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张震  刘天立  张斌  张淑静 《机电一体化》2010,16(4):66-69,74
针对像距无法改变的特定环境,提出了一种变物距的自动对焦方法。首先通过设置标志矩形,采用SUSAN算法中的角点获取算法,取得对焦窗口;其次建立对焦窗口转换函数,使不同物距下的对焦窗口包括相同的成像信息;最后使用能量梯度对焦评价函数,取得最佳对焦位置。实验表明,该系统适用于像距无法改变的环境,并且具有良好的自动对焦精度、速度以及鲁棒性。  相似文献   

结合多光谱成像仪的成像特点,提出了一种基于对数功率谱的离焦深度自动对焦方法.以CCD相机为图像传感器,通过主控计算机进行调焦控制与图像处理来实现多光谱成像仪的快速自动对焦.首先,将相机探测器依次处于3个等距位置各采集一幅图像,结合三点判位法判断第二幅图片与准确对焦位置的位置关系.然后,以第二幅图片为参考图片,通过对其对数功率谱的相关计算得到准确的对焦位置.最后,将探测器移动到该计算位置,完成自动对焦过程.实验结果表明,系统对焦位置标准差为±0.159 9 mm,最大偏差值控制在0.4 mm以内,能够较好地满足系统的实时自动对焦要求.该调焦算法只需3幅图片即可完成自动对焦过程,具有调焦迅速,准确度高等特点.  相似文献   

李衡  黄永梅  安涛 《光学仪器》2010,32(5):69-73
为了减小跟踪望远镜调焦时间,分析了自动调焦的光学原理及数字图像处理相关技术,提出一种适合跟踪望远镜的实时自动调焦算法。该算法基于对图像清晰度的评价,通过步进电机驱动次镜移动来搜索最佳成像位置,并且综合了全局搜索法与传统爬山法的优点。在实验中,完成了对远处静态目标自动对焦,有效地避免了局部峰值导致的对焦失败,在保证系统调焦精度的前提下使对焦速度小于3s。  相似文献   

为了解决单唇密封圈内径尺寸检测装置中镜头精确对焦的问题,设计了一种基于图像处理的自动对焦策略。将相机固定在直线滑台上,计算机控制电机转动,带动滑台上的相机移动并采集图像,利用改进的清晰度评价函数对采集的图像进行评价,然后电机驱动模块带动相机移动到图像清晰度最佳的位置,完成系统的自动对焦功能。将一种引入阈值的"四邻域"能量梯度算法作为改进的清晰度评价函数,通过与频域函数、灰度方差函数、Tenengrad梯度函数及熵函数等多种图像清晰度评价函数对比,验证了该函数的优越性。试验结果表明:使用改进算法设计的自动对焦策略能实现快速、准确的自动对焦。自动对焦策略解决了检测装置中镜头对焦的问题,并可以应用于多规格单唇密封圈内径尺寸检测。  相似文献   

投影微分法实现多光谱成像仪的自动对焦控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于投影微分算法提出了一种应用于多光谱成像仪的自动对焦方法,该方法结合图像处理单元和多个波段的探测器调焦辅助机构来同时实现多个波段的独立自动对焦.首先,根据观测需要对自动对焦窗口进行手动选取,或结合投影微分与目标边缘的对应关系进行对焦窗口的自动选择;然后,将参与自动对焦计算的图像的对焦窗口内的数据做x与y方向投影,对这两个方向投影数组的微分1范数均值求均方根,并将其作为该帧图像的清晰度评价值;最后,结合经典的爬山搜索算法,完成系统的自动对焦过程.实验结果显示,同等条件下投影微分算法与经典的Brenner、能量梯度及Roberts梯度和算法具有同样好的评价效果,能够准确地实现系统的自动对焦,而其算法时间分别仅为这3种算法的0.67、0.33和0.33倍.这些结果表明,投影微分算法具有良好的单峰性与无偏性、较高的灵敏度及很好的实时性,能够满足系统的高精度自动对焦要求.  相似文献   

高林中 《光学仪器》2012,34(4):26-29
随着数码相机普遍进入千万级有效像素的行列,大多数相机都采用了多个对焦窗口的自动对焦技术。为实现对焦窗口的快速选择和自动对焦,文中采用统计分析的方法,研究了近距离物体优先的对焦窗口自动选择的可行性,就选择适宜的对焦评价函数提出建议;通过MatLab仿真实验给出了评价函数的大小阈值,提出了近距离物体优先的对焦窗口自动选择和自动对焦策略,给出了对焦搜索基本流程。这种对焦窗口选择,实时性好,适用性强,可作为数码相机的一种对焦窗口自动选择策略。  相似文献   

罗文睿 《工具技术》2019,53(9):112-116
自动对焦技术是计算机视觉、成像系统和各种精密仪器应用中的关键技术之一。随着科学技术的飞速发展,越来越多的人更加关心如何实现数字显微镜快速而精确的自动对焦问题。近年来人们对自动对焦技术的研究也多集中在数字图像处理的方法上。但是,在一般情况下,成像目标具有复杂性与不确定性的特点,因此,在数字成像系统中,现有的自动对焦技术仍然存在诸多不足,比如,对焦评价函数以及对焦的实时性与精确性等方面。通过对实验数据的分析,提出了一种改进的爬山算法通过在特定阶段采用特定对焦评价函数的方法,最终实现了自动对焦的目的,在保证调焦精度的情况下有效提高了自动对焦的速度。  相似文献   

基于最大灰度梯度的经纬仪自动调焦技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁敏华 《光学精密工程》2009,17(12):3016-3021
本文提出了一种基于最大灰度梯度的经纬仪自动对焦方法,以CMOS相机为图像传感器,用计算机进行数据处理并控制驱动电路来调整相机镜头的位置,从而达到自动调焦的目的。系统首先选择包含主体成像目标的最小区域作为对焦选择区域,不仅有效地节省了系统对图像的处理时间,而且极大地减小了复杂背景对精确调焦的干扰,提高了调焦准确率;其次对边缘上任意可能的梯度方向都求出它的梯度,比较后得到每个边缘点的最大梯度,最后采用最大灰度梯度作为系统的自动聚焦判距。试验结果表明:本文调焦算法具有单峰性强、无偏性好、灵敏度高、稳定性好等特点,系统的对焦分辨率在0.01-0.02 mm范围之内,完全能够满足经纬仪第一像面焦深的调焦要求,并具有可实时性操作的优点,具有较好的应用前景及推广价值。  相似文献   

采用最大灰度梯度法实现经纬仪自动调焦控制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
提出了一种基于最大灰度梯度的经纬仪自动对焦方法,以CMOS相机为图像传感器,用计算机进行数据处理并控制驱动电路调整相机镜头的位置来实现自动调焦.首先,选择包含主体成像目标的最小区域作为对焦选择区域,不仅有效地节省了系统处理图像的时间,而且极大地减小了复杂背景对精确调焦的干扰,提高了调焦准确率;其次,求出边缘上任意可能梯度方向的梯度,比较后得到每个边缘点的最大梯度;最后,采用最大灰度梯度作为系统的自动聚焦判距.实验结果表明,系统的调焦分辨率为0.01~0.02 mm,能够满足经纬仪第一像面焦深的调焦要求.该调焦算法具有单峰性强、无偏性好、灵敏度高、稳定性好以及可实时性操作等特点.  相似文献   

一种自动对焦算法的优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马鹏川  杨波  唐舰 《光学仪器》2013,35(2):26-31
随着数码相机的飞速发展,在实际应用中对数码相机的易用性和智能化要求越来越高。为了提高图像采集的准确性和简便性,开展了自动对焦技术和算法的研究。通过对对焦平台的搭建,在评价函数一定的情况下,对爬山法驱动寻址算法步长减半进行了优化,在保证准确性的情况下,更快地实现了自动对焦,减少对硬件的要求,节省资源。结果表明,该优化算法有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

A new simultaneous autofocus and twofold astigmatism correction method is proposed for High Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HAADF-STEM). The method makes use of a modification of image variance, which has already been used before as an image quality measure for different types of microscopy, but its use is often justified on heuristic grounds. In this paper we show numerically that the variance reaches its maximum at Scherzer defocus and zero astigmatism. In order to find this maximum a simultaneous optimization of three parameters (focus, x- and y-stigmators) is necessary. This is implemented and tested on a FEI Tecnai F20. It successfully finds the optimal defocus and astigmatism with time and accuracy, compared to a human operator.  相似文献   

显微视觉快速自动调焦方法及实验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
分析了显微视觉与计算机宏观视觉的特性,得出显微视觉下模糊效果是由几何光学和波动光学两部分造成的结论,并用标定实验验证了显微视觉下扩散参数与物距呈线性关系这一假设。研究了现有基于聚焦的自动调焦DFD(Depth from Focus)方法,提出了显微视觉下一种新型的基于离焦(Depth from Defocus)的快速自动调焦算法,该算法只要给定两幅模糊图像,就可直接计算出目标聚焦平面位置。实验结果显示,该方法的聚焦速度比传统DFF方法(本文选择SML法)快2~4倍。改进了的DFD算法提高了自动调焦性能,增强了显微光学鲁棒性,调焦精度较高,且具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a region sampling based autofocus method for rapid and robust autofocus in microscope. Image content and region size are considered in region sampling criteria. An intelligent search algorithm which employs quartering hill climbing search and golden section search is developed, in which rule‐based evaluation of sampled focusing regions is applied. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the performance of image‐based autofocus. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:382–390, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) are the tools of choice for academic and industrial research at the nano-scale. Due to their increasing use for routine, repetitive measurement tasks (e.g., quality control in production lines) there is a clear need for a new generation of high-throughput microscopes designed to autonomously extract information from specimens (e.g., particle size distribution, chemical composition, structural information, etc.).To aid in their development, a new engineering perspective on TEM design, based on principles from systems and control theory, is proposed here: measure-by-wire (not to be confused with remote microscopy). Under this perspective, the TEM operator yields the direct control of the microscope's internal processes to a hierarchy of feedback controllers and high-level supervisors. These make use of dynamical models of the main TEM components together with currently available measurement techniques to automate processes such as defocus correction or specimen displacement. Measure-by-wire is discussed in depth, and its methodology is illustrated through a detailed example: the design of a defocus regulator, a type of feedback controller that is akin to existing autofocus procedures.  相似文献   

A systematic study is presented of the properties of autofocus criteria. Special importance is attributed to their behaviour with respect to noise, working range and image sharpness, whose reproducibility has been investigated. It can be demonstrated that autofocus algorithms have either a large working range and do not focus in an unambiguous way or vice versa. From considerations of the properties of autofocus algorithms two novel algorithms have been developed which are insensitive to noise. One of these algorithms is characterized by a particularly large working range, whereas the other is capable of achieving maximum sharpness in a reproducible manner.  相似文献   

In this paper, a bilateral prediction and intersection calculation autofocus method for automated microscopy, which obtains the in‐focus position by calculating the intersection of the predicted left and right focus measure curves located respectively in the left and right sides of the peak position of the focus measure curve, is proposed and performed. According to the autofocus method, the area including the peak position of the focus measure curve and its left and right neighbourhoods should be determined firstly, and the left and right neighbourhoods are considered as the left and right sampling areas. The left and right focus measure curves are predicted by appropriate predicting models according to the two sample sequences, which comprise the focus values by evaluating the sampled images in the left sampling area and right sampling area, respectively and their corresponding sampling positions. The intersection of the predicted left and right focus measure curves is calculated and can be considered as the in‐focus position. The autofocus can be realized by moving the focus plane of the microscope to the intersection of the predicted left and right focus measure curves. The proposed bilateral prediction and intersection calculation autofocus method is experimentally verified in an automated light microscopy for implementing microassembly and micromanipulation. The theoretical analyses have shown that the proposed bilateral prediction and intersection calculation autofocus method can not only effectively avoid the principle error caused by assuming the symmetrical focus measure curve in the autofocus methods based on curve fitting, but also eliminate the possible waver search near the peak position in the modified fast climbing servo method. The experimental results have shown that the proposed bilateral prediction and intersection calculation autofocus method possesses the merits as follows: (1) the focusing accuracy is high and slightly affected by the sampling step size and (2) the focusing speed is higher than those of the 7‐point hill‐climbing search method and the quadratic curve fitting method with a determinate focusing accuracy.  相似文献   

为实现基于数字全息的三维轮廓测量,本文探讨了菲涅耳近似算法实现数字全息相位再现的误差及抑制技术。首先理论分析了基于菲涅耳近似算法实现全息相位再现所包含的误差项,然后计算机模拟了数字离轴全息图的记录和相位再现结果,在此基础,模拟分析了离焦误差、数字再现光波误差及样本深度对相位再现的影响。针对记录参考光波和光学器件所引入的相位误差及其不定性,本文提出利用相位相减全息图处理方法加以消除,并给出了实验结果加以验证。模拟分析结果表明,菲涅耳近似算法误差、离焦误差、数字再现光波倾斜误差、解包裹错误对相位再现结果都有不同程度的影响。若获得高精度的再现结果,对记录过程、再现参数选择和处理方法都要进行严格控制或适当的选取。  相似文献   

Defocus effects on step height measurements by interferometric microscopy are estimated using different algorithms to calculate the step height. The interferometric microscope here is a Mirau-type with a 20x objective and a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.4. Although the focus is adjusted within the range of the depth of focus, a defocus corresponding to 4 fringes (1.3 μm) distorts the measured profile into a curve with a radius of curvature of about 24 m. The effect of this distortion on step height determination by a basic ISO step height algorithm is estimated to be 0.11 nm/fringe. An algorithm developed by NIST and a second-order fitted ISO step-height algorithm show good robustness against defocus errors. Because of sample imperfection, a discrepancy of about 1 % exists among step-height values determined by the different algorithms at the optimum fringe contrast position. It has been pointed out theoretically that the NA correction factor varies with the difference of optical path length between the sample and the reference surface. However, in our case, the changes of optical path length do not change the NA correction factor by more than 0.3 %.  相似文献   

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