算速度的制约,该系统目前较适合产品结构简单、生产工序较少的企业。但随着计算机技术的发展与排产算法的进一步优化,该系统将会有更加广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

We consider a cyclic job shop where an identical mixture of parts of different types, called a minimal part set (MPS), is produced repetitively in the same processing order. The precedence relationships among events (start of operation) are represented by a directed graph that has a recurrent structure. Each operation starts as soon as all its preceding operations are complete (called earliest starting). There is a class of desirable schedules that has the minimum cycle time and an identical schedule pattern for every MPS. By using linear system theory on minimax algebra, we characterize the set of all possible such schedules. We develop an efficient algorithm to find one among such schedules that minimizes a performance measure related to work-in-progress inventory. We also discuss an application to a flexible manufacturing system.  相似文献   

龚勤慧 《山西机械》2014,(1):159-160,163
M PS系统是一种实现自动化生产加工单元的上料、搬运、加工、安装、分类等功能的模拟操作平台。对M PS的加工站单元进行总体结构及硬件和软件设计。运用PLC技术设计M PS系统加工站,采用西门子S7-200 CPU-224 PLC和EM223扩展模块实现旋转工作台的精确定位、钻孔模块加工模拟、检测模块质检、工作台物流传送。实际应用表明,所设计的加工站能够满足模块化生产系统的实用化要求。  相似文献   

A cyclic shop is a production system that repeatedly produces identical sets of parts of multiple types, called minimal part sets (MPSs), in the same loading and processing sequence. A different part type may have a different machine visit sequence. We consider a version of cyclic job shop where some operations of an MPS instance are processed prior to some operations of the previous MPS instances. We call such a shop an overtaking cyclic job shop (OCJS). The overtaking degree can be specified by how many MPS instances the operations of an MPS instance can overtake. More overtaking results in more work-in-progress, but reduces the cycle time, in general. We prove that for a given processing sequence of the operations at each machine, under some conditions, an OCJS has a stable earliest starting schedule such that each operation starts as soon as its preceding operations are completed, the schedule repeats an identical timing pattern for each MPS instance, and the cycle time is kept to be minimal. To do these, we propose a specialized approach to analyzing steady states for an event graph model of an OCJS that has a cyclic structure, which can keep the MPS-based scheduling concept. Based on the steady-state results, we develop a mixed integer programming model for finding a processing sequence of the operations at each machine and the overtaking degrees, if necessary, that minimize the cycle time.  相似文献   

新世纪的生产系统—精简,灵捷,柔性生产系统   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
在介绍精简、灵捷、柔性生产系统的基础上,对其组织形式、管理思想进行了探讨,认为该系统的核心是以虚拟公司为代表的企业间更加灵活的合作方式,而管理者与职工的创造能力则是该系统的关键属性。我国企业在借鉴灵捷制造时应以管理和组织创新来带动技术创新,将目标导向的创新与过程导向的持续改进有机结合。  相似文献   

企业生产系统的弹性理论探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述企业生产系统保有弹性的必要性和可能性,阐明生产系统弹性的概念和内涵,提出生产系统的整体弹性原理、生产弹性和生产均衡性相关原理、生产弹性的经济性原理等。  相似文献   

基于本体的可重构知识管理平台   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:42  
基于知识管理的共性与差异,提出一种基于本体、知识处理模板与基于实例推理方法的可重构知识管理系统框架。在该框架中,知识被视为本体概念的对象实例,通过本体配置,可建立新的知识类别,克服了以往知识类型不能扩充的问题;通过本体、知识处理模板以及内嵌机制,系统自动生成用户界面,并可对不同类别进行区别或缺省处理。简要讨论了基于工作流程的协作知识生产方法。  相似文献   

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