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The alteration types of the large-scale Tsagaan Suvarga Cu-Mo porphyry deposit mostly comprise stockwork silicification, argillization, quartz-sericite alteration, K-silicate alteration, and propylitization. The mineralized and altered zones from hydrothermal metallogenic center to the outside successively are Cu-bearing stockwork silicification zone, Cu-beating argillized zone, Cu-Mo-bearing quartz-sericite alteration zone, Cu-Mo-bearing K-silicate alteration zone, and pro- pylitization zone. The K-silicate alteration occurred in the early phase, quartz-sericite alteration in the medium phase, and argillization and carbonatization (calcite) in the later phase. Ore-bearing-altered rocks are significantly controlled by the structure and fissure zones of different scales, and NE- and NW-trending fissure zones could probably be the migration pathways of the porphyry hydrothermal system. Results in this study indicated that the less the concentrations of REE, LREE, and HREE and the more the extensive fractionation between LREE and HREE, the closer it is to the center circulatory hydrothermal ore-forming and the more extensive silicification. The exponential relationship between the fractionation of LREE and HREE and the intensity of silicification and K-silicate alteration was found in the Cu-Mo deposit studied. The negative Eu anomaly, normal Eu, positive Eu anomaly and obviously positive Eu anomaly are coincident with the enhancement of Na2O and K2O concentrations gradually, which indicated that Eu anomaly would be significantly controlled by the alkaline metasomatism of the circulatory hydrothermal ore-forming system. Therefore, such characteristics as the positive Eu anomaly, the obvious fractionation between LREE and HREE and their related special alteration lithofacies are suggested to be metallogenic prognostic and exploration indications for Tsagaan Suvarga-style porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in Mongolia and China.  相似文献   
长期以来,中小矿山企业规模小、融资难、勘查开发投入不足、资源储量不清等特点,严重制约了中小矿山企业发展.通过研究中小矿山资源影响因素,利用层次分析法(AHP)和决策试验和评价实验室法(DE-MATEL)作为数学模型体系,创建了一套基于24个指标的矿山评级模型,包括定量和定性两种指标.对目标矿山资源做出快速客观的评级,评...  相似文献   
下营坊金矿床是下营坊多金属矿田内最主要的矿床之一,矿床就位受下金宝沟太古宙穹隆构造影响。金矿体产于下金宝沟花岗斑岩体内部以及岩体围岩中,受构造断裂带控制明显。金矿体成群成带侧列式分布,矿石以浸染状及细脉状为主,围岩蚀变主要为硅化和绢云母化。矿床成因为与中生代早期燕山陆内造山运动构造岩浆作用有关的岩浆热液型金矿。  相似文献   
以浅成低温热液型金矿成矿理论总结湘南地区金矿的成矿特征,提出“含金矿坯层、断裂构造、岩浆和热泉作用”三位一体成矿的必备条件,指出了找矿前景  相似文献   
额尔古纳成矿带是重要的有色金属、贵金属分布区。文章初步论述了大梁金矿床的矿床成因。新元古界南华系佳疙瘩组是金元素富集的重要层位, 额尔古纳剪切带和加疙瘩剪切带是区内两条重要的剪切变形带, 是控制金矿产出的构造要素;大梁金矿的赋矿岩石是佳疙瘩组绢云母绿泥板岩、绢云母千枚岩, 金矿体受走向约330°的右行剪切带控制;大梁金矿4条矿化蚀变带(SⅠ、SⅡ、SⅢ及SⅣ)受控于复式褶皱,SⅠ位于紧闭背斜倒转翼,SⅡ位于向斜倒转翼,SⅢ、SⅣ位于向斜两翼;划分了大梁金矿SⅠ矿带矿床成因模式的3个阶段:金属元素初始富集阶段、韧性剪切变形阶段、片理化阶段。  相似文献   
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