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针对现代电力系统中存在的传输信号延时问题,综合考虑实际系统中的多时滞耦合和不确定参数,给出适用于多时滞不确定电力系统的改进时滞依赖鲁棒稳定判据。其中Wirtinger不等式放缩技巧的应用和松散项的引入能够降低结果的保守性,特别是一些必要松散项的引入与Schur补的结合,可有效处理系统中的不确定参数。最后,分别以典型二阶时滞系统、单机无穷大时滞电力系统和WSCC 3机9节点电力系统为例,借助MATLAB中的线性矩阵不等式工具箱,对所提方法进行校验分析,得到系统所能承受的时滞稳定裕度。结果显示所提方法可以对含有不确定参数的多时滞电力系统进行有效的鲁棒稳定性分析,并且结果的保守性也得到了显著降低。  相似文献   
A 23-item scale of liberalism—conservatism was constructed by the Thurstone method of equal-appearing intervals and found to correlate highly (point-biserial r = .64) with a naturalistic behavioral criterion consisting of self-selected, actively campaigning political groups (Young Democrats and Young Republicans). The scale yielded an internal-consistency coefficient of .79, indicating substantial common variance among items, and a coefficient of reproducibility of .87, indicating quasiscalability. A considerably greater proportion of non-perfect scale types, as evidenced by a significantly greater number of errors of reproducibility (p  相似文献   
状态矩阵中含不确定参数的系统的鲁棒性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文研究如下参数不确定系统。通过将不确定部分的结构对角化,并结合矩阵,行列式的特殊性质,本文导出了具有低保守性的鲁棒性判据。将本文的方法用于几个典型的例子,与已有的结论相比,可以看到保守性有明显的降低,甚至完全不保守。  相似文献   
The "end of ideology" was declared by social scientists in the aftermath of World War II. They argued that (a) ordinary citizens' political attitudes lack the kind of stability, consistency, and constraint that ideology requires; (b) ideological constructs such as liberalism and conservatism lack motivational potency and behavioral significance; (c) there are no major differences in content (or substance) between liberal and conservative points of view; and (d) there are few important differences in psychological processes (or styles) that underlie liberal versus conservative orientations. The end-of-ideologists were so influential that researchers ignored the topic of ideology for many years. However, current political realities, recent data from the American National Election Studies, and results from an emerging psychological paradigm provide strong grounds for returning to the study of ideology. Studies reveal that there are indeed meaningful political and psychological differences that covary with ideological self-placement. Situational variables--including system threat and mortality salience--and dispositional variables--including openness and conscientiousness--affect the degree to which an individual is drawn to liberal versus conservative leaders, parties, and opinions. A psychological analysis is also useful for understanding the political divide between "red states" and "blue states." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
自由主义作为西方政治文明的成果,在西方近现代史上有着极为广泛的影响,而现代自由主义是在传统自由主义理论的基础上形成和发展起来的崭新的政治哲学思想,它主张在保障个人自由的前提下,国家适当干预经济,关注社会福利,变消极自由为积极自由,变消极国家为积极国家,并在实践中获得极大成功,成为风靡整个西方世界的社会思潮。本文通过对现代自由主义的形成和发展过程的认识,粗浅地总结阐述了现代自由主义的一些基本观点和思想,以期对现代自由主义思想有一个正确的完整的认识。  相似文献   
"Two hypotheses were proposed: 1… . One event is more likely to be judged similar to a standard event if the two differ on some property which… has not been learned as criterial for defining it, than if this property has been learned as criterial for its definition. 2… . When presented with events of varying criterial difference from a standard, females should judge fewer of these events as similar to the standard than males, on the ground that the former tend to categorize more narrowly… . It was concluded that recognition of similarity depends on learned classification rules and on individual differences in conceptual conservatism." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Comments on an article by J. T. Jost (see record 2006-12925-001), which presented interesting data relating some personality dimensions to voting patterns in the last three U.S. presidential elections. R. K. Unger is surprised that in his extensive review of the role of ideology, Jost ignored the role of religious ideology in political attitudes and voting behavior. There is ample evidence that level of religious observance (sometimes labeled religiosity, hierarchical religious beliefs, or religious fundamentalism) played a role in 2004 and earlier presidential elections. The relationship between religious ideology and political attitudes is correlational, and one needs to look further for an explanation of their impact. A number of studies indicate relationships between religious fundamentalism and what Jost has termed "system-justifying ideologies." Unger suggests that religiosity has been largely ignored by psychologists interested in social and political behaviors. It is quite possible that religiosity is related to the various personality dimensions discussed by Jost. But we cannot learn more about these potential connections if we continue to ignore the importance of religious ideology as a psychological variable. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
基于G-范数和sum-范数的三相交流级联系统稳定性判据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在三相交流级联系统中,源模块以及负载模块之间的相互作用将导致整个系统性能下降,甚至有可能导致系统不稳定,尤其是在含有恒功率负载的系统中表现尤为明显。通过分析系统的小信号模型可以看出,模块之间由于相互耦合而产生的稳定性问题和子模块的端口阻抗以及导纳有着直接关系。因此,基于子模块端口阻抗以及导纳的稳定性判据是分析系统级稳定性问题的有效方法。目前,基于子模块阻抗以及导纳的稳定性判据已经广泛应用于直流系统。但是,由于交流系统和直流系统在系统特性上的内在差异,目前广泛应用于直流系统的稳定性判据无法直接使用于交流系统。根据交流系统的系统特性,提出一种基于端口阻抗以及导纳矩阵的G-范数和sum-范数的稳定性判据。且根据矩阵计算的特点,对所提出的稳定性判据做进一步改进,以减少判据的保守性。最终,将所提判据和现有的范数判据进行保守性的比较,可以看出,所提判据的保守性最小,更利于实际应用。  相似文献   
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