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北京黄村立交桥橡胶支座更换施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京黄村立交桥地处京开高速躇段,交通负荷繁重,使用2年后,桥台位置处的圆形板式橡胶有不同程度的偏位:在不阻断交通的前提下,采用YBD250-18扁形专用千斤顶成功完成了24块橡胶支座的复位或更换。  相似文献   
"红色年代"——刘家琨的"都市写作"   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
岑伟 《时代建筑》2002,(5):48-51
“红色年代”是成都有名的酒吧,酒吧所在的大楼此前是烂尾楼,从烂尾楼到火红的“红色年代”,都市活力得到复兴。运作,而不是设计!成功的空间运作,源于刘家琨的“都市写作”。  相似文献   
被爆破拆除的立交桥为连续箱梁结构,在爆破设计中采用了将桥体进行水压爆破与立柱进行常规爆破相结合的方案.重点介绍了水压爆破的计算方法、实际爆破参数及具体施工过程.此次水压爆破取得了理想的爆破效果,加快了爆后胶州湾高速的清运速度,此计划提前9h通车.为今后类似工程的设计施工提供了参考.  相似文献   
刘颂  肖宇 《风景园林》2012,(1):95-97
21世纪以来,中国进入快速城市化进程。市政基础设施之一的城市高架桥作为现代城市演进的必然产物,成为城市景观的重要组成部分,但其在解决城市交通问题的同时,也带来一系列诸如环境污染、景观破坏等城市问题。本文将城市高架桥在景观语境下进行剖析,从高架桥自身形态美化、废弃高架桥的景观利用与再生、拆除高架桥后的生态修复3个方面,结合国内外成功的实践案例,提出了城市高架桥的景观优化途径,并倡导在中国推行城市市政基础设施景观化的基本理念。  相似文献   
基于ARMA模型模拟高架桥的脉动风速时程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
强风是高架桥设计与防灾减灾分析的控制性荷载之一.风与高架桥相互作用十分复杂,可以通过风洞试验、现场实测、数值模拟获取可靠的风速(风荷载)数据.尽管如此,时域分析可以使人们更全面地了解高架桥的风振响应特性, 也能更直观地反映高架桥风致振动控制的有效性.因此, 使用线性滤波法即白噪声滤波法(WNFM)中的自回归滑动平均(ARMA)模型模拟高架桥的脉动风速时程.首先, 考虑高架桥脉动风速的时间和空间相关性, 导出自回归(AR)模型阶数与滑动回归(MA)模型阶数不相等时ARMA模型的表达式.接着, 基于Kaimal风速谱,使用ARMA模型来模拟一座实际高架桥的脉动风速时程.最后,通过比较模拟风速功率谱、自相关和互相关函数与目标风速功率谱、自相关和互相关函数的吻合程度, 验证基于ARMA模型模拟高架桥脉动风速时程的可行性.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the experience that was gained during the construction of the 15.4 km long Ceneri Base Tunnel (CBT), which is the southern part of the flat railway line crossing the Swiss Alps from north to south. The project consisted of a twin tube with a diameter of 9 m interconnected by cross-passages, each 325 m long. In the middle of the alignment and at its southern end, large caverns were excavated for logistical and operational requirements. The total excavation length amounted to approximately 40 km. The tunnel crossed Alpine rock formations comprising a variety of rock typologies and several fault zones. The maximum overburden amounted to 850 m. The excavation of the main tunnels and of the cross-passages was executed by means of drill-and-blast (D&B) excavation. The support consisted of bolts, meshes, fiber-reinforced shotcrete and, when required, steel ribs. A gripper tunnel boring machine (TBM) was used in order to excavate the access tunnel. The high overburden caused squeezing rock conditions, which are characterized by large anisotropic convergences when crossing weaker rock formations. The latter required the installation of a deformable support. At the north portal, the tunnel (with an enlarged cross-section) passed underneath the A2 Swiss highway (the major road axis connecting the north and south of Switzerland) at a small overburden and through soft ground. Vertical and sub-horizontal jet grouting in combination with partial-face excavation was successfully implemented in order to limit the surface settlements. The south portal was located in a dense urban area. The excavation from the south portal included an approximately 220 m long cut-and-cover tunnel, followed by about 300 m of D&B excavation in a bad rock formation. The very low overburden, poor rock quality, and demanding crossing with an existing road tunnel (at a vertical distance of only 4 m) required special excavation methods through reduced sectors and special blasting techniques in order to limit the blast-induced vibrations. The application of a comprehensive risk management procedure, the execution of an intensive surface survey, and the adaptability of the tunnel design to the encountered geological conditions allowed the successful completion of the excavation works.  相似文献   
本设计包括两个要素-天桥与广场一线一面,一个临空而过,一个下沉铺开.天桥由两个体系构成,一个是桥的结构载体,桥体采用空间连续体系,形成一个有力度的线型构成.另一个是桥的附着体,包括桥内的人行道、电梯和顶部遮阳构件.广场下沉,并以水为主题.瀑布结合建筑小品和绿化设施,创造了一个开放性的城市空间.  相似文献   
城市道路交通网络的日益复杂,使得现有的二维电子地图无法直观的反映道路之间的交错关系,基于二维电子地图的车辆导航系统在复杂的道路交叉口的路径引导也显得无能为力.提出建立复杂道路口的三维虚拟场景和实现场景的指定路径漫游,并以立交桥为例在VC十 6.0中实现二维电子地图与三维虚拟场景的互响应,充分结合二维电子地图在车辆导航过程中的整体性、宏观性与局部三维虚拟场景的直观易懂性等优点,提高现有的车辆导航系统的路径引导效率.  相似文献   
在城市发展过程中出现的大量的立 交桥下区域,已成为城市的“失落空间”及城 市双修阶段城市更新改造的重点区域。本文 首先梳理了城市进程中的失落空间以及更新 方式,然后以杨公桥立交为案例对重庆市立 交桥下失落空间非正规发展状况进行实证研 究,分析使用者行为需求和空间运行机制, 探索当下规划政策应对的盲区,并对此类空 间的更新策略与治理手段提出具体建议。  相似文献   
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