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面向车载网的基于AODV优化路由协议的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶波 《电子技术应用》2014,40(12):110-114
车载网VANETs(Vehicular ad hoc networks)属于新型的通信模型,其可实现车间通信和车与基础设施通信。由于VANETs节点密度动态变化,节点的快速移动、移动模型的局限性等特点,为VANETs的数据传输提出挑战。鉴于此,提出优化的按需距离矢量AODV(Ad Hoc On demand Distance Vector)方案IAODV(Improved AODV)。在城市环境中,AODV在端到端传输时延、数据包丢失率方向性能较差。为此,IAODV采用限定源节点的路由跳数,降低AODV的端到端传输时延,同时为源节点提供备份路由,从而改善数据包丢失率。仿真结果表明,与AODV协议相比,IAODV在端到端传输时延、数据包丢失率得到有效提升。  相似文献   
彭鑫  申巧巧  李文  刘志鹏 《软件学报》2016,27(S1):59-70
在稀疏交通环境下,车联网的数据转发机会较少,车辆携带数据时间较长,从而造成较大的数据传输时延.针对该问题,提出了基于车辆轨迹信息的数据转发协议(data dissemination based on trajectory,简称DDBT).协议采用“携带+连通组件”思想,通过分析双向交通路段延迟特征,建立了端对端传输延迟模型,提出了在路口接入点协助下基于最小传输延迟期望的车辆留存副本多径转发原则.理论分析及仿真实验结果表明,提出的DDBT协议在稀疏交通环境下表现出较好的数据传输延迟性能.  相似文献   
车联网节点高速移动、拓扑动态变化的特性给数据传输提出挑战。为此,充分利用车辆的移动模型、车辆速度和车辆密度等信息,提出了基于蚁群优化算法的移动感知区域VANET路由(Mobility Aware Zone based Ant Colony Optimization Routing for VANET,MAZACORNET)。MAZACORNET属于多路径的混合路由协议。该协议首先利用蚁群优化算法在节点间寻找多路径,用以辅助断裂链路的数据传输。同时,将网络分为多个区域。在区域内使用先应式路由方案寻找路由,而区域间利用局部信息,引用反应式路由方案去建立路由,从而降低了数据风暴以及拥塞率。仿真结果表明,MAZACORNET在车辆密集环境表现出良好性能。与其他路由方案相比,MAZACORNET具有较高的数据传输率和较低的传输时延。  相似文献   
车载网VANETs(vehicular ad hoc networks)的路由协议中总是存在VANETs恶意节点试图破坏消息的正常传递。为此,对车载网无信标路由算法BRAVE(beacon-less routing algorithm for vehicular environments)进行改进,提出一种带协作式监视节点的安全路由算法S-BRAVE。在公钥基础设施PKI(public key infrastructure)的基础上,引用证书交互策略,对消息加载证书并传递过程中进行验证;在路由协议中设置协作式监视节点监视消息的传递,如消息不能传递到目的节点,该节点将担任传递消息的任务,同时调整BRAVE内消息格式使得S-BARVE能防御选择性转发攻击;将S-BRAVE与BRAVE协议在分组投递率、开销和端到端时延等性能方面进行对比。实验结果表明,S-BRAVE的分组投递率提升50%,考虑到开销和时延等方面,S-BARVE适用于大范围节点密集环境。  相似文献   
Vehicular ad‐hoc networks (VANETs) play a vital role in today's context of vehicular traffic. In this paper, clusters of vehicles are created on the basis of average speed of the vehicles. One cluster communicates with the next cluster through a cluster head and also share the same information with next cluster heads and installed road side units (RSUs). By using this technique, we can solve the problem of rough driving behavior and road terrorism which is due to speed variation of vehicles and fake information dissemination by the drivers. Many a times, drivers may spread fake accident‐related information into the network which is a serious cause of concern in VANETs. It is ensured that such drivers are not allowed to spread wrong information in the network to avoid accidents. To solve this problem, we developed performance enhancement of traffic information gathering (PEnTInG) algorithm that selects only those drivers/vehicles as cluster heads in a cluster who has maximum value of the cluster head factor (CHF). The CHF is derived by considering different weights in range of 0 to 1 of relative average speed, time to leave, trust factor, and neighborhood degree. Further, the elected cluster head shares and stores the same information with the RSUs. In case, a driver wants to disseminate fake or wrong information in a network, then that vehicle driver can be easily tracked by the local authority by accessing RSU data. Simulation results show that the stability of PEnTInG is increased by 25% against the existing schemes viz. lowest‐ID, MCMF, and cluster‐based technique.  相似文献   
Extensive investigation has been performed in location-centric or geocast routing protocols for reliable and efficient dissemination of information in Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs). Various location-centric routing protocols have been suggested in literature for road safety ITS applications considering urban and highway traffic environment. This paper characterizes vehicular environments based on real traffic data and investigates the evolution of location-centric data dissemination. The current study is carried out with three main objectives: (i) to analyze the impact of dynamic traffic environment on the design of data dissemination techniques, (ii) to characterize location-centric data dissemination in terms of functional and qualitative behavior of protocols, properties, and strengths and weaknesses, and (iii) to find some future research directions in information dissemination based on location. Vehicular traffic environments have been classified into three categories based on physical characteristics such as speed, inter-vehicular distance, neighborhood stability, traffic volume, etc. Real traffic data is considered to analyze on-road traffic environments based on the measurement of physical parameters and weather conditions. Design issues are identified in incorporating physical parameters and weather conditions into data dissemination. Functional and qualitative characteristics of location-centric techniques are explored considering urban and highway environments. Comparative analysis of location-centric techniques is carried out for both urban and highway environments individually based on some unique and common characteristics of the environments. Finally, some future research directions are identified in the area based on the detailed investigation of traffic environments and location-centric data dissemination techniques.  相似文献   
为提高车载自组织网络(vehicular Ad hoc networks, VANETs)中消息投递的效率, 提出了一种社会感知多副本车载自组织网络机会路由协议(SAMOR)。协议结合了车载自组织网络中节点的社会性特点和多副本路由方案的优势, 采用携带—存储—转发的机会路由方式进行消息投递。利用节点间的相遇历史区分社区节点和全局节点, 并使用所提出的节点社区中心性和网络中心性的度量方法, 得到了节点的效用。在路由过程的扩散阶段, 节点间按效用分配副本, 在转发阶段, 副本继续向效用高的节点转发。仿真结果表明, SAMOR实现了较高的消息投递成功率和较低的延迟。  相似文献   
分析了现有车用自组织网络(VANETs)的路由算法,提出一种新的基于三角模糊数的机会路由算法。新算法将转发结点距离目标结点的距离、到达目标结点的方向、行驶速度向量、重传次数、车流状况等因素作为目标函数进行分析计算,采用熵权系数法确定各因素权重。路由过程中,贪婪选择向量值最大的节点转发数据包;遇到网络不连续时,将采用“存储-携带-转发”的机会路由策略。仿真结果表明,该算法能够较好的适用于VANETs各种场景。  相似文献   
随着智能交通系统(ITS)的建立,车载自组织网络(VANETs)在提高交通安全和效率方面发挥着重要的作用。由于车载自组织网络具有开放性和脆弱性特点,容易遭受各种安全威胁与攻击,这将阻碍其广泛应用。针对当前车载自组织网络传输中数据的认证性与完整性,以及车辆身份的隐私保护需求,该文提出一种智能车载自组织网络中的匿名在线注册与安全认证协议。协议让智能车辆在公开信道以匿名的方式向交通系统可信中心(TA)在线注册。可信中心证实智能车辆的真实身份后,无需搭建安全信道,在开放网络中颁发用于安全认证的签名私钥。车辆可以匿名发送实时交通信息到附近路边基站单元(RSU),并得到有效认证与完整性检测。该协议使得可信中心可以有效追踪因发送伪造信息引起交通事故的匿名车辆。协议可以让路边基站单元同时对多个匿名车辆发送的交通信息进行批量认证。该协议做了详细的安全性分析和性能分析。性能比较结果表明,该协议在智能车辆端的计算开销以及在路边基站单元端的通信开销都具有明显优势,而且无需搭建安全信道就能够实现匿名在线注册,因此可以安全高效地部署在智能车载自组织网络环境。  相似文献   
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