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车身覆盖件冲压成形面畸变缺陷形成机理研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
面畸变是汽车外板冲压成形中一种常见的零件表面缺陷,对整车的外观质量有很大的影响。以车门外板为原型设计车门把手特征件,分别用探针式表面轮廓扫描仪与油石打磨的方法对零件面畸变缺陷进行检测与扫描,从而确定零件面畸变的分布情况。采用有限元仿真的方法对典型面畸变零件的局部变形特点和残余应力分布进行分析,进而对不同面畸变缺陷形成的力学机理分别进行分析。研究结果表明,局部拉弯变形不充分、弯曲与反弯曲效应、平面拉压作用下的局部屈曲共同构成了面畸变缺陷的形成机理。研究结果揭示了面畸变缺陷形成机理的多样性,为解决汽车外板的面畸变问题提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过有限元的方法,对大型TRT蜗壳式焊接机壳在热稳态运行条件下的温度场、应力场以及变形场的分布情况进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明,整个TRT蜗壳在热稳态运行条件下,机壳由于温度载荷的作用产生了热膨胀,机壳上的等效应力值均不大,大部分区域应力在100 MPa以下,在上机壳筋板附近,等效应力值比较集中,筋板上的等效应力值在70 MPa左右,最大值为117 MPa,出现在筋板的局部尖角处。整个机壳最大等效应力为168 MPa,远小于其屈服强度,因此满足强度要求。整体机壳的轴向收缩量较大,机壳在排气室与端板处收缩1.711 mm,变形并不大。因此,在稳态运行过程中,蜗壳的刚度足够。  相似文献   

单点增量成形过程中残余应力分布与成形件的尺寸精度有着密切的联系。该文以圆锥台件为例,采用1060铝板,首先对残余应力方向进行定义,然后分别通过ABAQUS有限元仿真和实验验证对成形件的等效塑性应变和残余应力进行研究,并根据残余应力分布将成形件沿高度方向进行分区研究。结果表明:采用三维实体模型能准确模拟成形件的残余应力分布,成形件中残余应力主要集中在成形区,且垂向残余应力值较小;弯曲过渡区、平面伸长区和底部变形区的横向残余应力的性质由内到外依次为拉-压、压-拉、拉-压,纵向残余应力则均呈拉应力-压应力的变化。  相似文献   

针对某乘用车异形排气管整体制造的难题,开展4系列不锈钢管材包括多向局部加载液力成形新方法的全流程液力成形工艺研究。基于Dynaform有限元模拟软件,建立绕弯成形及液力成形的有限元模型,监测管材壁厚分布的演化规律,进而优化成形工艺参数,开展实验验证。研究结果表明:初始管材直径对液力成形管材壁厚分布影响显著,初始管材直径为54 mm时能很好地满足工艺要求;在纵向加载液力成形阶段,可通过在上模具设计凸筋来实现对管材的局部加载成形,而在横向加载液力成形阶段,内压为48 MPa时可避免管材破裂、折叠等缺陷的产生;此外,局部加载液力成形可导致管材的应力应变状态发生明显改变,变形区管材的壁厚呈现增大趋势,最大减薄率由27.43%降至24.65%,最终零件的最大减薄率为28.05%。实验结果与模拟结果基本吻合,最大偏差值仅为2.89%。  相似文献   

法兰环切口对连接力学行为的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐超  郑晓亚  余绍蓉  张铎 《机械强度》2012,34(2):245-249
按工程简化方法设计的法兰连接结构偏于保守,不能满足结构轻量化的设计要求.根据受载时法兰环中应力分布不均匀的情况,可以通过在法兰环上预制切口提高结构效率,为研究在法兰环上预制切口对连接力学行为的影响,采用三维非线性有限元法,对三种带切口和无切口法兰进行力学分析和讨论.研究结果表明,预制切口对连接力学行为有影响;预制切口后,局部连接刚度改变,法兰弯曲和扭转变形增大,连接面张口间隙和弯曲应力均增大,切口体积是影响上述变化的主要因素;预制切口对接触面应力分布有影响,切口能够改善接触应力的均匀化程度.  相似文献   

本文利用激光诱导热成形技术对5A06铝合金交叉筋壁板进行圆柱面弯曲成型的过程中,根据交叉筋分布位置,对边缘区、筋部及网格区扫描时壁板的多道扫描变形进行实验研究,讨论扫描方式对壁板成形的影响。针对多道扫描过程中非期望变形的累积效应,提出一种扫描纵向加强筋的方法来减小自由端的纵向弯曲程度,并对交叉筋壁板圆柱面弯曲成型的多道扫描流程和扫描策略进行规划,通过成形试验检验策略的有效性。  相似文献   

我厂生产的2DPJ-30型矿绞车齿轮采取滚、剃法,齿面高频淬火工艺。由于齿轮几何形状较特殊(见图1),齿面左侧为空心,右侧有筋板。左侧齿面齿根部壁厚13.25mm,淬火后收缩变形较大,右侧齿面由于筋板的作用变形较小,整个齿面L值呈现出从右向左逐渐缩小的锥形。 L值测量方法是用公法线干分尺,左右测量两点  相似文献   

不锈钢外板对5A06铝合金板材液压胀形行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薄壁曲面铝合金零件整体液压成形时,易发生起皱和破裂缺陷,探讨通过施加外层板能抑制缺陷发生的机理。采用5A06铝合金内层板材和1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢外层板材,对双层板液压胀形行为进行研究。通过塑性理论分析板材液压胀形屈服半径,讨论经向摩擦力及法向压力对板材应力大小的影响;利用数值模拟给出内层板的应力、应变分布;通过双层板液压胀形试验,对比单层板和双层板条件下,铝合金内层板极限胀形高度、极限应变,分析双层板的变形协调性。结果表明:通过施加不锈钢外层板,减小了5A06铝合金内层板顶部位置面内的双向拉应力,减小了内层板变形区应力、应变梯度,使胀形变形更加均匀,胀形高度提高32%,顶部极限应变提高51.7%,极限应变显著提高。  相似文献   

铝合金板在淬火过程中产生较大的残余应力,导致构件出现变形、翘曲。采用准耦合法对7075铝合金板在淬火过程中的温度场和应力场进行数值模拟,利用盲孔法对淬火后的残余应力分布进行实验测量。结果表明,7075铝合金板淬火后残余应力呈现出外压内拉的分布状态,淬火过程中形成的较大温度梯度造成的不均匀塑性变形是应力产生的主要因素,铝板表层和心部冷却速度的变化导致了应力分布状态的转变。实验结果验证了准耦合模拟方法的可行性,研究结论为残余应力控制提供重要依据。  相似文献   

局部加载条件对筋板类构件成形材料流动影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提取并设计了两种能够有效反映筋板类构件成形特点的T形结构。基于DE-FORM有限元软件,研究了局部加载条件(压下区宽度、过渡区宽度、外端约束)对成形过程中材料流动行为的影响规律。结果表明:随着压下区宽度的减小,材料变形行为从镦挤变形模式逐步向剪切变形模式转变;分流线位置随着压下区宽度的减小显著内移,而压下量对其影响不明显;过渡区宽度和外端约束对筋错移、过渡区鼓包和筋充填深度差影响显著。研究结果为筋板类构件成形过程合理局部加载工艺方案的确定提供指导。  相似文献   

Double?roller clamping spinning(DRCS) is a new process for forming a thin?walled cylinder with a complex surface flange. The process requires a small spinning force,and can visibly improve forming quality and production e ciency. However,the deformation mechanism of the process has not been completely understood. Therefore,both a finite element numerical simulation and experimental research on the DRCS process are carried out. The results show that both radial force and axial force dominate the forming process of DRCS. The deformation area elongates along the radial direction and bends along the axial direction under the action of the two forces. Both the outer edge and round corner of the flange show the tangential tensile stress and radial compressive stress. The middle region shows tensile tangential stress and radial stress,while the inner edge shows compressive tangential stress and radial stress. Tan?gential tensile strain causes a wall thickness reduction in the outer edge and middle regions of the flange. The large compressive thickness strain causes material accumulation and thus,an increase in the wall thickness of the round corner. Because of bending deformation,the round corner shows a large radial tensile strain in addition. The inner edge of the flange shows small radial compressive strain and tensile strain in thickness. Thus,the wall thickness on the inner edge of the flange continues to increase,although the increment is small. Furthermore,microstructure analysis and tensile test results show that the flanged thin?walled cylinder formed by DRCS has good mechanical properties. The results provide instructions for the application of the DRCS process.  相似文献   

It is very difficult to forge structural parts that contain thin wedged ribs.Several factors affect the forming of the rib. These include flow stress of the material, applied pressure, friction, rib angle, rib width entrance, rib base radius.To study the effect of these various parameters a mathematical model of the rib formation was postulated and tested.The model is based on elementary analysis. The major part is simulated in axisymmetric conditions and the rib is simulated in plane strain.The model was tested and verified for the isothermal forging of model-parts of impeller-type and for different materials.  相似文献   

内高压成形矩形断面圆角应力分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用力学分析和数值模拟方法对圆角部位在内高压成形过程中的应力分布和变形机理进行分析,揭示出圆角和直边过渡区的减薄以及开裂的力学机理。提出内高压成形中圆角和直边的过渡区材料最易满足塑性屈服条件, 并发生厚度方向的压缩应变,因此在过渡区易发生剧烈的减薄变形;并且当管材壁厚与圆角半径的比值大于0.5 时,直边区和圆角区的屈服条件差别较大,引起变形不均匀性增大,更易导致过渡区的过度减薄和开裂。分析结果有助于指导内高压成形零件设计和工艺设计,改善矩形断面零件内高压成形件产品质量。  相似文献   

基于有限元法对三辊非对称滚弯成形工艺进行了研究,对比分析了三辊非对称滚弯成形和三辊对称滚弯成形过程中,变形区应力场、板材上表面的塑形应变场及卷制力的变化规律。仿真结果表明:侧辊位移进给量相同的工况下,三辊非对称滚弯成形的卷制力大于三辊对称滚弯成形的卷制力;三辊非对称滚弯变形区的纵向应力和径向应力均大于三辊对称滚弯成形的纵向应力和径向应力;三辊非对称滚弯成形板材压弯段的成形质量高于三辊对称滚弯成形的成形质量。最后,经三辊非对称滚弯试验验证,有限元模型的成形误差为6.8%,有较高的精度。  相似文献   

The effects of changing strain-paths on forming limits of aluminum alloy 6111 T4 have been investigated by determining forming limit diagrams (FLDs) of specimens prestrained to several levels in uniaxial, plane strain and biaxial tension, parallel and perpendicular to the prior rolling direction. Prestraining in biaxial tension generally lowers the entire FLD, whereas prestraining in uniaxial tension raises the limits on the right hand side of the FLD without much effect on the left hand side, when the direction of the largest principal strain does not change. If the directions of the principal strains are rotated, prestraining in uniaxial or plane strain tension lowers the forming limits for most of the FLD range.A general finding was that, after prestraining, the amount of the additional plane strain deformation possible before failure depends on the effective strain during prestrain, regardless of the original strain-path. Finally, an example of the importance of strain-path changes in a stamping of an aluminum automobile part is presented.  相似文献   

In order to overcome difficulties in non-uniform thickness distribution and cracking failure during rectangular tube quasi-static hydroforming, a new forming technology, named as electromagnetically assisted hydroforming, is put forward. Both experiment and finite element method were conducted to investigate corner deformability and deformation pattern and its effect mechanisms. Results indicate that both corner deformability and thickness distribution are improved greatly under electromagnetic-assisted hydroforming. The reason is that deformation behavior changed after electromagnetic force application. As electromagnetic force is applied, tine petal cross sections are periodically produced and flattened. Thus, petal-like preform continues to generate and play a useful role in corner filling. Such deformation pattern overcomes friction holding back defect and results in stress state going over from tensile stress to compressive stress, which helps to avoid cracking failure and greatly improve thickness uniformity. At the same time, it also contributes to improve surface quality and decrease forming pressure simultaneously.  相似文献   

Multi-point stretch forming (MPSF) is a new flexible forming technique to form aircraft outer skin parts. The multi-point stretching die (MPSD) replaces the traditional fixed shape stretching die, and the sheet metal is formed over a MPSD composed by the punch element. The MPSD is a discontinuous surface of discrete stretching die, and the stress concentration and local strain occur on formed parts. These lead to generate dimples on the surface of formed part. In this paper, a series of numerical simulations on MPSF processes for stretching parabolic cylindrical, spherical, and saddle-shaped parts were carried out. The local stress and local strain in thickness distribution of MPSF part were analyzed by dispersed the blank into solid elements. The forming results of MPSF were compared with those that use traditional stretch forming, and the influences of thickness of elastic cushion and the size of punch element on the stress concentration and local strain were surveyed. The simulation results show the distribution of local stress and local deformation in different layers, and the elastic cushion and the small size of punch element can reduce the stress concentration and local deformation. The results may understand the stress distribution on the sheet and prevent the defect of dimple.  相似文献   

Tube shear bending is a beneficial technique to realize considerable small bending radii. The authors have investigated the tube shear bending process of circular tubes experimentally. Moreover, an elastoplastic 3D finite element simulation has been conducted, aimed at clarifying the forming mechanism. Both the experiment and simulation results indicate that, in order to perform successful forming, the value of the applied pushing force on the tube must be appropriate. In this paper, the mechanism of defect generation was clarified. Two failure criteria were introduced and employed to recognize the occurrence of defects in the simulation. The effects of the die corner radius, as the main parameter, on the defect generation of circular A1050 aluminum tubes were investigated both by experiments and numerical simulation. From the results, the formability of tube on dies with different corner radii applying various pushing pressures was clarified. Moreover, the influence of the die radius on the dimensional accuracy of the deformed tube regarding cross-section ovality and thickness changes of the deformed tube was evaluated. The results of this study indicate that, whilst a small bending radius results in high cross-section ovality, increasing the die corner radius raises the wrinkling tendency of the tube. However, the die radius has a small effect on the suitable values of pushing pressure required for a successful shear bending deformation. Moreover, the effect of the die corner radius on the thickness strain of the deformed tube is insignificant.  相似文献   

轻量化薄壁型材三维弯曲结构件是高端装备制造业中一种难成形加工的关键零部件。针对此类制件的高精度、低成本的成形需求,提出一种拉弯-压弯相结合的铝合金型材三维弯曲成形工艺,设计多点联动的拉压复合成形单元体结构,通过水平方向由夹钳带动拉弯,垂直方向由各单元体上液压执行机构压弯,实现"W"形三维弯曲零件的成形,并研制成形装备样机。建立分析成形过程及回弹预测的数值仿真模型,通过试验对模型的有效性进行验证,仿真结果与试验结果回弹变形一致,回弹预测最大误差小于15%。此外,研究拉力对矩形截面型材拉压复合成形件回弹变形的影响规律,预拉伸力较补拉伸力对成形件的回弹减小趋势更为明显,当预拉伸力从零达到临界塑性应力s时,总回弹减少了26.81%,为保证成形件不发生截面畸变和破裂等成形缺陷,确定了预拉伸力为s、补拉伸力为0.3s的最优工艺参数。所提出的多点三维拉压复合弯曲成形工艺解决了W形一类型材传统三维拉弯无法实现的多向曲率半径复杂弯曲成形的技术难题,为实现镜面对称结构件的成对一次成形提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

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