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The hardness of austempered ductile irons is relative to its microstructure, strength, ductility, machinability and wear resistance properties. Therefore, hardness measurement can be used as a simple tool to control the heat treatment, chemical composition and mechanical properties of ADI parts during the production process. The aim of this study is to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for estimating the Vickers hardness of ADIs after austempering treatment. A Multi-Layer Perceptron model (MLP–ANN) was used with Mo%, Cu%, austempering time and temperature as inputs and the Vickers hardness of samples after austempering as the output of the model. A variety of samples were prepared in different conditions of chemical composition and heat treatment cycle. The obtained experimental results were used for training the neural network. Efficiency test of the model showed reasonably good agreement between experimental and numerical results, so the synthesized ANN model can estimate the hardness of the castings with a small error in the range of the experimental results standard deviation.  相似文献   
Reduction in antenna size by using multi-band radiators play a vital role in the miniaturization of present world wireless handheld devices, as dual band behaviour of the antennas result in the integration of more than one communication standard in a single system and thus, saving the installation space required for separate antennas. In this context, this communication presents a shorted-pin dual band metamaterial inspired microstrip patch antenna array. Under the unloaded conditions, the traditional patch antenna array resonates at 5.8 GHz with gain of 9.8 dBi and bandwidth of 540 MHz. However, when each patch of this traditional antenna array is loaded with split ring resonator (SRR) and a metallic via hole is introduced in the patch, the same antenna array produces an additional resonant frequency in IEEE 802.11b/g/n 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi band with bandwidth and gain of 290 MHz and 5.6 dBi, respectively, while the initial resonant frequency (i.e. 5.8 GHz) gets shifted to IEEE 802.11ac 5 GHz Wi-Fi band, providing the gain and bandwidth of 11.4 dBi and 510 MHz, respectively. The proposed antenna array has been fabricated, and the measured results are presented to validate the proposed array. Moreover, the equivalent circuit of the proposed antenna array has been designed and analyzed to validate the simulated, measured and theoretical results. Attainment of dual band characteristics by incorporating the metamaterial with single band traditional patch antenna array makes this structure novel, as this has been achieved without any extra hardware cost, size and loss of structural planarity. Also, both the frequency bands of this proposed metamaterial inspired antenna array possess considerable gain and bandwidth.  相似文献   
灾后混凝土工程快速修补材料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定磷酸盐胶凝材料(MPB)的最佳配合比,研究调凝组份、磷酸盐/MgO(w(P)/w(M))、灰砂比、掺粉煤灰对MPB胶凝材料凝结时间和强度发展等的影响规律,并分析它与传统水泥混凝土间的兼容性及其硬化机理.结果表明:当调凝组份掺量为10%左右时,可使MPB水泥凝结时间控制在15~30 min内.当w(P):w(M)为1:2时,MPB水泥浆体的强度达到最高值,3 h抗压强度可达到40 MPa以上,1 d时强度超过50 MPa.灰砂比(w(MPB):w(S))为1:1.5时,砂浆强度达到最高值,3 h抗压强度达到50 MPa,抗折强度达到9.1 MPa.在保持流动度不变情况下,掺粉煤灰并不降低MPB胶凝材料强度,并可使其颜色与普通水泥混凝土接近.MPB遇水后生成以MgNH_4PO_4·6H_2O为主的反应产物,它与传统水泥混凝土间具有很好兼容性,因而适合于灾后混凝土工程的快速修复.  相似文献   
将电力工程项目发生延迟的各个风险因素通过BN模型进行了量化,结果显示,天气状况恶劣、项目时间计划过紧、技术工种能力低、缺乏先进设备仪器和供应商不能按时供货这5种风险因素会直接对项目的延迟产生影响;供应商不能按时供货、技术工种能力低、项目计划安排不当3种风险因素对项目的延迟十分敏感.项目经理应该重点控制这些敏感因素.  相似文献   
以洛阳黄土为源土的室内配制氯盐渍土为研究对象,通过自制的单轴抗拉仪,进行了氯盐渍土抗拉特性试验,研究了干密度、初始含水率、含盐量对氯盐渍土抗拉强度的影响.试验结果表明,在相同含盐量和干密度下,抗拉强度与含水率呈对数关系;试样的抗拉强度随着干密度的增加而增加;在含水率小于15%时,破坏拉应力随着含盐量的增加,先减小后增大,拐点为8%;在含水率大于15%时,随着含盐量的增加,抗拉强度减小,而拉应变恰好相反;相同含盐量下,随着含水率的增加,破坏拉应力减小,破坏拉应变增大.  相似文献   
The current theories of warm prestressing are reviewed to examine the basis for continuum mechanics and micromechanistic factors and the extent to which benefits on fracture toughness at lower temperatures after warm prestressing can be quantified. The potential effects which might undermine warm prestressing are discussed.  相似文献   
为在特定灾变程度下,对轻骨料混凝土抗冻融性能进行精确定量描述及预测,通过反复加载对轻骨料混凝土预加初始应力损伤来模拟灾变,以相对动弹性模量为评价指标,研究初始损伤度分别为0、0.05、0.12、0.19、0.27的轻骨料混凝土抗冻融性能;将灰色系统理论引入混凝土抗冻耐久性研究中,利用相对动弹性模量实测数据建立基于GM(...  相似文献   
为了有效改善大跨度桥梁中管翼缘焊接箱型截面构件的耐久性的问题,提出采用耐候钢代替普通钢的管翼缘箱型截面梁。同时,为了研究耐候钢管翼缘焊接箱型截面构件填充混凝土后在全熔透和部分熔透条件下的单轴承载力性能,开展了焊接矩形截面在三种不同焊缝熔深下的耐候钢管混凝土截面轴压短柱试验研究。分别测试每个试件在单轴压力作用下的静态应变、动态应变,以及竖向位移和侧向位移。对比构件承载力的试验结果及理论分析结果,得出不同熔深下焊接箱型截面管翼缘组合构件的承载力性能。研究结果表明:1)耐候钢管翼缘焊接箱型截面构件的全熔透焊缝承载力高于部分熔透焊缝承载力。2)全熔透试件开裂时的竖向位移较部分熔透试件的位移值大,而不同熔深下构件的横向位移测点L4随轴压荷载的增大而有增加,L3测点横向位移规律不明显。3)不同耐候钢管翼缘焊接箱型截面构件横向整体受拉,局部在顶部角部位置受压。构件的混凝土内部和钢板表面应变情况复杂,规律不明显。  相似文献   
为了解决单一负荷或逐步提高负荷下培养颗粒污泥所需时间较长、污染物去除不稳定的问题,提出采用交替改变进水碳氮负荷方式,研究好氧颗粒污泥形成过程及污染物去除效果.通过设计进水—曝气—沉淀—排水(S1反应器)和进水—曝气—停曝—曝气—停曝—曝气—沉淀—排水(S2反应器)两种运行方式培养好氧颗粒污泥,对比分析颗粒污泥形成过程中...  相似文献   
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