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谢晨晖 《装备制造技术》2011,(2):126-127,130
为了满足车站客流组织和安全运营的需要,通过提高AFC设备使用效率,以便更好服务乘客,以提高地铁的运营服务水平。对现有运营车站AFC设备布局重新进行设计,对工程做出详细指引。达到优化各车站的设备布局和设备数量,指导完成各站AFC设备的布局调整。在已运营线路的车站开展布局调整工程,对车站运营有较大影响,对工程质量也有更高的要求。为了保证AFC布局调整工程顺利高效的完成,对AFC布局调整工程的可行性做出分析和指引是十分必要的。  相似文献   

“立身”作为传统文化概念,与“立德、立功、立言”之“三不朽”有同等重要的意义。甚至更具基础性。人生在世,何以立身,以何立身,这是自古至今人们都要思考并践行的。从文化传统视角考察,立身在人们的观念和行为中实际上是对道的遵从、对德的坚守、对礼的维护、对孝的体认。“遵道”具有天人合一的意蕴,“守德”强调主体良心的发现,“从礼”注重社会规则的价值,“讲孝”旨在强化事父忠君的家庭--社会模式的同构。立身文化的积极意义在于促进人的社会化、维护社会的和谐稳定。而立身教育就是要从文化的角度解决人何所由何所之、人的善良本性如何激发、人的规则意识怎样建立、人的品性如何养成的问题。从根本上说,解决立身问题是中国传统文化传承和发展的一条重要轨迹。  相似文献   

为了适应市场的需要,出现了车载式瞄准设备.其中瞄准机座是瞄准设备的支撑和定位装置,通过控制安装在机座上的瞄准系统,使它能够按照预定的规律或者跟随目标运动,准确地指向目标;并且通过它精确地测出目标的方向.为了减小树木、房屋等低高度近距离障碍物对瞄准设备的遮蔽,通常应采取措施将其举高架设.对于要求架设时间短的车载瞄准设备来说,必须设计出自动升降系统,以实现快速便捷地升高设备的目的.  相似文献   

电子俘获是气相色谱分析中常用的的检测器(ECD)。它最易出现的问题就是受污染,轻则灵敏度降低,重则没有响应。处于对放射源的恐惧,人们往往敬而远之,不知该如何处理。所以,了解污染源、判定污染程度、掌握有效的清洗方法,这对用好仪器有着很大的帮助。通过一个故障实例的分析,更清晰的展示了整个维修过程。包括防止污染的办法、判断污染的步骤、清洗管路的连接、操作中的注意事项和技巧等。  相似文献   

一种弹孔自动识别算法的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
提出了在室外环境下从胸环靶图像中实时提取弹孔的算法。采用灰度投影法从靶位图中提取胸环靶有效区域,利用数学形态学突出弹孔特征,排除数字的干扰,并克服弹孔间的部分重叠,最后利用模糊理论准确地识别出弹孔。识别弹孔时利用直方图得到阈值,从而去除不可能为弹孔的点以减少计算。提出判断周围像素分布的方法解决区域内脱靶问题。结果表明,本算法可准确地提取胸环靶图像中的弹孔,对不同环境有着较高的适应能力。对于大小为640×480的图像,计算时间仅约150 ms,并且可以识别部分重叠的弹孔。  相似文献   

可溶性阳极快速刷镀Ni-P合金镀层结构及性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述Ni P合金快速刷镀液的配方 ,研究可溶化金属阳极电沉积刷镀工艺 ,分析可溶化金属阳极电沉积刷镀层性能。采用可溶化金属阳极在零部件上刷镀Ni P合金具有刷镀层硬度高 ,耐磨性好 ,有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

新型环保烧烤炉不仅可以节省木炭,还能起到减污减排的效果:它采用侧旋风烧烤食物.使产生的一部分油烟注入到炭中继续燃烧可以节省木炭约25%:它利用炭火的余热产生水蒸汽处理另一部分油烟。最终,使我们的产品达到节能减排的效果。  相似文献   

随着电网两个细则的实施,电网对机组的快速响应提出更高的要求.要求机组在锅炉跟随协调方式下能快速地响应电网负荷并保证机组压力和温度的的稳定.为了提高机组在不同负荷段对电网的响应,同时提高低负荷工况经济性,分析配汽与滑压的各种运行方式,寻求机组配汽与滑压运行的最经济结合点,特进行机组滑压曲线优化调整.  相似文献   

This paper shows the complementarity of two methods applied to the analysis of an airborne measurement in the open with two generating sets running. The aim is to identify and characterise the spectral lines. The LABRADOR method was originally developed in order to separate broadband sources in a mixed output. The broadband feature of the issue has to be treated with a narrowband approach in order to keep good coherence assessment between the inputs and the output. This confers the method, the capability to treat both broadband and narrowband phenomena. The LABRADOR method allows to identify the mechanisms corresponding to each line (thanks to a set of microphones located close to the suspected sources), but the accuracy about the frequency is the resolution of the Fourier analysis. So, using the AutoCoherent Spectrum method (ACS) which can be regarded as a single-channel cross-spectrum, allows to characterise the lines with much more accuracy and this way to identify easily the harmonic families.  相似文献   

A study of the plastic response of rings of different materials to different types of dynamic load is presented.

Inertial loading of rings was obtained by allowing heavy lead rings to fall freely on to flat and pointed rigid anvils and impulsive loading was obtained by subjecting stationary lead, copper and aluminium rings to a high-speed bullet or to contact explosives. Heavy mass, low velocity impact loading was obtained by allowing a large tup to freely fall on to the ring. Collision loading was obtained by allowing one ring to fall on to one or two stationary rings.

Two types of approach are employed to analytically investigate the loading of rings. The first is a numerical one which assumes a simple approximate model for the structure of the ring; it reduces the ring to small masses concentrated around the circumference, connected to each other by weightless links possessing the strength properties of the material of the ring. The problem is then reduced to solving the dynamical equations of each mass around the ring with the help of a digital computer. The second is an energy method which utilizes Lagrange's equations for the motion of approximated links within the ring.

Results of each of these approaches are compared with experiments presented in terms of instantaneous deformation obtained from high-speed photographs.  相似文献   

We report here the calibration and analysis techniques used to obtain spatially resolved density and temperature measurements of a pair of imploding aluminum wires from x-ray absorption spectra. A step wedge is used to measure backlighter fluence at the film, allowing transmission through the sample to be measured with an accuracy of ±14% or better. A genetic algorithm is used to search the allowed plasma parameter space and fit synthetic spectra with 20?μm spatial resolution to the measured spectra, taking into account that the object plasma nonuniformity must be physically reasonable. The inferred plasma conditions must be allowed to vary along the absorption path in order to obtain a fit to the spectral data. The temperature is estimated to be accurate to within ±25% and the density to within a factor of two. This information is used to construct two-dimensional maps of the density and temperature of the object plasma.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the problem of eigenvalue assignment in active vibration control by the receptance method using single-input state feedback. It is demonstrated that not only can assignment be applied to the poles of the system but also to the sensitivities of the poles. The approach described has applications particularly in vibration absorption and the detuning of structures to avoid resonance. Insensitivity of the poles to perturbations in the system gains is desirable from the point of view of robust dynamical performance. The perturbation method is applied to a characteristic equation resulting in expressions for the derivatives of the pole eigenvalues with respect to the control gains. The method is based entirely upon measured vibration data in the form of receptances, there being no need to determine or to know the M, C, K matrices. The closed-loop sensitivities are expressed as linear functions of the control gains, thereby making accessible the assignment of the sensitivities to chosen values. For the case of the open-loop system, the method is shown to produce identical results to established eigenvalue sensitivity procedures. It is demonstrated that chosen eigenvalues may be rendered insensitive to all the control gain terms by choice of the distribution vector b. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the working of the technique.  相似文献   

We describe a model selection methodology for partial differential equation (PDE) based models and show the results of applying it to a test problem. A methodology for comparing and choosing simplified models is of benefit to the model development process in metrology. It is assumed that the computational aim is not only to solve the model to obtain the results that the metrologist requires, but also to ensure that the model is no more complex than necessary to achieve this, and that results can be obtained in a reasonable time using the available computing resources. The advantage of the proposed method is that it avoids the need to solve directly the underlying complex model. We present the results of comparisons of four models of the test problem and identify the further work needed to improve the approach and to extend it to a wider range of problems.  相似文献   

Mesogenic fluids (MFs) may have a great potential for technical applications to increase the energy efficiency and to prevent wear. Aim of the present work was to study a homologous series of mesogenic-like fluids to evaluate the influence of the chemical structure on the tribological behavior. Rheological measurements were additionally performed to correlate the tribological properties with the viscosity and flow behavior. Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry measurements were used to characterize the MFs. Furthermore, the surface topography of the wear scar was studied by profilometry. The results were summarized and hence an approach was made to describe the several mechanisms which may lead to the observed tribological results. This work shows that a better understanding of the tribological behavior of these MFs is essential to develop new lubricants.  相似文献   

The ability of a flow meter to respond predictably to the presence of liquid and gas is important to the natural gas industry and to users of steam. In both cases, the gas can become saturated and some liquids can condense in the line. The response of orifice flow meters to the presence of liquids is erratic and produces considerable uncertainty. Turbine flow meters can sustain severe damage when subjected to two phase flow. The slotted orifice flow meter has been developed to address the problem of upstream flow conditioning. This device has been shown to be insensitive to the upstream velocity profile. To further evaluate the flow meter for use by the natural gas industry, the effects of adding liquid to a gas flow upon the meter performance has been investigated by subjecting a slotted orifice flow meter with an equivalent β ratio of 0.50 to a two phase flow consisting of air and water.  相似文献   

The standards of measurement maintained by national standards laboratories in the metrologically more advanced countries may safely be regarded as equivalent for the vast majority of practical applications. In each country industrial laboratories are encouraged to ensure that their measurements have proper traceability to their own national laboratories, and this should in principle ensure compatibility between industrial measurements made in different countries. The compatibility of the measurement systems of different countries is being increasingly questioned, however, as trade in high-technology products and co-production of sophisticated devices increase. Manufacturing companies with excellent measurement accreditation in their own country are being asked to establish direct traceability to foreign standards of measurement and, in effect, to bypass their own national measurement systems. Although a degree of cross-checking and redundancy is always a valid precaution in metrology, the situation should not be allowed to get out of hand. In the case of Australia, requirements for our manufacturers to establish traceability to other than the Australian standards cannot be technically justified except in rare instances. It would be a costly imposition on manufacturers to require them to establish direct traceability to the standards of every country with which they have contracts. Unwarranted requirements for traceability to foreign standards are contrary to the 1979 GATT Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, and tend to undermine the domestic national system of measurement.  相似文献   

Despite the topographic appearance of the image derived from the scanning electron microscope operated in the secondary electron emission mode it is impossible to make linear measurements from single two dimensional micrographs and relate these accurately to distances in the third dimension. This paper describes a stereometer specifically designed for the examination and measurement of stereopair scanning electron micrographs. The new instrument uses rotary encoders attached to the movement of the photo-carriage to register the coordinates of image features in both members of a stereoscopic. These raw data are passed to a microcomputer programmed for the reduction and conversion to real three dimensional values according to the geometry of the projection in scanning electron microscope image. This allows large quantities of data to be collated without the errors and tedium involved in manual collection. The need for rapid data acquisition arose during a study on characterisation of resorption of bone by osteoclasts, where the collection and correlation of large quantities of data were required to permit a statistical interpretation to be made.  相似文献   

The performance of an underactuated hand is mainly determined by its mechanical design. However, the effect of the dimensions of the phalanges and palm and the torques applied to the phalanges by the actuation mechanism to the range of objects that can be successfully grasped is not known. The objective of this paper is to elaborate a method to dimension the main design parameters such that the hand grasps the desired range of objects. This method consists of three steps that calculate (1) boundary conditions to the length of the phalanges and the palm width such that the required object range is enveloped by the fingers; (2) boundary conditions to the torques that have to be applied to the phalanges to achieve equilibrium of the fingers and objects; (3) optimal dimensions of the phalanges, palm and actuation mechanism. It is concluded that the design steps - sustained by analytical equations and graphs to calculate and visualize the relation between the design parameters and the performance - constitute an effective method to design underactuated hands that grasp a large range of object sizes.  相似文献   

In an industrial context where the simulation of the products behavior has become impossible to circumvent, it rises the question of the knowledge necessary to the realization of these simulations and of the knowledge to be transmitted within the framework of the initial training and the adult continuing education to the simulation of product behavior. The current training dissociates the methods and the fields of application of the simulation of the behavior (in term of physics) in order to apprehend them one by one. This paper deals with the question of the knowledge necessary to the achievement of simulation in a design context and aims at bringing a global and complementary point of view to the classical approach. The first part stresses the importance of the simulation in the design of technical products and presents the problems associated with its teaching. An approach is then presented to cover the entire process of simulation and to structure this process in order to improve the ability to teach it. This approach is based on some research dedicated to the traceability and the capitalization of the knowledge generated by the mechanical simulation of the product behavior. Various experiences concerning the training based on this global solution were carried out and feedback on first experiences are presented and open up some prospects.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种简易数控车床纵向伺服进给系统的设计方法,具体包括:总体方案的确定、滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计及计算、传动比的确定、齿轮参数的计算、步进电机的计算及选取等,最后对伺服进给系统控制器的设计给出了一种可行方案。  相似文献   

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