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This paper presents the results of a series of interviews with large industrial energy users in the UK held between October 1975 and January 1976, and is part of an ongoing study on industrial energy use. The aim is to cast light on the factors affecting current and future patterns of industrial energy use, and the medium term prospects of the individual fuels. Oil will probably remain the residual industrial fuel in the medium term but natural gas will continue to increase its share of the market, perhaps leading to an absolute decline in the consumption of other fuels unless there is government intervention in depletion policy.  相似文献   

The paper describes energy use in a particular heavy engineering workshop and investigates the consequences of possible improvements to lighting, to the thermal performance of the building and to the means of distribution of power. Comparisons are made with previous work done on other factories engaged in engineering. A method of describing the economic potential of energy conservation as an element of energy strategy is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper examines household energy use and appliance ownership in Ireland. Logit regression analyses on a large micro-dataset reveal how household characteristics can help explain the ownership of energy using appliances. Using OLS regression models, we explore the factors affecting residential energy demand conditional on appliance ownership. Results suggest that the methods of space and water heating employed by a household are even more important than electrical appliances in explaining domestic energy usage. However, the stock of appliances must be included in such models so that results will not be biased. The methods employed in this paper can be easily adopted for studies of household energy use in other countries where household expenditure survey data are available.  相似文献   

Energy recovery from high temperature slags   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. Barati  S. Esfahani  T.A. Utigard 《Energy》2011,36(9):5440-5449
Molten slags represent one of the largest untapped energy sources in metal manufacturing operations. The waste heat of slags amounting to ∼220 TWh/year at temperatures in the range of 1200–1600 °C, presents an opportunity to lower the energy intensity of metal production. Currently, three types of technologies are under development for utilizing the thermal energy of slags; recovery as hot air or steam, conversion to chemical energy as fuel, and thermoelectric power generation. The former route is most developed with its large scale trials demonstrating recovery efficiencies up to 65%. The latter two are emerging as the next generation methods of waste heat recovery. An evaluation of these methods shows that for both thermal and chemical energy recovery routes, a two-step process would yield a high efficiency with minimal technical risk. For thermoelectric power generation, the use of phase change materials appears to solve some of the current challenges including the mismatch between the slag temperature and operating range of thermoelectric materials.  相似文献   

We examine the potential for energy-conservation for appliance use, technoeconomic systems and social organizations in India.  相似文献   

The energy performances of 20 commercial buildings, covering the common types found in Hong Kong, have been studied. The monthly electricity billing data as well as the results from computer modeling were analyzed. Energy signatures for the commercial buildings were found by a method similar to PRISM. Correlation equations of energy use with building envelope parameters, such as OTTV, building size, envelope heat gain, and the annual chiller-load were derived. The results are useful for building envelope design, energy audit, and legislative control of energy use in commercial buildings.  相似文献   

The 1975 electric bill for propulsion in the New York City subway system was close to 90 million dollars. This paper addresses the question of how a subway motorman should run his train in order to minimize this energy consumption. It is shown that using maximum acceleration followed at the appropriate time by coasting, and then braking at the maximum acceptable rate, gives a particularly low energy consumption for typical subway trains (although slightly different velocity profiles can be better under appropriate circumstances). This velocity profile is relatively easy to implement, and has now been proved effective in experimental tests. As a result of recommendations reported here, the New York City Transit Authority ran idealized tests of the profile, followed by recently completed tests in revenue service which demonstrated an 18.4 per cent decrease in energy consumption using a daily weighted increase of 4.25 per cent in trip time. This paper also evaluates the energy saved using an alternative method involving equipment modification for field shunting in the series mode.  相似文献   

Energy data for Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, and Yemen are selected to study energy efficiency in the Arab countries. Energy consumption in five sectors (namely, power generation, industry, transportation, agriculture, and the residential and commercial sectors) is analysed for these countries and compared with that in the remaining Arab countries. Energy flow charts are constructed and energy efficiencies determined. Finally, selected energy-conservation measures are highlighted for the specified sectors.  相似文献   

The methods for effectiveness estimation of metallurgical processes by energy and exergy efficiencies are described. The concepts of idealized analogues of real processes and minimum necessary (theoretical) energy/exergy consumption are suggested. The results of studies on rolled steel, aluminum, copper, lead and zinc production are presented.  相似文献   

A package of six fully interactive energy software programs was developed for educational use. The first three programs can be used to simulate energy systems, while the rest three can be used to calculate some characteristic values, which can be used separately or in conjunction with the first three programs. The first one is a multimedia program for an active solar hot water system. It accounts for a large number of parameters and can be used to investigate their effect on the thermal efficiency of the system. The second program is a transient simulation for thermal behavior of a building. It can be used to predict the temperature and relative humidity inside a building along with the heating/cooling load required to keep the temperature at a preset point. The third program has been developed for sizing solar thermal systems. The fourth program is a graphical representation of the apparent motion of the sun on the celestial vault. The fifth program calculates the thermophysical properties of a number of gases and liquids for a desired temperature. The sixth program represents graphically the psychrometric chart. The above-mentioned programs, are useful tools for education in energy, suitable for high school students and Universities. It can also be used for an extensive set of exercises in the tertiary education sector.  相似文献   

Energy use efficiency in greenhouse tomato production in Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient use of energy in agriculture is one of the conditions for sustainable production. In the present study energy use pattern for tomato production in Iran was investigated and a non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique was applied to analyze the technical and scale efficiencies of farmers with respect to energy use for crop production. The energy use pattern indicated that diesel, electricity and chemical fertilizers are the major energy consuming inputs for tomato production in the region. Moreover, the results of DEA application revealed that of the average pure technical, technical and scale efficiencies of farmers were 0.94, 0.82 and 0.86, respectively. Also the results revealed that by adopting the recommendations based on the present study, on an average, about 25.15% of the total input energy could be saved without reducing the tomato yield.  相似文献   

We have studied energy use for heating circular spas, with diameters between 6 and 8 ft and a volume-to-surface area ratio of 10 gal/ft2, in San Diego County. Energy use and costs may be minimized by using spa covers which have cost-payback periods of 2–22 months; heaters should only be used to reheat spas prior to and during use; energy costs will be reduced by shortening use periods and lengthening intervals between spa uses. Quantitative estimates are given for several spa-use scenarios. The methodology employed in this analysis is generally applicable to the heating of water bodies.  相似文献   

The global trading of perishable goods is possible through the application of product refrigeration and atmospheric control during transportation. A mean energy consumption rate of 2.7 kW/TEU was assumed in this study, but was found to have potential variations of around ±60%. New Zealand’s maritime trade was considered as a case study for the year 2007 to place the effect of refrigerated transport in context. For individual refrigerated containers, approximately 19% of the energy use related to its journey is used for refrigeration purposes. In 2007, approximately 18% and 61% of New Zealand’s imported and exported food products by mass, respectively, required some form of refrigeration during transportation. Maintaining the refrigerated state of imports and exports to and from New Zealand during maritime transportation consumed approximately 280 GWh of electricity. Assuming all this electricity was generated onboard vessels using auxiliary engines, approximately 61 kt of fuel was consumed and 190 kt of CO2 produced. Refrigeration is of particular importance to the many greenhouse gas or carbon footprinting studies conducted around the world. Implications are discussed in the context of greenhouse gas emissions from the transport of apples from NZ to the UK and long-term storage of UK apples.  相似文献   

Rodney A. Bailey 《Energy》1984,9(8):661-666
In 1981, Monroe County residents sent more than $0.75 × 109 to other states and countries for energy purchases. As with most areas in the energy poor, frost-belt states of the northeastern United States, these energy costs have increased precipitously since the 1973–1974 OPEC embargo to a point today where they constitute a serious financial drain for the community. It is projected that by 1988 close to $1 × 109 will be needed for energy purchases. Energy conservation will save money and create jobs, as will production of local energy. Because of the job-creation differential for capital invested in large centralized energy facilities vs local, dispersed-energy projects, Monroe County could employ at least five people locally in energy-conservation jobs for each person that might be employed in a major petroleum- or utility-related job in some other region. By increasing energy efficiency only 10%, Monroe County could create 5000–10,000 jobs. To achieve these efficiency gains, a comprehensive energy plan convering all sectors of energy consumption must be devised, adopted, and implemented. A key element in such a plan would be a financing scheme to enable residents to make energy-efficiency improvements at little or no overall cost.  相似文献   

The amount of energy consumed relative to a given amount of output (the energy consumption/GDP ratio) varies substantially among selected industrial countries and over time within the same country. Associated with these differences are differences in energy supply systems, composition of output, energy prices, physical characteristics and tastes. Past experience suggests that if energy consumption is to be moderated in line with stated conservation aims, stronger energy pricing and conservation policies will be needed.  相似文献   

杨志彬 《太阳能》2005,(6):35-36
众所周知,太阳热水器是依靠太阳辐射能加热水的装置。热水产出量和温度高低直接受日照状况的影响。因此,人们称太阳热水器的运行情况是。春夏秋冬不一样,晴天雨天不一样,早上晚上不一样,使用前后不一样”。冬季由于日照高度角低、环境温度低,再加上自身的散热损失增大,有人说,太阳热水器冬天好用才好用,冬天好用是标准!  相似文献   

Jyoti K. Parikh 《Energy》1978,3(5):631-637
This paper focuses on the present use of energy in the developing countries in order to estimate the energy required for subsistence-level activities and to see how much surplus is available for economically productive activities, taking into account both commercial and non-commercial (firewood, farmwaste) sources of energy. The energy required for subsistence is estimated to be in the range of 0.3 to 0.4 tce per capita. The consumption of most low income groups countries is below this level if only commercial energy is considered. Relations are derived to explain the uses of each of these energy forms in terms of economic and demographic variables from a sample of 82 countries. These relations are then employed to show that the dependence on non-commercial energy is likely to continue beyond 2000 AD and that, inspite of the annual rise of commercial energy consumption by 6%, the improvements in per capita consumption are small because of an increase in population and a decrease in per capita non-commercial energy.  相似文献   

In 1996, China manufactured just over 100 Mt of steel and became the world's largest steel producer. Official Chinese energy consumption statistics for the steel industry include activities not directly associated with the production of steel, ‘double-count’ some coal-based energy consumption, and do not cover the entire Chinese steelmaking industry. In this paper, we make adjustements to the reported statistical data in order to provide energy use values for steel production in China that are comparable to statistics used internationally. We find that for 1996, official statistics need to be reduced by 1365 PJ to account for non-steel production activities and double-counting. Official statistics also need to be increased by 415 PJ in order to include steelmaking energy use of small plants not included in official statistics. This leads to an overall reduction of 950 PJ for steelmaking in China in 1996. Thus, the official final energy use value of 4018 PJ drops to 3067 PJ. In primary energy terms, the official primary energy use value of 4555 PJ is reduced to 3582 PJ when these adjustments are made.  相似文献   

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