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超声波流量计通常由超声波换能器、电子线路和显示系统三部分组成,由于超声波换能器的安装结构限制,超声波流量计很难用于测量高温管道中的高温流体。本文将通过对超声波换能器安装结构进行设计,使超声波流量计能适用于测量高温流体,并通过有限元仿真计算分析,验证这种结构的可行性。  相似文献   

反射装置对超声波流量计水流特性影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时差式超声波流量计加装超声波反射装置后对其基表内水流特性影响很大,研究采用标准k-ε模型,计算了采用不同的超声波反射装置和不同的通道结构时,过流通道内的各声路K系数值及标准差值;研究了超声波反射片与管壁间隙的大小对过流通道内水流特性的影响,得到了间隙值与K系数及其标准差值的关系;研究了超声波反射片在中心轴线上的距离对过流通道内水流特性的影响,得到了反射片轴向距离改变与K系数及其标准差的关系;研究了一种新型的渐缩通道结构对超声波流量计过流通道内水流特性的影响.最后,在综合计算结果分析得到最优声道的基础上,计算了该声道不同流量点下的水流特性,给出了K系数分布曲线.  相似文献   

跨声速风扇叶片的反扭设计研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑赟  王彪  杨慧 《机械工程学报》2013,49(5):147-153
发展适合于叶轮机械风扇叶片反扭设计的流固耦合计算方法,综合考虑气动力和离心力对叶片变形的影响;以设计叶型为目标,预测冷态加工叶型并进行叶片的变形分析,比较变形后叶型和设计叶片的偏差并修正冷态叶型直到迭代收敛.在叶片变形分析中考虑了气动力随叶型变化的非线性作用,在每一时间步同步求解流体运动方程和叶片变形的控制方程并交换边界信息;流体域求解了时间精确的非定常雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程,以得到每一步由于叶片变形而引起的流场变化;叶片变形则由积分叶片表面受到的气动力并求解结构动动力学方程得到;流体域和固体域的信息交换采用了一种使用投影-形函数插值的新方法.采用该方法对NASA ROTOR67风扇叶片进行反扭设计,得到冷态制造叶型和叶片扭转角随叶高的变化规律.  相似文献   

基于CFD的超声波流量计最优声道位置研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
时差法超声波流量计圆形管道内不同声道位置上流体平均流速与管道截面平均流速的关系已被广泛研究,但是对于非圆形测量管体尚缺乏相应报道.本文针对某种方形管道,采用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法获得管道内的流场分布,进而通过数值计算得到时差法超声波流量计不同声道上K系数(即超声波传播路径上流体平均流速与管道截面流体平均流速之比)随雷诺数的变化关系,并选取K系数随雷诺数变化最小的声道作为最优声道,研究结果有利于简化流量补偿计算.  相似文献   

二维声学数值计算的光滑有限元法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对声学有限元分析中四节点等参单元不规则网格计算精度低甚至结果错误的问题,将光滑有限元法(Smoothed finite element method, SFEM)应用到不规则四边形网格的声学计算中,推导出光滑有限元法分析二维声学问题的原理公式.声学SFEM将声压梯度光滑处理技术结合到标准有限元法中,对声压梯度进行分区光滑处理,用光滑声压梯度来计算声学刚度矩阵,光滑域内对形函数梯度的积分转变为域边界上形函数积分,消除了坐标变换,提高了计算效率.以二维管道声腔和车内声腔模型为数值算例,研究结果表明,与标准有限元法相比,对扭曲严重的四边形网格,声学光滑有限元法具有更高的精度和准确度,特别是高频计算时.因此,光滑有限元法可以很好地应用于二维声学不规则网格的计算中,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

以压电驱动精密流量阀的阀芯及其周围流场为研究对象,通过建立有限元模型,应用Workbench平台对阀芯及其周围流场进行流固耦合分析。首先通过Fluid Flow(CFX)模块对流体域进行流场分析,得到阀稳态时的内部流体压力场的分布规律;再将流体分析结果导入Static Structural(Ansys)模块,对阀芯固体域进行静力学分析,得到流固耦合作用下阀芯的静变形云图及Von Mises应力云图。根据流固耦合分析结果,对阀芯进行结构参数优化。优化后,在保证阀芯工作可靠性的条件下,阀芯体积减少了13.5%,实现了阀芯的轻量化。  相似文献   

半解析有限元法是指在空间域使用有限元法离散,在时间域使用精细积分法求解问题的方法。其实施方法有两种,一种是先处理时间域,再处理空间域;一种是先处理空间域,再处理时间域。这种方法因其高精确度和广泛的适用性得到了大量的研究和应用。将其应用到超声波传播的数值模拟中,在多个不同的角度对计算结果进行了分析。分析结果显示,半解析有限元方法适用于超声波传播的模拟,计算精度高,稳定性高。  相似文献   

针对指尖密封提出泄漏流动和固体变形的三维双向耦合计算方法。该方法采用多孔介质模型计算密封片组泄漏流场,将流场计算得到的压力分布加载到有限元模型上进行密封的固体变形计算,再根据变形计算结果更新多孔介质模型参数,重新计算泄漏流动;如此重复,直至泄漏流动和固体变形计算均达到收敛。采用该计算方法,对不同压差下指尖密封的泄漏流动与固体变形进行计算。计算结果表明:流动与变形的耦合计算经过3次迭代达到收敛;指尖密封结构的压降、泄漏及变形主要发生在指尖靴区域,密封片组的最大变形主要取决于径向变形;当上下游压差从0.1 MPa增大至0.5 MPa,密封片的最大径向变形增大约2%,最大轴向变形增大约400%,泄漏量增大约130%。  相似文献   

超声波流量计响应快、动态范围宽,适用于各种流体的流量测量。由于这是一种非接触式的测量方法,因此对流体不会产生扰动,并具有高精度、高分辨率等优点。如果我们分别对超声波在流体顺流方向和逆流方向测出其传播时间,并计算其时间差值,那么该时间差值就可以代表流体量的大小,而且不受流体的温度压力波动的影响。该时间差可采用混合式电子线路的方法来求出,但该线路由于模  相似文献   

根据超声波在棒状固体介质中的传播速度与该介质温度的关系,设计了一种基于超声波的插入式钢水温度测量装置,该装置能够实现对钢水温度的实时连续测量。感温导杆设计成棒状结构,不仅方便插入钢水测量其温度,而且简化了温度测量原理。采用高速高分辨率硬件电路和软件细分插补算法,可以精确确定超声波回波传播的终点时刻,得到精确的超声波传播时间并计算出对应的温度值。该温度测量装置可以灵活地应用于各种高温环境的温度测量和涉温控制领域。  相似文献   

Ultrasonic tomography techniques provide flow visualization capability, non-invasively and non-intrusively, to enhance the understanding of complex flow processes. There is limited ultrasonic research in tomography imaging systems in the tomogram analysis of fluid flow in a conducting pipe because of a high acoustic impedance mismatch, which means that very little ultrasonic energy can be transmitted through the interface. The majority of industrial pipelines are constructed from metallic composites. Therefore, the development and improvement of ultrasonic measurement methods to accommodate a stainless steel pipe are proposed in this paper. Experimental and simulation distribution studies of the ultrasonic emitting frequency in acrylic versus stainless steel pipes were studied, measured and analyzed. During the simulation, ultrasonic transducers were placed on the surface of the investigated pipe to inspect the ultrasonic sensing field. The distribution of the sound wave acoustic pressure was simulated based on the physical dimensions and parameters of the actual experimental hardware set-up. We developed ultrasonic acoustic models using the finite element method with COMSOL software, and experiments were carried out to validate the simulation results. Finally, by performing the static phantoms tests, a feasibility study of ultrasonic tomography system was presented to investigate the void fraction of liquid column inside a stainless steel pipe.  相似文献   


Pressure wave produced by a stenotic vessel was analyzed in terms of the stiffness index, augmentation index and reflection index. An understanding of blood pressure wave reflection is key to developing non-invasive and easy-to-use diagnostic methods. The purpose of this study was to use computational fluid dynamics to analyze blood pressure waves and understand blood pressure wave reflections in stenotic vessels. The lattice Boltzmann method was used with the impedance boundary condition for the blood pressure waves. Variations in blood pressure wave parameters according to different degrees of stenosis were analyzed, in addition to fluid dynamic properties, including flow energy loss. We found that blood pressure wave reflection is related to flow energy loss from stenosis.


针对声学有限元分析中四节点等参单元计算精度低,对网格质量敏感的问题,将无网格径向插值技术引入到标准有限元中,构造径向插值形函数,推导径向插值有限元法(Radial interpolation finite element method,RIFEM)的二维声学数值计算公式。二维声学RIFEM采用标准有限元法形函数构造系统离散方程的声学刚度矩阵和边界积分矢量,保证了声压梯度和边界条件在区域边界的积分精度;采用径向插值形函数构造系统离散方程的质量矩阵,提高了声压数值近似函数的插值精度。对管道二维声腔模型和某轿车二维声腔模型的数值分析结果表明,与标准有限元法和SFEM相比,RIFEM的计算精度更高,对波数、单元尺寸和网格扭曲程度的灵敏度更低。因此RIFEM可以很好地应用于二维声学数值分析,具有广阔的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

孔口流量计是标准孔板流量计的特殊使用形式,为环境监测领域中常用流量测量元件。孔口流量计在校准时按上游入口压力的不同,其校准方法分为微正压和微负压两种校准工况。两种工况均为国家标准和规范推荐方法,但校准出的流量系数差距达10%。夹具引入的附加差压和仪表流量系数线性度误差是导致两种校准工况流量系数偏差的原因。通过CFD仿真研究,设计对被校准孔口流量计上游压力影响较小的夹具形式和结构参数。在仿真数据的基础上计算得到适用于常用管径和雷诺数范围的孔口流量计的可膨胀修正系数公式。运用上述成果并进行试验验证,正压和负压校准流量系数的差距减小至±0.5%以内。校准流量范围内孔口流量计流量系数线性度也有0.1%左右的提升。  相似文献   

Lichun Hao 《摩擦学汇刊》2016,59(4):641-654
Thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication (TEHL) analysis of line or point contacts is usually done by simultaneously and numerically solving the Reynolds equation, the Boussinesq equation of an elastic semi-infinite body, the energy conservation equation, and the load balance equation. Although a number of publications are available in this field, there is still a lack of general-purpose and widely used TEHL software for engineering applications. On the other hand, commercial software for both the solid structure and fluid flow analyses have become easy design tools. To expand the application of the commercial software to TEHL simulation, coupling of structure and fluid analyses is required. This study gives some demonstrations of the 3D finite element method (FEM) simulations of line contact TEHL problems using ANSYS version 13.0. The equilibrium equations of momentum and continuity and the energy conservation equation of lubricating fluids are solved with CFX. The elastic deformation of solids is calculated with the ANSYS Structure module. Through the fluid–solid coupling interfaces, the fluid pressure, solid deformation, and thermal flow are transferred between the fluid and solid domains. The computational fluid domain is enlarged, enclosing the contact zone, in the 3D model. Further, the 3D model can treat the realistic constraint conditions of solid deformation, whereas conventional TEHL analysis uses the assumption of semi-infinite body. The simulation results for pressure, lubricant film thickness, and temperature distributions are compared with the traditional Reynolds approach, and reasonable agreement for pressure and film thickness distributions has been obtained.  相似文献   

针对某型齿轮箱,提出一种基于声学贡献度分析的减振降噪设计方法.建立了齿轮箱有限元模型,计算其结构模态.将齿轮箱有限元网格作为结构网格和声学边界网格,在LMS Virtual.Lab下用边界元法求解真实工况激励下的辐射声场.利用声学贡献度分析,找到贡献度最大的面板,修改其设计参数.修改结构后,声场中某点噪声峰值降低8.2...  相似文献   

Ultrasonic flowmeters are widely used in industry for accurate measurement. Flow adaptabilities of meters in non-ideal flow fields are usually concerned about by researchers. This paper presents a theoretical analysis method to study the measurement performance of ultrasonic flowmeter. For the specific water flow in single elbow pipe, a novel three-dimensional flow pattern model is invented by the trust region Newton algorithm based on computational fluid dynamics simulation results. In order to verify the correctness of the model, a typical ultrasonic flowmeter with single diametric acoustic path is mainly analyzed. By comparing flow adaptabilities of the meter downstream of the single elbow with both the novel theoretic model analysis approach and simulation method, good agreement is achieved. It is indicated that both the three-dimensional model and its invention method are valid for this study, which is not only helpful to get knowledge of characteristics of disturbed flows, but also provides a practical method to study the flow adaptability of ultrasonic flowmeter in non-ideal flow fields.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic wave generation and propagation were modeled to simulate an ultrasonic test. A ray model was used for the modeling. Actual sound pressure distribution of the incident wave from an angle probe was analyzed using an ultrasonic visualization method to incorporate the actual sound pressure distribution in the model. In this method, the sound pressure was expressed by the density of rays and the reflection coefficient of ultrasonic beams. Reflection and mode conversion of rays were computed by the Snell’s law. Simulation programs for the problem of ultrasonic testing of a butt joint are built using this ray modeling. Simulation results for ultrasonic wave scattering from a defect and A-scan display in ultrasonic testing agreed with the actual experiment results.  相似文献   

针对传统有限元法求解声学问题由于刚度矩阵过硬导致较大的色散误差,以及在较高波数和网格扭曲时计算精度过低甚至错误的问题,采用移动最小二乘权函数对传统有限元法的声压梯度进行加权重构,推导了梯度移动最小二乘加权(Gradient weighted by moving least-squares,GW-MLS)的二维声学计算公式。对声压梯度的加权重构使得GW-MLS模型的刚度相对于FEM模型得以软化,刚度更接近真实模型刚度。采用与有限元法相同的方式构造质量矩阵和边界积分矢量,保证质量矩阵和边界条件的正确施加和积分精度。通过二维管道声腔模型和二维车内声腔模型算例对所提出的算法进行验证,数值分析结果表明,GW-MLS有效地减少了色散误差的影响,提高了计算精度,尤其是对较高波数和网格扭曲时表现出良好的适应性。  相似文献   

离心泵流动诱导噪声的数值预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过计算流体力学(Computational fluid dynamics,CFD)结合声振耦合求解方法针对一离心泵所产生的流动诱导噪声在泵壳外部的辐射情况进行数值预测。蜗壳内壁面上的非定常压力脉动监测值显示出蜗舌附近区域的脉动幅值较大,而在远离蜗舌位置处的脉动相对变化较小,在叶片扫掠频率及其谐频下的压力脉动要明显高于其他频率。通过声振耦合计算之后得到的泵壳外部声场辐射结果来看,当斯特劳哈尔数Sr=4时,由于该处所对应的压力脉动频率与泵壳结构的第四阶固有频率接近,可能会在声场与结构之间发生小幅共振,进而使得外场辐射噪声较大,也说明泵壳结构的振动模态对声场计算结果影响十分显著。通过外场监测点上叠加后的总声压级结果显示,各点基本上在60 dB上下波动,外场噪声辐射是泵内流体的压力脉动与壳体结构模态综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

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