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<正>俄国画家马列维奇是"至上主义"抽象绘画流派的创始者,其绘画作品简约而纯粹,以最简单的形式——方块展现出艺术家丰富的感情世界,探索了形体、色彩与空间的关系。而同样善于运用几何形态的西班牙雕塑家奥泰萨的风格则显得冷静而克制,其雕塑作品通常看起来虚幻而抽象,没有强烈的情感表现,以高度理性化的手法展现出一种"虚无"的艺术境界。二人所专注的领域虽有不同,但他们的作品都在关注形式与其所在空间之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   
The separation of iron oxide from banded hematite jasper(BHJ) assaying 47.8% Fe, 25.6% Si O2 and 2.30%Al2O3 using selective magnetic coating was studied. Characterization studies of the low grade ore indicate that besides hematite and goethite,jasper, a microcrystalline form of quartzite, is the major impurity associated with this ore. Beneficiation by conventional magnetic separation technique could yield a magnetic concentrate containing 60.8% Fe with 51% Fe recovery. In order to enhance the recovery of the iron oxide minerals, fine magnetite, colloidal magnetite and oleate colloidal magnetite were used as the coating material. When subjected to magnetic separation, the coated ore produces an iron concentrate containing 60.2% Fe with an enhanced recovery of56%. The AFM studies indicate that the coagulation of hematite particles with the oleate colloidal magnetite facilitates the higher recovery of iron particles from the low grade BHJ iron ore under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   
Covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs) have been recently employed for visible light-driven photocatalysis due to their unique optical and electronic properties. However, the usually highly hydrophobic nature of CTFs, which originates from their overall aromatic backbone, leads to limitations of CTFs for applications in aqueous media. In this study, we aim to extend the range of the application media of CTFs and design hybrid material of a CTF and mesoporous silica (SBA-15) for efficient photocatalysis in aqueous medium. A thiophene-containing CTF was directly synthesized in mesopores of SBA-15. Due to the high surface area and the added hydrophilic properties by silica, the hybrid material demonstrated excellent adsorption of organic molecules in water. This leads not only to high photocatalytic performance of the hybrid material for the degradation of organic dyes in water, but also for efficient photocatalysis in solvent-free and solid state. Furthermore, the reusability, stability and easy recovery of the hybrid material offers promising metal-free heterogeneous photocatalyst for broader applications in different reaction media.  相似文献   
The critical properties of the mixed manganite La0.67–x Y x Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3 with x=0.10 and x=0.15 around the paramagnetic(PM)-ferromagnetic(FM) phase transition were investigated through various techniques. These involved modified Arrott plots, Kouvel-Fisher method and Widom scaling relation. Magnetic data, analyzed in the critical region, using the above methods, yielded the critical exponents for(x=0.10) La0.57Y0.10Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3(β=0.312±0.002 and γ=1.147±0.003 at T C=299.23±0.05 K). Moreover, the estimated critical exponents of(x=0.15) La0.52Y0.15Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3 were β=0.286±0.004 and γ=0.943±0.002 at T C=289.53±0.06 K. The critical exponents’ values were close to the theoretical values of 3D-Ising model and tricritical mean-field model. These results suggested that the present composition should be close to a tricritical point in the La0.67–x Y x Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3 phase diagram. Expressing the field dependence as ΔS M∝H n allowed us to establish a relationship between the exponent n and the critical exponents of the material and to propose a phenomenological universal curve for the field dependence of ΔS M.  相似文献   
在地质钻探和石油钻井中,钻头都是非常重要的钻进工具。其技术特性,特别是硬度和耐磨性与钻探的技术经济指标,即与机械钻速、钻头进尺和每米钻探成本直接相关。为了提高钻头的工作性能,俄罗斯南方国立技术大学提出了综合低温淬火、磁化回火处理钻头的方法。经过综合处理后,钻头体、复合片底座和钎焊层的硬度分别提高了30%、3%和22%。野外钻进试验结果表明,经过低温液态氮和磁化综合处理的与未经综合处理的钻头相比,每次试验钻头进尺都有提高,总体上钻头进尺提高了22.2%,取得了很好的钻进效果。并对取得的效果进行了X射线和显微技术分析。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionMaterialswithPhotonicBandGaps (PBG’s)havebeenwidelystudiedboththeoreticallyandex perimentallyinthepastfew years[1~ 4] .Theexis tenceofgaps,which prohibitthepropagationofelectromagnetic (EM )wavesinacertainrangeoffrequencies,canhavesignificantimpactsbothinsci enceandtechnology .Manypracticalapplicationsofthesestructureshavebeensuggestedanddemon strated ,suchasPhotonicCrystal (PC)microcavi ties[5] ,infraredPC[6] ,PClens[7] ,suppressingspontaneousemission ,manipulatinglight…  相似文献   
现代制造业中采用大型自动化进行控制,以及可重复、精确再现生产步骤,并且替代了过去各自直接的换热,不同介质之间间接加热、冷却的工序。取而代之的是在热处理工艺过程中采用换热器设备。这一工艺概念在近25年。已被西方国家广泛认可。本文将介绍换热设备的基本结构,通过与传统加热系统对比以及一些工业应用的实例。来说明换热设备的长处和不足。  相似文献   
在这个泛偶像的时代,有太多风采照人、气质高雅的“星”和学富五车、雄韬伟略的“家”,他们固然值得仰望和崇拜;但是,这也是一个反偶像的时代,当正统的“偶像文化”被推到极致后,许多人产生“审美疲劳”,他们开始有意识地颠覆传统,告别英雄、躲避崇高。“芙蓉姐姐”的出现和风起云涌正是如此:“她颠覆了理想型偶像的高大全假大空,掏出大众心中的真、小乃至庸常的一面,甚至以反讽、自嘲的面目出现。”殊途同归的是,在民众的集体狂欢之后,所谓的反偶像,最终又走上了炮制偶像的路子——在博客江湖,一切成为平民的现实:一个渺小的,甚至和明星毫无关联的  相似文献   
2006年6月7日,以"创新科技,超越未来"为主题的"2006英特尔中国研究论坛"在北京召开.来自国内一流高校的600多位博士及硕士研究生,与英特尔公司的多位院士、高级科学家以及国内著名专家济济一堂,在浓郁的学术氛围中,共同交流IT业界前沿核心技术的研究进展.英特尔资深院士兼通信技术实验室总监Kevin Kahn博士展示了公司在无线通信领域的最新研发进展,包括英特尔在单一平台上支持更多无线通信数量所进行的技术和行业标准开发.  相似文献   
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