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强度折减系数既是基于强度抗震设计的关键,又是基于性态抗震设计的基础.本文以近十年来国内外的相关研究成果为基础,分析总结了对强度折减系数影响因素的研究进展,并对尚需进一步研究的问题进行归纳.  相似文献   
为充分实现框架结构的“强柱弱梁”耗能机制,需要考虑填充墙、现浇T形截面梁及其翼缘现浇板内与梁肋平行配置的钢筋对结构整体超强系数的影响。考虑抗震设防烈度、结构层数等因素,严格按我国抗震规范设计了15个典型钢筋混凝土框架结构,对结构进行Pushover 分析,得到了各种结构在非弹性阶段由于内力重分布而形成的超强性能。结果表明:结构设计考虑填充墙、现浇楼板的影响,会提高结构的整体超强能力,结构整体超强系数均随着抗震设防烈度的增高而减小,且先随结构层数的增大而减小,结构层数大于8层后,又随结构的层数的增大而增大。可以保守地认为,分别按抗震设防烈度6,7,8度设计的结构,同时考虑填充墙和现浇板影响时,结构整体超强系数分别至少要达到5.0,3.0,2.0。  相似文献   
李志明 《钢结构》2003,18(2):62-64,27
20 0 2年 1月 31日 ,美国钢结构协会 (AISC)和AISC规范委员会正式批准发布《钢结构建筑抗震设计规定》。在此 ,重点介绍该“规定”中“钢结构建筑”部分的第 1、3~ 7各个章节的主要内容 ,包括“规定”适用的范围、荷载、材料及节点连接等 ,对有关内容做了必要的说明。其他章节内容将在后续介绍中与读者共飨。  相似文献   
抗震混凝土框架结构的梁、柱剪力增大系数是保证结构抗震安全性的关键指标之一。中国结构设计规范对各抗震等级的剪力增大系数取值作了规定,但却未见有关实际控制效果的研究成果发表。按照现行设计规范设计了3个规则空间框架结构算例,分别位于设防烈度7度(0.15g)区、8度(0.20g)区和9度(0.40g)区。对每个算例进行罕遇地震作用下的非弹性动力反应分析,以不少于90%的梁、柱满足"罕遇地震作用剪力"小于"平均强度抗震抗剪能力"为标准,判断剪力增大系数取值的有效性。当不满足该标准时,调整剪力增大系数取值,直到满足上述标准。结果表明,现行结构设计规范对框架梁取用的剪力增大系数有效,可继续使用;框架柱剪力增大系数取值,在一级抗震等级时过大,在二、三级抗震等级时不满足上述标准。建议了两套柱剪力增大系数的取值方案。  相似文献   
In this paper, nonlinear static pushover analyses were carried out to assess the capacity and collapse mechanism of two existing transmission towers under wind loading. Different load distribution patterns were adopted from the application of the codified design wind load of the following countries: Mexico, United States, India, Japan and the New Zealand – Australian Code. Three-dimensional inelastic response analyses were performed using open access software. Analyses were employed to define the capacity curves, stress-strain curves for structural elements, the yielding mapping sequences and the collapse mechanisms, and to evaluate the influence of the tower body deformation and to assess the theoretical overstrength and ductility capacities. Results show a damage concentration, which leads to a fragile collapse mechanism with important strength reserves and a non-uniform distribution of yielding within the tower height. Since the collapse mechanism is not compatible with the desired performance inherent to the design philosophy, recommendations for the design stage are proposed, which pretend to ensure that the inelastic behaviour be consistent with the goals implicit in a code-based design to prevent tower collapses.  相似文献   
The paper investigates the influence of the link overstrength factor on the seismic behaviour of eccentrically braced frames designed in accordance with capacity design principles. To this end, systems characterised by different level number and link length are designed according to the force-based approach, by either static or modal analysis. In order to correctly evaluate the ability of structures to develop global collapse mechanisms characterized by remarkable exploitation of the deformation capacity of links, incremental dynamic analyses are carried out with reference to either deterministic or random values of yield strength. While the first analyses are intended to lead to the conventional evaluation of the seismic response of EBFs, those referred to random values of yield strength are carried out to achieve a more correct verification of the capacity design principles and a deep comprehension of the sensitivity of the structural response to real strength distributions. On the basis of such results, the study also permits a critical analysis of the values of the behaviour factor generally proposed by building codes with reference to this structural typology.  相似文献   
结构影响系数主要包括延性折减系数和超强系数。给出了按我国抗震规范设计的几个典型抗弯钢框架结构,采用弹塑性时程分析方法确定了结构的整体能力曲线。考虑了结构层数、跨数等对结构延性和超强能力的影响,给出了在典型地震波作用下的各结构的结构影响系数值。建议在我国的结构抗震设计中,抗弯钢框架的结构影响系数最小值可取4。  相似文献   
The concentrically braced frame (CBF) suffered from low dissipating energy capacity although it pertains to a high lateral elastic stiffness and ultimate strength. To overcome the shortcoming, in this paper, an innovative damper made of two butterfly-shaped plates installed at the end of the diagonal member of the CBF was considered experimentally and numerically. Also, the required equations were presented to design the system. In an experimental study, the damper showed stable hysteresis loops without any degradation in stiffness and strength up to a rotation of 12% (0.12 rad). This rotation capacity is 50% greater than the AISC limitation. Also, the numerical study indicated that by increasing the angle of main plates, the structural parameters are improved as ultimate strength (Fu), 47% to 90%; stiffness (K), 64% to 97%; energy absorption (E), 23% to 11%; and overstrength (Ω), 59% to 96%. By reduction of the damper's height, the parameters Fu, K, E, and Ω are increased by 47% to 76%, 23% to 64%, 49% to 93%, and 23% to 27%, respectively. Moreover, although the geometry of the damper affected the elastic stiffness, the stiffness in the nonlinear zone was independent of the geometry of the damper. Correspondingly, the slenderness limitations were suggested as 15 for height to thickness ratio and 22 for wide to thickness ratio.  相似文献   
抗震混凝土框架结构的梁、柱剪力增大系数是保证结构抗震安全性的关键指标之一。中国结构设计规范对各抗震等级的剪力增大系数取值作了规定,但却未见有关实际控制效果的研究成果发表。按照现行设计规范设计了3个规则空间框架结构算例,分别位于设防烈度7度(0.15g)区、8度(0.20g)区和9度(0.40g)区。对每个算例进行罕遇地震作用下的非弹性动力反应分析,以不少于90%的梁、柱满足“罕遇地震作用剪力”小于“平均强度抗震抗剪能力”为标准,判断剪力增大系数取值的有效性。当不满足该标准时,调整剪力增大系数取值,直到满足上述标准。结果表明,现行结构设计规范对框架梁取用的剪力增大系数有效,可继续使用;框架柱剪力增大系数取值,在一级抗震等级时过大,在二、三级抗震等级时不满足上述标准。建议了两套柱剪力增大系数的取值方案。  相似文献   
对结构超强进行了大量研究,结果表明多自由度体系在地震作用下存在明显超强,根据其研究成果和震害经验的总结,得出国外不少抗震设计规范对结构类型和超静定次数的不同考虑了不同程度的超强,而我国在这方面的研究成果相对较少,规范也未对此做出相关规定的结论。  相似文献   
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