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张博源  黄成泉  王琴  万林江  周丽华 《丝绸》2022,(12):119-125
The Miao nationality is the sixth largest ethnic group in China which has a history of thousands of years. It has created a unique material culture and spiritual culture in its development process and the Miao costume is a highly condensed collection of the material and spiritual culture of the Miao nationality. As one of the unique symbols of Miao culture the Miao costume has profound cultural heritage and cultural connotations. The patterns of the Miao costume are particularly eye-catching as they not only symbolize the wisdom of the Miao people in thousands of years of production and life but also symbolize the pursuit of the good spirit of the Miao people. However under the impact of modern pop culture and foreign culture these cultural symbols are gradually disappearing. In order to protect and inherit them the Miao costume pattern segmentation has become the most important work. However the Miao costume pattern segmentation is quite difficult. At present there are few studies on the extraction classification identification and preservation of the features of Miao costume pattern segmentation. With the excellent segmentation performance of the U-Net model and the advantages of easy deployment the paper improves the basic structure of the U-Net model and proposes a Miao costume pattern segmentation algorithm based on the RSKP-UNet Residual Selective-Kernel Parallel U-Net model. The algorithm adds Residual modules in the encoder part of the U-Net model to improve the feature extraction capability of the model and embeds the SKNet modules and ParNet modules in the decoder part to enhance the feature expression capability of the model. The paper uses evaluation metrics to measure the segmentation performance of the model and compares it with four segmentation models based on deep learning. The paper not only combines the current research focus-deep learning and attention mechanism but also introduces the Lovász-hinge loss function to effectively solve the problem of class imbalance in the Miao costume patterns. The RSKP-UNet model is better than other models in various segmentation indicators. Compared with the benchmark model U-Net the Dice coefficient IoU precision recall and accuracy are improved by 6. 98% 11. 07% 2. 89% 6. 75% and 3. 92% . The segmentation algorithm proposed in this paper realizes the extraction of the element content of the Miao costume patterns through image segmentation of Miao costume patterns which can be used to build the Miao costume pattern database in this way thus helping designers relevant researchers and organizations to provide research foundation and completing the protection and inheritance of the Miao costume culture. The paper also provides some reference for the segmentation research of other minority costume patterns. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
任亚鹏  王江萍 《风景园林》2018,25(11):117-122
传统聚落的保护与发展日渐成为城乡规划设计领域关注的热点,尊重传统村落的空间形态也已被纳入了常规的统筹领域。本文以发源于中国、有着悠久历史、世界分布广泛的苗族传统聚落为研究对象,探讨先民对于自然、空间的认识。从被选定的聚落空间里可反映自然观念的要素:如民俗文化、择地环境、住宅建筑等方面着眼,明晰其在发生期、形成期、发展期、保全期、存续期各阶段的表现,通过在该过程中所对应的现象,认识其规律,旨在在尊重传统、有利当下的前提下使其保存发展,并为后续的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
后立琼  陈安均 《食品科学》2012,33(24):356-359
以大米、糯米、鲜嫩玉米为原料,人工接种苗族农家老酸汤生产发酵型白酸汤。通过对发酵时间、发酵温度、接菌量的研究,确定发酵白酸汤生产工艺的最佳参数。结果表明:以大米、糯米、鲜嫩玉米的混合谷物作为原料(混合比例2:1:1)、老酸汤接种量(体积分数)15%、发酵温度40℃、发酵时间3d,制得的酸汤气味芳香,酸度适口,具有苗族酸汤独特的风味。  相似文献   
通过建立台格庙勘查区首采煤层冒裂安全性分区图和煤层顶板含水层富水性分区图,来对煤层顶板的含水层涌(突)水条件进行评价。针对勘查区煤层厚度变化大、顶板无稳定隔水层,顶板含水层富水性较弱的特点,在传统的“三图法”基础上,充分考虑了含水层的富水性和导水裂缝带发育高度这两个因素,选用导水裂缝带高度与含水层厚度的百分比来表示导水裂缝带发育高度对含水层涌(突)水的影响,在此基础上对首采煤层顶板含水层涌(突)水条件进行综合分区评价。四井田中部及二井田北部地区涌(突)水危险性为较危险区,三井田北部、五井田南部及勘查区南部局部地区涌(突)水危险性为过渡区,其他地段为安全区、较安全区。针对顶板充水含水层涌(突)水条件综合分区,提出了疏放水、注浆、监测等防治水措施建议。  相似文献   
杨丽 《住宅科技》2011,31(11):53-56
随着城镇化的发展,农村地区也得到了快速的发展,人们对居住的要求提高,生态环保成为建筑设计新的主题。文章介绍了贵州黔东南苗族侗族自治州凯里市西江千户苗寨吊脚楼民居的民族特色和生态设计思想。吊脚楼民居是朴素实用、生态有机、充满活力的建筑,其建筑精髓值得我们传承和推广.  相似文献   
银饰是我国西南少数民族酷爱的一种装饰佩戴品。在几千年的演变中,银饰都已经成为西南少数民族生活中不可缺少的一部分。苗族作为西南少数民族中的一支,由于其独特的文化、生产生活方式、地理环境、风俗习惯、图腾崇拜、宗教信仰以及艺术传统,形成了形式多样、内容丰富的银饰艺术。本文将从苗族银饰的分类,以及苗族银饰的形式和文化内涵等方面,对苗族银饰艺术进行探讨。  相似文献   
图形语言分析的研究目的是解决图形符号以及符号组合的语义内涵。本文以凯棠型苗绣纹样为具体研究对象,从语言结构特点出发,分析了纹样的造型、色彩、风格特征以及语义内涵,并借助于现代形式语言对传统苗绣纹样的转换作可行性分析,尝试表达意义的重构。  相似文献   
孙佩兰 《丝绸》1998,(5):39-40
苗绣是我国刺绣艺术中的一个重要门类。文章介绍了苗绣在图案题材、色彩搭配、表现手法及刺绣工艺上的独特风格,富有艺术情趣。  相似文献   
通过研究苗族背带的历史文化、绣片内容、审美价值,来探索苗族背带文化对婴童产品设计的启示及设计原则。调查研究苗族背带的历史渊源、文化习俗,从工艺、纹样、色彩、构图方面探讨背带绣片的艺术价值;从政策倾向与市场需求方面分析婴童产品设计与背带文化之间的联系;从设计的角度,探索背带文化对婴童产品纹样、造型、色彩的设计启示;通过综合分析总结出基于背带文化的婴童产品创新设计的原则。研究发现苗族背带的艺术形式从图案、造型、色彩为婴童产品设计提供了良好的设计思路,是设计创新的源泉。  相似文献   
文章首先介绍湖南、贵州等地少数民族手工艺产品的当代状况,并从传统工艺的文化的传承和资本的流动的角度进行了分析。之后,文章简介了台湾省内对于创意产业的发展的部分经验,总结融合创意产业发展少数民族手工艺产品的发展策略。  相似文献   
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