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编码器轴系晃动对测角精度影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹艳波  艾华 《光学仪器》2016,38(4):297-302,330
光电轴角编码器作为一种精密测角传感器,其测角精度受到多种因素的影响,其中轴系晃动是影响其精度的主要因素之一。为了研究编码器轴系晃动的规律,利用多种检测方法对轴系晃动进行检测,利用傅里叶谐波数学模型对测量结果进行分析,并结合编码器测角精度检测结果,发现测角精度与轴系晃动的低频谐波之间存在固定的函数关系,采用这种关系可以补偿编码器的测角误差。利用这种方法可以在编码器内部或在线的方式进行实时误差补偿,从而达到提高编码器测角精度的目的。这对相关仪器的测量精度的提高起到一定参考意义。  相似文献   

自准直仪对安放在光电编码器轴系上的多面体进行检测是目前检测光电编码器的测角精度的常用方法之一。为了提高检测效率,根据自准直仪检测原理,对多面体塔差对自准直仪读数的影响进行理论分析;其次,依据偏心产生的原理,分析了多面体安装偏心对检测光电编码器精度的影响,得出了多面体塔差或多面体安装偏心在光电编码器精度检测中,因自准直仪的读数方式不同造成的影响不同。用23面体检测某种型号21位绝对式光电编码器,采用沿自准直仪y轴读数的方式,多面体安装偏心造成的检测误差为Vp-p=7.9″,多面体塔差造成的检测误差Vp-p=0.8″。实验结果表明,自准直仪读数方式不同,多面体塔差和安装偏心造成的检测误差不同,为提高检测效率提供了一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

高分辨力光电轴角编码器分辨力和精度的检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用微动螺杆、斜面、正弦杠杆等四级缩小原理、产生标准的微量角,测量高分辨力光电轴角编码器的分辨力和细分误差,并用直接比较法测定编码器的测角精度和进行数据处理。  相似文献   

车载经纬仪的测量误差修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
载车平台变形会直接导致经纬仪方位旋转轴线产生倾斜,从而影响经纬仪的测角精度。为补偿测角精度,实现活动站测量,通过球面几何推导了平台变形对光电经纬仪测角误差影响的修正公式,利用光电轴角编码器精度高、采样频率高的特性,测量出经纬仪坐标系倾斜,经过坐标变换推导出经纬仪倾斜角和倾斜方向,该测量装置通过时统终端与经纬仪望远系统同时记录测角数据及倾斜数据,从而对测角误差进行修正。实验结果表明,该方法能够实时有效地补偿因平台变形而带来的测角误差,使经纬仪不落地测角精度控制在20″内,为实现高精度车载光电测量提供了一种有效的途径。  相似文献   

单码道绝对式轴角编码器具有分辨力高、结构简单、可靠性强等优点。为实现角度高精度快速识别和细分测量,提出一种基于相位拟合的绝对式编码器角度细分方法。该方法利用最长线性反馈移位寄存器序列(m序列)进行单码道绝对式编码,首先对CCD采样电平信号进行计数,判断码值组合后得到粗码译码数据;接着利用牛顿迭代法实现三角函数拟合从而获取相位信息,并提出基于相位信息的角度细分算法获得细分角度;最后结合粗码数据与细分角度得到角度信息。实验结果表明,提出的新型测角方法测角标准偏差达到4.57″,最小分度误差仅为0.23″,该方法大大提高了分辨力和精度,并且从原理上避免了码盘粗大误差对测角的影响。  相似文献   

为解决现有路面测量方法不能兼顾准确、通用、低成本、便于携带的问题,开发了一种基于逐次二角法的路面形状测量系统。该系统通过距离旋转编码器测量行驶距离,角度旋转编码器测量前后连杆间夹角变化值,通过MATLAB进行数据处理。根据逐次二角法得到了被测路面的断面高程曲线。分析了逐次二角法测量的累积误差、倾角误差、采样间隔误差。该测量系统在实际测量中,测量坡度的相对误差为0.6%,测量圆弧半径的相对误差为0.5%;10m水泥路面的测量中,以水准仪测量的结果为基准,偏差小于3mm。  相似文献   

为了提高超精密角度计量转台的测量精度,对转台所用编码器分度误差与细分误差的校准展开研究。首先,介绍了转台的结构,设计了方便进行相互比对的双角度编码器测角系统并描述了其多读数头布置方式。然后,基于直接比较法与自校准法进行了双编码器分度误差的快速、高精度校准。最后,借助精密电容式位移传感器测量系统,利用比较法检测了两套编码器各读数头的单信号周期测量误差。校准结果显示:采用双读数头均布的第一套编码器的分度误差为±0.27″,细分误差在±0.1″以内;基于四读数头均布方式进行测量的第二套编码器分度误差为±0.17″,细分误差在±0.2″以内;两套编码器的测量精度皆为亚角秒级。双编码器相互比对的校准方式有助于对转台的测角误差进行全面、准确地评估。  相似文献   

多圈光电轴角编码器是一种适用于大量程轴角位移精密测量的光电数字测角仪,其测量范围可超过整周(360°)的几百倍,甚至上千倍.利用多圈光电轴角编码器具有分辨力高、精度高、体积小、量程大以及数字量输出等优点,设计了由高精度齿轮同步带传动机构与16位多圈编码器组合而成的直线位移测量系统,并对系统的测长精度进行了检定.实验结果表明,修正后的系统测长误差低于0.065 mm,可满足中低精度的工业测量要求.  相似文献   

光栅角编码器误差分析及用激光陀螺标校的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文介绍了光栅角编码器的测量原理,对光栅角编码器在使用过程中因安装偏心、安装倾斜、轴承晃动等因素引起的角度测量误差进行了分析,理论分析表明,微小的安装偏心便可引起较大的测角误差,因此,光栅角编码器在实际使用中需要对其进行标校。根据激光陀螺的精度和有分辨率都很高的特点,本文提出了一种用激光陀螺进行光栅角编码器误差测量和标校的新方法,并进行了实验,结果表明,标校后光栅角编码器的测量精度达到了其标称精度。  相似文献   

光电轴角编码器广泛应用于精密角位置的测量、数控及数显系统中,是国内外研究的热点.采用衍射、干涉技术的光电轴角编码器(简称激光编码器)具有结构紧凑、小型化;分辨率和测角精度高;响应频率高等优点.通过对几种激光编码器的成功方案的深入分析,阐述了这项技术的最新进展和所面临的问题.  相似文献   

张海  付伟  高荣杰 《工具技术》2012,46(3):77-80
在机器视觉中为了确定空间三维模型和图像模型之间的几何坐标关系,必须要建立相机的图像几何模型及其参数,这个过程被称为相机的标定。作为最广泛使用的标定方法之一,两步标定法使用了网格板来进行相机的标定。在标定中,相机的多数参数都是通过求解分析方程得到的,然后经过反复迭代得到其他标定参数,使用这种标定方法需要在多个位置拍摄多个图像。本文针对两步标定法进行改进。在改进的方法中,用到了一个呈直角的L形标定板,标定时得到一副包含两个垂直标定图像的图片,之后使用两步标定法进行必要的相机内、外部参数的计算。标定的结果显示误差低于0.7%,能满足要求。  相似文献   

Optical encoders are the preferred choice for position measurement, both linear and angular, when high accuracy is required. Their performance is widely affected by deformation, temperature and vibration. This last aspect is analysed, showing the limitations found in conventional methods of performance evaluation. The determining parameters, such as sweep type, sampling rate, trigger etc. are examined and a final diagram of measuring accuracy versus frequency is presented, where aspects as resonance effects and measuring uncertainty are identified and discussed. Experimental analyses have been made in a commercial linear optical encoder and show that its measuring error is three times its precision, and wide areas of large measuring uncertainty are present in the frequency span. The information obtained through this method can be used to improve encoder design and mounting conditions in the machine, reducing the total error.  相似文献   

单圈绝对式编码器的研制   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
单圈绝对式编码器是国际上新出现的光栅编码技术之一.它突破了传统的光栅编码原理,使用了一种新颖独特的黑白条纹编码方式进行角度测量;它的实现需要融合传感器技术、图像处理技术、计算机控制技术为一体.详细介绍了单圈绝对式编码器的基本原理和理论依据,具体给出了系统硬件设计方法.实验结果充分说明了系统设计及理论依据的正确性.  相似文献   

Germany's National Metrology Institute the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and the DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH (HEIDENHAIN) have conducted and compared measurements using their primary angle standards, which are realized as angle comparators of similar design. A high-resolution digital angle encoder served as the transfer standard for this comparison. Calibrations of the transfer standard by the two angle comparators resulted in an agreement of ±0.002″. The result proved to be consistent with the measurement uncertainties that the participants attributed to their calibration. PTB succeeded, using an additional comparison with a self-calibration method, in improving the measurement uncertainty of its comparator by a factor of 2.5 to 0.002″ (k = 2). The results of both participants demonstrated the suitability of the digital angle encoder as transfer standard for angle measurement comparisons aimed at uncertainties of a few thousandths of an arcsecond.  相似文献   

几何参数误差是影响工业机器人定位精度的主要误差源,约占总误差的80%以上。基于圆点分析法(circle points analysis,CPA)所标定的几何参数与机器人的实际结构相关,并且能够将几何参数误差与其他误差源解耦。研究表明CPA方法的测量策略对其标定精度具有较大影响。针对基于CPA方法的串联工业机器人运动学标定技术的测量策略展开试验研究,分别对各轴测量角度范围、各轴测量步长、初始位姿构型、靶球安装位置等因素进行了分析,并得出一个优化的测量策略。实验结果表明该测量策略能够有效地提升CPA方法的标定精度,误差减少了43.99%,明显优于其他测量方案。通过与误差模型方法对比,经CPA方法标定的机器人具有更好的全局定位精度。  相似文献   

J. López  M. Artés 《Measurement》2011,44(8):1367-1380
The optical linear encoders are the preferred choice sensors for positioning machine tools’ moveable parts. Machine tools’ errors have been traditionally focused on the analysis and performance of the machine tool structure until recent works have treated the encoder itself as a source of error. Encoder error quantification has been done for several mounting conditions in static situations, but there is a lack of information regarding the performance of the encoder under dynamic solicitations. The aim of this work is to analyze the loss of accuracy of the sensor because of vibration for different mounting conditions. A finite element model of encoder has been developed and experimental results have been analyzed using this model.  相似文献   

A method using the ‘closure principle’ is developed for precision calibration of rotary scale errors of gear measurement machines and precision calibration of gear tooth index errors (accumulated tooth-spacing errors) after ‘removal’ of rotary scale errors. The method uses the standard machine procedure for measuring gear tooth index errors applied to a spur gear artifact mounted between machine centers. Therefore, the rotary scale calibrations include consistent effects arising from eccentricities of machine gear-mounting centers and scale-mounting center relative to the instantaneous axis of table rotation, wobble of the instantaneous axis of table rotation, as well as scale graduation errors, etc. Gear-artifact index errors are referenced to the axis connecting the mounting centers located on the gear. Successful implementation of the method does not require super precision of the gear artifact. A method for obtaining approximate uncertainties (standard deviations) of both scale and index error calibrations is developed that utilises the same measurement data required for the scale and index error calibrations. The developed methods are illustrated by applications to scale and index error calibrations obtained from multiple sets of measurements. Typical standard deviations achieved are under 0.05 μm (1/10th of the wavelength of light). Good consistency is achieved between predicted and measured results. The general methods developed should be useful for other types of rotary axis calibrations.  相似文献   

For the implementation of industrial robots in a CIM environment, it is necessary to be able to position their end effectors to an abstractly defined cartesian position with desired accuracy. In other words, it is necessary to find accurate actuator command values corresponding to given goal positions which are expressed with respect to a certain coordinate frame. If the teaching-by-doing method is used, very accurate actuator command values are obtained from transducer readings. For the case when the goal poitions are mathematically expressed, however, the actuator command values for the goal positions must be calculated using robot kinematics. It is, however, well known that the position errors in the order of 10mm is not unusual while many industrial goal position and the position where a robot is actually controlled. To reduce the position errors, many researchers proposed calibration methods which are based on robot kinematic identification. However, those methods are quite complex and require an accurate position measuring device. In this paper, a new method which does not require the accurate kinematic identification, is appropriatly altered based on the available encoder readings of the several reference frames. To demonstrate the simplicity and the effectiveness of the method, computer simulations as well as experimental studies are performed and their results are discussed.  相似文献   

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