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随着局域能源市场中分布式能源的大量接入和电力系统运行方式的逐渐转变,具有电能生产/消费行为的产消者得到了广泛关注与研究。在此背景下,为提高小规模能源在局域能源市场中的就地消纳能力,设计了一种面向局域能源市场中多产消者的点对点(P2P)日前市场交易框架。在局域能源市场建立了P2P市场交易平台,并对产消者的基本特征进行了归纳分析,提出了典型的产消者组合类型;在产消者层面,采用供给函数均衡模型对产消者竞价行为进行建模,确立了含多产消者的P2P交易平台参与局域能源市场交易;采用连续双边拍卖机制对产消者之间进行P2P匹配,并确定交易过程中的拍卖价格和交易价格。最后,通过算例验证了所提P2P交易框架的有效性。  相似文献   
新能源政策市场化无补贴发展背景下,为保障分布式光伏资源的消纳,须探索有效的市场机制,发挥用户调动灵活性资源的主动性。端对端(Peer-to-Peer, P2P)能源交易作为本地电力消费者和生产者间直接能源交易模式,有利于局部区域功率平衡。采用连续双向拍卖市场机制,提出基于模型预测控制的P2P市场交易策略。针对储能参与后的产消者电量投标决策问题,利用模型预测控制滚动优化储能的充放电功率,指导市场主体的电量投标。在此基础上,将具有学习能力的增强零信息策略作为报价方法,实现各主体的自主决策。辽西某区域电网算例结果表明:所提方法能够有效调动市场主体的积极性,指导其投标行为,进一步增加个体收益,提高配网接纳分布式光伏的能力。  相似文献   
Smart living labs such as the one located in Fribourg (Switzerland) focus on improving wellbeing and furthering knowledge related to building the district of the future on a technical and social level. Therefore, smart living labs represent an experimental platform/space where sustainable production and consumption strategies can be tested in a protected environment. A significant change in the socioeconomic production and consumption sphere can be expected by the rise of the so-called energy prosumer. Accordingly, this article presents an interactive model for the experimental investigation of energy prosumer behavior. In this context, two potential experiments on investment and trade decisions are briefly outlined. Since (behavioral and economic) experiments are usually conducted under controlled conditions in experimental labs involving mainly undergraduate students, the presented interactive model is flexible and mobile, providing the advantage to conduct experiments nearly everywhere involving everyday citizens.  相似文献   
This paper investigates a double auction-based peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading market for a community of renewable prosumers with private information on reservation price and quantity of energy to be traded. A novel competition padding auction (CPA) mechanism for P2P energy trading is proposed to address the budget deficit problem while holding the advantages of the widely-used Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism. To illustrate the theoretical properties of the CPA mechanism, the sufficient conditions are identified for a truth-telling equilibrium with a budget surplus to exist, while further proving its asymptotical economic efficiency. In addition, the CPA mechanism is implemented through consortium blockchain smart contracts to create safer, faster, and larger P2P energy trading markets. The proposed mechanism is embedded into blockchain consensus protocols for high consensus efficiency, and the budget surplus of the CPA mechanism motivates the prosumers to manage the blockchain. Case studies are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
针对能源电力系统的优化管理与控制问题,提出了一种信息物理融合的智慧能源系统(Intelligent energy systems,IES)多级对等协同优化方法.在信息物理融合能源系统(Cyber-physical energy systems,CPES)的基础上,构建了智慧能源系统的局域和广域两级协同优化架构.综合考虑产消者能源实体对等交互过程中的社会福利、供求平衡和需求意愿等因素,基于Stone-Geary函数和双向拍卖机制构建了智慧能源系统能量优化模型,给出了通过收敛判定域引导的全局随机寻优与区域定向寻优策略,有效地提高了算法的局部搜索能力.此外,通过双向拍卖机制的理性定价以及智能合约的辅助服务,有效地实现了用户友好的对等交易模式.仿真实例表明,在社会福利最大化的前提下可获得产消者电力资源最优分配结果,进一步验证了本文方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   
Among household electricity end users, there is growing interest in local renewable electricity generation and energy independence. Community‐based and neighborhood energy projects, where consumers and prosumers of electricity trade their energy locally in a peer‐to‐peer system, have started to emerge in different parts of the world. This study investigates and compares the costs incurred by individual households and households organized in electricity trading communities in seeking to attain greater independence from the centralized electricity system. This independence is investigated with respect to: (i) the potential to reduce the electricity transfer capacity to and from the centralized system and (ii) the potential to increase self‐sufficiency. An optimization model is designed to analyze the investment and operation of residential photovoltaic battery systems. The model is then applied to different cases in a region of southern Sweden for year 2030. Utilizing measured electricity demand data for Swedish households, we show that with a reduced electricity transfer capacity to the centralized system, already a community of five residential prosumers can supply the household demand at lower cost than can prosumers acting individually. Grouping of residential prosumers in an electricity trading community confers greater benefits under conditions with a reduced electricity transfer capacity than when the goal is to become electricity self‐sufficient. It is important to consider the local utilization of photovoltaic‐generated electricity and its effect on the net trading pattern (to and from the centralized system) when discussing the impact on the electricity system of a high percentage of prosumers.  相似文献   
随着分布式资源接入技术和可交易能源市场的快速发展,海量异构多能产消者电热能源共享和源荷强不确定性给联盟能量管理带来极大挑战。基于此,提出一种基于核仁聚类估计和数据驱动分布鲁棒优化的海量异构多能产消者联盟能量管理策略。该方法以联盟及个体在多重不确定性影响下的社会福利最大为目标,建立了考虑电热网络动态差异性的海量产消者能量管理模型,以解决联盟能量管理可扩展性、公平性和隐私性难以兼顾的问题。另外,考虑到核仁计算的复杂度和源荷不确定性的不利影响,分别提出了基于高斯混合聚类的核仁估计方法和基于数据驱动Wasserstein距离的分布鲁棒优化模型,实现了模型求解速度与精度的均衡。算例结果表明,所提方法有效提升了产消者联盟在多重不确定性影响下的社会福利,实现了联盟能量管理可扩展性、公平性和隐私性的均衡,促进了更多的产消者参与本地能源点对点(peer-to-peer, P2P)交易。  相似文献   
随着具有源荷二重属性的产消者占比日益提高,如何建立适合产消者的有效交易机制,激励其能源消纳是目前亟待解决的问题。针对该问题,提出区块链技术下的产消者与运营商的集群交易模型,将区块链技术量化到产消者的用电行为上。考虑到产消者集群内各主体独立,电价制定和电量调度存在先后次序,采取Stackelberg博弈理论寻求最优交互策略,并通过区块链更新求解过程中的交互信息。仿真结果表明:通过制定内部电价,能够提升集群内的光伏自消纳水平,同时在区块链技术下聚合优化集群内资源,可以有效提高产消者的用电效益与运营商的收益。进一步,结合光伏上网电价退坡政策,再次验证了所提模型的有效性。  相似文献   
基于实时电价的产消者综合响应模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产消者作为新兴的特殊电力消费者,拥有电力供给和消费的双重角色,具有较强参与实时市场的响应潜力。为提高分布式发电利用率和用户供用电收益,提出基于实时电价的产消者的多阶段综合响应模型。前期优化阶段,综合考虑用户用电经济性、舒适度和电价激励作用,提出用户最优小时需求出价模型;以用户供电收益最大为目标,考虑储能容量和功率约束、储能闭锁和动作死区等因素,提出用户最优小时供给报价模型。出清响应阶段,基于实时电价,结合用户最优小时供需出报价信息,提出用户可控负荷需求响应和分布式发电—储能系统供给响应交替的综合响应模型。算例分析表明,所提综合响应方法能及时响应实时电价的波动,不仅灵活削减和转移了用户在电价高峰区的负荷,而且实现了分布式发电供给从低电价区域向高电价区域的转移,提高产消者供用电的经济性。  相似文献   
分布式电源高比例渗透和柔性负荷的灵活调度给配电网安全运行带来了极大挑战。分布式调度可以减轻配电系统运营商的运行难度,保障用户隐私,提升市场竞争。首先,建立了配电系统运营商和产消者之间的二次规划优化模型,采用基于迭代配网节点电价的分布式算法确定配电系统运营商和产消者之间的电价。其次,引入金融输电权概念用于平抑阻塞电价风险,防止节点阻塞费用补偿负作用于阻塞管理。最后在修改的IEEE33节点配电网测试系统上验证了所提方法在阻塞管理上的有效性。  相似文献   
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