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This paper assesses the impacts of a GTL plant on the expansion of Brazil's oil refining segment. The GTL plant (50,000 bpd) was sized to start up operations in 2015, producing diesel and naphtha through the indirect route (FT-synthesis). This plant will consume the non-associated natural gas production from the recent discoveries at the Santos Basin (around 419 Bm3), and the associated gas production from the Campos Basin. Both basins are located in the Southeast of Brazil, the most populated, rich and industrialized region of the country. Two different criteria for refinery expansion were simulated in order to meet oil product demand scenarios. Findings show that depending on the refinery expansion criteria considered GTL will play a fundamental hole to meet the oil product demand forecast to Brazil in the next 10 years.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of the phosphonic acid based sequestering agent EDTMPA used in the textile dye baths on colour and organic matter removal by ozone oxidation was experimentally investigated. Procion Navy HEXL dyestuff that has been commonly used for the reactive dyeing of cellulose fibers was selected as the model component. The organic matter oxidation by ozone was determined to obey the pseudo-first order kinetics as they are treated singly or in combination. COD removal rates obtained from pseudo-first order reaction kinetics showed that oxidation of Navy HEXL alone (0.0947 L/min) was faster than that of EDTMPA (0.0171 L/min) and EDTMPA with dye (0.0155 L/min) at pH 3.0. It was also found that reaction rates of single EDTMPA removal and EDTMPA and dye mixture removal increased as the reaction pH was increased from 3.0 to 10.5.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONTheorthorhombicalloysareofgreattech nolog icalinterestinhightemperatureapplicationssincetheyhaveagoodbalanceamongst  相似文献   
酸增殖源及其在化学增幅抗蚀剂体系中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了酸增殖机理、酸增殖源的种类、典型化合物在化学增幅抗蚀剂体系中的应用及对灵敏度的提高 ,提出在计算机直接制版版材研究中的应用  相似文献   
潘云利 《中国陶瓷》2002,38(2):33-35
本文综合各种文献 ,对陶瓷原料中SiO2 的各种分析方法的优缺点 ,使用条件 ,应用侧重点进行了比较与评述  相似文献   
Despite great interests in electrochemical energy storage systems for numerous applications, considerable challenges remain to be overcome. Among the various approaches to improving the stability, safety, performance, and cost of these systems, molecular functionalization has recently been proved an attractive method that allows the tuning of material surface reactivity while retaining the properties of the bulk material. For this purpose, the reduction of aryldiazonium salt, which is a versatile method, is considered suitable; it forms robust covalent bonds with the material surface, however, with the formation of multilayer structures and sp3 defects (for carbon substrate) that can be detrimental to the electronic conductivity. Alternatively, non-covalent molecular functionalization based on ππ interactions using aromatic ring units has been proposed. In this review, the various advances in molecular functionalization concerning the current limitations in lithium-ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors are discussed. According to the targeted applications and required properties, both covalent and non-covalent functionalization methods have proved to be very efficient and versatile. Fundamental aspects to achieve a better understanding of the functionalization reactions as well as molecular layer properties and their effects on the electrochemical performance are also discussed. Finally, perspectives are proposed for future implementation of molecular functionalization in the field of electrochemical storage.
该文根据球面上一点切平面的方程和平移变换,对空间任一点P(x0,y0,z0),分P点为坐标原点和P点不是坐标原点两种情形,给出了到平面π:Ax By Cz D=0的距离公式d=|Ax0 By0 Cz0 D|/√A2 B2 C2 的一种新证法.  相似文献   
高性能混凝土配合比设计的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对HPC组成、结构的认识出发,借鉴利用拨开系数求砂率的方法,提出了一种新的HPC配制方法,并通过试验证实该方法是完全可行的.  相似文献   
The sign languages used by deaf communities around the world represent a linguistic challenge that natural-language researchers in AI have only recently begun to take up. This challenge is particularly relevant to research in Machine Translation (MT), as natural sign languages have evolved in deaf communities into efficient modes of gestural communication, which differ from English not only in modality but in grammatical structure, exploiting a higher dimensionality of spatial expression. In this paper we describe Zardoz, an on-going AI research system that tackles the cross-modal MT problem, translating English text into fluid sign language. The paper presents an architectural overview of Zardoz, describing its central blackboard organization, the nature of its interlingual representation, and the major components which interact through this blackboard both to analyze the verbal input and generate the corresponding gestural output in one of a number of sign variants.  相似文献   
聚脲改性聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷涂布抗水剂的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
制备了高含固量,稳定性好的聚脲改性聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷,通过实验研究了其作为涂布抗水剂的应用工艺及作用机理,分析了多种因素对产品性能和贮存稳定性的影响。  相似文献   
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